Is this Republican led Senate the most inept in American history?

I'm sure, establishment Republicans are doing such good work, people are clamoring for more:lmao:
We will lose the Senate to the Dems next year because the TP refused to let Mitch govern.

In your case "we" is the dem party. So you are correct, the dems will remain the minority party in the senate.

McConnel is a rino, if he was up next year he would lose to a real republican.
How many Republicans can you chase out of the Party before you become irrelevant?

Ah, I get it. you changed to RW rather than respond to the question I asked you when you were jake. Clever dodge, but you fool no one.
What question moron?
post # 274, jakewinger.
We will lose the Senate to the Dems next year because the TP refused to let Mitch govern.

In your case "we" is the dem party. So you are correct, the dems will remain the minority party in the senate.

McConnel is a rino, if he was up next year he would lose to a real republican.
How many Republicans can you chase out of the Party before you become irrelevant?

Ah, I get it. you changed to RW rather than respond to the question I asked you when you were jake. Clever dodge, but you fool no one.
What question moron?
post # 274, jakewinger.
That bullshit?

The only thing TeaTards care about is paying less while they receive more. They are willing to bring down the government to do so. TeaTards are fiscal morons unable to understand how an economy functions

Simple question.....which government entitlement that TeaTards receive are they willing to sacrifice?

Medicare? Social Security? Veterans Benefits?

They are willing to cut what others receive, but what have they offered of their own?
In your case "we" is the dem party. So you are correct, the dems will remain the minority party in the senate.

McConnel is a rino, if he was up next year he would lose to a real republican.
How many Republicans can you chase out of the Party before you become irrelevant?

Ah, I get it. you changed to RW rather than respond to the question I asked you when you were jake. Clever dodge, but you fool no one.
What question moron?
post # 274, jakewinger.
That bullshit?

The only thing TeaTards care about is paying less while they receive more. They are willing to bring down the government to do so. TeaTards are fiscal morons unable to understand how an economy functions

Simple question.....which government entitlement that TeaTards receive are they willing to sacrifice?

Medicare? Social Security? Veterans Benefits?

They are willing to cut what others receive, but what have they offered of their own?

Social Security isn't an entitlement. It was supposed to be something we paid into for our retirement, before the scumbag politicians raided it and spent it on other things. Veterans benefits are an earned benefit, for service to our country. They earned what they get, unlike the leaches that do nothing, or the foreigners who come here sucking on the system they've never paid into. You leftist think feeding the bureaucracy, siphoning off money to these corny politicians is a great thing:slap:
Sorry, Redfish, you are a far right reactionary TP WrHINO, who is fast becoming extinct in the party. Those like McConnell will stay and those like Lee and Gohmert will go.
Govern? What does that mean exactly ? He's certainly doing the work of the Chamber of commerce. Crony capitalist bullshit... "Govern" stupid talking point
Great talking point, moron. The business of America is business, not TP and neo-con stupidity.
Pubs are happy with all the pander to the rich and giant corps, invest NOTHING in Americans policies they've defended to the death. It's the greedy idiot RW conspiracy....that's all they care about.

Both Parties do that. Who do you think will be funding both Party's Presidential Candidates? And your guy just signed a Trade Deal that only benefits large Corporate interests. He just condemned the American Worker to more misery. The deal was so bad, they tried desperately to keep it secret.
The trade deal will give us customers. It doesn't work because Pubs refuse to invest in programs to train tech workers and our unemployed, or anything for that matter. Mindless. The greedy idiot big money is overwhelmingly in the GOP, and they passed Citizens and defend corrupt big money campaign financing and Superpacs.

It's your guy's awful deal. Neither Party should have supported it. It's another NAFTA. American Workers will continue to suffer.

Dems don't support TPP, in fact 60% of Dems in Congress vote against ALL "free trade" agreements!

Yet they all seem to pass. And your guys sign em. This latest deal is a disaster for American Workers. Hence them trying desperately to keep it secret.
Redfish, like Jroc, is a far right parrot talking far right talking points: nothing more.

McConnel and Boehner could have gotten far more with Obama than the TPs let them.

That is why the few remaining TPs will be primaried out next year.
What could they have gotten from Obama, tax cuts? Name one thing Obama would concede that any self-respecting Republican would want.

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How many Republicans can you chase out of the Party before you become irrelevant?

Ah, I get it. you changed to RW rather than respond to the question I asked you when you were jake. Clever dodge, but you fool no one.
What question moron?
post # 274, jakewinger.
That bullshit?

The only thing TeaTards care about is paying less while they receive more. They are willing to bring down the government to do so. TeaTards are fiscal morons unable to understand how an economy functions

Simple question.....which government entitlement that TeaTards receive are they willing to sacrifice?

Medicare? Social Security? Veterans Benefits?

They are willing to cut what others receive, but what have they offered of their own?

Social Security isn't an entitlement. It was supposed to be something we paid into for our retirement, before the scumbag politicians raided it and spent it on other things. Veterans benefits are an earned benefit, for service to our country. They earned what they get, unlike the leaches that do nothing, or the foreigners who come here sucking on the system they've never paid into. You leftist think feeding the bureaucracy, siphoning off money to these corny politicians is a great thing:slap:
Show me a TeaTard willing to accept cuts from their social security or veterans benefits and I will believe they are concerned about the good of the country over their own pockets
The polls indicated that at least 2/3ds of the Teaps insisted they would vote against anyone messing with their SS and medicare.
Govern? What does that mean exactly ? He's certainly doing the work of the Chamber of commerce. Crony capitalist bullshit... "Govern" stupid talking point
Great talking point, moron. The business of America is business, not TP and neo-con stupidity.

What exactly does the tea party do besides demand cuts...They're a party that wishes to take America back to the 19th century were corporations can do as they damn well please. Worker be damned.
The polls indicated that at least 2/3ds of the Teaps insisted they would vote against anyone messing with their SS and medicare.

And yet, here the tea party is wanting to abolish 90% of government including ss & medicare. These are truly stupid people!
In your case "we" is the dem party. So you are correct, the dems will remain the minority party in the senate.

McConnel is a rino, if he was up next year he would lose to a real republican.
How many Republicans can you chase out of the Party before you become irrelevant?

Ah, I get it. you changed to RW rather than respond to the question I asked you when you were jake. Clever dodge, but you fool no one.
What question moron?
post # 274, jakewinger.
That bullshit?

The only thing TeaTards care about is paying less while they receive more. They are willing to bring down the government to do so. TeaTards are fiscal morons unable to understand how an economy functions

Simple question.....which government entitlement that TeaTards receive are they willing to sacrifice?

Medicare? Social Security? Veterans Benefits?

They are willing to cut what others receive, but what have they offered of their own?

We paid into the social security and medicare funds our entire working lives. Its our money that was taken from us without our permission. We expect the govt to live up to the contract it made with us when it took our money. Veterans put their lives on the line for this country, many lost their lives or had their bodies permanently damaged. Hell yes we expect vets to receive benefits.

Why the fuck is it that we always hear that SS and medicare are going broke but we never hear that the welfare and food stamp funds are going broke?

you libs have fucked this country, and we are fed up with your crap, Its over, sanity is returning.
How many Republicans can you chase out of the Party before you become irrelevant?

Ah, I get it. you changed to RW rather than respond to the question I asked you when you were jake. Clever dodge, but you fool no one.
What question moron?
post # 274, jakewinger.
That bullshit?

The only thing TeaTards care about is paying less while they receive more. They are willing to bring down the government to do so. TeaTards are fiscal morons unable to understand how an economy functions

Simple question.....which government entitlement that TeaTards receive are they willing to sacrifice?

Medicare? Social Security? Veterans Benefits?

They are willing to cut what others receive, but what have they offered of their own?

We paid into the social security and medicare funds our entire working lives. Its our money that was taken from us without our permission. We expect the govt to live up to the contract it made with us when it took our money. Veterans put their lives on the line for this country, many lost their lives or had their bodies permanently damaged. Hell yes we expect vets to receive benefits.

Why the fuck is it that we always hear that SS and medicare are going broke but we never hear that the welfare and food stamp funds are going broke?

you libs have fucked this country, and we are fed up with your crap, Its over, sanity is returning.
What does that have to do with anything?

If your country needs the money, you should be prepared to offer up your own benefits first, before you demand that others give up theirs
Ah, I get it. you changed to RW rather than respond to the question I asked you when you were jake. Clever dodge, but you fool no one.
What question moron?
post # 274, jakewinger.
That bullshit?

The only thing TeaTards care about is paying less while they receive more. They are willing to bring down the government to do so. TeaTards are fiscal morons unable to understand how an economy functions

Simple question.....which government entitlement that TeaTards receive are they willing to sacrifice?

Medicare? Social Security? Veterans Benefits?

They are willing to cut what others receive, but what have they offered of their own?

We paid into the social security and medicare funds our entire working lives. Its our money that was taken from us without our permission. We expect the govt to live up to the contract it made with us when it took our money. Veterans put their lives on the line for this country, many lost their lives or had their bodies permanently damaged. Hell yes we expect vets to receive benefits.

Why the fuck is it that we always hear that SS and medicare are going broke but we never hear that the welfare and food stamp funds are going broke?

you libs have fucked this country, and we are fed up with your crap, Its over, sanity is returning.
What does that have to do with anything?

If your country needs the money, you should be prepared to offer up your own benefits first, before you demand that others give up theirs

bullshit, I earned mine, paid for mine. No one is entitled to what I earned except me.

Now, I give a lot to charity and will help anyone in real need. Churches and charities do a much better job of helping the needy than the inefficient corrupt government.
It's a joke, McConnell is an Obama puppet, and idiots like Bob Corker gave us the Iran deal as much as Obama. Harry Reid is a much better leader of the senate than Mitch McConnell. He got things done for the leftist. McConnell should resigned in disgrace:mad:


All the hell the GOP knows how to do is scare the shit out of poor white trash heeps and get elected, then once there...these sorry moronic fucks get lost in a world of WHAT THE FUCK TO DO NEXT!!! And its people like you who don't know your arm pit from your ass ho, that keep voting these useless lumps of shit flesh into dumb fucks will always always get what the fuck you deserve!! Own it and shut up!!
What question moron?
post # 274, jakewinger.
That bullshit?

The only thing TeaTards care about is paying less while they receive more. They are willing to bring down the government to do so. TeaTards are fiscal morons unable to understand how an economy functions

Simple question.....which government entitlement that TeaTards receive are they willing to sacrifice?

Medicare? Social Security? Veterans Benefits?

They are willing to cut what others receive, but what have they offered of their own?

We paid into the social security and medicare funds our entire working lives. Its our money that was taken from us without our permission. We expect the govt to live up to the contract it made with us when it took our money. Veterans put their lives on the line for this country, many lost their lives or had their bodies permanently damaged. Hell yes we expect vets to receive benefits.

Why the fuck is it that we always hear that SS and medicare are going broke but we never hear that the welfare and food stamp funds are going broke?

you libs have fucked this country, and we are fed up with your crap, Its over, sanity is returning.
What does that have to do with anything?

If your country needs the money, you should be prepared to offer up your own benefits first, before you demand that others give up theirs

bullshit, I earned mine, paid for mine. No one is entitled to what I earned except me.

Now, I give a lot to charity and will help anyone in real need. Churches and charities do a much better job of helping the needy than the inefficient corrupt government.
Typical TeaTard

Stop giving to them, but don't you dare touch mine

Show you are sincere and offer up some of your own benefits and I will take you seriously
How many Republicans can you chase out of the Party before you become irrelevant?

Ah, I get it. you changed to RW rather than respond to the question I asked you when you were jake. Clever dodge, but you fool no one.
What question moron?
post # 274, jakewinger.
That bullshit?

The only thing TeaTards care about is paying less while they receive more. They are willing to bring down the government to do so. TeaTards are fiscal morons unable to understand how an economy functions

Simple question.....which government entitlement that TeaTards receive are they willing to sacrifice?

Medicare? Social Security? Veterans Benefits?

They are willing to cut what others receive, but what have they offered of their own?

We paid into the social security and medicare funds our entire working lives. Its our money that was taken from us without our permission. We expect the govt to live up to the contract it made with us when it took our money. Veterans put their lives on the line for this country, many lost their lives or had their bodies permanently damaged. Hell yes we expect vets to receive benefits.

Why the fuck is it that we always hear that SS and medicare are going broke but we never hear that the welfare and food stamp funds are going broke?

you libs have fucked this country, and we are fed up with your crap, Its over, sanity is returning.

Sorry, but I didn't make any contract with you, and I'm the one who will be paying it. The goes double for your kids and grand kids. The fact that seniors stupidly voted in the con men who made these ridiculous promises doesn't bind future generations to cover them.

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