Is this Republican led Senate the most inept in American history?

Pretty awful, but not the worst. The Republicans are at least attempting to read Legislation before voting on it. That's a huge step up from the Democrats advising members to only read Legislation after voting on it. So yeah, it's pretty bad. But certainly not the worst.

Talking point VOID OF FACTS. Pelosi told the County legislators that, she can't help it if you CONservative morons can't get past bumper stickers!
I am curious what this Republican Congress has achieved.

Did they roll back any of Obama's socialist programs?


Have they enacted any significant conservative legislation?


Have they been able to stop the Iran deal?


Have they passed a budget?


Have they changed a fucking thing?


About as incompetent as it gets. They are sitting around with their thumbs up their asses while Donald Trump TP's their house.

That's why McConnell did not make any promises as to what a GOP Congress would do. That's why he did not put a single plan on the table. He knew they would be as useless as a kickstand on a tank.

Passing any legislation involves negotiating with the extremes in the Republican party and then negotiating with the Dems and the President

Republicans are incapable of doing either

Extremes in the Republican party, extremes in the Democrat party, tom-ay-to, tom-ah-to. They are all the same, Holmes, you just play for different teams

And yet it's the Randian fetishists who tend to be the most extreme, as well as most dishonest. Go figure
Your Democrat Presidents seem to love em. Way to help American Workers out.

Yep they tend to get passed the GOP Prez bills (Ronnie NAFTA, Dubya's TPP)

Ha, so it's the Republican's fault your guys negotiate and sign awful trade deals that hurt American Workers. Ok, whatever. :cuckoo:

You mean that the MAJORITY of GOP in Congress vote for and only minority of the Dem's in Congress? Yep, AGAIN, BJ BILL best conservative Prez since Ike, Obama looks to be coming in second...

BTW, Poppy negotiated NAFTA....

So why do your guys continue to screw American Workers? They're not Republicans. Your guys negotiate and sign these awful deals. Congress doesn't negotiate the deals. No President is forced to sign them. So why do your guys keep signing them?

Ignored Poppy negotiating the deal Ronnie proposed huh Bubs?


February 2008, when President Bush announced that the US would join the deferred P-4 negotiations on financial services and investment, that the US came into the picture.

One key reason for the US’s interest in the trade talks is to be found in the US President’s 2008 Annual Report on the Trade Agreements Programme. It says, in part, ‘US participation in the TPP could position US businesses better to compete in the Asia-Pacific region, which is seeing the proliferation of preferential trade agreements among US competitors and the development of several competing regional economic integration initiatives that exclude the United States."

The Origins and Evolution of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)


So why do your Democrat Presidents keep signing em? These deals are killing American Workers. No President is forced to sign em.
Pretty awful, but not the worst. The Republicans are at least attempting to read Legislation before voting on it. That's a huge step up from the Democrats advising members to only read Legislation after voting on it. So yeah, it's pretty bad. But certainly not the worst.

Talking point VOID OF FACTS. Pelosi told the County legislators that, she can't help it if you CONservative morons can't get past bumper stickers!

Ha, ya gotta pass it in order to read what's in it. What a dumb douchebag. So yeah, the Republican Congress is pretty bad, but definitely not the worst.
I am curious what this Republican Congress has achieved.

Did they roll back any of Obama's socialist programs?


Have they enacted any significant conservative legislation?


Have they been able to stop the Iran deal?


Have they passed a budget?


Have they changed a fucking thing?


About as incompetent as it gets. They are sitting around with their thumbs up their asses while Donald Trump TP's their house.

That's why McConnell did not make any promises as to what a GOP Congress would do. That's why he did not put a single plan on the table. He knew they would be as useless as a kickstand on a tank.

Passing any legislation involves negotiating with the extremes in the Republican party and then negotiating with the Dems and the President

Republicans are incapable of doing either

Extremes in the Republican party, extremes in the Democrat party, tom-ay-to, tom-ah-to. They are all the same, Holmes, you just play for different teams

And yet it's the Randian fetishists who tend to be the most extreme, as well as most dishonest. Go figure

rand was "dishonest?" Dude, she said she didn't need government, she didn't say you don't. Clearly anyone who posts with you recognizes that without government you wouldn't be here now, you'd have starved long ago
I am curious what this Republican Congress has achieved.

Did they roll back any of Obama's socialist programs?


Have they enacted any significant conservative legislation?


Have they been able to stop the Iran deal?


Have they passed a budget?


Have they changed a fucking thing?


About as incompetent as it gets. They are sitting around with their thumbs up their asses while Donald Trump TP's their house.

That's why McConnell did not make any promises as to what a GOP Congress would do. That's why he did not put a single plan on the table. He knew they would be as useless as a kickstand on a tank.

Passing any legislation involves negotiating with the extremes in the Republican party and then negotiating with the Dems and the President

Republicans are incapable of doing either

Extremes in the Republican party, extremes in the Democrat party, tom-ay-to, tom-ah-to. They are all the same, Holmes, you just play for different teams

And yet it's the Randian fetishists who tend to be the most extreme, as well as most dishonest. Go figure

rand was "dishonest?" Dude, she said she didn't need government, she didn't say you don't. Clearly anyone who posts with you recognizes that without government you wouldn't be here now, you'd have starved long ago

Rand? Oh that Klown who took SS and Medicare AFTER claiming those that used the programs were leeches?

But keep up the dishonesty Bubs, it's ALL you have Mr Galt!
Yep they tend to get passed the GOP Prez bills (Ronnie NAFTA, Dubya's TPP)

Ha, so it's the Republican's fault your guys negotiate and sign awful trade deals that hurt American Workers. Ok, whatever. :cuckoo:

You mean that the MAJORITY of GOP in Congress vote for and only minority of the Dem's in Congress? Yep, AGAIN, BJ BILL best conservative Prez since Ike, Obama looks to be coming in second...

BTW, Poppy negotiated NAFTA....

So why do your guys continue to screw American Workers? They're not Republicans. Your guys negotiate and sign these awful deals. Congress doesn't negotiate the deals. No President is forced to sign them. So why do your guys keep signing them?

Ignored Poppy negotiating the deal Ronnie proposed huh Bubs?


February 2008, when President Bush announced that the US would join the deferred P-4 negotiations on financial services and investment, that the US came into the picture.

One key reason for the US’s interest in the trade talks is to be found in the US President’s 2008 Annual Report on the Trade Agreements Programme. It says, in part, ‘US participation in the TPP could position US businesses better to compete in the Asia-Pacific region, which is seeing the proliferation of preferential trade agreements among US competitors and the development of several competing regional economic integration initiatives that exclude the United States."

The Origins and Evolution of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)


So why do your Democrat Presidents keep signing em? These deals are killing American Workers. No President is forced to sign em.

Weird how you don't see without majority GOP support in Congress, neither the best conservative Prez (BJ Bill) or second best (Barack "I saved US from a second GOP great depression" Obama) since Ike, would have ANYTHING to sign?

It's like the Klowns who argue BJ Bill signing Glass-Steagal was to blame because of that GOP written and backed bill was selling out to the Banksters?
Pretty awful, but not the worst. The Republicans are at least attempting to read Legislation before voting on it. That's a huge step up from the Democrats advising members to only read Legislation after voting on it. So yeah, it's pretty bad. But certainly not the worst.

Talking point VOID OF FACTS. Pelosi told the County legislators that, she can't help it if you CONservative morons can't get past bumper stickers!

Ha, ya gotta pass it in order to read what's in it. What a dumb douchebag. So yeah, the Republican Congress is pretty bad, but definitely not the worst.

Oh I get it Bubba, you are being ironic like you don't get she was talking to a group of county legislators when she said that?
Ha, so it's the Republican's fault your guys negotiate and sign awful trade deals that hurt American Workers. Ok, whatever. :cuckoo:

You mean that the MAJORITY of GOP in Congress vote for and only minority of the Dem's in Congress? Yep, AGAIN, BJ BILL best conservative Prez since Ike, Obama looks to be coming in second...

BTW, Poppy negotiated NAFTA....

So why do your guys continue to screw American Workers? They're not Republicans. Your guys negotiate and sign these awful deals. Congress doesn't negotiate the deals. No President is forced to sign them. So why do your guys keep signing them?

Ignored Poppy negotiating the deal Ronnie proposed huh Bubs?


February 2008, when President Bush announced that the US would join the deferred P-4 negotiations on financial services and investment, that the US came into the picture.

One key reason for the US’s interest in the trade talks is to be found in the US President’s 2008 Annual Report on the Trade Agreements Programme. It says, in part, ‘US participation in the TPP could position US businesses better to compete in the Asia-Pacific region, which is seeing the proliferation of preferential trade agreements among US competitors and the development of several competing regional economic integration initiatives that exclude the United States."

The Origins and Evolution of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)


So why do your Democrat Presidents keep signing em? These deals are killing American Workers. No President is forced to sign em.

Weird how you don't see without majority GOP support in Congress, neither the best conservative Prez (BJ Bill) or second best (Barack "I saved US from a second GOP great depression" Obama) since Ike, would have ANYTHING to sign?

It's like the Klowns who argue BJ Bill signing Glass-Steagal was to blame because of that GOP written and backed bill was selling out to the Banksters?

You still refuse to acknowledge your Democrat Presidents fully support these awful deals. You're still stuck on blaming Republicans.
Yep they tend to get passed the GOP Prez bills (Ronnie NAFTA, Dubya's TPP)

Ha, so it's the Republican's fault your guys negotiate and sign awful trade deals that hurt American Workers. Ok, whatever. :cuckoo:

You mean that the MAJORITY of GOP in Congress vote for and only minority of the Dem's in Congress? Yep, AGAIN, BJ BILL best conservative Prez since Ike, Obama looks to be coming in second...

BTW, Poppy negotiated NAFTA....

So why do your guys continue to screw American Workers? They're not Republicans. Your guys negotiate and sign these awful deals. Congress doesn't negotiate the deals. No President is forced to sign them. So why do your guys keep signing them?

Ignored Poppy negotiating the deal Ronnie proposed huh Bubs?


February 2008, when President Bush announced that the US would join the deferred P-4 negotiations on financial services and investment, that the US came into the picture.

One key reason for the US’s interest in the trade talks is to be found in the US President’s 2008 Annual Report on the Trade Agreements Programme. It says, in part, ‘US participation in the TPP could position US businesses better to compete in the Asia-Pacific region, which is seeing the proliferation of preferential trade agreements among US competitors and the development of several competing regional economic integration initiatives that exclude the United States."

The Origins and Evolution of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)


So why do your Democrat Presidents keep signing em? These deals are killing American Workers. No President is forced to sign em.

Let's take a look back at the vote on NAFTA back in 1993.

NAFTA passed the Senate 61 to 38. Democrats were almost evenly split: 27 YEA, 26 NAY (and 1 not in attendance for the vote). Republicans voted for it by a larger margin: 34 YEA to 12 NAY.

7 of the NAY votes are still in the Senate: 6 D, 1 R.

Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL)
Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA)
Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-CA)
Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-MD)
Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI)
Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)
Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-WV)

9 of the YEA votes are still in the Senate: 6 R, 3 D.

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA)
Sen. Tom Harkin (R-IA)
Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
Sen. Thad Cochran (R-MS)
Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT)
Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT)
Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT)
Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA)

8 former Representatives who voted NAY are now in the Senate: 5 D, 2 R, 1 I.

Mike Crapo (R-ID)
Bob Menendez (D-NJ)
Chuck Schumer (D-NY)
Sherrod Brown (D-OH)
Jim Inhofe (R-OK)
Jack Reed (D-RI)
Tim Johnson (D-SD)
Bernie Sanders (I-VT)

7 former Representatives who voted YEA are now in the Senate: 5 D, 2 R.

Dick Durbin (D-IL)
Pat Roberts (R-KS)
Ben Cardin (D-MD)
Ed Markey (D-MA)
Rob Portman (R-OH)
Ron Wyden (D-OR)
Maria Cantwell (D-WA)

NAFTA passed the House 234 to 200. House Democrats voted against it 156 to 102. Republicans supported it 132 to 43. The sole Independent—Bernie Sanders—voted against it.

Republican margins in favor of NAFTA were about 3:1 both houses.

NAFTA at 20: An Unhappy Birthday and a Look at the Roll Call Votes on "Free" Trade Deals
Ha, so it's the Republican's fault your guys negotiate and sign awful trade deals that hurt American Workers. Ok, whatever. :cuckoo:

You mean that the MAJORITY of GOP in Congress vote for and only minority of the Dem's in Congress? Yep, AGAIN, BJ BILL best conservative Prez since Ike, Obama looks to be coming in second...

BTW, Poppy negotiated NAFTA....

So why do your guys continue to screw American Workers? They're not Republicans. Your guys negotiate and sign these awful deals. Congress doesn't negotiate the deals. No President is forced to sign them. So why do your guys keep signing them?

Ignored Poppy negotiating the deal Ronnie proposed huh Bubs?


February 2008, when President Bush announced that the US would join the deferred P-4 negotiations on financial services and investment, that the US came into the picture.

One key reason for the US’s interest in the trade talks is to be found in the US President’s 2008 Annual Report on the Trade Agreements Programme. It says, in part, ‘US participation in the TPP could position US businesses better to compete in the Asia-Pacific region, which is seeing the proliferation of preferential trade agreements among US competitors and the development of several competing regional economic integration initiatives that exclude the United States."

The Origins and Evolution of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)


So why do your Democrat Presidents keep signing em? These deals are killing American Workers. No President is forced to sign em.

Let's take a look back at the vote on NAFTA back in 1993.

NAFTA passed the Senate 61 to 38. Democrats were almost evenly split: 27 YEA, 26 NAY (and 1 not in attendance for the vote). Republicans voted for it by a larger margin: 34 YEA to 12 NAY.

7 of the NAY votes are still in the Senate: 6 D, 1 R.

Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL)
Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA)
Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-CA)
Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-MD)
Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI)
Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)
Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-WV)

9 of the YEA votes are still in the Senate: 6 R, 3 D.

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA)
Sen. Tom Harkin (R-IA)
Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
Sen. Thad Cochran (R-MS)
Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT)
Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT)
Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT)
Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA)

8 former Representatives who voted NAY are now in the Senate: 5 D, 2 R, 1 I.

Mike Crapo (R-ID)
Bob Menendez (D-NJ)
Chuck Schumer (D-NY)
Sherrod Brown (D-OH)
Jim Inhofe (R-OK)
Jack Reed (D-RI)
Tim Johnson (D-SD)
Bernie Sanders (I-VT)

7 former Representatives who voted YEA are now in the Senate: 5 D, 2 R.

Dick Durbin (D-IL)
Pat Roberts (R-KS)
Ben Cardin (D-MD)
Ed Markey (D-MA)
Rob Portman (R-OH)
Ron Wyden (D-OR)
Maria Cantwell (D-WA)

NAFTA passed the House 234 to 200. House Democrats voted against it 156 to 102. Republicans supported it 132 to 43. The sole Independent—Bernie Sanders—voted against it.

Republican margins in favor of NAFTA were about 3:1 both houses.

NAFTA at 20: An Unhappy Birthday and a Look at the Roll Call Votes on "Free" Trade Deals

Who negotiated the deal and signed it?
You mean that the MAJORITY of GOP in Congress vote for and only minority of the Dem's in Congress? Yep, AGAIN, BJ BILL best conservative Prez since Ike, Obama looks to be coming in second...

BTW, Poppy negotiated NAFTA....

So why do your guys continue to screw American Workers? They're not Republicans. Your guys negotiate and sign these awful deals. Congress doesn't negotiate the deals. No President is forced to sign them. So why do your guys keep signing them?

Ignored Poppy negotiating the deal Ronnie proposed huh Bubs?


February 2008, when President Bush announced that the US would join the deferred P-4 negotiations on financial services and investment, that the US came into the picture.

One key reason for the US’s interest in the trade talks is to be found in the US President’s 2008 Annual Report on the Trade Agreements Programme. It says, in part, ‘US participation in the TPP could position US businesses better to compete in the Asia-Pacific region, which is seeing the proliferation of preferential trade agreements among US competitors and the development of several competing regional economic integration initiatives that exclude the United States."

The Origins and Evolution of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)


So why do your Democrat Presidents keep signing em? These deals are killing American Workers. No President is forced to sign em.

Weird how you don't see without majority GOP support in Congress, neither the best conservative Prez (BJ Bill) or second best (Barack "I saved US from a second GOP great depression" Obama) since Ike, would have ANYTHING to sign?

It's like the Klowns who argue BJ Bill signing Glass-Steagal was to blame because of that GOP written and backed bill was selling out to the Banksters?

You still refuse to acknowledge your Democrat Presidents fully support these awful deals. You're still stuck on blaming Republicans.

Let me know when Obama gets TPP passed through the GOP Congress Bubba, lol
You mean that the MAJORITY of GOP in Congress vote for and only minority of the Dem's in Congress? Yep, AGAIN, BJ BILL best conservative Prez since Ike, Obama looks to be coming in second...

BTW, Poppy negotiated NAFTA....

So why do your guys continue to screw American Workers? They're not Republicans. Your guys negotiate and sign these awful deals. Congress doesn't negotiate the deals. No President is forced to sign them. So why do your guys keep signing them?

Ignored Poppy negotiating the deal Ronnie proposed huh Bubs?


February 2008, when President Bush announced that the US would join the deferred P-4 negotiations on financial services and investment, that the US came into the picture.

One key reason for the US’s interest in the trade talks is to be found in the US President’s 2008 Annual Report on the Trade Agreements Programme. It says, in part, ‘US participation in the TPP could position US businesses better to compete in the Asia-Pacific region, which is seeing the proliferation of preferential trade agreements among US competitors and the development of several competing regional economic integration initiatives that exclude the United States."

The Origins and Evolution of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)


So why do your Democrat Presidents keep signing em? These deals are killing American Workers. No President is forced to sign em.

Let's take a look back at the vote on NAFTA back in 1993.

NAFTA passed the Senate 61 to 38. Democrats were almost evenly split: 27 YEA, 26 NAY (and 1 not in attendance for the vote). Republicans voted for it by a larger margin: 34 YEA to 12 NAY.

7 of the NAY votes are still in the Senate: 6 D, 1 R.

Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL)
Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA)
Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-CA)
Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-MD)
Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI)
Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)
Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-WV)

9 of the YEA votes are still in the Senate: 6 R, 3 D.

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA)
Sen. Tom Harkin (R-IA)
Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
Sen. Thad Cochran (R-MS)
Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT)
Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT)
Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT)
Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA)

8 former Representatives who voted NAY are now in the Senate: 5 D, 2 R, 1 I.

Mike Crapo (R-ID)
Bob Menendez (D-NJ)
Chuck Schumer (D-NY)
Sherrod Brown (D-OH)
Jim Inhofe (R-OK)
Jack Reed (D-RI)
Tim Johnson (D-SD)
Bernie Sanders (I-VT)

7 former Representatives who voted YEA are now in the Senate: 5 D, 2 R.

Dick Durbin (D-IL)
Pat Roberts (R-KS)
Ben Cardin (D-MD)
Ed Markey (D-MA)
Rob Portman (R-OH)
Ron Wyden (D-OR)
Maria Cantwell (D-WA)

NAFTA passed the House 234 to 200. House Democrats voted against it 156 to 102. Republicans supported it 132 to 43. The sole Independent—Bernie Sanders—voted against it.

Republican margins in favor of NAFTA were about 3:1 both houses.

NAFTA at 20: An Unhappy Birthday and a Look at the Roll Call Votes on "Free" Trade Deals

Who negotiated the deal and signed it?

NEGOTIATED? That would be Poppy Bush

BJ Bill the best conservative Prez since Ike, He got it passed the Congress where GOP supported it!

Republican margins in favor of NAFTA were about 3:1 both houses.
So why do your guys continue to screw American Workers? They're not Republicans. Your guys negotiate and sign these awful deals. Congress doesn't negotiate the deals. No President is forced to sign them. So why do your guys keep signing them?

Ignored Poppy negotiating the deal Ronnie proposed huh Bubs?


February 2008, when President Bush announced that the US would join the deferred P-4 negotiations on financial services and investment, that the US came into the picture.

One key reason for the US’s interest in the trade talks is to be found in the US President’s 2008 Annual Report on the Trade Agreements Programme. It says, in part, ‘US participation in the TPP could position US businesses better to compete in the Asia-Pacific region, which is seeing the proliferation of preferential trade agreements among US competitors and the development of several competing regional economic integration initiatives that exclude the United States."

The Origins and Evolution of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)


So why do your Democrat Presidents keep signing em? These deals are killing American Workers. No President is forced to sign em.

Let's take a look back at the vote on NAFTA back in 1993.

NAFTA passed the Senate 61 to 38. Democrats were almost evenly split: 27 YEA, 26 NAY (and 1 not in attendance for the vote). Republicans voted for it by a larger margin: 34 YEA to 12 NAY.

7 of the NAY votes are still in the Senate: 6 D, 1 R.

Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL)
Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA)
Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-CA)
Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-MD)
Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI)
Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)
Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-WV)

9 of the YEA votes are still in the Senate: 6 R, 3 D.

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA)
Sen. Tom Harkin (R-IA)
Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
Sen. Thad Cochran (R-MS)
Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT)
Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT)
Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT)
Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA)

8 former Representatives who voted NAY are now in the Senate: 5 D, 2 R, 1 I.

Mike Crapo (R-ID)
Bob Menendez (D-NJ)
Chuck Schumer (D-NY)
Sherrod Brown (D-OH)
Jim Inhofe (R-OK)
Jack Reed (D-RI)
Tim Johnson (D-SD)
Bernie Sanders (I-VT)

7 former Representatives who voted YEA are now in the Senate: 5 D, 2 R.

Dick Durbin (D-IL)
Pat Roberts (R-KS)
Ben Cardin (D-MD)
Ed Markey (D-MA)
Rob Portman (R-OH)
Ron Wyden (D-OR)
Maria Cantwell (D-WA)

NAFTA passed the House 234 to 200. House Democrats voted against it 156 to 102. Republicans supported it 132 to 43. The sole Independent—Bernie Sanders—voted against it.

Republican margins in favor of NAFTA were about 3:1 both houses.

NAFTA at 20: An Unhappy Birthday and a Look at the Roll Call Votes on "Free" Trade Deals

Who negotiated the deal and signed it?

NEGOTIATED? That would be Poppy Bush

BJ Bill the best conservative Prez since Ike, He got it passed the Congress where GOP supported it!

Republican margins in favor of NAFTA were about 3:1 both houses.

Nah, you just blame Republicans no matter what the issue is. Even when your guys do wrong, it's somehow the Republican's fault. That's very flawed thinking. It lacks reason.
Ignored Poppy negotiating the deal Ronnie proposed huh Bubs?


February 2008, when President Bush announced that the US would join the deferred P-4 negotiations on financial services and investment, that the US came into the picture.

One key reason for the US’s interest in the trade talks is to be found in the US President’s 2008 Annual Report on the Trade Agreements Programme. It says, in part, ‘US participation in the TPP could position US businesses better to compete in the Asia-Pacific region, which is seeing the proliferation of preferential trade agreements among US competitors and the development of several competing regional economic integration initiatives that exclude the United States."

The Origins and Evolution of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)


So why do your Democrat Presidents keep signing em? These deals are killing American Workers. No President is forced to sign em.

Let's take a look back at the vote on NAFTA back in 1993.

NAFTA passed the Senate 61 to 38. Democrats were almost evenly split: 27 YEA, 26 NAY (and 1 not in attendance for the vote). Republicans voted for it by a larger margin: 34 YEA to 12 NAY.

7 of the NAY votes are still in the Senate: 6 D, 1 R.

Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL)
Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA)
Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-CA)
Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-MD)
Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI)
Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)
Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-WV)

9 of the YEA votes are still in the Senate: 6 R, 3 D.

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA)
Sen. Tom Harkin (R-IA)
Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
Sen. Thad Cochran (R-MS)
Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT)
Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT)
Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT)
Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA)

8 former Representatives who voted NAY are now in the Senate: 5 D, 2 R, 1 I.

Mike Crapo (R-ID)
Bob Menendez (D-NJ)
Chuck Schumer (D-NY)
Sherrod Brown (D-OH)
Jim Inhofe (R-OK)
Jack Reed (D-RI)
Tim Johnson (D-SD)
Bernie Sanders (I-VT)

7 former Representatives who voted YEA are now in the Senate: 5 D, 2 R.

Dick Durbin (D-IL)
Pat Roberts (R-KS)
Ben Cardin (D-MD)
Ed Markey (D-MA)
Rob Portman (R-OH)
Ron Wyden (D-OR)
Maria Cantwell (D-WA)

NAFTA passed the House 234 to 200. House Democrats voted against it 156 to 102. Republicans supported it 132 to 43. The sole Independent—Bernie Sanders—voted against it.

Republican margins in favor of NAFTA were about 3:1 both houses.

NAFTA at 20: An Unhappy Birthday and a Look at the Roll Call Votes on "Free" Trade Deals

Who negotiated the deal and signed it?

NEGOTIATED? That would be Poppy Bush

BJ Bill the best conservative Prez since Ike, He got it passed the Congress where GOP supported it!

Republican margins in favor of NAFTA were about 3:1 both houses.

Nah, you just blame Republicans no matter what the issue is. Even when your guys do wrong, it's somehow the Republican's fault. That's very flawed thinking. It lacks reason.

And although the Dems Prez (best conservative since Ike) signed it, you let the GOP off the hook, even though without the GOP, voting 3-1 in favor of NAFTA, NAFTA was dead. Go figure!

No different with TPP, GOP will be the ONLY way it gets through the GOP Congress, lol
I am curious what this Republican Congress has achieved.

Did they roll back any of Obama's socialist programs?


Have they enacted any significant conservative legislation?


Have they been able to stop the Iran deal?


Have they passed a budget?


Have they changed a fucking thing?


About as incompetent as it gets. They are sitting around with their thumbs up their asses while Donald Trump TP's their house.

That's why McConnell did not make any promises as to what a GOP Congress would do. That's why he did not put a single plan on the table. He knew they would be as useless as a kickstand on a tank.

Passing any legislation involves negotiating with the extremes in the Republican party and then negotiating with the Dems and the President

Republicans are incapable of doing either

Extremes in the Republican party, extremes in the Democrat party, tom-ay-to, tom-ah-to. They are all the same, Holmes, you just play for different teams

And yet it's the Randian fetishists who tend to be the most extreme, as well as most dishonest. Go figure

rand was "dishonest?" Dude, she said she didn't need government, she didn't say you don't. Clearly anyone who posts with you recognizes that without government you wouldn't be here now, you'd have starved long ago

Rand? Oh that Klown who took SS and Medicare AFTER claiming those that used the programs were leeches?

But keep up the dishonesty Bubs, it's ALL you have Mr Galt!

Ayn Rand had the option of opting out of social security? I'm calling bull shit to that, no one can opt out. Prove it, bitch
So why do your Democrat Presidents keep signing em? These deals are killing American Workers. No President is forced to sign em.

Let's take a look back at the vote on NAFTA back in 1993.

NAFTA passed the Senate 61 to 38. Democrats were almost evenly split: 27 YEA, 26 NAY (and 1 not in attendance for the vote). Republicans voted for it by a larger margin: 34 YEA to 12 NAY.

7 of the NAY votes are still in the Senate: 6 D, 1 R.

Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL)
Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA)
Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-CA)
Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-MD)
Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI)
Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)
Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-WV)

9 of the YEA votes are still in the Senate: 6 R, 3 D.

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA)
Sen. Tom Harkin (R-IA)
Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
Sen. Thad Cochran (R-MS)
Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT)
Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT)
Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT)
Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA)

8 former Representatives who voted NAY are now in the Senate: 5 D, 2 R, 1 I.

Mike Crapo (R-ID)
Bob Menendez (D-NJ)
Chuck Schumer (D-NY)
Sherrod Brown (D-OH)
Jim Inhofe (R-OK)
Jack Reed (D-RI)
Tim Johnson (D-SD)
Bernie Sanders (I-VT)

7 former Representatives who voted YEA are now in the Senate: 5 D, 2 R.

Dick Durbin (D-IL)
Pat Roberts (R-KS)
Ben Cardin (D-MD)
Ed Markey (D-MA)
Rob Portman (R-OH)
Ron Wyden (D-OR)
Maria Cantwell (D-WA)

NAFTA passed the House 234 to 200. House Democrats voted against it 156 to 102. Republicans supported it 132 to 43. The sole Independent—Bernie Sanders—voted against it.

Republican margins in favor of NAFTA were about 3:1 both houses.

NAFTA at 20: An Unhappy Birthday and a Look at the Roll Call Votes on "Free" Trade Deals

Who negotiated the deal and signed it?

NEGOTIATED? That would be Poppy Bush

BJ Bill the best conservative Prez since Ike, He got it passed the Congress where GOP supported it!

Republican margins in favor of NAFTA were about 3:1 both houses.

Nah, you just blame Republicans no matter what the issue is. Even when your guys do wrong, it's somehow the Republican's fault. That's very flawed thinking. It lacks reason.

And although the Dems Prez (best conservative since Ike) signed it, you let the GOP off the hook, even though without the GOP, voting 3-1 in favor of NAFTA, NAFTA was dead. Go figure!

No different with TPP, GOP will be the ONLY way it gets through the GOP Congress, lol

Uh huh, even when your guys do wrong, it's still the Republican's fault. Maybe one day you'll realize how deranged you sound. No one forced your guys to negotiate and sign these deals. Hold them accountable and take it up with them.
Passing any legislation involves negotiating with the extremes in the Republican party and then negotiating with the Dems and the President

Republicans are incapable of doing either

Extremes in the Republican party, extremes in the Democrat party, tom-ay-to, tom-ah-to. They are all the same, Holmes, you just play for different teams

And yet it's the Randian fetishists who tend to be the most extreme, as well as most dishonest. Go figure

rand was "dishonest?" Dude, she said she didn't need government, she didn't say you don't. Clearly anyone who posts with you recognizes that without government you wouldn't be here now, you'd have starved long ago

Rand? Oh that Klown who took SS and Medicare AFTER claiming those that used the programs were leeches?

But keep up the dishonesty Bubs, it's ALL you have Mr Galt!

Ayn Rand had the option of opting out of social security? I'm calling bull shit to that, no one can opt out. Prove it, bitch

Sure Bubs, that hypocrite Ayn Rand didn't need to take the services of the collectivists, she could just not accept the BENEFITS (which WERE much more than she paid in, since she had cancer and treated it, lol)...

One thing Trumpster says that's correct, the rich don't NEED to accept the SS monies, unless of course Miss Rand couldn't/didn't stand on her principles???
Ignored Poppy negotiating the deal Ronnie proposed huh Bubs?


February 2008, when President Bush announced that the US would join the deferred P-4 negotiations on financial services and investment, that the US came into the picture.

One key reason for the US’s interest in the trade talks is to be found in the US President’s 2008 Annual Report on the Trade Agreements Programme. It says, in part, ‘US participation in the TPP could position US businesses better to compete in the Asia-Pacific region, which is seeing the proliferation of preferential trade agreements among US competitors and the development of several competing regional economic integration initiatives that exclude the United States."

The Origins and Evolution of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)


So why do your Democrat Presidents keep signing em? These deals are killing American Workers. No President is forced to sign em.

Let's take a look back at the vote on NAFTA back in 1993.

NAFTA passed the Senate 61 to 38. Democrats were almost evenly split: 27 YEA, 26 NAY (and 1 not in attendance for the vote). Republicans voted for it by a larger margin: 34 YEA to 12 NAY.

7 of the NAY votes are still in the Senate: 6 D, 1 R.

Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL)
Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA)
Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-CA)
Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-MD)
Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI)
Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)
Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-WV)

9 of the YEA votes are still in the Senate: 6 R, 3 D.

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA)
Sen. Tom Harkin (R-IA)
Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
Sen. Thad Cochran (R-MS)
Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT)
Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT)
Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT)
Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA)

8 former Representatives who voted NAY are now in the Senate: 5 D, 2 R, 1 I.

Mike Crapo (R-ID)
Bob Menendez (D-NJ)
Chuck Schumer (D-NY)
Sherrod Brown (D-OH)
Jim Inhofe (R-OK)
Jack Reed (D-RI)
Tim Johnson (D-SD)
Bernie Sanders (I-VT)

7 former Representatives who voted YEA are now in the Senate: 5 D, 2 R.

Dick Durbin (D-IL)
Pat Roberts (R-KS)
Ben Cardin (D-MD)
Ed Markey (D-MA)
Rob Portman (R-OH)
Ron Wyden (D-OR)
Maria Cantwell (D-WA)

NAFTA passed the House 234 to 200. House Democrats voted against it 156 to 102. Republicans supported it 132 to 43. The sole Independent—Bernie Sanders—voted against it.

Republican margins in favor of NAFTA were about 3:1 both houses.

NAFTA at 20: An Unhappy Birthday and a Look at the Roll Call Votes on "Free" Trade Deals

Who negotiated the deal and signed it?

NEGOTIATED? That would be Poppy Bush

BJ Bill the best conservative Prez since Ike, He got it passed the Congress where GOP supported it!

Republican margins in favor of NAFTA were about 3:1 both houses.

Nah, you just blame Republicans no matter what the issue is. Even when your guys do wrong, it's somehow the Republican's fault. That's very flawed thinking. It lacks reason.

And although the Dems Prez (best conservative since Ike) signed it, you let the GOP off the hook, even though without the GOP, voting 3-1 in favor of NAFTA, NAFTA was dead. Go figure!

No different with TPP, GOP will be the ONLY way it gets through the GOP Congress, lol

Let's take a look back at the vote on NAFTA back in 1993.

NAFTA passed the Senate 61 to 38. Democrats were almost evenly split: 27 YEA, 26 NAY (and 1 not in attendance for the vote). Republicans voted for it by a larger margin: 34 YEA to 12 NAY.

7 of the NAY votes are still in the Senate: 6 D, 1 R.

Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL)
Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA)
Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-CA)
Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-MD)
Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI)
Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)
Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-WV)

9 of the YEA votes are still in the Senate: 6 R, 3 D.

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA)
Sen. Tom Harkin (R-IA)
Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
Sen. Thad Cochran (R-MS)
Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT)
Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT)
Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT)
Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA)

8 former Representatives who voted NAY are now in the Senate: 5 D, 2 R, 1 I.

Mike Crapo (R-ID)
Bob Menendez (D-NJ)
Chuck Schumer (D-NY)
Sherrod Brown (D-OH)
Jim Inhofe (R-OK)
Jack Reed (D-RI)
Tim Johnson (D-SD)
Bernie Sanders (I-VT)

7 former Representatives who voted YEA are now in the Senate: 5 D, 2 R.

Dick Durbin (D-IL)
Pat Roberts (R-KS)
Ben Cardin (D-MD)
Ed Markey (D-MA)
Rob Portman (R-OH)
Ron Wyden (D-OR)
Maria Cantwell (D-WA)

NAFTA passed the House 234 to 200. House Democrats voted against it 156 to 102. Republicans supported it 132 to 43. The sole Independent—Bernie Sanders—voted against it.

Republican margins in favor of NAFTA were about 3:1 both houses.

NAFTA at 20: An Unhappy Birthday and a Look at the Roll Call Votes on "Free" Trade Deals

Who negotiated the deal and signed it?

NEGOTIATED? That would be Poppy Bush

BJ Bill the best conservative Prez since Ike, He got it passed the Congress where GOP supported it!

Republican margins in favor of NAFTA were about 3:1 both houses.

Nah, you just blame Republicans no matter what the issue is. Even when your guys do wrong, it's somehow the Republican's fault. That's very flawed thinking. It lacks reason.

And although the Dems Prez (best conservative since Ike) signed it, you let the GOP off the hook, even though without the GOP, voting 3-1 in favor of NAFTA, NAFTA was dead. Go figure!

No different with TPP, GOP will be the ONLY way it gets through the GOP Congress, lol

Uh huh, even when your guys do wrong, it's still the Republican's fault. Maybe one day you'll realize how deranged you sound. No one forced your guys to negotiate and sign these deals. Hold them accountable and take it up with them.

Got it, BUT I bet you believe the GOP Congress was responsible for Clinton's surplus too? lol
Extremes in the Republican party, extremes in the Democrat party, tom-ay-to, tom-ah-to. They are all the same, Holmes, you just play for different teams

And yet it's the Randian fetishists who tend to be the most extreme, as well as most dishonest. Go figure

rand was "dishonest?" Dude, she said she didn't need government, she didn't say you don't. Clearly anyone who posts with you recognizes that without government you wouldn't be here now, you'd have starved long ago

Rand? Oh that Klown who took SS and Medicare AFTER claiming those that used the programs were leeches?

But keep up the dishonesty Bubs, it's ALL you have Mr Galt!

Ayn Rand had the option of opting out of social security? I'm calling bull shit to that, no one can opt out. Prove it, bitch

Sure Bubs, that hypocrite Ayn Rand didn't need to take the services of the collectivists, she could just not accept the BENEFITS (which WERE much more than she paid in, since she had cancer and treated it, lol)...

One thing Trumpster says that's correct, the rich don't NEED to accept the SS monies, unless of course Miss Rand couldn't/didn't stand on her principles???

I thought social security was an investment in our own retirement. turns out you were lying about that too?

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