Is this Republican led Senate the most inept in American history?

We get shit, we don't dismantle anything. We help modernize their nuclear facilities, we also give them a large part of the middle east for now. the rest they can gain later with all that money and power they'll buy with it. You mullah loving libs a re a friken joke:slap:

Repeating lies does not make them true

Iran removing enriched uraniun stockpiles and destroying centerfuges is verified not just by the US but by the major world powers
Any way you try to spin that, it makes it LESS likely for Iran to develop a bomb

Yeah, sure. The Iranians always comply with agreements. You dumb libs are so fricken naive that you don't understand that radical islam condones lying in order to bring about the caliphate.

Kerry and Obama got screwed up the but with sand filled vaseline by the ayatollah, and you dumb shit liberals are too stupid to realize it.

The Iranians comply when there is international verification of compliance
They get no money until the inspectors are satisfied

you continue to display your naivete about international affairs and radical muslims. What exactly are the penalties for non-compliance? Does Kerry stop selling Heinz ketchup to them?

First penalty: Withholding return of funds
Second Penalty: Returning to existing sanctions
Third penalty: Extend the sanction period

yeah, great and in the meantime the Iranians get nuclear bombs. They don't give a shit about what that
"deal" says. they know that obozo the head clown will never even try to enforce it on his muslim brothers.

I cannot believe that you are that fricken stupid.
Now that's classic from the party that thinks that a deal means that you get some of what you want while you give nothing and then you scream hysterically about what you didn't get

More whining from the party that officially refuses to compromise on anything and issues severe retribution to anyone who tries it

Whining ...Its not me...its you
Does not change that

name one issue that obama has offered to compromise on. just one.
He offered to support a long term budget compromise with one dollar in taxes for three dollars of cuts. He upped it to four dollars in cuts, but he'd never have gotten Pelosi to sign on, and had Boehner angered the tea party for agreeing to even those taxes (which were not on income but merely tax breaks) Boehner would have needed Pelosi to pass it.

Ask Reagan how that deal works out with Democrats. Fool me once...

Only a fool cuts taxes without having identified spending cuts beforehand

Actually the solution to the problem is very painful. Keep taxes as they are and cut ALL government agencies and ALL government programs by 30% and keep them at that level for the next 20 years.

That is what it would take to clear our debt. Ready?
Repeating lies does not make them true

Iran removing enriched uraniun stockpiles and destroying centerfuges is verified not just by the US but by the major world powers
Any way you try to spin that, it makes it LESS likely for Iran to develop a bomb

Yeah, sure. The Iranians always comply with agreements. You dumb libs are so fricken naive that you don't understand that radical islam condones lying in order to bring about the caliphate.

Kerry and Obama got screwed up the but with sand filled vaseline by the ayatollah, and you dumb shit liberals are too stupid to realize it.

The Iranians comply when there is international verification of compliance
They get no money until the inspectors are satisfied

you continue to display your naivete about international affairs and radical muslims. What exactly are the penalties for non-compliance? Does Kerry stop selling Heinz ketchup to them?

First penalty: Withholding return of funds
Second Penalty: Returning to existing sanctions
Third penalty: Extend the sanction period

yeah, great and in the meantime the Iranians get nuclear bombs. They don't give a shit about what that
"deal" says. they know that obozo the head clown will never even try to enforce it on his muslim brothers.

I cannot believe that you are that fricken stupid.

They are getting a nuclear bomb right now

Failure to ratify the treaty only ensures nothing will impede that process
More whining from the party that officially refuses to compromise on anything and issues severe retribution to anyone who tries it

Whining ...Its not me...its you
Does not change that

name one issue that obama has offered to compromise on. just one.
He offered to support a long term budget compromise with one dollar in taxes for three dollars of cuts. He upped it to four dollars in cuts, but he'd never have gotten Pelosi to sign on, and had Boehner angered the tea party for agreeing to even those taxes (which were not on income but merely tax breaks) Boehner would have needed Pelosi to pass it.

Ask Reagan how that deal works out with Democrats. Fool me once...

Only a fool cuts taxes without having identified spending cuts beforehand

Actually the solution to the problem is very painful. Keep taxes as they are and cut ALL government agencies and ALL government programs by 30% and keep them at that level for the next 20 years.

That is what it would take to clear our debt. Ready?
Run on that. Its a sure winner.
More whining from the party that officially refuses to compromise on anything and issues severe retribution to anyone who tries it

Whining ...Its not me...its you
Does not change that

name one issue that obama has offered to compromise on. just one.
He offered to support a long term budget compromise with one dollar in taxes for three dollars of cuts. He upped it to four dollars in cuts, but he'd never have gotten Pelosi to sign on, and had Boehner angered the tea party for agreeing to even those taxes (which were not on income but merely tax breaks) Boehner would have needed Pelosi to pass it.

Ask Reagan how that deal works out with Democrats. Fool me once...

Only a fool cuts taxes without having identified spending cuts beforehand

Actually the solution to the problem is very painful. Keep taxes as they are and cut ALL government agencies and ALL government programs by 30% and keep them at that level for the next 20 years.

That is what it would take to clear our debt. Ready?

Sure and lets increase the tax rate on those making over $1 million to 50% and cut back on deductions and loopholes
Lets tax each stock transaction
Lets tax capital gains at the same rate as earned income

The trade deal will give us customers. It doesn't work because Pubs refuse to invest in programs to train tech workers and our unemployed, or anything for that matter. Mindless. The greedy idiot big money is overwhelmingly in the GOP, and they passed Citizens and defend corrupt big money campaign financing and Superpacs.

It's your guy's awful deal. Neither Party should have supported it. It's another NAFTA. American Workers will continue to suffer.

Dems don't support TPP, in fact 60% of Dems in Congress vote against ALL "free trade" agreements!

Yet they all seem to pass. And your guys sign em. This latest deal is a disaster for American Workers. Hence them trying desperately to keep it secret.

We agree it's the GOP getting that "free trade " passed in Congress. Thanks

Both Parties support these awful deals for American Workers. But it's usually Democrat Presidents who sign the worst ones. This latest deal your guy signed, is gonna hurt American Workers for many years to come. It's probably worse than NAFTA. There's a reason they frantically tried to keep it secret.

Weird "both" parties support the "free trade" agreements YET 60%+ OF DEMS IN CONGRESS VOTE AGAINST THEM??
Conservatives just don't understand how a deal works

I give you this if you will give me that

If you remove the "I will give you this" part, they have no incentive to hold up their end of the deal

Now that's classic from the party that thinks that a deal means that you get some of what you want while you give nothing and then you scream hysterically about what you didn't get

More whining from the party that officially refuses to compromise on anything and issues severe retribution to anyone who tries it

Whining ...Its not me...its you
Does not change that

name one issue that obama has offered to compromise on. just one.
He offered to support a long term budget compromise with one dollar in taxes for three dollars of cuts. He upped it to four dollars in cuts, but he'd never have gotten Pelosi to sign on, and had Boehner angered the tea party for agreeing to even those taxes (which were not on income but merely tax breaks) Boehner would have needed Pelosi to pass it.

Ask Reagan how that deal works out with Democrats. Fool me once...

The historical myth that Reagan raised $1 of taxes in exchange for $3 of spending cuts

The Facts

Despite Reagan’s claim that he made a deal with the Democrats, the Senate at the time was controlled by Republicans. Sen. Bob Dole of Kansas — then chairman of the Finance Committee and later the majority leader and Republican nominee for president — was a driving force behind a big tax increase because he was concerned about soaring deficits after Reagan had boosted defense spending and slashed taxes.

Dole warned the White House that the final year of Reagan’s three-year tax cut was at risk unless revenue could be raised in other ways. Under Dole’s leadership, the Senate Finance Committee led the way in crafting a big tax bill, fending off efforts by Democrats to halt Reagan’s tax cut.

If people want to cite the lessons of history, they need to get the history right in the first place.

Four Pinocchios


The historical myth that Reagan raised $1 of taxes in exchange for $3 of spending cuts
More whining from the party that officially refuses to compromise on anything and issues severe retribution to anyone who tries it

Whining ...Its not me...its you
Does not change that

name one issue that obama has offered to compromise on. just one.
He offered to support a long term budget compromise with one dollar in taxes for three dollars of cuts. He upped it to four dollars in cuts, but he'd never have gotten Pelosi to sign on, and had Boehner angered the tea party for agreeing to even those taxes (which were not on income but merely tax breaks) Boehner would have needed Pelosi to pass it.

Ask Reagan how that deal works out with Democrats. Fool me once...

Only a fool cuts taxes without having identified spending cuts beforehand

There is no economic basis for that statement and it has nothing to do with what I said. Reagan agreed to tax increases in exchange for spending cuts, what does that have to do with tax cuts, Holmes?

The historical myth that Reagan raised $1 of taxes in exchange for $3 of spending cuts

The Pinocchio Test

It is time to abandon this myth. Reagan may have convinced himself he had been snookered, but that belief is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the deal he had reached.

Congress was never expected to match the tax increases with spending cuts
on a 3-to-1 basis. Reagan appeared to acknowledge this in his speech when he referred to outlays (which would include interest expenses), rather than spending cuts. In the end, lawmakers apparently did a better job of living up to the bargain than the administration did.

If people want to cite the lessons of history, they need to get the history right in the first place.


The historical myth that Reagan raised $1 of taxes in exchange for $3 of spending cuts

More whining from the party that officially refuses to compromise on anything and issues severe retribution to anyone who tries it

Whining ...Its not me...its you
Does not change that

name one issue that obama has offered to compromise on. just one.
He offered to support a long term budget compromise with one dollar in taxes for three dollars of cuts. He upped it to four dollars in cuts, but he'd never have gotten Pelosi to sign on, and had Boehner angered the tea party for agreeing to even those taxes (which were not on income but merely tax breaks) Boehner would have needed Pelosi to pass it.

Ask Reagan how that deal works out with Democrats. Fool me once...

Only a fool cuts taxes without having identified spending cuts beforehand

Actually the solution to the problem is very painful. Keep taxes as they are and cut ALL government agencies and ALL government programs by 30% and keep them at that level for the next 20 years.

That is what it would take to clear our debt. Ready?

Austerity, the solution for dummies. US decades long depression here we come *idiot*
More whining from the party that officially refuses to compromise on anything and issues severe retribution to anyone who tries it

Whining ...Its not me...its you
Does not change that

name one issue that obama has offered to compromise on. just one.
He offered to support a long term budget compromise with one dollar in taxes for three dollars of cuts. He upped it to four dollars in cuts, but he'd never have gotten Pelosi to sign on, and had Boehner angered the tea party for agreeing to even those taxes (which were not on income but merely tax breaks) Boehner would have needed Pelosi to pass it.

Ask Reagan how that deal works out with Democrats. Fool me once...

Only a fool cuts taxes without having identified spending cuts beforehand

There is no economic basis for that statement and it has nothing to do with what I said. Reagan agreed to tax increases in exchange for spending cuts, what does that have to do with tax cuts, Holmes?

In fact, historical budget data show that Congress did reduce spending. From 1982 to 1983, nondefense discretionary spending fell from 4.3 percent to 4.2 percent of the overall economy (gross domestic product) — and then kept falling until it reached 3.4 percent of GDP in 1989. Defense spending kept going up until 1986.

The historical myth that Reagan raised $1 of taxes in exchange for $3 of spending cuts

Is there ANYONE who can make heads or tails out of what passes for conservative reasoning?

Ollie North runs a shadow gov't out of the basement of the Reagan WH, and he brokers a deal where Israel supplies surplus arms to Iran (who I must add was/is both our and Israel's sworn enemy). Apparently, neither the Americans or the Israelis were particularly concerned about the arms falling into the hands of our avowed enemy. What was the result? Americans conservatives laud North and elect him as their new hero and sing his praises as if he was Audie Murphy.

Fast forward to today: The USA, along with 5 other major powers, negotiated a multilateral deal with Iran meant to at least delay Iran acquiring nukes, and conservatives accuse Obama of selling out the nation.

The entire comparison makes a mockery out of any claim that logic was used to reach these conclusions.

You obviously don't understand the so-called deal. We are releasing hundreds of billions of dollars to Iran. WTF do you think they are going to do with that money? Maybe buy conventional weapons and fund terrorist organizations? This deal does not prevent them from continuing their nuclear program. If you think they are going to comply with the slow down provisions, you are a naive fool.

70% of americans do not want the Iran deal approved. So much for obozo claiming he responds to the will of the people. 65% did not approve of the obamacare bill, but the dem/libs rammed it up our collective asses anyway. Now a few poor democrats are getting free insurance and everyone who works is paying more for less coverage-----------what a deal !!!

It amazes me how stupid you libs are. You demonstrate it every day.

We have yet to release a dime and will not do so until the enriched uranium stockpiles are gone and centerfuges deactivated

It is THEIR money. We held it back on the pretext that we were punishing them for a nuclear program. Why would they agree to dismantle their nuclear program if we just find another reason to hold back their money?

They are a declared enemy of the United States. Their leader has repeatedly called for death to America. Yes, we should continue to hold their money.

They are also holding 4 innocent americans because of their religious beliefs. Why wasn't their release part of the deal?

What we should be doing rather than surrendering to them is working covertly with the sane Iranian population to overthrow the insane radical muslims running the country.

This is the most inept administration in our history. Or, maybe, just maybe, Obama supports a stronger radical islamic state.

Conservatives just don't understand how a deal works

I give you this if you will give me that

If you remove the "I will give you this" part, they have no incentive to hold up their end of the deal

very true. but the Iranians gave up nothing. it was not a deal, it was a surrender agreement.

We should not have even agreed to come to the table until our 4 hostages were home safely.

Why? Because you think so?

The deal is too important to sacrifice on the alter of the handwringing (possibly feigned handwringing) over 4 people. Not everything is connected, nor should it be. Some things are important in and of themselves.
Yeah, sure. The Iranians always comply with agreements. You dumb libs are so fricken naive that you don't understand that radical islam condones lying in order to bring about the caliphate.

Kerry and Obama got screwed up the but with sand filled vaseline by the ayatollah, and you dumb shit liberals are too stupid to realize it.

The Iranians comply when there is international verification of compliance
They get no money until the inspectors are satisfied

you continue to display your naivete about international affairs and radical muslims. What exactly are the penalties for non-compliance? Does Kerry stop selling Heinz ketchup to them?

First penalty: Withholding return of funds
Second Penalty: Returning to existing sanctions
Third penalty: Extend the sanction period

yeah, great and in the meantime the Iranians get nuclear bombs. They don't give a shit about what that
"deal" says. they know that obozo the head clown will never even try to enforce it on his muslim brothers.

I cannot believe that you are that fricken stupid.

They are getting a nuclear bomb right now

Failure to ratify the treaty only ensures nothing will impede that process
Regime change, will "impede the process" if not, destroying the reactors will also "impede the process" what wont is, giving Iran 150 billion dollars, modernizing their facilities, and increasing their security. Iran is a pion right now. Obama wants to make them a world power:uhoh3:
Now that's classic from the party that thinks that a deal means that you get some of what you want while you give nothing and then you scream hysterically about what you didn't get

More whining from the party that officially refuses to compromise on anything and issues severe retribution to anyone who tries it

Whining ...Its not me...its you
Does not change that

name one issue that obama has offered to compromise on. just one.
He offered to support a long term budget compromise with one dollar in taxes for three dollars of cuts. He upped it to four dollars in cuts, but he'd never have gotten Pelosi to sign on, and had Boehner angered the tea party for agreeing to even those taxes (which were not on income but merely tax breaks) Boehner would have needed Pelosi to pass it.

Ask Reagan how that deal works out with Democrats. Fool me once...

The historical myth that Reagan raised $1 of taxes in exchange for $3 of spending cuts

The Facts

Despite Reagan’s claim that he made a deal with the Democrats, the Senate at the time was controlled by Republicans. Sen. Bob Dole of Kansas — then chairman of the Finance Committee and later the majority leader and Republican nominee for president — was a driving force behind a big tax increase because he was concerned about soaring deficits after Reagan had boosted defense spending and slashed taxes.

Dole warned the White House that the final year of Reagan’s three-year tax cut was at risk unless revenue could be raised in other ways. Under Dole’s leadership, the Senate Finance Committee led the way in crafting a big tax bill, fending off efforts by Democrats to halt Reagan’s tax cut.

If people want to cite the lessons of history, they need to get the history right in the first place.

Four Pinocchios


The historical myth that Reagan raised $1 of taxes in exchange for $3 of spending cuts

Spending must be proposed in the House, Holmes
Regime change, will "impede the process" if not, destroying the reactors will also "impede the process" what wont is, giving Iran 150 billion dollars, modernizing their facilities, and increasing their security. Iran is a pion right now. Obama wants to make them a world power

regime Change? Really?

Hey, Jewboy, didn't you fucking learn a thing from Iraq? The reason why Iran is a regional power right now is because Stupid Bush listened to the Zionists and NeoCons. We pissed away a trillion dollars and 5000 lives and the Iranians got all the prizes.

Reality check. Iran is a democracy. The majority of its people support its leadership. We might not like the people they elect, but these guys get elected because most Iranians really hate Israel and the United States.

Maybe we should work on getting them to hate us a little less.
The Iranians comply when there is international verification of compliance
They get no money until the inspectors are satisfied

you continue to display your naivete about international affairs and radical muslims. What exactly are the penalties for non-compliance? Does Kerry stop selling Heinz ketchup to them?

First penalty: Withholding return of funds
Second Penalty: Returning to existing sanctions
Third penalty: Extend the sanction period

yeah, great and in the meantime the Iranians get nuclear bombs. They don't give a shit about what that
"deal" says. they know that obozo the head clown will never even try to enforce it on his muslim brothers.

I cannot believe that you are that fricken stupid.

They are getting a nuclear bomb right now

Failure to ratify the treaty only ensures nothing will impede that process
Regime change, will "impede the process" if not, destroying the reactors will also "impede the process" what wont is, giving Iran 150 billion dollars, modernizing their facilities, and increasing their security. Iran is a pion right now. Obama wants to make them a world power:uhoh3:

Again you don't understand what a deal is

I will give you back your money if you deactivate your nuclear program for 15 years

Don't give them back their money and you have no deal. They go back to enriching uranium and have a bomb in one year
you continue to display your naivete about international affairs and radical muslims. What exactly are the penalties for non-compliance? Does Kerry stop selling Heinz ketchup to them?

First penalty: Withholding return of funds
Second Penalty: Returning to existing sanctions
Third penalty: Extend the sanction period

yeah, great and in the meantime the Iranians get nuclear bombs. They don't give a shit about what that
"deal" says. they know that obozo the head clown will never even try to enforce it on his muslim brothers.

I cannot believe that you are that fricken stupid.

They are getting a nuclear bomb right now

Failure to ratify the treaty only ensures nothing will impede that process
Regime change, will "impede the process" if not, destroying the reactors will also "impede the process" what wont is, giving Iran 150 billion dollars, modernizing their facilities, and increasing their security. Iran is a pion right now. Obama wants to make them a world power:uhoh3:

Again you don't understand what a deal is

I will give you back your money if you deactivate your nuclear program for 15 years

Don't give them back their money and you have no deal. They go back to enriching uranium and have a bomb in one year
Give them "their money" they arm up. It's no more complicated then that. You lack common sense as does your pathetic president
Regime change, will "impede the process" if not, destroying the reactors will also "impede the process" what wont is, giving Iran 150 billion dollars, modernizing their facilities, and increasing their security. Iran is a pion right now. Obama wants to make them a world power

regime Change? Really?

Hey, Jewboy, didn't you fucking learn a thing from Iraq? The reason why Iran is a regional power right now is because Stupid Bush listened to the Zionists and NeoCons. We pissed away a trillion dollars and 5000 lives and the Iranians got all the prizes.

Reality check. Iran is a democracy. The majority of its people support its leadership. We might not like the people they elect, but these guys get elected because most Iranians really hate Israel and the United States.

Maybe we should work on getting them to hate us a little less.
"Jewboy".. LOL...Obama gave them what they have, and he would give them more and more until they are a world power, but you like that because you think the'll use that power to kill Jews. I realize you're sickly, so I'll let slide your comment. Chicago isn't far from Detroit sickly boy.
You obviously don't understand the so-called deal. We are releasing hundreds of billions of dollars to Iran. WTF do you think they are going to do with that money? Maybe buy conventional weapons and fund terrorist organizations? This deal does not prevent them from continuing their nuclear program. If you think they are going to comply with the slow down provisions, you are a naive fool.

70% of americans do not want the Iran deal approved. So much for obozo claiming he responds to the will of the people. 65% did not approve of the obamacare bill, but the dem/libs rammed it up our collective asses anyway. Now a few poor democrats are getting free insurance and everyone who works is paying more for less coverage-----------what a deal !!!

It amazes me how stupid you libs are. You demonstrate it every day.

We have yet to release a dime and will not do so until the enriched uranium stockpiles are gone and centerfuges deactivated

It is THEIR money. We held it back on the pretext that we were punishing them for a nuclear program. Why would they agree to dismantle their nuclear program if we just find another reason to hold back their money?

They are a declared enemy of the United States. Their leader has repeatedly called for death to America. Yes, we should continue to hold their money.

They are also holding 4 innocent americans because of their religious beliefs. Why wasn't their release part of the deal?

What we should be doing rather than surrendering to them is working covertly with the sane Iranian population to overthrow the insane radical muslims running the country.

This is the most inept administration in our history. Or, maybe, just maybe, Obama supports a stronger radical islamic state.

Conservatives just don't understand how a deal works

I give you this if you will give me that

If you remove the "I will give you this" part, they have no incentive to hold up their end of the deal

very true. but the Iranians gave up nothing. it was not a deal, it was a surrender agreement.

We should not have even agreed to come to the table until our 4 hostages were home safely.

Why? Because you think so?

The deal is too important to sacrifice on the alter of the handwringing (possibly feigned handwringing) over 4 people. Not everything is connected, nor should it be. Some things are important in and of themselves.

Because we got nothing in the deal, understand? NOTHING. The Iranians got their billions, they will keep their nuclear program running, they will continue to sponsor terrorism, and chant death to america, and obama and kerry can sit around reading their so-called deal while the mid east goes up in radioactive flames.

"the deal is too important" is probably one of the all time stupid posts ever made on this forum.
you continue to display your naivete about international affairs and radical muslims. What exactly are the penalties for non-compliance? Does Kerry stop selling Heinz ketchup to them?

First penalty: Withholding return of funds
Second Penalty: Returning to existing sanctions
Third penalty: Extend the sanction period

yeah, great and in the meantime the Iranians get nuclear bombs. They don't give a shit about what that
"deal" says. they know that obozo the head clown will never even try to enforce it on his muslim brothers.

I cannot believe that you are that fricken stupid.

They are getting a nuclear bomb right now

Failure to ratify the treaty only ensures nothing will impede that process
Regime change, will "impede the process" if not, destroying the reactors will also "impede the process" what wont is, giving Iran 150 billion dollars, modernizing their facilities, and increasing their security. Iran is a pion right now. Obama wants to make them a world power:uhoh3:

Again you don't understand what a deal is

I will give you back your money if you deactivate your nuclear program for 15 years

Don't give them back their money and you have no deal. They go back to enriching uranium and have a bomb in one year

and you trust the Iranians do live up to the deal? Pay attention fool. There are many sites that cannot be inspected because they are "military". They get a 24 day warning before any inspections. Duh, what do you think they will use those 24 days for?

We have already released the money, lifted the sanctions, and the ayatollah is screaming "death to america" and the idiot Kerry says "he doesn't really mean it".

Can you libs and your leaders be any more stupid?
First penalty: Withholding return of funds
Second Penalty: Returning to existing sanctions
Third penalty: Extend the sanction period

yeah, great and in the meantime the Iranians get nuclear bombs. They don't give a shit about what that
"deal" says. they know that obozo the head clown will never even try to enforce it on his muslim brothers.

I cannot believe that you are that fricken stupid.

They are getting a nuclear bomb right now

Failure to ratify the treaty only ensures nothing will impede that process
Regime change, will "impede the process" if not, destroying the reactors will also "impede the process" what wont is, giving Iran 150 billion dollars, modernizing their facilities, and increasing their security. Iran is a pion right now. Obama wants to make them a world power:uhoh3:

Again you don't understand what a deal is

I will give you back your money if you deactivate your nuclear program for 15 years

Don't give them back their money and you have no deal. They go back to enriching uranium and have a bomb in one year

and you trust the Iranians do live up to the deal? Pay attention fool. There are many sites that cannot be inspected because they are "military". They get a 24 day warning before any inspections. Duh, what do you think they will use those 24 days for?

We have already released the money, lifted the sanctions, and the ayatollah is screaming "death to america" and the idiot Kerry says "he doesn't really mean it".

Can you libs and your leaders be any more stupid?

Yes, Iran was unwilling to open up its military sites for inspections without 24 hour notice. Like any country, there is classified/sensitive information that would be subject to western spying. That does not equate to Military bases becoming nuclear facilities. Hard to hide a centerfuge in 24 hours

No, we have not released the money...far from it
Not until we have vrification

Your paranoid fantasies do not account for any alternative

If we turn down the deal, what would be the state of Irans nuclear capabilities?

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