Is this Republican led Senate the most inept in American history?

And yet it's the Randian fetishists who tend to be the most extreme, as well as most dishonest. Go figure

rand was "dishonest?" Dude, she said she didn't need government, she didn't say you don't. Clearly anyone who posts with you recognizes that without government you wouldn't be here now, you'd have starved long ago

Rand? Oh that Klown who took SS and Medicare AFTER claiming those that used the programs were leeches?

But keep up the dishonesty Bubs, it's ALL you have Mr Galt!

Ayn Rand had the option of opting out of social security? I'm calling bull shit to that, no one can opt out. Prove it, bitch

Sure Bubs, that hypocrite Ayn Rand didn't need to take the services of the collectivists, she could just not accept the BENEFITS (which WERE much more than she paid in, since she had cancer and treated it, lol)...

One thing Trumpster says that's correct, the rich don't NEED to accept the SS monies, unless of course Miss Rand couldn't/didn't stand on her principles???

I thought social security was an investment in our own retirement. turns out you were lying about that too?

You mean the one the anti collectivists hated, but decided to take instead, like Medicare she BARELY paid into? lol

A principled woman that fetishists was...
rand was "dishonest?" Dude, she said she didn't need government, she didn't say you don't. Clearly anyone who posts with you recognizes that without government you wouldn't be here now, you'd have starved long ago

Rand? Oh that Klown who took SS and Medicare AFTER claiming those that used the programs were leeches?

But keep up the dishonesty Bubs, it's ALL you have Mr Galt!

Ayn Rand had the option of opting out of social security? I'm calling bull shit to that, no one can opt out. Prove it, bitch

Sure Bubs, that hypocrite Ayn Rand didn't need to take the services of the collectivists, she could just not accept the BENEFITS (which WERE much more than she paid in, since she had cancer and treated it, lol)...

One thing Trumpster says that's correct, the rich don't NEED to accept the SS monies, unless of course Miss Rand couldn't/didn't stand on her principles???

I thought social security was an investment in our own retirement. turns out you were lying about that too?

You mean the one the anti collectivists hated, but decided to take instead, like Medicare she BARELY paid into? lol

A principled woman that fetishists was...

What are your claims of what she paid in and got out based on?

What about liberal politicians who advocate others pay taxes then cheat on their own taxes (e.g., Rangle, Daschle), evade taxes (gates, buffett) and give squat to charity (Obama, Biden), what ratio is acceptable to you?
"Jewboy".. LOL...Obama gave them what they have, and he would give them more and more until they are a world power, but you like that because you think the'll use that power to kill Jews. I realize you're sickly, so I'll let slide your comment. Chicago isn't far from Detroit sickly boy.

Roid-boy, you realize making threats is against the rules, right.

If the Jews can't live in peace with their neighbors, they should go back to Europe where they came from.


I don't think you people are worth ONE AMERICAN LIFE. Period. And most Americans feel the same way.

Israel's problems with Iran are NOT our problems. If the Iranians wipe their sorry asses out, no skin off my ass.
"Jewboy".. LOL...Obama gave them what they have, and he would give them more and more until they are a world power, but you like that because you think the'll use that power to kill Jews. I realize you're sickly, so I'll let slide your comment. Chicago isn't far from Detroit sickly boy.

Roid-boy, you realize making threats is against the rules, right.

If the Jews can't live in peace with their neighbors, they should go back to Europe where they came from.


I don't think you people are worth ONE AMERICAN LIFE. Period. And most Americans feel the same way.

Israel's problems with Iran are NOT our problems. If the Iranians wipe their sorry asses out, no skin off my ass.

What threats?:dunno:.Most Americans support Israel sickly boy:cool:
Rand? Oh that Klown who took SS and Medicare AFTER claiming those that used the programs were leeches?

But keep up the dishonesty Bubs, it's ALL you have Mr Galt!

Ayn Rand had the option of opting out of social security? I'm calling bull shit to that, no one can opt out. Prove it, bitch

Sure Bubs, that hypocrite Ayn Rand didn't need to take the services of the collectivists, she could just not accept the BENEFITS (which WERE much more than she paid in, since she had cancer and treated it, lol)...

One thing Trumpster says that's correct, the rich don't NEED to accept the SS monies, unless of course Miss Rand couldn't/didn't stand on her principles???

I thought social security was an investment in our own retirement. turns out you were lying about that too?

You mean the one the anti collectivists hated, but decided to take instead, like Medicare she BARELY paid into? lol

A principled woman that fetishists was...

What are your claims of what she paid in and got out based on?

What about liberal politicians who advocate others pay taxes then cheat on their own taxes (e.g., Rangle, Daschle), evade taxes (gates, buffett) and give squat to charity (Obama, Biden), what ratio is acceptable to you?


Without false premises, distortions and LIES what would you EVER have?
"Jewboy".. LOL...Obama gave them what they have, and he would give them more and more until they are a world power, but you like that because you think the'll use that power to kill Jews. I realize you're sickly, so I'll let slide your comment. Chicago isn't far from Detroit sickly boy.

Roid-boy, you realize making threats is against the rules, right.

If the Jews can't live in peace with their neighbors, they should go back to Europe where they came from.


I don't think you people are worth ONE AMERICAN LIFE. Period. And most Americans feel the same way.

Israel's problems with Iran are NOT our problems. If the Iranians wipe their sorry asses out, no skin off my ass.

Israel could've set up shop in Africa or Australia after WW2, both were offered, but they wanted to be in the ME. Who knew, lol

Fukkn "Christians" who LOVE the Jewish people, but want them "cleansed" for a myth in the bible. Idiots
"Jewboy".. LOL...Obama gave them what they have, and he would give them more and more until they are a world power, but you like that because you think the'll use that power to kill Jews. I realize you're sickly, so I'll let slide your comment. Chicago isn't far from Detroit sickly boy.

Roid-boy, you realize making threats is against the rules, right.

If the Jews can't live in peace with their neighbors, they should go back to Europe where they came from.


I don't think you people are worth ONE AMERICAN LIFE. Period. And most Americans feel the same way.

Israel's problems with Iran are NOT our problems. If the Iranians wipe their sorry asses out, no skin off my ass.

What threats?:dunno:.Most Americans support Israel sickly boy:cool:

But pray they get wiped out to get to the mythology of the "book" by some superstitious morons!
As the Republicans near the end of their first year controlling Congress....what do they have to show for it?

Well, they all got new titles and chairmanships
They got to brag about their historic victory
Probably got better parking spaces in the Senate Parking Garage

Other than that, it seems like Obama got all the victories
So why do your Democrat Presidents keep signing em? These deals are killing American Workers. No President is forced to sign em.

Let's take a look back at the vote on NAFTA back in 1993.

NAFTA passed the Senate 61 to 38. Democrats were almost evenly split: 27 YEA, 26 NAY (and 1 not in attendance for the vote). Republicans voted for it by a larger margin: 34 YEA to 12 NAY.

7 of the NAY votes are still in the Senate: 6 D, 1 R.

Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL)
Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA)
Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-CA)
Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-MD)
Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI)
Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)
Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-WV)

9 of the YEA votes are still in the Senate: 6 R, 3 D.

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA)
Sen. Tom Harkin (R-IA)
Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
Sen. Thad Cochran (R-MS)
Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT)
Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT)
Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT)
Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA)

8 former Representatives who voted NAY are now in the Senate: 5 D, 2 R, 1 I.

Mike Crapo (R-ID)
Bob Menendez (D-NJ)
Chuck Schumer (D-NY)
Sherrod Brown (D-OH)
Jim Inhofe (R-OK)
Jack Reed (D-RI)
Tim Johnson (D-SD)
Bernie Sanders (I-VT)

7 former Representatives who voted YEA are now in the Senate: 5 D, 2 R.

Dick Durbin (D-IL)
Pat Roberts (R-KS)
Ben Cardin (D-MD)
Ed Markey (D-MA)
Rob Portman (R-OH)
Ron Wyden (D-OR)
Maria Cantwell (D-WA)

NAFTA passed the House 234 to 200. House Democrats voted against it 156 to 102. Republicans supported it 132 to 43. The sole Independent—Bernie Sanders—voted against it.

Republican margins in favor of NAFTA were about 3:1 both houses.

NAFTA at 20: An Unhappy Birthday and a Look at the Roll Call Votes on "Free" Trade Deals

Who negotiated the deal and signed it?

NEGOTIATED? That would be Poppy Bush

BJ Bill the best conservative Prez since Ike, He got it passed the Congress where GOP supported it!

Republican margins in favor of NAFTA were about 3:1 both houses.

Nah, you just blame Republicans no matter what the issue is. Even when your guys do wrong, it's somehow the Republican's fault. That's very flawed thinking. It lacks reason.

And although the Dems Prez (best conservative since Ike) signed it, you let the GOP off the hook, even though without the GOP, voting 3-1 in favor of NAFTA, NAFTA was dead. Go figure!

No different with TPP, GOP will be the ONLY way it gets through the GOP Congress, lol

Who negotiated the deal and signed it?

NEGOTIATED? That would be Poppy Bush

BJ Bill the best conservative Prez since Ike, He got it passed the Congress where GOP supported it!

Republican margins in favor of NAFTA were about 3:1 both houses.

Nah, you just blame Republicans no matter what the issue is. Even when your guys do wrong, it's somehow the Republican's fault. That's very flawed thinking. It lacks reason.

And although the Dems Prez (best conservative since Ike) signed it, you let the GOP off the hook, even though without the GOP, voting 3-1 in favor of NAFTA, NAFTA was dead. Go figure!

No different with TPP, GOP will be the ONLY way it gets through the GOP Congress, lol

Uh huh, even when your guys do wrong, it's still the Republican's fault. Maybe one day you'll realize how deranged you sound. No one forced your guys to negotiate and sign these deals. Hold them accountable and take it up with them.

Got it, BUT I bet you believe the GOP Congress was responsible for Clinton's surplus too? lol

I don't let either Party off the hook when they do wrong. I've always criticized both Parties for these awful deals. They're so bad they frantically try to keep them secret. But your thinking is very illogical. When your Party does wrong, you still blame the other side. You don't hold your own accountable.

The fact is, your Democrat Presidents have supported and signed the worst trade deals in history. They've hurt American Workers immensely. So what does that say about your leaders? Think about that for a bit.
Let's take a look back at the vote on NAFTA back in 1993.

NAFTA passed the Senate 61 to 38. Democrats were almost evenly split: 27 YEA, 26 NAY (and 1 not in attendance for the vote). Republicans voted for it by a larger margin: 34 YEA to 12 NAY.

7 of the NAY votes are still in the Senate: 6 D, 1 R.

Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL)
Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA)
Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-CA)
Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-MD)
Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI)
Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)
Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-WV)

9 of the YEA votes are still in the Senate: 6 R, 3 D.

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA)
Sen. Tom Harkin (R-IA)
Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
Sen. Thad Cochran (R-MS)
Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT)
Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT)
Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT)
Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA)

8 former Representatives who voted NAY are now in the Senate: 5 D, 2 R, 1 I.

Mike Crapo (R-ID)
Bob Menendez (D-NJ)
Chuck Schumer (D-NY)
Sherrod Brown (D-OH)
Jim Inhofe (R-OK)
Jack Reed (D-RI)
Tim Johnson (D-SD)
Bernie Sanders (I-VT)

7 former Representatives who voted YEA are now in the Senate: 5 D, 2 R.

Dick Durbin (D-IL)
Pat Roberts (R-KS)
Ben Cardin (D-MD)
Ed Markey (D-MA)
Rob Portman (R-OH)
Ron Wyden (D-OR)
Maria Cantwell (D-WA)

NAFTA passed the House 234 to 200. House Democrats voted against it 156 to 102. Republicans supported it 132 to 43. The sole Independent—Bernie Sanders—voted against it.

Republican margins in favor of NAFTA were about 3:1 both houses.

NAFTA at 20: An Unhappy Birthday and a Look at the Roll Call Votes on "Free" Trade Deals

Who negotiated the deal and signed it?

NEGOTIATED? That would be Poppy Bush

BJ Bill the best conservative Prez since Ike, He got it passed the Congress where GOP supported it!

Republican margins in favor of NAFTA were about 3:1 both houses.

Nah, you just blame Republicans no matter what the issue is. Even when your guys do wrong, it's somehow the Republican's fault. That's very flawed thinking. It lacks reason.

And although the Dems Prez (best conservative since Ike) signed it, you let the GOP off the hook, even though without the GOP, voting 3-1 in favor of NAFTA, NAFTA was dead. Go figure!

No different with TPP, GOP will be the ONLY way it gets through the GOP Congress, lol

NEGOTIATED? That would be Poppy Bush

BJ Bill the best conservative Prez since Ike, He got it passed the Congress where GOP supported it!

Republican margins in favor of NAFTA were about 3:1 both houses.

Nah, you just blame Republicans no matter what the issue is. Even when your guys do wrong, it's somehow the Republican's fault. That's very flawed thinking. It lacks reason.

And although the Dems Prez (best conservative since Ike) signed it, you let the GOP off the hook, even though without the GOP, voting 3-1 in favor of NAFTA, NAFTA was dead. Go figure!

No different with TPP, GOP will be the ONLY way it gets through the GOP Congress, lol

Uh huh, even when your guys do wrong, it's still the Republican's fault. Maybe one day you'll realize how deranged you sound. No one forced your guys to negotiate and sign these deals. Hold them accountable and take it up with them.

Got it, BUT I bet you believe the GOP Congress was responsible for Clinton's surplus too? lol

I don't let either Party off the hook when they do wrong. I've always criticized both Parties for these awful deals. They're so bad they frantically try to keep them secret. But your thinking is very illogical. When your Party does wrong, you still blame the other side. You don't hold your own accountable.

The fact is, your Democrat Presidents have supported and signed the worst trade deals in history. They've hurt American Workers immensely. So what does that say about your leaders? Think about that for a bit.

Right I'm sorry in YOUR world when 3-1 margin, the GOPers in Congress vote to pass a bill, it's the Dem's Prez fault for signing it, NO BLAME FOR THE GOP? That's holding the GOP "accountable" Bubba

Who negotiated the deal and signed it?

NEGOTIATED? That would be Poppy Bush

BJ Bill the best conservative Prez since Ike, He got it passed the Congress where GOP supported it!

Republican margins in favor of NAFTA were about 3:1 both houses.

Nah, you just blame Republicans no matter what the issue is. Even when your guys do wrong, it's somehow the Republican's fault. That's very flawed thinking. It lacks reason.

And although the Dems Prez (best conservative since Ike) signed it, you let the GOP off the hook, even though without the GOP, voting 3-1 in favor of NAFTA, NAFTA was dead. Go figure!

No different with TPP, GOP will be the ONLY way it gets through the GOP Congress, lol

Nah, you just blame Republicans no matter what the issue is. Even when your guys do wrong, it's somehow the Republican's fault. That's very flawed thinking. It lacks reason.

And although the Dems Prez (best conservative since Ike) signed it, you let the GOP off the hook, even though without the GOP, voting 3-1 in favor of NAFTA, NAFTA was dead. Go figure!

No different with TPP, GOP will be the ONLY way it gets through the GOP Congress, lol

Uh huh, even when your guys do wrong, it's still the Republican's fault. Maybe one day you'll realize how deranged you sound. No one forced your guys to negotiate and sign these deals. Hold them accountable and take it up with them.

Got it, BUT I bet you believe the GOP Congress was responsible for Clinton's surplus too? lol

I don't let either Party off the hook when they do wrong. I've always criticized both Parties for these awful deals. They're so bad they frantically try to keep them secret. But your thinking is very illogical. When your Party does wrong, you still blame the other side. You don't hold your own accountable.

The fact is, your Democrat Presidents have supported and signed the worst trade deals in history. They've hurt American Workers immensely. So what does that say about your leaders? Think about that for a bit.

Right I'm sorry in YOUR world when 3-1 margin, the GOPers in Congress vote to pass a bill, it's the Dem's Prez fault for signing it, NO BLAME FOR THE GOP? That's holding the GOP "accountable" Bubba


Your President negotiated and signed the deal. But yes, most Republicans did support it. How bout that Bipartisanship? I think they're both shameful. There's the difference between you and me. No matter what wrongs your guys do, you desperately try to rationalize it by blaming the other side. You've basically become a loyal duped cult member. Try the Independent route. Don't be a slave to either Party.
Ayn Rand had the option of opting out of social security? I'm calling bull shit to that, no one can opt out. Prove it, bitch

Sure Bubs, that hypocrite Ayn Rand didn't need to take the services of the collectivists, she could just not accept the BENEFITS (which WERE much more than she paid in, since she had cancer and treated it, lol)...

One thing Trumpster says that's correct, the rich don't NEED to accept the SS monies, unless of course Miss Rand couldn't/didn't stand on her principles???

I thought social security was an investment in our own retirement. turns out you were lying about that too?

You mean the one the anti collectivists hated, but decided to take instead, like Medicare she BARELY paid into? lol

A principled woman that fetishists was...

What are your claims of what she paid in and got out based on?

What about liberal politicians who advocate others pay taxes then cheat on their own taxes (e.g., Rangle, Daschle), evade taxes (gates, buffett) and give squat to charity (Obama, Biden), what ratio is acceptable to you?


Without false premises, distortions and LIES what would you EVER have?

more than you do. For example, you keep claiming Rand collected more in government than she paid. I asked for evidence of that. The owman probably paid millions with all the books etc she paid. where is you evidence she collected more? Apparently you know you pulled that out of your ass since this deflection was your response
NEGOTIATED? That would be Poppy Bush

BJ Bill the best conservative Prez since Ike, He got it passed the Congress where GOP supported it!

Republican margins in favor of NAFTA were about 3:1 both houses.

Nah, you just blame Republicans no matter what the issue is. Even when your guys do wrong, it's somehow the Republican's fault. That's very flawed thinking. It lacks reason.

And although the Dems Prez (best conservative since Ike) signed it, you let the GOP off the hook, even though without the GOP, voting 3-1 in favor of NAFTA, NAFTA was dead. Go figure!

No different with TPP, GOP will be the ONLY way it gets through the GOP Congress, lol

And although the Dems Prez (best conservative since Ike) signed it, you let the GOP off the hook, even though without the GOP, voting 3-1 in favor of NAFTA, NAFTA was dead. Go figure!

No different with TPP, GOP will be the ONLY way it gets through the GOP Congress, lol

Uh huh, even when your guys do wrong, it's still the Republican's fault. Maybe one day you'll realize how deranged you sound. No one forced your guys to negotiate and sign these deals. Hold them accountable and take it up with them.

Got it, BUT I bet you believe the GOP Congress was responsible for Clinton's surplus too? lol

I don't let either Party off the hook when they do wrong. I've always criticized both Parties for these awful deals. They're so bad they frantically try to keep them secret. But your thinking is very illogical. When your Party does wrong, you still blame the other side. You don't hold your own accountable.

The fact is, your Democrat Presidents have supported and signed the worst trade deals in history. They've hurt American Workers immensely. So what does that say about your leaders? Think about that for a bit.

Right I'm sorry in YOUR world when 3-1 margin, the GOPers in Congress vote to pass a bill, it's the Dem's Prez fault for signing it, NO BLAME FOR THE GOP? That's holding the GOP "accountable" Bubba


Your President negotiated and signed the deal. But yes, most Republicans did support it. How bout that Bipartisanship? I think they're both shameful. There's the difference between you and me. No matter what wrongs your guys do, you desperately try to rationalize it by blaming the other side. You've basically become a loyal duped cult member. Try the Independent route. Don't be a slave to either Party.

LOL, You dishonest POS

1) Poppy negotiated the deal Reagan gave US from the Heritage Foundation the day he ran for Prez in 1979

2) I said, BJ Bill, WAS the best conservative Prez since Ike


4) Registered Independent. . I vote for the most liberal on the ballot. Local generally Green, BUT will support ANY Dem over ANY current GOPer!

5) ONE POLICY CONservatives have EVER been on the correct side of US history ? EVER?

Sure Bubs, that hypocrite Ayn Rand didn't need to take the services of the collectivists, she could just not accept the BENEFITS (which WERE much more than she paid in, since she had cancer and treated it, lol)...

One thing Trumpster says that's correct, the rich don't NEED to accept the SS monies, unless of course Miss Rand couldn't/didn't stand on her principles???

I thought social security was an investment in our own retirement. turns out you were lying about that too?

You mean the one the anti collectivists hated, but decided to take instead, like Medicare she BARELY paid into? lol

A principled woman that fetishists was...

What are your claims of what she paid in and got out based on?

What about liberal politicians who advocate others pay taxes then cheat on their own taxes (e.g., Rangle, Daschle), evade taxes (gates, buffett) and give squat to charity (Obama, Biden), what ratio is acceptable to you?


Without false premises, distortions and LIES what would you EVER have?

more than you do. For example, you keep claiming Rand collected more in government than she paid. I asked for evidence of that. The owman probably paid millions with all the books etc she paid. where is you evidence she collected more? Apparently you know you pulled that out of your ass since this deflection was your response

Bubba, YOU claimed she was "principled" how is it she collected Medicare YET was taxed ONLY on wages (not income) at a MAX of 1% (most years less) from 1965 to her death in 1979?


Social Security and Medicare Tax Rates, Calendar Years 1937 - 2009

I thought social security was an investment in our own retirement. turns out you were lying about that too?

You mean the one the anti collectivists hated, but decided to take instead, like Medicare she BARELY paid into? lol

A principled woman that fetishists was...

What are your claims of what she paid in and got out based on?

What about liberal politicians who advocate others pay taxes then cheat on their own taxes (e.g., Rangle, Daschle), evade taxes (gates, buffett) and give squat to charity (Obama, Biden), what ratio is acceptable to you?


Without false premises, distortions and LIES what would you EVER have?

more than you do. For example, you keep claiming Rand collected more in government than she paid. I asked for evidence of that. The owman probably paid millions with all the books etc she paid. where is you evidence she collected more? Apparently you know you pulled that out of your ass since this deflection was your response

Bubba, YOU claimed she was "principled" how is it she collected Medicare YET was taxed ONLY on wages (not income) at a MAX of 1% (most years less) from 1965 to her death in 1979?


Social Security and Medicare Tax Rates, Calendar Years 1937 - 2009


you don't know who ayn rand is, do you? She made a shit load of money, and all that was taxed. Earth, calling dud2all, anyone in there?

And tell us how you hate Obama for saying he should pay more taxes, then he didn't pay them. you said that's your standard, right? people following up and doing what they advocate? What an asswipe Obama is. you voted for Romney, right?
"Jewboy".. LOL...Obama gave them what they have, and he would give them more and more until they are a world power, but you like that because you think the'll use that power to kill Jews. I realize you're sickly, so I'll let slide your comment. Chicago isn't far from Detroit sickly boy.

Roid-boy, you realize making threats is against the rules, right.

If the Jews can't live in peace with their neighbors, they should go back to Europe where they came from.


I don't think you people are worth ONE AMERICAN LIFE. Period. And most Americans feel the same way.

Israel's problems with Iran are NOT our problems. If the Iranians wipe their sorry asses out, no skin off my ass.

What threats?:dunno:.Most Americans support Israel sickly boy:cool:

But pray they get wiped out to get to the mythology of the "book" by some superstitious morons!
Just when we think we have enough clowns on the board, you show up ...Another mental patient :cuckoo:
What threats?:dunno:.Most Americans support Israel sickly boy

Really/ Then why did Obama win this vote, then, you dumb-ass.

Americans are sick you dragging us into your fights. Maybe you need to teach your fellows how to swim

The American people didn't have a vote on this genius. If we had there would be no deal:slap:
As the Republicans near the end of their first year controlling Congress....what do they have to show for it?

Well, they all got new titles and chairmanships
They got to brag about their historic victory
Probably got better parking spaces in the Senate Parking Garage

Other than that, it seems like Obama got all the victories

That's all the establishment wanted. Other than that, they're cowards. They don't want any responsibility for anything, which is why they refuse to do anything

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