Is this Republican led Senate the most inept in American history?

Nope, ass kissing people who want to destroy you doesn't work,'s idiocy

Was Reagan ass-kissing when he negotiated with the Soviet Union which had 10s of 1,000s of nuclear warheads pointed at America?

Nope, Reagan negotiated from a position of strength, not ass kissing our enemies

You have a romanticized memory of Reagan

After Beirut, he cut and ran
He paid off Iran with illegal arms

He "paid off" no one he kept Iran and Iraq fighting each other which was in our interest,as he was building our military and defeating the Soviet Empire :cool:

Is there ANYONE who can make heads or tails out of what passes for conservative reasoning?

Ollie North runs a shadow gov't out of the basement of the Reagan WH, and he brokers a deal where Israel supplies surplus arms to Iran (who I must add was/is both our and Israel's sworn enemy). Apparently, neither the Americans or the Israelis were particularly concerned about the arms falling into the hands of our avowed enemy. What was the result? Americans conservatives laud North and elect him as their new hero and sing his praises as if he was Audie Murphy.

Fast forward to today: The USA, along with 5 other major powers, negotiated a multilateral deal with Iran meant to at least delay Iran acquiring nukes, and conservatives accuse Obama of selling out the nation.

The entire comparison makes a mockery out of any claim that logic was used to reach these conclusions.

You obviously don't understand the so-called deal. We are releasing hundreds of billions of dollars to Iran. WTF do you think they are going to do with that money? Maybe buy conventional weapons and fund terrorist organizations? This deal does not prevent them from continuing their nuclear program. If you think they are going to comply with the slow down provisions, you are a naive fool.

70% of americans do not want the Iran deal approved. So much for obozo claiming he responds to the will of the people. 65% did not approve of the obamacare bill, but the dem/libs rammed it up our collective asses anyway. Now a few poor democrats are getting free insurance and everyone who works is paying more for less coverage-----------what a deal !!!

It amazes me how stupid you libs are. You demonstrate it every day.
That bullshit?

The only thing TeaTards care about is paying less while they receive more. They are willing to bring down the government to do so. TeaTards are fiscal morons unable to understand how an economy functions

Simple question.....which government entitlement that TeaTards receive are they willing to sacrifice?

Medicare? Social Security? Veterans Benefits?

They are willing to cut what others receive, but what have they offered of their own?

Social Security isn't an entitlement. It was supposed to be something we paid into for our retirement, before the scumbag politicians raided it and spent it on other things. Veterans benefits are an earned benefit, for service to our country. They earned what they get, unlike the leaches that do nothing, or the foreigners who come here sucking on the system they've never paid into. You leftist think feeding the bureaucracy, siphoning off money to these corny politicians is a great thing:slap:
Show me a TeaTard willing to accept cuts from their social security or veterans benefits and I will believe they are concerned about the good of the country over their own pockets
A friend of mine's grandmother came here from Europe. She was in her eighties. she signed up, and received Social security, and medicare even though she never paid into any of it. The system needs to be reformed. If you were able to actually think for yourself, outside your stupid talking points, you'd be a lot better off in life:thup:

I say bullshit

You need 40 quarters of paying into Social Security to qualify for benefits

Even if you "have a friend" who says otherwise
Wrong, maybe if you have a family member that paid in or something. She got it, I know for a fact are you in denial?

for basic social security he is correct. you have to have paid in for 40 quarters in order to get anything when you retire.
Was Reagan ass-kissing when he negotiated with the Soviet Union which had 10s of 1,000s of nuclear warheads pointed at America?

Nope, Reagan negotiated from a position of strength, not ass kissing our enemies

You have a romanticized memory of Reagan

After Beirut, he cut and ran
He paid off Iran with illegal arms

He "paid off" no one he kept Iran and Iraq fighting each other which was in our interest,as he was building our military and defeating the Soviet Empire :cool:

Is there ANYONE who can make heads or tails out of what passes for conservative reasoning?

Ollie North runs a shadow gov't out of the basement of the Reagan WH, and he brokers a deal where Israel supplies surplus arms to Iran (who I must add was/is both our and Israel's sworn enemy). Apparently, neither the Americans or the Israelis were particularly concerned about the arms falling into the hands of our avowed enemy. What was the result? Americans conservatives laud North and elect him as their new hero and sing his praises as if he was Audie Murphy.

Fast forward to today: The USA, along with 5 other major powers, negotiated a multilateral deal with Iran meant to at least delay Iran acquiring nukes, and conservatives accuse Obama of selling out the nation.

The entire comparison makes a mockery out of any claim that logic was used to reach these conclusions.

You obviously don't understand the so-called deal. We are releasing hundreds of billions of dollars to Iran. WTF do you think they are going to do with that money? Maybe buy conventional weapons and fund terrorist organizations? This deal does not prevent them from continuing their nuclear program. If you think they are going to comply with the slow down provisions, you are a naive fool.

70% of americans do not want the Iran deal approved. So much for obozo claiming he responds to the will of the people. 65% did not approve of the obamacare bill, but the dem/libs rammed it up our collective asses anyway. Now a few poor democrats are getting free insurance and everyone who works is paying more for less coverage-----------what a deal !!!

It amazes me how stupid you libs are. You demonstrate it every day.

We have yet to release a dime and will not do so until the enriched uranium stockpiles are gone and centerfuges deactivated

It is THEIR money. We held it back on the pretext that we were punishing them for a nuclear program. Why would they agree to dismantle their nuclear program if we just find another reason to hold back their money?
Republicans have a two year window when they control Congress

Looks like they are content to celebrate their 2014 victories and do nothing

Meanwhile, Obama has no political pressure on him and is the only one in town who is actually accomplishing things
When every one of your policies fail, you don't know what to do next. There is an election coming up. If they do nothing, they think they did nothing wrong. Only doing nothing is wrong. They just haven't figured that out.
Nope, Reagan negotiated from a position of strength, not ass kissing our enemies

You have a romanticized memory of Reagan

After Beirut, he cut and ran
He paid off Iran with illegal arms

He "paid off" no one he kept Iran and Iraq fighting each other which was in our interest,as he was building our military and defeating the Soviet Empire :cool:

Is there ANYONE who can make heads or tails out of what passes for conservative reasoning?

Ollie North runs a shadow gov't out of the basement of the Reagan WH, and he brokers a deal where Israel supplies surplus arms to Iran (who I must add was/is both our and Israel's sworn enemy). Apparently, neither the Americans or the Israelis were particularly concerned about the arms falling into the hands of our avowed enemy. What was the result? Americans conservatives laud North and elect him as their new hero and sing his praises as if he was Audie Murphy.

Fast forward to today: The USA, along with 5 other major powers, negotiated a multilateral deal with Iran meant to at least delay Iran acquiring nukes, and conservatives accuse Obama of selling out the nation.

The entire comparison makes a mockery out of any claim that logic was used to reach these conclusions.

You obviously don't understand the so-called deal. We are releasing hundreds of billions of dollars to Iran. WTF do you think they are going to do with that money? Maybe buy conventional weapons and fund terrorist organizations? This deal does not prevent them from continuing their nuclear program. If you think they are going to comply with the slow down provisions, you are a naive fool.

70% of americans do not want the Iran deal approved. So much for obozo claiming he responds to the will of the people. 65% did not approve of the obamacare bill, but the dem/libs rammed it up our collective asses anyway. Now a few poor democrats are getting free insurance and everyone who works is paying more for less coverage-----------what a deal !!!

It amazes me how stupid you libs are. You demonstrate it every day.

We have yet to release a dime and will not do so until the enriched uranium stockpiles are gone and centerfuges deactivated

It is THEIR money. We held it back on the pretext that we were punishing them for a nuclear program. Why would they agree to dismantle their nuclear program if we just find another reason to hold back their money?

They are a declared enemy of the United States. Their leader has repeatedly called for death to America. Yes, we should continue to hold their money.

They are also holding 4 innocent americans because of their religious beliefs. Why wasn't their release part of the deal?

What we should be doing rather than surrendering to them is working covertly with the sane Iranian population to overthrow the insane radical muslims running the country.

This is the most inept administration in our history. Or, maybe, just maybe, Obama supports a stronger radical islamic state.
You have a romanticized memory of Reagan

After Beirut, he cut and ran
He paid off Iran with illegal arms
He "paid off" no one he kept Iran and Iraq fighting each other which was in our interest,as he was building our military and defeating the Soviet Empire :cool:

Is there ANYONE who can make heads or tails out of what passes for conservative reasoning?

Ollie North runs a shadow gov't out of the basement of the Reagan WH, and he brokers a deal where Israel supplies surplus arms to Iran (who I must add was/is both our and Israel's sworn enemy). Apparently, neither the Americans or the Israelis were particularly concerned about the arms falling into the hands of our avowed enemy. What was the result? Americans conservatives laud North and elect him as their new hero and sing his praises as if he was Audie Murphy.

Fast forward to today: The USA, along with 5 other major powers, negotiated a multilateral deal with Iran meant to at least delay Iran acquiring nukes, and conservatives accuse Obama of selling out the nation.

The entire comparison makes a mockery out of any claim that logic was used to reach these conclusions.

You obviously don't understand the so-called deal. We are releasing hundreds of billions of dollars to Iran. WTF do you think they are going to do with that money? Maybe buy conventional weapons and fund terrorist organizations? This deal does not prevent them from continuing their nuclear program. If you think they are going to comply with the slow down provisions, you are a naive fool.

70% of americans do not want the Iran deal approved. So much for obozo claiming he responds to the will of the people. 65% did not approve of the obamacare bill, but the dem/libs rammed it up our collective asses anyway. Now a few poor democrats are getting free insurance and everyone who works is paying more for less coverage-----------what a deal !!!

It amazes me how stupid you libs are. You demonstrate it every day.

We have yet to release a dime and will not do so until the enriched uranium stockpiles are gone and centerfuges deactivated

It is THEIR money. We held it back on the pretext that we were punishing them for a nuclear program. Why would they agree to dismantle their nuclear program if we just find another reason to hold back their money?

They are a declared enemy of the United States. Their leader has repeatedly called for death to America. Yes, we should continue to hold their money.

They are also holding 4 innocent americans because of their religious beliefs. Why wasn't their release part of the deal?

What we should be doing rather than surrendering to them is working covertly with the sane Iranian population to overthrow the insane radical muslims running the country.

This is the most inept administration in our history. Or, maybe, just maybe, Obama supports a stronger radical islamic state.

Conservatives just don't understand how a deal works

I give you this if you will give me that

If you remove the "I will give you this" part, they have no incentive to hold up their end of the deal
He "paid off" no one he kept Iran and Iraq fighting each other which was in our interest,as he was building our military and defeating the Soviet Empire :cool:

Is there ANYONE who can make heads or tails out of what passes for conservative reasoning?

Ollie North runs a shadow gov't out of the basement of the Reagan WH, and he brokers a deal where Israel supplies surplus arms to Iran (who I must add was/is both our and Israel's sworn enemy). Apparently, neither the Americans or the Israelis were particularly concerned about the arms falling into the hands of our avowed enemy. What was the result? Americans conservatives laud North and elect him as their new hero and sing his praises as if he was Audie Murphy.

Fast forward to today: The USA, along with 5 other major powers, negotiated a multilateral deal with Iran meant to at least delay Iran acquiring nukes, and conservatives accuse Obama of selling out the nation.

The entire comparison makes a mockery out of any claim that logic was used to reach these conclusions.

You obviously don't understand the so-called deal. We are releasing hundreds of billions of dollars to Iran. WTF do you think they are going to do with that money? Maybe buy conventional weapons and fund terrorist organizations? This deal does not prevent them from continuing their nuclear program. If you think they are going to comply with the slow down provisions, you are a naive fool.

70% of americans do not want the Iran deal approved. So much for obozo claiming he responds to the will of the people. 65% did not approve of the obamacare bill, but the dem/libs rammed it up our collective asses anyway. Now a few poor democrats are getting free insurance and everyone who works is paying more for less coverage-----------what a deal !!!

It amazes me how stupid you libs are. You demonstrate it every day.

We have yet to release a dime and will not do so until the enriched uranium stockpiles are gone and centerfuges deactivated

It is THEIR money. We held it back on the pretext that we were punishing them for a nuclear program. Why would they agree to dismantle their nuclear program if we just find another reason to hold back their money?

They are a declared enemy of the United States. Their leader has repeatedly called for death to America. Yes, we should continue to hold their money.

They are also holding 4 innocent americans because of their religious beliefs. Why wasn't their release part of the deal?

What we should be doing rather than surrendering to them is working covertly with the sane Iranian population to overthrow the insane radical muslims running the country.

This is the most inept administration in our history. Or, maybe, just maybe, Obama supports a stronger radical islamic state.

Conservatives just don't understand how a deal works

I give you this if you will give me that

If you remove the "I will give you this" part, they have no incentive to hold up their end of the deal

very true. but the Iranians gave up nothing. it was not a deal, it was a surrender agreement.

We should not have even agreed to come to the table until our 4 hostages were home safely.
Is there ANYONE who can make heads or tails out of what passes for conservative reasoning?

Ollie North runs a shadow gov't out of the basement of the Reagan WH, and he brokers a deal where Israel supplies surplus arms to Iran (who I must add was/is both our and Israel's sworn enemy). Apparently, neither the Americans or the Israelis were particularly concerned about the arms falling into the hands of our avowed enemy. What was the result? Americans conservatives laud North and elect him as their new hero and sing his praises as if he was Audie Murphy.

Fast forward to today: The USA, along with 5 other major powers, negotiated a multilateral deal with Iran meant to at least delay Iran acquiring nukes, and conservatives accuse Obama of selling out the nation.

The entire comparison makes a mockery out of any claim that logic was used to reach these conclusions.

You obviously don't understand the so-called deal. We are releasing hundreds of billions of dollars to Iran. WTF do you think they are going to do with that money? Maybe buy conventional weapons and fund terrorist organizations? This deal does not prevent them from continuing their nuclear program. If you think they are going to comply with the slow down provisions, you are a naive fool.

70% of americans do not want the Iran deal approved. So much for obozo claiming he responds to the will of the people. 65% did not approve of the obamacare bill, but the dem/libs rammed it up our collective asses anyway. Now a few poor democrats are getting free insurance and everyone who works is paying more for less coverage-----------what a deal !!!

It amazes me how stupid you libs are. You demonstrate it every day.

We have yet to release a dime and will not do so until the enriched uranium stockpiles are gone and centerfuges deactivated

It is THEIR money. We held it back on the pretext that we were punishing them for a nuclear program. Why would they agree to dismantle their nuclear program if we just find another reason to hold back their money?

They are a declared enemy of the United States. Their leader has repeatedly called for death to America. Yes, we should continue to hold their money.

They are also holding 4 innocent americans because of their religious beliefs. Why wasn't their release part of the deal?

What we should be doing rather than surrendering to them is working covertly with the sane Iranian population to overthrow the insane radical muslims running the country.

This is the most inept administration in our history. Or, maybe, just maybe, Obama supports a stronger radical islamic state.

Conservatives just don't understand how a deal works

I give you this if you will give me that

If you remove the "I will give you this" part, they have no incentive to hold up their end of the deal

very true. but the Iranians gave up nothing. it was not a deal, it was a surrender agreement.

We should not have even agreed to come to the table until our 4 hostages were home safely.

What the Iranians gave up:
Their stocks of enriched uranium
Their centerfuges
Their privacy for inspections

What we gave up:
We give Iran their money back
Pubs are happy with all the pander to the rich and giant corps, invest NOTHING in Americans policies they've defended to the death. It's the greedy idiot RW conspiracy....that's all they care about.

Both Parties do that. Who do you think will be funding both Party's Presidential Candidates? And your guy just signed a Trade Deal that only benefits large Corporate interests. He just condemned the American Worker to more misery. The deal was so bad, they tried desperately to keep it secret.
The trade deal will give us customers. It doesn't work because Pubs refuse to invest in programs to train tech workers and our unemployed, or anything for that matter. Mindless. The greedy idiot big money is overwhelmingly in the GOP, and they passed Citizens and defend corrupt big money campaign financing and Superpacs.

It's your guy's awful deal. Neither Party should have supported it. It's another NAFTA. American Workers will continue to suffer.

Dems don't support TPP, in fact 60% of Dems in Congress vote against ALL "free trade" agreements!

Yet they all seem to pass. And your guys sign em. This latest deal is a disaster for American Workers. Hence them trying desperately to keep it secret.

We agree it's the GOP getting that "free trade " passed in Congress. Thanks
You obviously don't understand the so-called deal. We are releasing hundreds of billions of dollars to Iran. WTF do you think they are going to do with that money? Maybe buy conventional weapons and fund terrorist organizations? This deal does not prevent them from continuing their nuclear program. If you think they are going to comply with the slow down provisions, you are a naive fool.

70% of americans do not want the Iran deal approved. So much for obozo claiming he responds to the will of the people. 65% did not approve of the obamacare bill, but the dem/libs rammed it up our collective asses anyway. Now a few poor democrats are getting free insurance and everyone who works is paying more for less coverage-----------what a deal !!!

It amazes me how stupid you libs are. You demonstrate it every day.

We have yet to release a dime and will not do so until the enriched uranium stockpiles are gone and centerfuges deactivated

It is THEIR money. We held it back on the pretext that we were punishing them for a nuclear program. Why would they agree to dismantle their nuclear program if we just find another reason to hold back their money?

They are a declared enemy of the United States. Their leader has repeatedly called for death to America. Yes, we should continue to hold their money.

They are also holding 4 innocent americans because of their religious beliefs. Why wasn't their release part of the deal?

What we should be doing rather than surrendering to them is working covertly with the sane Iranian population to overthrow the insane radical muslims running the country.

This is the most inept administration in our history. Or, maybe, just maybe, Obama supports a stronger radical islamic state.

Conservatives just don't understand how a deal works

I give you this if you will give me that

If you remove the "I will give you this" part, they have no incentive to hold up their end of the deal

very true. but the Iranians gave up nothing. it was not a deal, it was a surrender agreement.

We should not have even agreed to come to the table until our 4 hostages were home safely.

What the Iranians gave up:
Their stocks of enriched uranium
Their centerfuges
Their privacy for inspections

What we gave up:
We give Iran their money back

We get shit, we don't dismantle anything. We help modernize their nuclear facilities, we also give them a large part of the middle east for now. the rest they can gain later with all that money and power they'll buy with it. You mullah loving libs a re a friken joke:slap:
Only nutjobs like yourself, can't wait to lift sanctions on the terrorist regime in Iran, and arm them up, modernize their nuclear facilities, while they scream death to America. You also support sanctions on Israel and it's destruction. You and mullah's are on the same page. Maybe you can visit there and kiss their ass in person

Guy, we've been trying to bully Iran int o compliance for 35 years now. It doesn't work.

If the Zionists can't live in peace with their neighbors, maybe they should live somewhere else.

You see, because you Zionists have a complaint with the Iranians don't mean I do.
He "paid off" no one he kept Iran and Iraq fighting each other which was in our interest,as he was building our military and defeating the Soviet Empire :cool:

Is there ANYONE who can make heads or tails out of what passes for conservative reasoning?

Ollie North runs a shadow gov't out of the basement of the Reagan WH, and he brokers a deal where Israel supplies surplus arms to Iran (who I must add was/is both our and Israel's sworn enemy). Apparently, neither the Americans or the Israelis were particularly concerned about the arms falling into the hands of our avowed enemy. What was the result? Americans conservatives laud North and elect him as their new hero and sing his praises as if he was Audie Murphy.

Fast forward to today: The USA, along with 5 other major powers, negotiated a multilateral deal with Iran meant to at least delay Iran acquiring nukes, and conservatives accuse Obama of selling out the nation.

The entire comparison makes a mockery out of any claim that logic was used to reach these conclusions.

You obviously don't understand the so-called deal. We are releasing hundreds of billions of dollars to Iran. WTF do you think they are going to do with that money? Maybe buy conventional weapons and fund terrorist organizations? This deal does not prevent them from continuing their nuclear program. If you think they are going to comply with the slow down provisions, you are a naive fool.

70% of americans do not want the Iran deal approved. So much for obozo claiming he responds to the will of the people. 65% did not approve of the obamacare bill, but the dem/libs rammed it up our collective asses anyway. Now a few poor democrats are getting free insurance and everyone who works is paying more for less coverage-----------what a deal !!!

It amazes me how stupid you libs are. You demonstrate it every day.

We have yet to release a dime and will not do so until the enriched uranium stockpiles are gone and centerfuges deactivated

It is THEIR money. We held it back on the pretext that we were punishing them for a nuclear program. Why would they agree to dismantle their nuclear program if we just find another reason to hold back their money?

They are a declared enemy of the United States. Their leader has repeatedly called for death to America. Yes, we should continue to hold their money.

They are also holding 4 innocent americans because of their religious beliefs. Why wasn't their release part of the deal?

What we should be doing rather than surrendering to them is working covertly with the sane Iranian population to overthrow the insane radical muslims running the country.

This is the most inept administration in our history. Or, maybe, just maybe, Obama supports a stronger radical islamic state.

Conservatives just don't understand how a deal works

I give you this if you will give me that

If you remove the "I will give you this" part, they have no incentive to hold up their end of the deal

Now that's classic from the party that thinks that a deal means that you get some of what you want while you give nothing and then you scream hysterically about what you didn't get
We have yet to release a dime and will not do so until the enriched uranium stockpiles are gone and centerfuges deactivated

It is THEIR money. We held it back on the pretext that we were punishing them for a nuclear program. Why would they agree to dismantle their nuclear program if we just find another reason to hold back their money?

They are a declared enemy of the United States. Their leader has repeatedly called for death to America. Yes, we should continue to hold their money.

They are also holding 4 innocent americans because of their religious beliefs. Why wasn't their release part of the deal?

What we should be doing rather than surrendering to them is working covertly with the sane Iranian population to overthrow the insane radical muslims running the country.

This is the most inept administration in our history. Or, maybe, just maybe, Obama supports a stronger radical islamic state.

Conservatives just don't understand how a deal works

I give you this if you will give me that

If you remove the "I will give you this" part, they have no incentive to hold up their end of the deal

very true. but the Iranians gave up nothing. it was not a deal, it was a surrender agreement.

We should not have even agreed to come to the table until our 4 hostages were home safely.

What the Iranians gave up:
Their stocks of enriched uranium
Their centerfuges
Their privacy for inspections

What we gave up:
We give Iran their money back

We get shit, we don't dismantle anything. We help modernize their nuclear facilities, we also give them a large part of the middle east for now. the rest they can gain later with all that money and power they'll buy with it. You mullah loving libs a re a friken joke:slap:

Repeating lies does not make them true

Iran removing enriched uraniun stockpiles and destroying centerfuges is verified not just by the US but by the major world powers
Any way you try to spin that, it makes it LESS likely for Iran to develop a bomb
Is there ANYONE who can make heads or tails out of what passes for conservative reasoning?

Ollie North runs a shadow gov't out of the basement of the Reagan WH, and he brokers a deal where Israel supplies surplus arms to Iran (who I must add was/is both our and Israel's sworn enemy). Apparently, neither the Americans or the Israelis were particularly concerned about the arms falling into the hands of our avowed enemy. What was the result? Americans conservatives laud North and elect him as their new hero and sing his praises as if he was Audie Murphy.

Fast forward to today: The USA, along with 5 other major powers, negotiated a multilateral deal with Iran meant to at least delay Iran acquiring nukes, and conservatives accuse Obama of selling out the nation.

The entire comparison makes a mockery out of any claim that logic was used to reach these conclusions.

You obviously don't understand the so-called deal. We are releasing hundreds of billions of dollars to Iran. WTF do you think they are going to do with that money? Maybe buy conventional weapons and fund terrorist organizations? This deal does not prevent them from continuing their nuclear program. If you think they are going to comply with the slow down provisions, you are a naive fool.

70% of americans do not want the Iran deal approved. So much for obozo claiming he responds to the will of the people. 65% did not approve of the obamacare bill, but the dem/libs rammed it up our collective asses anyway. Now a few poor democrats are getting free insurance and everyone who works is paying more for less coverage-----------what a deal !!!

It amazes me how stupid you libs are. You demonstrate it every day.

We have yet to release a dime and will not do so until the enriched uranium stockpiles are gone and centerfuges deactivated

It is THEIR money. We held it back on the pretext that we were punishing them for a nuclear program. Why would they agree to dismantle their nuclear program if we just find another reason to hold back their money?

They are a declared enemy of the United States. Their leader has repeatedly called for death to America. Yes, we should continue to hold their money.

They are also holding 4 innocent americans because of their religious beliefs. Why wasn't their release part of the deal?

What we should be doing rather than surrendering to them is working covertly with the sane Iranian population to overthrow the insane radical muslims running the country.

This is the most inept administration in our history. Or, maybe, just maybe, Obama supports a stronger radical islamic state.

Conservatives just don't understand how a deal works

I give you this if you will give me that

If you remove the "I will give you this" part, they have no incentive to hold up their end of the deal

Now that's classic from the party that thinks that a deal means that you get some of what you want while you give nothing and then you scream hysterically about what you didn't get

More whining from the party that officially refuses to compromise on anything and issues severe retribution to anyone who tries it

Whining ...Its not me...its you
Does not change that
You obviously don't understand the so-called deal. We are releasing hundreds of billions of dollars to Iran. WTF do you think they are going to do with that money? Maybe buy conventional weapons and fund terrorist organizations? This deal does not prevent them from continuing their nuclear program. If you think they are going to comply with the slow down provisions, you are a naive fool.

70% of americans do not want the Iran deal approved. So much for obozo claiming he responds to the will of the people. 65% did not approve of the obamacare bill, but the dem/libs rammed it up our collective asses anyway. Now a few poor democrats are getting free insurance and everyone who works is paying more for less coverage-----------what a deal !!!

It amazes me how stupid you libs are. You demonstrate it every day.

We have yet to release a dime and will not do so until the enriched uranium stockpiles are gone and centerfuges deactivated

It is THEIR money. We held it back on the pretext that we were punishing them for a nuclear program. Why would they agree to dismantle their nuclear program if we just find another reason to hold back their money?

They are a declared enemy of the United States. Their leader has repeatedly called for death to America. Yes, we should continue to hold their money.

They are also holding 4 innocent americans because of their religious beliefs. Why wasn't their release part of the deal?

What we should be doing rather than surrendering to them is working covertly with the sane Iranian population to overthrow the insane radical muslims running the country.

This is the most inept administration in our history. Or, maybe, just maybe, Obama supports a stronger radical islamic state.

Conservatives just don't understand how a deal works

I give you this if you will give me that

If you remove the "I will give you this" part, they have no incentive to hold up their end of the deal

Now that's classic from the party that thinks that a deal means that you get some of what you want while you give nothing and then you scream hysterically about what you didn't get

More whining from the party that officially refuses to compromise on anything and issues severe retribution to anyone who tries it

Whining ...Its not me...its you
Does not change that

What party is that, comrade big guy? And I'm sorry I made you cry, you need a hug?
He "paid off" no one he kept Iran and Iraq fighting each other which was in our interest,as he was building our military and defeating the Soviet Empire :cool:

Is there ANYONE who can make heads or tails out of what passes for conservative reasoning?

Ollie North runs a shadow gov't out of the basement of the Reagan WH, and he brokers a deal where Israel supplies surplus arms to Iran (who I must add was/is both our and Israel's sworn enemy). Apparently, neither the Americans or the Israelis were particularly concerned about the arms falling into the hands of our avowed enemy. What was the result? Americans conservatives laud North and elect him as their new hero and sing his praises as if he was Audie Murphy.

Fast forward to today: The USA, along with 5 other major powers, negotiated a multilateral deal with Iran meant to at least delay Iran acquiring nukes, and conservatives accuse Obama of selling out the nation.

The entire comparison makes a mockery out of any claim that logic was used to reach these conclusions.

You obviously don't understand the so-called deal. We are releasing hundreds of billions of dollars to Iran. WTF do you think they are going to do with that money? Maybe buy conventional weapons and fund terrorist organizations? This deal does not prevent them from continuing their nuclear program. If you think they are going to comply with the slow down provisions, you are a naive fool.

70% of americans do not want the Iran deal approved. So much for obozo claiming he responds to the will of the people. 65% did not approve of the obamacare bill, but the dem/libs rammed it up our collective asses anyway. Now a few poor democrats are getting free insurance and everyone who works is paying more for less coverage-----------what a deal !!!

It amazes me how stupid you libs are. You demonstrate it every day.

We have yet to release a dime and will not do so until the enriched uranium stockpiles are gone and centerfuges deactivated

It is THEIR money. We held it back on the pretext that we were punishing them for a nuclear program. Why would they agree to dismantle their nuclear program if we just find another reason to hold back their money?

They are a declared enemy of the United States. Their leader has repeatedly called for death to America. Yes, we should continue to hold their money.

They are also holding 4 innocent americans because of their religious beliefs. Why wasn't their release part of the deal?

What we should be doing rather than surrendering to them is working covertly with the sane Iranian population to overthrow the insane radical muslims running the country.

This is the most inept administration in our history. Or, maybe, just maybe, Obama supports a stronger radical islamic state.

Conservatives just don't understand how a deal works

I give you this if you will give me that

If you remove the "I will give you this" part, they have no incentive to hold up their end of the deal


what a dumb ass. You have constant butt hurt from the constant hypocrisy
Is there ANYONE who can make heads or tails out of what passes for conservative reasoning?

Ollie North runs a shadow gov't out of the basement of the Reagan WH, and he brokers a deal where Israel supplies surplus arms to Iran (who I must add was/is both our and Israel's sworn enemy). Apparently, neither the Americans or the Israelis were particularly concerned about the arms falling into the hands of our avowed enemy. What was the result? Americans conservatives laud North and elect him as their new hero and sing his praises as if he was Audie Murphy.

Fast forward to today: The USA, along with 5 other major powers, negotiated a multilateral deal with Iran meant to at least delay Iran acquiring nukes, and conservatives accuse Obama of selling out the nation.

The entire comparison makes a mockery out of any claim that logic was used to reach these conclusions.

You obviously don't understand the so-called deal. We are releasing hundreds of billions of dollars to Iran. WTF do you think they are going to do with that money? Maybe buy conventional weapons and fund terrorist organizations? This deal does not prevent them from continuing their nuclear program. If you think they are going to comply with the slow down provisions, you are a naive fool.

70% of americans do not want the Iran deal approved. So much for obozo claiming he responds to the will of the people. 65% did not approve of the obamacare bill, but the dem/libs rammed it up our collective asses anyway. Now a few poor democrats are getting free insurance and everyone who works is paying more for less coverage-----------what a deal !!!

It amazes me how stupid you libs are. You demonstrate it every day.

We have yet to release a dime and will not do so until the enriched uranium stockpiles are gone and centerfuges deactivated

It is THEIR money. We held it back on the pretext that we were punishing them for a nuclear program. Why would they agree to dismantle their nuclear program if we just find another reason to hold back their money?

They are a declared enemy of the United States. Their leader has repeatedly called for death to America. Yes, we should continue to hold their money.

They are also holding 4 innocent americans because of their religious beliefs. Why wasn't their release part of the deal?

What we should be doing rather than surrendering to them is working covertly with the sane Iranian population to overthrow the insane radical muslims running the country.

This is the most inept administration in our history. Or, maybe, just maybe, Obama supports a stronger radical islamic state.

Conservatives just don't understand how a deal works

I give you this if you will give me that

If you remove the "I will give you this" part, they have no incentive to hold up their end of the deal


what a dumb ass. You have constant butt hurt from the constant hypocrisy

I accept this as your form of concession.

When you can't refute a statement........personal insults is the best you have
You obviously don't understand the so-called deal. We are releasing hundreds of billions of dollars to Iran. WTF do you think they are going to do with that money? Maybe buy conventional weapons and fund terrorist organizations? This deal does not prevent them from continuing their nuclear program. If you think they are going to comply with the slow down provisions, you are a naive fool.

70% of americans do not want the Iran deal approved. So much for obozo claiming he responds to the will of the people. 65% did not approve of the obamacare bill, but the dem/libs rammed it up our collective asses anyway. Now a few poor democrats are getting free insurance and everyone who works is paying more for less coverage-----------what a deal !!!

It amazes me how stupid you libs are. You demonstrate it every day.

We have yet to release a dime and will not do so until the enriched uranium stockpiles are gone and centerfuges deactivated

It is THEIR money. We held it back on the pretext that we were punishing them for a nuclear program. Why would they agree to dismantle their nuclear program if we just find another reason to hold back their money?

They are a declared enemy of the United States. Their leader has repeatedly called for death to America. Yes, we should continue to hold their money.

They are also holding 4 innocent americans because of their religious beliefs. Why wasn't their release part of the deal?

What we should be doing rather than surrendering to them is working covertly with the sane Iranian population to overthrow the insane radical muslims running the country.

This is the most inept administration in our history. Or, maybe, just maybe, Obama supports a stronger radical islamic state.

Conservatives just don't understand how a deal works

I give you this if you will give me that

If you remove the "I will give you this" part, they have no incentive to hold up their end of the deal


what a dumb ass. You have constant butt hurt from the constant hypocrisy

I accept this as your form of concession.

When you can't refute a statement........personal insults is the best you have

Can you try that one again without whining?
They are a declared enemy of the United States. Their leader has repeatedly called for death to America. Yes, we should continue to hold their money.

They are also holding 4 innocent americans because of their religious beliefs. Why wasn't their release part of the deal?

What we should be doing rather than surrendering to them is working covertly with the sane Iranian population to overthrow the insane radical muslims running the country.

This is the most inept administration in our history. Or, maybe, just maybe, Obama supports a stronger radical islamic state.

Conservatives just don't understand how a deal works

I give you this if you will give me that

If you remove the "I will give you this" part, they have no incentive to hold up their end of the deal

very true. but the Iranians gave up nothing. it was not a deal, it was a surrender agreement.

We should not have even agreed to come to the table until our 4 hostages were home safely.

What the Iranians gave up:
Their stocks of enriched uranium
Their centerfuges
Their privacy for inspections

What we gave up:
We give Iran their money back

We get shit, we don't dismantle anything. We help modernize their nuclear facilities, we also give them a large part of the middle east for now. the rest they can gain later with all that money and power they'll buy with it. You mullah loving libs a re a friken joke:slap:

Repeating lies does not make them true

Iran removing enriched uraniun stockpiles and destroying centerfuges is verified not just by the US but by the major world powers
Any way you try to spin that, it makes it LESS likely for Iran to develop a bomb

Yeah, sure. The Iranians always comply with agreements. You dumb libs are so fricken naive that you don't understand that radical islam condones lying in order to bring about the caliphate.

Kerry and Obama got screwed up the but with sand filled vaseline by the ayatollah, and you dumb shit liberals are too stupid to realize it.

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