Is this Republican led Senate the most inept in American history?

Ah, I get it. you changed to RW rather than respond to the question I asked you when you were jake. Clever dodge, but you fool no one.
What question moron?
post # 274, jakewinger.
That bullshit?

The only thing TeaTards care about is paying less while they receive more. They are willing to bring down the government to do so. TeaTards are fiscal morons unable to understand how an economy functions

Simple question.....which government entitlement that TeaTards receive are they willing to sacrifice?

Medicare? Social Security? Veterans Benefits?

They are willing to cut what others receive, but what have they offered of their own?

Social Security isn't an entitlement. It was supposed to be something we paid into for our retirement, before the scumbag politicians raided it and spent it on other things. Veterans benefits are an earned benefit, for service to our country. They earned what they get, unlike the leaches that do nothing, or the foreigners who come here sucking on the system they've never paid into. You leftist think feeding the bureaucracy, siphoning off money to these corny politicians is a great thing:slap:
Show me a TeaTard willing to accept cuts from their social security or veterans benefits and I will believe they are concerned about the good of the country over their own pockets
A friend of mine's grandmother came here from Europe. She was in her eighties. she signed up, and received Social security, and medicare even though she never paid into any of it. The system needs to be reformed. If you were able to actually think for yourself, outside your stupid talking points, you'd be a lot better off in life:thup:
What question moron?
post # 274, jakewinger.
That bullshit?

The only thing TeaTards care about is paying less while they receive more. They are willing to bring down the government to do so. TeaTards are fiscal morons unable to understand how an economy functions

Simple question.....which government entitlement that TeaTards receive are they willing to sacrifice?

Medicare? Social Security? Veterans Benefits?

They are willing to cut what others receive, but what have they offered of their own?

Social Security isn't an entitlement. It was supposed to be something we paid into for our retirement, before the scumbag politicians raided it and spent it on other things. Veterans benefits are an earned benefit, for service to our country. They earned what they get, unlike the leaches that do nothing, or the foreigners who come here sucking on the system they've never paid into. You leftist think feeding the bureaucracy, siphoning off money to these corny politicians is a great thing:slap:
Show me a TeaTard willing to accept cuts from their social security or veterans benefits and I will believe they are concerned about the good of the country over their own pockets
A friend of mine's grandmother came here from Europe. She was in her eighties. she signed up, and received Social security, and medicare even though she never paid into any of it. The system needs to be reformed. If you were able to actually think for yourself, outside your stupid talking points, you'd be a lot better off in life:thup:
Then she would get SSI and the absolute minimum. What do you suggest, hater?
post # 274, jakewinger.
That bullshit?

The only thing TeaTards care about is paying less while they receive more. They are willing to bring down the government to do so. TeaTards are fiscal morons unable to understand how an economy functions

Simple question.....which government entitlement that TeaTards receive are they willing to sacrifice?

Medicare? Social Security? Veterans Benefits?

They are willing to cut what others receive, but what have they offered of their own?

Social Security isn't an entitlement. It was supposed to be something we paid into for our retirement, before the scumbag politicians raided it and spent it on other things. Veterans benefits are an earned benefit, for service to our country. They earned what they get, unlike the leaches that do nothing, or the foreigners who come here sucking on the system they've never paid into. You leftist think feeding the bureaucracy, siphoning off money to these corny politicians is a great thing:slap:
Show me a TeaTard willing to accept cuts from their social security or veterans benefits and I will believe they are concerned about the good of the country over their own pockets
A friend of mine's grandmother came here from Europe. She was in her eighties. she signed up, and received Social security, and medicare even though she never paid into any of it. The system needs to be reformed. If you were able to actually think for yourself, outside your stupid talking points, you'd be a lot better off in life:thup:
Then she would get SSI and the absolute minimum. What do you suggest, hater?

why should she get it at all?.."Hater"......Let her stay in her own country ,if she wants to get government assistance.
What question moron?
post # 274, jakewinger.
That bullshit?

The only thing TeaTards care about is paying less while they receive more. They are willing to bring down the government to do so. TeaTards are fiscal morons unable to understand how an economy functions

Simple question.....which government entitlement that TeaTards receive are they willing to sacrifice?

Medicare? Social Security? Veterans Benefits?

They are willing to cut what others receive, but what have they offered of their own?

Social Security isn't an entitlement. It was supposed to be something we paid into for our retirement, before the scumbag politicians raided it and spent it on other things. Veterans benefits are an earned benefit, for service to our country. They earned what they get, unlike the leaches that do nothing, or the foreigners who come here sucking on the system they've never paid into. You leftist think feeding the bureaucracy, siphoning off money to these corny politicians is a great thing:slap:
Show me a TeaTard willing to accept cuts from their social security or veterans benefits and I will believe they are concerned about the good of the country over their own pockets
A friend of mine's grandmother came here from Europe. She was in her eighties. she signed up, and received Social security, and medicare even though she never paid into any of it. The system needs to be reformed. If you were able to actually think for yourself, outside your stupid talking points, you'd be a lot better off in life:thup:

I say bullshit

You need 40 quarters of paying into Social Security to qualify for benefits

Even if you "have a friend" who says otherwise
post # 274, jakewinger.
That bullshit?

The only thing TeaTards care about is paying less while they receive more. They are willing to bring down the government to do so. TeaTards are fiscal morons unable to understand how an economy functions

Simple question.....which government entitlement that TeaTards receive are they willing to sacrifice?

Medicare? Social Security? Veterans Benefits?

They are willing to cut what others receive, but what have they offered of their own?

Social Security isn't an entitlement. It was supposed to be something we paid into for our retirement, before the scumbag politicians raided it and spent it on other things. Veterans benefits are an earned benefit, for service to our country. They earned what they get, unlike the leaches that do nothing, or the foreigners who come here sucking on the system they've never paid into. You leftist think feeding the bureaucracy, siphoning off money to these corny politicians is a great thing:slap:
Show me a TeaTard willing to accept cuts from their social security or veterans benefits and I will believe they are concerned about the good of the country over their own pockets
A friend of mine's grandmother came here from Europe. She was in her eighties. she signed up, and received Social security, and medicare even though she never paid into any of it. The system needs to be reformed. If you were able to actually think for yourself, outside your stupid talking points, you'd be a lot better off in life:thup:

I say bullshit

You need 40 quarters of paying into Social Security to qualify for benefits

Even if you "have a friend" who says otherwise

40 quarters is correct for basic SS payments. But not for disability payments. I don't know what this woman is getting but it might be something other than basic SS.
Have you ever considered the possibility that the Republican leadership believes that having the agreement (which is a multilateral agreement sponsored and supported by several major powers, by the way) in place is far better than having no agreement at all?

Nope, ass kissing people who want to destroy you doesn't work,'s idiocy

Was Reagan ass-kissing when he negotiated with the Soviet Union which had 10s of 1,000s of nuclear warheads pointed at America?

Nope, Reagan negotiated from a position of strength, not ass kissing our enemies

You have a romanticized memory of Reagan

After Beirut, he cut and ran
He paid off Iran with illegal arms

He "paid off" no one he kept Iran and Iraq fighting each other which was in our interest,as he was building our military and defeating the Soviet Empire :cool:

Is there ANYONE who can make heads or tails out of what passes for conservative reasoning?

Ollie North runs a shadow gov't out of the basement of the Reagan WH, and he brokers a deal where Israel supplies surplus arms to Iran (who I must add was/is both our and Israel's sworn enemy). Apparently, neither the Americans or the Israelis were particularly concerned about the arms falling into the hands of our avowed enemy. What was the result? Americans conservatives laud North and elect him as their new hero and sing his praises as if he was Audie Murphy.

Fast forward to today: The USA, along with 5 other major powers, negotiated a multilateral deal with Iran meant to at least delay Iran acquiring nukes, and conservatives accuse Obama of selling out the nation.

The entire comparison makes a mockery out of any claim that logic was used to reach these conclusions.
why should she get it at all?.."Hater"......Let her stay in her own country ,if she wants to get government assistance.

I find it amazing you begrudge an old person a few hundred dollars a month for food, but think we need to spend trillions playing hall monitor in the Middle East.
Immigrants should be allowed into this country to better the country. Not to put a drag on it....Is that a hard concept for you? :slap:


More than half of the nation's immigrants receive some kind of government welfare, a figure that's far higher than the native-born population's, according to a report to be released Wednesday.

About 51% of immigrant-led households receive at least one kind of welfare benefit, including Medicaid, food stamps, school lunches and housing assistance, compared to 30% for native-led households, according to the report from the Center for Immigration Studies, a group that advocates for lower levels of immigration.

Those numbers increase for households with children, with 76% of immigrant-led households receiving welfare, compared to 52% for the native-born.

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare
Nope, ass kissing people who want to destroy you doesn't work,'s idiocy

Was Reagan ass-kissing when he negotiated with the Soviet Union which had 10s of 1,000s of nuclear warheads pointed at America?

Nope, Reagan negotiated from a position of strength, not ass kissing our enemies

You have a romanticized memory of Reagan

After Beirut, he cut and ran
He paid off Iran with illegal arms

He "paid off" no one he kept Iran and Iraq fighting each other which was in our interest,as he was building our military and defeating the Soviet Empire :cool:

Is there ANYONE who can make heads or tails out of what passes for conservative reasoning?

Ollie North runs a shadow gov't out of the basement of the Reagan WH, and he brokers a deal where Israel supplies surplus arms to Iran (who I must add was/is both our and Israel's sworn enemy). Apparently, neither the Americans or the Israelis were particularly concerned about the arms falling into the hands of our avowed enemy. What was the result? Americans conservatives laud North and elect him as their new hero and sing his praises as if he was Audie Murphy.

Fast forward to today: The USA, along with 5 other major powers, negotiated a multilateral deal with Iran meant to at least delay Iran acquiring nukes, and conservatives accuse Obama of selling out the nation.

The entire comparison makes a mockery out of any claim that logic was used to reach these conclusions.

5 world powers in Europe and Asia got us into World wars ..Who gives a shit? Obama will give Iran the money and the means to spread it's influence around the middle east, plus nukes in time. Who really gives a shit about a couple of missiles to Iran in order to fight Saddam Hussein. The two are only comparable to complete, and utter, morons qualify You're a moron:slap:
Last edited:
post # 274, jakewinger.
That bullshit?

The only thing TeaTards care about is paying less while they receive more. They are willing to bring down the government to do so. TeaTards are fiscal morons unable to understand how an economy functions

Simple question.....which government entitlement that TeaTards receive are they willing to sacrifice?

Medicare? Social Security? Veterans Benefits?

They are willing to cut what others receive, but what have they offered of their own?

Social Security isn't an entitlement. It was supposed to be something we paid into for our retirement, before the scumbag politicians raided it and spent it on other things. Veterans benefits are an earned benefit, for service to our country. They earned what they get, unlike the leaches that do nothing, or the foreigners who come here sucking on the system they've never paid into. You leftist think feeding the bureaucracy, siphoning off money to these corny politicians is a great thing:slap:
Show me a TeaTard willing to accept cuts from their social security or veterans benefits and I will believe they are concerned about the good of the country over their own pockets
A friend of mine's grandmother came here from Europe. She was in her eighties. she signed up, and received Social security, and medicare even though she never paid into any of it. The system needs to be reformed. If you were able to actually think for yourself, outside your stupid talking points, you'd be a lot better off in life:thup:

I say bullshit

You need 40 quarters of paying into Social Security to qualify for benefits

Even if you "have a friend" who says otherwise
Wrong, maybe if you have a family member that paid in or something. She got it, I know for a fact are you in denial?
Was Reagan ass-kissing when he negotiated with the Soviet Union which had 10s of 1,000s of nuclear warheads pointed at America?

Nope, Reagan negotiated from a position of strength, not ass kissing our enemies

You have a romanticized memory of Reagan

After Beirut, he cut and ran
He paid off Iran with illegal arms

He "paid off" no one he kept Iran and Iraq fighting each other which was in our interest,as he was building our military and defeating the Soviet Empire :cool:

Is there ANYONE who can make heads or tails out of what passes for conservative reasoning?

Ollie North runs a shadow gov't out of the basement of the Reagan WH, and he brokers a deal where Israel supplies surplus arms to Iran (who I must add was/is both our and Israel's sworn enemy). Apparently, neither the Americans or the Israelis were particularly concerned about the arms falling into the hands of our avowed enemy. What was the result? Americans conservatives laud North and elect him as their new hero and sing his praises as if he was Audie Murphy.

Fast forward to today: The USA, along with 5 other major powers, negotiated a multilateral deal with Iran meant to at least delay Iran acquiring nukes, and conservatives accuse Obama of selling out the nation.

The entire comparison makes a mockery out of any claim that logic was used to reach these conclusions.

5 world powers in Europe and Asia got us into World wars ..Who gives a shit? Obama will give Iran the money and the means to spread it's influence around the middle east, plus nukes in time. Who really gives a shit about a couple of missiles to Iran in order to fight Saddam Hussein. The two are only comparable, only to complete, and utter, morons qualify You're a moron:slap:

Those countries didn't get us "into wars." They started the wars. That's a huge difference.

And let's be clear about something else. The money that Obama is supposedly giving Iran. IT'S IRAN'S MONEY. that we and the West has BECAUSE of the sanctions that Obama and the West imposed on Iran.

Tell me something. As a freedom-loving American who eschews gov't intervention, don't you have a problem with us keeping them from their own money?.
Nope, Reagan negotiated from a position of strength, not ass kissing our enemies

You have a romanticized memory of Reagan

After Beirut, he cut and ran
He paid off Iran with illegal arms

He "paid off" no one he kept Iran and Iraq fighting each other which was in our interest,as he was building our military and defeating the Soviet Empire :cool:

Is there ANYONE who can make heads or tails out of what passes for conservative reasoning?

Ollie North runs a shadow gov't out of the basement of the Reagan WH, and he brokers a deal where Israel supplies surplus arms to Iran (who I must add was/is both our and Israel's sworn enemy). Apparently, neither the Americans or the Israelis were particularly concerned about the arms falling into the hands of our avowed enemy. What was the result? Americans conservatives laud North and elect him as their new hero and sing his praises as if he was Audie Murphy.

Fast forward to today: The USA, along with 5 other major powers, negotiated a multilateral deal with Iran meant to at least delay Iran acquiring nukes, and conservatives accuse Obama of selling out the nation.

The entire comparison makes a mockery out of any claim that logic was used to reach these conclusions.

5 world powers in Europe and Asia got us into World wars ..Who gives a shit? Obama will give Iran the money and the means to spread it's influence around the middle east, plus nukes in time. Who really gives a shit about a couple of missiles to Iran in order to fight Saddam Hussein. The two are only comparable, only to complete, and utter, morons qualify You're a moron:slap:

Those countries didn't get us "into wars." They started the wars. That's a huge difference.

And let's be clear about something else. The money that Obama is supposedly giving Iran. IT'S IRAN'S MONEY. that we and the West has BECAUSE of the sanctions that Obama and the West imposed on Iran.

Tell me something. As a freedom-loving American who eschews gov't intervention, don't you have a problem with us keeping them from their own money?.

"IT'S IRAN'S MONEY"...STFU,you idiot, It's their terrorism... Yes, Europe and Asia started worlds war which we had to get into, to help save them, from themselves. You want us to follow them?..You're not too bright are you?
Immigrants should be allowed into this country to better the country. Not to put a drag on it....Is that a hard concept for you?

Frankly, the biggest drag on this country is 6 Million Jews in the Zionist Entity costing us trillions of dollars playing "God Loves Us the Very Best".

No, guy, we give social security to old people because we are a humane society, not as a measure of their "Worth".
"IT'S IRAN'S MONEY"...STFU,you idiot, It's their terrorism... Yes, Europe and Asia started worlds war which we had to get into, to help save them, from themselves. You want us to follow them?..You're not too bright are you?

Why do you keep avoiding the point. We seized Iran's assets. We said we'd give them back when Iran agreed to curtail it's nuclear program. They've agreed to do so.

Oh, we didn't have to get into World War I. We were just protecting the investments of the Rich who loaned the Allies money on speculation they'd win.

World War II we got into because we stuck our noses into a war between Japan and China that really wasn't any of our business.

Maybe if we just started minding our own fucking business, we'd have less trouble. This agreement is a good start.
That bullshit?

The only thing TeaTards care about is paying less while they receive more. They are willing to bring down the government to do so. TeaTards are fiscal morons unable to understand how an economy functions

Simple question.....which government entitlement that TeaTards receive are they willing to sacrifice?

Medicare? Social Security? Veterans Benefits?

They are willing to cut what others receive, but what have they offered of their own?

Social Security isn't an entitlement. It was supposed to be something we paid into for our retirement, before the scumbag politicians raided it and spent it on other things. Veterans benefits are an earned benefit, for service to our country. They earned what they get, unlike the leaches that do nothing, or the foreigners who come here sucking on the system they've never paid into. You leftist think feeding the bureaucracy, siphoning off money to these corny politicians is a great thing:slap:
Show me a TeaTard willing to accept cuts from their social security or veterans benefits and I will believe they are concerned about the good of the country over their own pockets
A friend of mine's grandmother came here from Europe. She was in her eighties. she signed up, and received Social security, and medicare even though she never paid into any of it. The system needs to be reformed. If you were able to actually think for yourself, outside your stupid talking points, you'd be a lot better off in life:thup:

I say bullshit

You need 40 quarters of paying into Social Security to qualify for benefits

Even if you "have a friend" who says otherwise
Wrong, maybe if you have a family member that paid in or something. She got it, I know for a fact are you in denial?

I still call bullshit

Easy enough....go to the Social Security website where it says how to qualify for Social Security and show me where elderly immigrants are allowed to collect Social security without paying into it

If you do that, I will admit I am wrong and give you a sincere apology. However, if all you can do is come back with more....I have a friend stories....I will still claim bullshit
Social Security isn't an entitlement. It was supposed to be something we paid into for our retirement, before the scumbag politicians raided it and spent it on other things. Veterans benefits are an earned benefit, for service to our country. They earned what they get, unlike the leaches that do nothing, or the foreigners who come here sucking on the system they've never paid into. You leftist think feeding the bureaucracy, siphoning off money to these corny politicians is a great thing:slap:
Show me a TeaTard willing to accept cuts from their social security or veterans benefits and I will believe they are concerned about the good of the country over their own pockets
A friend of mine's grandmother came here from Europe. She was in her eighties. she signed up, and received Social security, and medicare even though she never paid into any of it. The system needs to be reformed. If you were able to actually think for yourself, outside your stupid talking points, you'd be a lot better off in life:thup:

I say bullshit

You need 40 quarters of paying into Social Security to qualify for benefits

Even if you "have a friend" who says otherwise
Wrong, maybe if you have a family member that paid in or something. She got it, I know for a fact are you in denial?

I still call bullshit

Easy enough....go to the Social Security website where it says how to qualify for Social Security and show me where elderly immigrants are allowed to collect Social security without paying into it

If you do that, I will admit I am wrong and give you a sincere apology. However, if all you can do is come back with more....I have a friend stories....I will still claim bullshit
So you a
"IT'S IRAN'S MONEY"...STFU,you idiot, It's their terrorism... Yes, Europe and Asia started worlds war which we had to get into, to help save them, from themselves. You want us to follow them?..You're not too bright are you?

Why do you keep avoiding the point. We seized Iran's assets. We said we'd give them back when Iran agreed to curtail it's nuclear program. They've agreed to do so.

Oh, we didn't have to get into World War I. We were just protecting the investments of the Rich who loaned the Allies money on speculation they'd win.

World War II we got into because we stuck our noses into a war between Japan and China that really wasn't any of our business.

Maybe if we just started minding our own fucking business, we'd have less trouble. This agreement is a good start.

Only nutjobs like yourself, can't wait to lift sanctions on the terrorist regime in Iran, and arm them up, modernize their nuclear facilities, while they scream death to America. You also support sanctions on Israel and it's destruction. You and mullah's are on the same page. Maybe you can visit there and kiss their ass in person:cuckoo:
Show me a TeaTard willing to accept cuts from their social security or veterans benefits and I will believe they are concerned about the good of the country over their own pockets
A friend of mine's grandmother came here from Europe. She was in her eighties. she signed up, and received Social security, and medicare even though she never paid into any of it. The system needs to be reformed. If you were able to actually think for yourself, outside your stupid talking points, you'd be a lot better off in life:thup:

I say bullshit

You need 40 quarters of paying into Social Security to qualify for benefits

Even if you "have a friend" who says otherwise
Wrong, maybe if you have a family member that paid in or something. She got it, I know for a fact are you in denial?

I still call bullshit

Easy enough....go to the Social Security website where it says how to qualify for Social Security and show me where elderly immigrants are allowed to collect Social security without paying into it

If you do that, I will admit I am wrong and give you a sincere apology. However, if all you can do is come back with more....I have a friend stories....I will still claim bullshit
So you a
"IT'S IRAN'S MONEY"...STFU,you idiot, It's their terrorism... Yes, Europe and Asia started worlds war which we had to get into, to help save them, from themselves. You want us to follow them?..You're not too bright are you?

Why do you keep avoiding the point. We seized Iran's assets. We said we'd give them back when Iran agreed to curtail it's nuclear program. They've agreed to do so.

Oh, we didn't have to get into World War I. We were just protecting the investments of the Rich who loaned the Allies money on speculation they'd win.

World War II we got into because we stuck our noses into a war between Japan and China that really wasn't any of our business.

Maybe if we just started minding our own fucking business, we'd have less trouble. This agreement is a good start.

Only nutjobs like yourself, can't wait to lift sanctions on the terrorist regime in Iran, and arm them up, modernize their nuclear facilities, while they scream death to America. You also support sanctions on Israel and it's destruction. You and mullah's are on the same page. Maybe you can visit there and kiss their ass in person:cuckoo:

Still waiting for you to post a link to Social Security supporting your claim

So my Bullshit charge still stands
A friend of mine's grandmother came here from Europe. She was in her eighties. she signed up, and received Social security, and medicare even though she never paid into any of it. The system needs to be reformed. If you were able to actually think for yourself, outside your stupid talking points, you'd be a lot better off in life:thup:

I say bullshit

You need 40 quarters of paying into Social Security to qualify for benefits

Even if you "have a friend" who says otherwise
Wrong, maybe if you have a family member that paid in or something. She got it, I know for a fact are you in denial?

I still call bullshit

Easy enough....go to the Social Security website where it says how to qualify for Social Security and show me where elderly immigrants are allowed to collect Social security without paying into it

If you do that, I will admit I am wrong and give you a sincere apology. However, if all you can do is come back with more....I have a friend stories....I will still claim bullshit
So you a
"IT'S IRAN'S MONEY"...STFU,you idiot, It's their terrorism... Yes, Europe and Asia started worlds war which we had to get into, to help save them, from themselves. You want us to follow them?..You're not too bright are you?

Why do you keep avoiding the point. We seized Iran's assets. We said we'd give them back when Iran agreed to curtail it's nuclear program. They've agreed to do so.

Oh, we didn't have to get into World War I. We were just protecting the investments of the Rich who loaned the Allies money on speculation they'd win.

World War II we got into because we stuck our noses into a war between Japan and China that really wasn't any of our business.

Maybe if we just started minding our own fucking business, we'd have less trouble. This agreement is a good start.

Only nutjobs like yourself, can't wait to lift sanctions on the terrorist regime in Iran, and arm them up, modernize their nuclear facilities, while they scream death to America. You also support sanctions on Israel and it's destruction. You and mullah's are on the same page. Maybe you can visit there and kiss their ass in person:cuckoo:

Still waiting for you to post a link to Social Security supporting your claim

So my Bullshit charge still stands

I don't think I can get a check stub for you since the women died years ago. they might have changed the policy since she received it. I do know Social security disability is almost broke, i also know people who are not disable and collecting it. and social security as been raided by you leftist and their RINO buddies, and is unsustainable without reform

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