Is this Republican led Senate the most inept in American history?

then where is PP getting the fetus parts they are selling? The primary function of PP is abortion. Its founder started it to control black births because she considered blacks inferior human beings.

You are the thick one here.

You guys can't be honest even when you are wapped upside the head with it over and over.

PP's primary objective is not abortion. Abortion accounts for only 3% of what it does.
It's founder opposed abortion.
It's meme that it's founder wanted to control black births is a conspiracy theory promoted through the use of cherry picked out of context quotes.

Why do you support the slaughter of 100s of thousands of babies? Planned parenthood doesn't need our money. Let them make their money genius :slap:

Then why not defund all subsidized clinics? Why is only PP picked out?

I disagree though - there is a need for those clinics, as has been shown in areas where they've had to close down, and the need is not just for abortion. Subsidized doesn't mean direct moneys or grant, but stuff like medicaid.
You guys can't be honest even when you are wapped upside the head with it over and over.

PP's primary objective is not abortion. Abortion accounts for only 3% of what it does.
It's founder opposed abortion.
It's meme that it's founder wanted to control black births is a conspiracy theory promoted through the use of cherry picked out of context quotes.

Why do you support the slaughter of 100s of thousands of babies? Planned parenthood doesn't need our money. Let them make their money genius :slap:

Then why not defund all subsidized clinics? Why is only PP picked out?

I disagree though - there is a need for those clinics, as has been shown in areas where they've had to close down, and the need is not just for abortion. Subsidized doesn't mean direct moneys or grant, but stuff like medicaid.
We need more clinics in this country. Not just for birth control and women's health but for all medical care
Routine medical and minor surgery should be handled in a clinic. It would bring healthcare costs down significantly
Baby slaughtering ins not health care. Clinics shouldn't be doing abortion

Abortion is legal. There is no reason they shouldn't.

So was Dred Scot! That was corrected for being immoral, unethical, and is abortion!
then where is PP getting the fetus parts they are selling? The primary function of PP is abortion. Its founder started it to control black births because she considered blacks inferior human beings.

You are the thick one here.

You guys can't be honest even when you are wapped upside the head with it over and over.

PP's primary objective is not abortion. Abortion accounts for only 3% of what it does.
It's founder opposed abortion.
It's meme that it's founder wanted to control black births is a conspiracy theory promoted through the use of cherry picked out of context quotes.

Why do you support the slaughter of 100s of thousands of babies? Planned parenthood doesn't need our money. Let them make their money genius :slap:

Then why not defund all subsidized clinics? Why is only PP picked out?

I disagree though - there is a need for those clinics, as has been shown in areas where they've had to close down, and the need is not just for abortion. Subsidized doesn't mean direct moneys or grant, but stuff like medicaid.
You guys can't be honest even when you are wapped upside the head with it over and over.

PP's primary objective is not abortion. Abortion accounts for only 3% of what it does.
It's founder opposed abortion.
It's meme that it's founder wanted to control black births is a conspiracy theory promoted through the use of cherry picked out of context quotes.

Why do you support the slaughter of 100s of thousands of babies? Planned parenthood doesn't need our money. Let them make their money genius :slap:

Then why not defund all subsidized clinics? Why is only PP picked out?

I disagree though - there is a need for those clinics, as has been shown in areas where they've had to close down, and the need is not just for abortion. Subsidized doesn't mean direct moneys or grant, but stuff like medicaid.
We need more clinics in this country. Not just for birth control and women's health but for all medical care
Routine medical and minor surgery should be handled in a clinic. It would bring healthcare costs down significantly
Baby slaughtering ins not health care. Clinics shouldn't be doing abortion

Abortion is legal. There is no reason they shouldn't.
They shouldn't get federal money from 50% of the tax payers who are against baby killing. is that a hard concept for you?
You guys can't be honest even when you are wapped upside the head with it over and over.

PP's primary objective is not abortion. Abortion accounts for only 3% of what it does.
It's founder opposed abortion.
It's meme that it's founder wanted to control black births is a conspiracy theory promoted through the use of cherry picked out of context quotes.

Why do you support the slaughter of 100s of thousands of babies? Planned parenthood doesn't need our money. Let them make their money genius :slap:

Then why not defund all subsidized clinics? Why is only PP picked out?

I disagree though - there is a need for those clinics, as has been shown in areas where they've had to close down, and the need is not just for abortion. Subsidized doesn't mean direct moneys or grant, but stuff like medicaid.
Why do you support the slaughter of 100s of thousands of babies? Planned parenthood doesn't need our money. Let them make their money genius :slap:

Then why not defund all subsidized clinics? Why is only PP picked out?

I disagree though - there is a need for those clinics, as has been shown in areas where they've had to close down, and the need is not just for abortion. Subsidized doesn't mean direct moneys or grant, but stuff like medicaid.
We need more clinics in this country. Not just for birth control and women's health but for all medical care
Routine medical and minor surgery should be handled in a clinic. It would bring healthcare costs down significantly
Baby slaughtering ins not health care. Clinics shouldn't be doing abortion

Abortion is legal. There is no reason they shouldn't.
They shouldn't get federal money from 50% of the tax payers who are against baby killing. is that a hard concept for you?

That money doesn't pay for abortion. Is that a hard concept for you?

In the meantime, why is the tax money of the other 50% going to fund religious "pregnancy crisis centers"?
You guys can't be honest even when you are wapped upside the head with it over and over.

PP's primary objective is not abortion. Abortion accounts for only 3% of what it does.
It's founder opposed abortion.
It's meme that it's founder wanted to control black births is a conspiracy theory promoted through the use of cherry picked out of context quotes.

Why do you support the slaughter of 100s of thousands of babies? Planned parenthood doesn't need our money. Let them make their money genius :slap:

Then why not defund all subsidized clinics? Why is only PP picked out?

I disagree though - there is a need for those clinics, as has been shown in areas where they've had to close down, and the need is not just for abortion. Subsidized doesn't mean direct moneys or grant, but stuff like medicaid.
Why do you support the slaughter of 100s of thousands of babies? Planned parenthood doesn't need our money. Let them make their money genius :slap:

Then why not defund all subsidized clinics? Why is only PP picked out?

I disagree though - there is a need for those clinics, as has been shown in areas where they've had to close down, and the need is not just for abortion. Subsidized doesn't mean direct moneys or grant, but stuff like medicaid.
We need more clinics in this country. Not just for birth control and women's health but for all medical care
Routine medical and minor surgery should be handled in a clinic. It would bring healthcare costs down significantly
Baby slaughtering ins not health care. Clinics shouldn't be doing abortion

Abortion is legal. There is no reason they shouldn't.

So was Dred Scot! That was corrected for being immoral, unethical, and is abortion!

Matter of opinion. In the meantime, why don't you get to work organizing men and women willing to donate their bodies to take in unwanted fetus' and sort of "put your money where your mouth is"? Or, is it all about forcing an unwilling woman to do this?
Prepare for this years final act of the inept Republican Congress

Another Government Shutdown fiasco. Watch as they try to bring Obama to his knees with another shutdown threat and Obama just laughs at them

How many of the Republucan candidates are going to celebrate shutting down government on yet another hopeless crusade
don't you mean that the democrats will shut down government if the republicans refuse to fund baby murder?
This one, just like the other times is on the democrats for not knowing when to compromise.

Yes same old pointing fingers from the right as they force another shutdown

Hint: Continuing resolution means continuing existing funding levels. Cutting those funding levels is not a continuing resolution

Guess who is cutting funding?
The GOP was given control of congress in 2014 because they promised to block obama's far left agenda, defund obozocare, and overturn his illegal amnesty program. They have done none of those things and should be replaced at the next election. Boehner and McConnel are fricken rinos and are scared shitless of what the media might say about them if they actually did their jobs.

Do you need more proof the GOP really sucks at running things?
Why do you support the slaughter of 100s of thousands of babies? Planned parenthood doesn't need our money. Let them make their money genius :slap:

Then why not defund all subsidized clinics? Why is only PP picked out?

I disagree though - there is a need for those clinics, as has been shown in areas where they've had to close down, and the need is not just for abortion. Subsidized doesn't mean direct moneys or grant, but stuff like medicaid.
Then why not defund all subsidized clinics? Why is only PP picked out?

I disagree though - there is a need for those clinics, as has been shown in areas where they've had to close down, and the need is not just for abortion. Subsidized doesn't mean direct moneys or grant, but stuff like medicaid.
We need more clinics in this country. Not just for birth control and women's health but for all medical care
Routine medical and minor surgery should be handled in a clinic. It would bring healthcare costs down significantly
Baby slaughtering ins not health care. Clinics shouldn't be doing abortion

Abortion is legal. There is no reason they shouldn't.

So was Dred Scot! That was corrected for being immoral, unethical, and is abortion!

Matter of opinion. In the meantime, why don't you get to work organizing men and women willing to donate their bodies to take in unwanted fetus' and sort of "put your money where your mouth is"? Or, is it all about forcing an unwilling woman to do this?

How does one TAKE IN and unwanted fetus? Do you mean UNWANTED BABIES after delivery?
Why do you support the slaughter of 100s of thousands of babies? Planned parenthood doesn't need our money. Let them make their money genius :slap:

Then why not defund all subsidized clinics? Why is only PP picked out?

I disagree though - there is a need for those clinics, as has been shown in areas where they've had to close down, and the need is not just for abortion. Subsidized doesn't mean direct moneys or grant, but stuff like medicaid.
Then why not defund all subsidized clinics? Why is only PP picked out?

I disagree though - there is a need for those clinics, as has been shown in areas where they've had to close down, and the need is not just for abortion. Subsidized doesn't mean direct moneys or grant, but stuff like medicaid.
We need more clinics in this country. Not just for birth control and women's health but for all medical care
Routine medical and minor surgery should be handled in a clinic. It would bring healthcare costs down significantly
Baby slaughtering ins not health care. Clinics shouldn't be doing abortion

Abortion is legal. There is no reason they shouldn't.
They shouldn't get federal money from 50% of the tax payers who are against baby killing. is that a hard concept for you?

That money doesn't pay for abortion. Is that a hard concept for you?

In the meantime, why is the tax money of the other 50% going to fund religious "pregnancy crisis centers"?
one saves life the other destroys it
Prepare for this years final act of the inept Republican Congress

Another Government Shutdown fiasco. Watch as they try to bring Obama to his knees with another shutdown threat and Obama just laughs at them

How many of the Republucan candidates are going to celebrate shutting down government on yet another hopeless crusade
don't you mean that the democrats will shut down government if the republicans refuse to fund baby murder?
This one, just like the other times is on the democrats for not knowing when to compromise.

Yes same old pointing fingers from the right as they force another shutdown

Hint: Continuing resolution means continuing existing funding levels. Cutting those funding levels is not a continuing resolution

Guess who is cutting funding?
obamacare can cover it now. there is no need to fund clinics separately, let them start taking the obamacare provided health insurance payments like everyone else.,
see how easy it could be? obamacare has saved us all.
Then why not defund all subsidized clinics? Why is only PP picked out?

I disagree though - there is a need for those clinics, as has been shown in areas where they've had to close down, and the need is not just for abortion. Subsidized doesn't mean direct moneys or grant, but stuff like medicaid.
We need more clinics in this country. Not just for birth control and women's health but for all medical care
Routine medical and minor surgery should be handled in a clinic. It would bring healthcare costs down significantly
Baby slaughtering ins not health care. Clinics shouldn't be doing abortion

Abortion is legal. There is no reason they shouldn't.
They shouldn't get federal money from 50% of the tax payers who are against baby killing. is that a hard concept for you?

That money doesn't pay for abortion. Is that a hard concept for you?

In the meantime, why is the tax money of the other 50% going to fund religious "pregnancy crisis centers"?
one saves life the other destroys it

The GOP was given control of congress in 2014 because they promised to block obama's far left agenda, defund obozocare, and overturn his illegal amnesty program. They have done none of those things and should be replaced at the next election. Boehner and McConnel are fricken rinos and are scared shitless of what the media might say about them if they actually did their jobs.

Do you need more proof the GOP really sucks at running things?

What the fuck are you complaining about? The GOP Congress gave your fucking Socialist president EVERYTHING he asked for after their election.... why the fuck do you think TRUMP is so popular, we REALIZE that the majority of LAP DOG Republicans are simply that, Lap dogs for the Socialist left! But THANK YOU for giving me the opportunity to point this TRUTH out once more!


You guys can't be honest even when you are wapped upside the head with it over and over.

PP's primary objective is not abortion. Abortion accounts for only 3% of what it does.
It's founder opposed abortion.
It's meme that it's founder wanted to control black births is a conspiracy theory promoted through the use of cherry picked out of context quotes.

Why do you support the slaughter of 100s of thousands of babies? Planned parenthood doesn't need our money. Let them make their money genius :slap:

Then why not defund all subsidized clinics? Why is only PP picked out?

I disagree though - there is a need for those clinics, as has been shown in areas where they've had to close down, and the need is not just for abortion. Subsidized doesn't mean direct moneys or grant, but stuff like medicaid.
Why do you support the slaughter of 100s of thousands of babies? Planned parenthood doesn't need our money. Let them make their money genius :slap:

Then why not defund all subsidized clinics? Why is only PP picked out?

I disagree though - there is a need for those clinics, as has been shown in areas where they've had to close down, and the need is not just for abortion. Subsidized doesn't mean direct moneys or grant, but stuff like medicaid.
We need more clinics in this country. Not just for birth control and women's health but for all medical care
Routine medical and minor surgery should be handled in a clinic. It would bring healthcare costs down significantly
Baby slaughtering ins not health care. Clinics shouldn't be doing abortion

Abortion is legal. There is no reason they shouldn't.
They shouldn't get federal money from 50% of the tax payers who are against baby killing. is that a hard concept for you?

Why do you support the slaughter of 100s of thousands of babies? Planned parenthood doesn't need our money. Let them make their money genius :slap:

Then why not defund all subsidized clinics? Why is only PP picked out?

I disagree though - there is a need for those clinics, as has been shown in areas where they've had to close down, and the need is not just for abortion. Subsidized doesn't mean direct moneys or grant, but stuff like medicaid.
Then why not defund all subsidized clinics? Why is only PP picked out?

I disagree though - there is a need for those clinics, as has been shown in areas where they've had to close down, and the need is not just for abortion. Subsidized doesn't mean direct moneys or grant, but stuff like medicaid.
We need more clinics in this country. Not just for birth control and women's health but for all medical care
Routine medical and minor surgery should be handled in a clinic. It would bring healthcare costs down significantly
Baby slaughtering ins not health care. Clinics shouldn't be doing abortion

Abortion is legal. There is no reason they shouldn't.
They shouldn't get federal money from 50% of the tax payers who are against baby killing. is that a hard concept for you?


In your world that kid should've been executed :slap:
The GOP was given control of congress in 2014 because they promised to block obama's far left agenda, defund obozocare, and overturn his illegal amnesty program. They have done none of those things and should be replaced at the next election. Boehner and McConnel are fricken rinos and are scared shitless of what the media might say about them if they actually did their jobs.

Do you need more proof the GOP really sucks at running things?

What the fuck are you complaining about? The GOP Congress gave your fucking Socialist president EVERYTHING he asked for after their election.... why the fuck do you think TRUMP is so popular, we REALIZE that the majority of LAP DOG Republicans are simply that, Lap dogs for the Socialist left! But THANK YOU for giving me the opportunity to point this TRUTH out once more!




" you don't even comment on the topic, yet you think you've accomplished something."

You fucks make assertions and demand they be refuted with evidence.

Not how it works. You assert, you offer evidence, and then the other sides counters. That's how it is done.
The republican scorecard is much worse than that

They have not had a single win in years. In spite of all their gloating about taking Congress, they have zero to show for it

Obama keeps sinking his putts while Republicans keep whiffing on their swings as they demand another Mulligan
" you don't even comment on the topic, yet you think you've accomplished something."

You fucks make assertions and demand they be refuted with evidence.

Not how it works. You assert, you offer evidence, and then the other sides counters. That's how it is done.
Who are talking to? the O.P. is a question. in my opinion they are inept, whats your opinion?
" you don't even comment on the topic, yet you think you've accomplished something."

You fucks make assertions and demand they be refuted with evidence.

Not how it works. You assert, you offer evidence, and then the other sides counters. That's how it is done.
Who are talking to? the O.P. is a question. in my opinion they are inept, whats your opinion?
I am talking to your quote. You made assertion. So what? It means nothing.

Where is your evidence for your silliness?

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