Is this Republican led Senate the most inept in American history?

Obama has gotten everything he wanted since the Republican majority was put in office. From the Iran deal ,to funding executive amnesty to funding Obamacare, to funding planned parenthood, all things they promised to stand against He couldn't have done any better if Harry Reid was still in Charge, he still is actually. Lets leave out the fact that you no doubt support all those things because You're a leftist....Ok ...Go:smoke:
I am a leftist to you as Babe Ruth or Josh Donaldson is an all star to a bush leaguer like you.

You gave some evidence. Finally! So what? McConnell could have done far more if he did not have fucks like Cruz and Lee tying him down. He should have had a sixty vote proof Senate, but the Teaps fucked him and the GOP in 2010 and 2012 and 2014 with folks like Akins and O'Donnell and Angle and so forth and so on. If Mitch has been bad, point right at the Teaps.
Both McConnell and Boehner know what it takes to pass legislation. They have done it for twenty years.......the fringe of their party will not allow them to do it

You are partly correct. They did nothing to stop illegal immigration or other of BO's far left radical agenda. The Tea Party could have picked their targets better instead of using a 'shot gun' method of just blasting away period.
The Teatards are incapable of functioning in government

Blocking Republicans from passing joint legislation has not helped their agenda

As are left wing Democrats as we have seen, so we are all screwed.
I know, I do it too

The Dems do not have an equivalent of the TeaTards or the rightwing media......both ensure that Republican legislators are incapable of doing anything
I am a leftist to you as Babe Ruth or Josh Donaldson is an all star to a bush leaguer like you.

You gave some evidence. Finally! So what? McConnell could have done far more if he did not have fucks like Cruz and Lee tying him down. He should have had a sixty vote proof Senate, but the Teaps fucked him and the GOP in 2010 and 2012 and 2014 with folks like Akins and O'Donnell and Angle and so forth and so on. If Mitch has been bad, point right at the Teaps.
Both McConnell and Boehner know what it takes to pass legislation. They have done it for twenty years.......the fringe of their party will not allow them to do it

You are partly correct. They did nothing to stop illegal immigration or other of BO's far left radical agenda. The Tea Party could have picked their targets better instead of using a 'shot gun' method of just blasting away period.
The Teatards are incapable of functioning in government

Blocking Republicans from passing joint legislation has not helped their agenda

As are left wing Democrats as we have seen, so we are all screwed.
I know, I do it too

The Dems do not have an equivalent of the TeaTards or the rightwing media......both ensure that Republican legislators are incapable of doing anything

The hell they don't. They have most of the rest of the media not to mention left wing leaning organizations like the NAACP, Emily's list ect etc.
Both McConnell and Boehner know what it takes to pass legislation. They have done it for twenty years.......the fringe of their party will not allow them to do it

You are partly correct. They did nothing to stop illegal immigration or other of BO's far left radical agenda. The Tea Party could have picked their targets better instead of using a 'shot gun' method of just blasting away period.
The Teatards are incapable of functioning in government

Blocking Republicans from passing joint legislation has not helped their agenda

As are left wing Democrats as we have seen, so we are all screwed.
I know, I do it too

The Dems do not have an equivalent of the TeaTards or the rightwing media......both ensure that Republican legislators are incapable of doing anything

The hell they don't. They have most of the rest of the media not to mention left wing leaning organizations like the NAACP, Emily's list ect etc.
The supposed left wing media does not punish politicians the way the rightwing media does

There is no left wing equivalent of FoxNews, Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck
I am a leftist to you as Babe Ruth or Josh Donaldson is an all star to a bush leaguer like you.

You gave some evidence. Finally! So what? McConnell could have done far more if he did not have fucks like Cruz and Lee tying him down. He should have had a sixty vote proof Senate, but the Teaps fucked him and the GOP in 2010 and 2012 and 2014 with folks like Akins and O'Donnell and Angle and so forth and so on. If Mitch has been bad, point right at the Teaps.
Both McConnell and Boehner know what it takes to pass legislation. They have done it for twenty years.......the fringe of their party will not allow them to do it

You are partly correct. They did nothing to stop illegal immigration or other of BO's far left radical agenda. The Tea Party could have picked their targets better instead of using a 'shot gun' method of just blasting away period.
The Teatards are incapable of functioning in government

Blocking Republicans from passing joint legislation has not helped their agenda

As are left wing Democrats as we have seen, so we are all screwed.
I know, I do it too

The Dems do not have an equivalent of the TeaTards or the rightwing media......both ensure that Republican legislators are incapable of doing anything

Of course you do, and SANDERS is ahead in many of your DemocRAT/Socialist/Communist polls.... those people aren't your MODERATE DemocRATS!
Sigh. vigi, the left media does not punish dems the way the far right reactionary media punishes the GOP if they don't support the TeaWeeps.

Your progressive statist Trump is doing well for now.

When asked why folks, similar to you, vigi, support him, Trump told the truth, in thoughts similar to this: "the little fucks are tired of losing, and them I am using."
Sigh. vigi, the left media does not punish dems the way the far right reactionary media punishes the GOP if they don't support the TeaWeeps.

Your progressive statist Trump is doing well for now.

When asked why folks, similar to you, vigi, support him, Trump told the truth, in thoughts similar to this: "the little fucks are tired of losing, and them I am using."

Of course they don't...that's one of the points, JakeAss!

Link to that anything similar to what you posted that Trump "Thought Similar" or simply more Progreesive Republican bullshit?
Sigh. vigi, the left media does not punish dems the way the far right reactionary media punishes the GOP if they don't support the TeaWeeps.

Your progressive statist Trump is doing well for now.

When asked why folks, similar to you, vigi, support him, Trump told the truth, in thoughts similar to this: "the little fucks are tired of losing, and them I am using."

Of course they don't...that's one of the points, JakeAss!

Link to that anything similar to what you posted that Trump "Thought Similar" or simply more Progreesive Republican bullshit?
He was on TV talking to a crowd, and he said you Teap losers were tired of losing. He's right. He has you pegged.
Sigh. vigi, the left media does not punish dems the way the far right reactionary media punishes the GOP if they don't support the TeaWeeps.

Your progressive statist Trump is doing well for now.

When asked why folks, similar to you, vigi, support him, Trump told the truth, in thoughts similar to this: "the little fucks are tired of losing, and them I am using."

Of course they don't...that's one of the points, JakeAss!

Link to that anything similar to what you posted that Trump "Thought Similar" or simply more Progreesive Republican bullshit?
He was on TV talking to a crowd, and he said you Teap losers were tired of losing. He's right. He has you pegged.

So he was in front of a crowd, and said "you Teap losers".... You're SHIT is certainly smelling worse today than yesterday, Progressive Republican! Why do you LIE? Can't you make debate without it... this is why most of the Republicans believe you are a subversive DemocRAT posing as a moderate!
Don't recharacterize what I am saying or we will talk about valor, and your paymasters have told you to leave that alone.

He said the far right was losing, implying they were willing to support him, a progressive statist. He was right, and you are Teap losers, because your House and Senate majorities have been fucked up by the Teap shits in Congress. Thus, you are all Teapshit losers.
Don't recharacterize what I am saying or we will talk about valor, and your paymasters have told you to leave that alone.

He said the far right was losing, implying they were willing to support him, a progressive statist. He was right, and you are Teap losers, because your House and Senate majorities have been fucked up by the Teap shits in Congress. Thus, you are all Teapshit losers.

You know there is NOTHING I would love to talk about more than valor, but 3 months banning makes me say it isn't worth it!

Link to this, video to this...anything that corroborates your BS! I can wait!
Yes, you are correct. and the american people are the victims of obama and his accomplishments.

But since you keep bringing it up. give us a list of the things he has personally done that help average americans.


Oh, yeah. lets talk about obozocare.


Premiums, for those paying, have doubled
Deductibles are up
coverage is down
doctors are leaving medicine
hospitals are closing
the website doesn't work
Yes, for those who get it free, its great. But those people always got free medical care.

No one in the USA was denied medical care before obamacare. NO ONE.

This terrible law was not passed by dems to fix medical care, it was passed as the first step to nationalizing (socializing) medicine.

To call the worst legislation in the history of our nation an accomplishment just shows how indoctrinated with bullshit that you are.

I have insurance now when nobody would sell it to me before because of a
pre- existing condition. THANKS OBAMA!!!

Well good for you. Were you denied treatment before ACA? Did you go to a hospital and get sent home to die? Are you paying for your obozo insurance or getting it free?

1. Yes. Emergency rooms will care for you when you are bleeding, or in the middle of a heart attack, but things like monitoring a pace maker or any kind of regular care or test is not their job.
2. yes
3. Yes. I pay every penny for my policy that allows regular visits to a cardiologist.

again THANKS OBAMA!!!!

Wait a second dumb ass you are thanking Obama to pay for you to pay for every penny to your cardiost????
Trump said the far right were losers, were tired of losing, and thought they could change that with Trump.

Three months? You lost some chump change then.

Thank you for showing us that our GOP Senate does not do well because the far right creeps cripple Mitch's ability to govern.

If Trump becomes president, he will keep ACA, you know, and then change it for a single payer system.

He is not going to do what you folks want him to do.
Trump said the far right were losers, were tired of losing, and thought they could change that with Trump.

Three months? You lost some chump change then.

Thank you for showing us that our GOP Senate does not do well because the far right creeps cripple Mitch's ability to govern.

If Trump becomes president, he will keep ACA, you know, and then change it for a single payer system.

He is not going to do what you folks want him to do.

The very fact that the right would even consider Trump, Carson and Fiorina as their leading candidates shows how inept they are

Hillary is laughing

Oh, yeah. lets talk about obozocare.


Premiums, for those paying, have doubled
Deductibles are up
coverage is down
doctors are leaving medicine
hospitals are closing
the website doesn't work
Yes, for those who get it free, its great. But those people always got free medical care.

No one in the USA was denied medical care before obamacare. NO ONE.

This terrible law was not passed by dems to fix medical care, it was passed as the first step to nationalizing (socializing) medicine.

To call the worst legislation in the history of our nation an accomplishment just shows how indoctrinated with bullshit that you are.

I have insurance now when nobody would sell it to me before because of a
pre- existing condition. THANKS OBAMA!!!

Well good for you. Were you denied treatment before ACA? Did you go to a hospital and get sent home to die? Are you paying for your obozo insurance or getting it free?

1. Yes. Emergency rooms will care for you when you are bleeding, or in the middle of a heart attack, but things like monitoring a pace maker or any kind of regular care or test is not their job.
2. yes
3. Yes. I pay every penny for my policy that allows regular visits to a cardiologist.

again THANKS OBAMA!!!!

Wait a second dumb ass you are thanking Obama to pay for you to pay for every penny to your cardiost????

No. I'm only thanking him for working so hard so now I can buy my own insurance.
It's a joke, McConnell is an Obama puppet, and idiots like Bob Corker gave us the Iran deal as much as Obama. Harry Reid is a much better leader of the senate than Mitch McConnell. He got things done for the leftist. McConnell should resigned in disgrace:mad:


Have you ever considered the possibility that the Republican leadership believes that having the agreement (which is a multilateral agreement sponsored and supported by several major powers, by the way) in place is far better than having no agreement at all?

Nope, ass kissing people who want to destroy you doesn't work,'s idiocy

Was Reagan ass-kissing when he negotiated with the Soviet Union which had 10s of 1,000s of nuclear warheads pointed at America?

Nope, Reagan negotiated from a position of strength, not ass kissing our enemies

You have a romanticized memory of Reagan

After Beirut, he cut and ran
He paid off Iran with illegal arms

He "paid off" no one he kept Iran and Iraq fighting each other which was in our interest,as he was building our military and defeating the Soviet Empire :cool:
Trump said the far right were losers, were tired of losing, and thought they could change that with Trump.

Three months? You lost some chump change then.

Thank you for showing us that our GOP Senate does not do well because the far right creeps cripple Mitch's ability to govern.

If Trump becomes president, he will keep ACA, you know, and then change it for a single payer system.

He is not going to do what you folks want him to do.

The very fact that the right would even consider Trump, Carson and Fiorina as their leading candidates shows how inept they are

Hillary is laughing
Hilary is being laughed at...tanking in the polls people don't want or trust her.
Have you ever considered the possibility that the Republican leadership believes that having the agreement (which is a multilateral agreement sponsored and supported by several major powers, by the way) in place is far better than having no agreement at all?

Nope, ass kissing people who want to destroy you doesn't work,'s idiocy

Was Reagan ass-kissing when he negotiated with the Soviet Union which had 10s of 1,000s of nuclear warheads pointed at America?

Nope, Reagan negotiated from a position of strength, not ass kissing our enemies

You have a romanticized memory of Reagan

After Beirut, he cut and ran
He paid off Iran with illegal arms

He "paid off" no one he kept Iran and Iraq fighting each other which was in our interest,as he was building our military and defeating the Soviet Empire :cool:

He didn't pay off Iran? Then what were the arms? A gift?
Which quote?.....Quote it
"you don't even comment on the topic, yet you think you've accomplished something." The quote is stupid. You made an assertion, did not support it, and think others should post evidence against it. That is not how dialogue is done, bud.

Why did you subscribe to the thread?:dunno: Is this congress inept or not? It's a simple question even for you
I have, telling you that your assertion is nonsense. I will comment on the topic, when you support with evidence your assertions. You are deflecting because I have cornered you again.
Obama has gotten everything he wanted since the Republican majority was put in office. From the Iran deal ,to funding executive amnesty to funding Obamacare, to funding planned parenthood, all things they promised to stand against He couldn't have done any better if Harry Reid was still in Charge, he still is actually. Lets leave out the fact that you no doubt support all those things because You're a leftist....Ok ...Go:smoke:
I am a leftist to you as Babe Ruth or Josh Donaldson is an all star to a bush leaguer like you.

You gave some evidence. Finally! So what? McConnell could have done far more if he did not have fucks like Cruz and Lee tying him down. He should have had a sixty vote proof Senate, but the Teaps fucked him and the GOP in 2010 and 2012 and 2014 with folks like Akins and O'Donnell and Angle and so forth and so on. If Mitch has been bad, point right at the Teaps.

If not for real conservatives we'd have a Democrat run congress in both houses.."Super majority"....WTF? You're delusional old man:slap:
Nope, ass kissing people who want to destroy you doesn't work,'s idiocy

Was Reagan ass-kissing when he negotiated with the Soviet Union which had 10s of 1,000s of nuclear warheads pointed at America?

Nope, Reagan negotiated from a position of strength, not ass kissing our enemies

You have a romanticized memory of Reagan

After Beirut, he cut and ran
He paid off Iran with illegal arms

He "paid off" no one he kept Iran and Iraq fighting each other which was in our interest,as he was building our military and defeating the Soviet Empire :cool:

He didn't pay off Iran? Then what were the arms? A gift?

Unlike the scumbag Clintons, Reagan didn't do things for personal gain, he was attempting to free our people unlike Obama who could give a shit our people in Iran, and keep the islamic nutjobs fighting he other:cool:

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