Is this Republican led Senate the most inept in American history?

It's a joke, McConnell is an Obama puppet, and idiots like Bob Corker gave us the Iran deal as much as Obama. Harry Reid is a much better leader of the senate than Mitch McConnell. He got things done for the leftist. McConnell should resigned in disgrace:mad:


Listen OP I know Mitch is a piece of crap mother fucker...but Harry Reid was even worse, what did he do beside have side deals with China in Nevada to make him Rich?
I just said he was a more effective leader for his cause ..i never said he wasn't a scumbag
The further to the right congress moves the less they seem to accomplish.

The right today is not structured to accomplish anything That takes compromise

They can't compromise in their own party let alone the democrats
Im pretty sure the democrats have lost the ability to compromise too.
for instance, the current budget bill they are working on. Promised to be vetoed if funding for planned parenthood is not included. Really? the democrats will risk another shutdown just to make sure babies can still be murdered? What was the point of the ACA if we still need all of these taxpayer funded services for women's healthcare?
And then you have the troll from Maryland, Mikulski, she actually is hoping that the debt ceiling can be raised even higher?
The sad part is that the liberal voting base cant seem to put the blame on the right party when it comes to the shut downs.
The only compromise I would be willing to make with planned parenthood is to set the money aside in an account to be distributed somewhere at a later date, take PP out of the budget, pass the budget then bring a bill up and discuss using that set aside money for funding the baby murdering industry.

Just how thick are you...

You have been told time and again, NO FEDERAL MONEY HAS GONE INTO ABORTION...

But keep repeating the lie...

The funding for PP is for Women's health issues, something the offer millions...

then where is PP getting the fetus parts they are selling? The primary function of PP is abortion. Its founder started it to control black births because she considered blacks inferior human beings.

You are the thick one here.

You guys can't be honest even when you are wapped upside the head with it over and over.

PP's primary objective is not abortion. Abortion accounts for only 3% of what it does.
It's founder opposed abortion.
It's meme that it's founder wanted to control black births is a conspiracy theory promoted through the use of cherry picked out of context quotes.

LOL You're so lost
The right today is not structured to accomplish anything That takes compromise

They can't compromise in their own party let alone the democrats

Where was the spirit of compromise from the dems when ACA was rammed through congress with zero floor discussion, no amendments, and no time for anyone to actually read the bill.

compromise is a two way street. Obozo has not attempted to find middle ground on anything in 7 years. Its been his way or no way--------------fuck him.

Obamacare was a series of compromises as it evolved from single payer to government option to healthcare exchanges

The fact that Republicans refused to participate in the process does not negate that.

Republicans are incapable of compromise even among themselves. That is why they get nothing done

bullshit. the ACA bill was written in a sealed room by dem staffers. it was never brought to the floor of either house for open debate, no amendments were allowed to be offered or voted on, it was rammed through the senate using reconciliation before anyone had a chance to read it.

it is the worst piece of legislation in the history of this country and was passed in the most corrupt manner by democrats only.

then signed into law by the worst president in history.

You dems own this piece of shit just like you own the Iran nuke deal. Happy trails to you.

Rant Over...

Lets explain, You lost election therefore you are a looser... Loosers don't make the rules...

Yes, obozo won twice, the country lost twice. the country learned a very expensive lesson. It won't happen again.

you silly libfucks think this is about winning and losing and stomping on the opponents, you don't give a shit about whats best for the country or american citizens. You are sick, pathetic excuses for human beings.

Just because we - liberals - don't agree with you - conservatives - doesn't mean we "don't give a shit about what's best for the country or american citizens". I don't think either wants to destroy America.
The further to the right congress moves the less they seem to accomplish.

The right today is not structured to accomplish anything That takes compromise

They can't compromise in their own party let alone the democrats
Im pretty sure the democrats have lost the ability to compromise too.
for instance, the current budget bill they are working on. Promised to be vetoed if funding for planned parenthood is not included. Really? the democrats will risk another shutdown just to make sure babies can still be murdered? What was the point of the ACA if we still need all of these taxpayer funded services for women's healthcare?
And then you have the troll from Maryland, Mikulski, she actually is hoping that the debt ceiling can be raised even higher?
The sad part is that the liberal voting base cant seem to put the blame on the right party when it comes to the shut downs.
The only compromise I would be willing to make with planned parenthood is to set the money aside in an account to be distributed somewhere at a later date, take PP out of the budget, pass the budget then bring a bill up and discuss using that set aside money for funding the baby murdering industry.

Just how thick are you...

You have been told time and again, NO FEDERAL MONEY HAS GONE INTO ABORTION...

But keep repeating the lie...

The funding for PP is for Women's health issues, something the offer millions...

then where is PP getting the fetus parts they are selling? The primary function of PP is abortion. Its founder started it to control black births because she considered blacks inferior human beings.

You are the thick one here.

You guys can't be honest even when you are wapped upside the head with it over and over.

PP's primary objective is not abortion. Abortion accounts for only 3% of what it does.
It's founder opposed abortion.
It's meme that it's founder wanted to control black births is a conspiracy theory promoted through the use of cherry picked out of context quotes.

Why do you support the slaughter of 100s of thousands of babies? Planned parenthood doesn't need our money. Let them make their own money genius :slap:
Last edited:
Obamacare was a series of compromises as it evolved from single payer to government option to healthcare exchanges

The fact that Republicans refused to participate in the process does not negate that.

Republicans are incapable of compromise even among themselves. That is why they get nothing done

bullshit. the ACA bill was written in a sealed room by dem staffers. it was never brought to the floor of either house for open debate, no amendments were allowed to be offered or voted on, it was rammed through the senate using reconciliation before anyone had a chance to read it.

it is the worst piece of legislation in the history of this country and was passed in the most corrupt manner by democrats only.

then signed into law by the worst president in history.

You dems own this piece of shit just like you own the Iran nuke deal. Happy trails to you.

Rant Over...

Lets explain, You lost election therefore you are a looser... Loosers don't make the rules...

Yes, obozo won twice, the country lost twice. the country learned a very expensive lesson. It won't happen again.

you silly libfucks think this is about winning and losing and stomping on the opponents, you don't give a shit about whats best for the country or american citizens. You are sick, pathetic excuses for human beings.
Obama delivered on what he promised to do

Republicans have gotten nothing done

Yes, he promised to "fundamentally transform" this country, and he has managed to do some of that.

His "accomplishments" have been to divide the country on age, sex, religion, location, income, and race, to weaken our military, to strengthen our enemies, and dump on our allies. he has doubled the national debt, increased the number of americans in poverty and on welfare, opened our borders, and shipped american jobs overseas.

Accomplishments? I think not.

Those are his accomplishments
The right today is not structured to accomplish anything That takes compromise

They can't compromise in their own party let alone the democrats
Im pretty sure the democrats have lost the ability to compromise too.
for instance, the current budget bill they are working on. Promised to be vetoed if funding for planned parenthood is not included. Really? the democrats will risk another shutdown just to make sure babies can still be murdered? What was the point of the ACA if we still need all of these taxpayer funded services for women's healthcare?
And then you have the troll from Maryland, Mikulski, she actually is hoping that the debt ceiling can be raised even higher?
The sad part is that the liberal voting base cant seem to put the blame on the right party when it comes to the shut downs.
The only compromise I would be willing to make with planned parenthood is to set the money aside in an account to be distributed somewhere at a later date, take PP out of the budget, pass the budget then bring a bill up and discuss using that set aside money for funding the baby murdering industry.

Just how thick are you...

You have been told time and again, NO FEDERAL MONEY HAS GONE INTO ABORTION...

But keep repeating the lie...

The funding for PP is for Women's health issues, something the offer millions...

then where is PP getting the fetus parts they are selling? The primary function of PP is abortion. Its founder started it to control black births because she considered blacks inferior human beings.

You are the thick one here.

You guys can't be honest even when you are wapped upside the head with it over and over.

PP's primary objective is not abortion. Abortion accounts for only 3% of what it does.
It's founder opposed abortion.
It's meme that it's founder wanted to control black births is a conspiracy theory promoted through the use of cherry picked out of context quotes.

LOL You're so lost

The GOP was given control of congress in 2014 because they promised to block obama's far left agenda, defund obozocare, and overturn his illegal amnesty program. They have done none of those things and should be replaced at the next election. Boehner and McConnel are fricken rinos and are scared shitless of what the media might say about them if they actually did their jobs.

The further to the right congress moves the less they seem to accomplish.

The right today is not structured to accomplish anything That takes compromise

They can't compromise in their own party let alone the democrats

Where was the spirit of compromise from the dems when ACA was rammed through congress with zero floor discussion, no amendments, and no time for anyone to actually read the bill.

compromise is a two way street. Obozo has not attempted to find middle ground on anything in 7 years. Its been his way or no way--------------fuck him.

This Is What "Bipartisanship" Looks Like

What do the GOP amendments to this Senate health care bill actually say?

Of the 788 amendments filed, 67 came from Democrats and 721 from Republicans. (That disparity drew jeers that Republicans were trying to slow things down. Another explanation may be that they offered so many so they could later claim—as they are now, in fact, claiming—that most of their suggestions went unheeded.) Only 197 amendments were passed in the end—36 from Democrats and 161 from Republicans.

And of those 161 GOP amendments, Senate Republicans classify 29 as substantive and 132 as technical.

Yet many of the GOP amendments on this incomplete list do seem pretty substantive.

Slate examines the GOP amendments to a Senate health care bill.

The right today is not structured to accomplish anything That takes compromise

They can't compromise in their own party let alone the democrats
Im pretty sure the democrats have lost the ability to compromise too.
for instance, the current budget bill they are working on. Promised to be vetoed if funding for planned parenthood is not included. Really? the democrats will risk another shutdown just to make sure babies can still be murdered? What was the point of the ACA if we still need all of these taxpayer funded services for women's healthcare?
And then you have the troll from Maryland, Mikulski, she actually is hoping that the debt ceiling can be raised even higher?
The sad part is that the liberal voting base cant seem to put the blame on the right party when it comes to the shut downs.
The only compromise I would be willing to make with planned parenthood is to set the money aside in an account to be distributed somewhere at a later date, take PP out of the budget, pass the budget then bring a bill up and discuss using that set aside money for funding the baby murdering industry.

Just how thick are you...

You have been told time and again, NO FEDERAL MONEY HAS GONE INTO ABORTION...

But keep repeating the lie...

The funding for PP is for Women's health issues, something the offer millions...

then where is PP getting the fetus parts they are selling? The primary function of PP is abortion. Its founder started it to control black births because she considered blacks inferior human beings.

You are the thick one here.

You guys can't be honest even when you are wapped upside the head with it over and over.

PP's primary objective is not abortion. Abortion accounts for only 3% of what it does.
It's founder opposed abortion.
It's meme that it's founder wanted to control black births is a conspiracy theory promoted through the use of cherry picked out of context quotes.

Why do you support the slaughter of 100s of thousands of babies? Planned parenthood doesn't need our money. Let them make their money genius :slap:

Then why not defund all subsidized clinics? Why is only PP picked out?

I disagree though - there is a need for those clinics, as has been shown in areas where they've had to close down, and the need is not just for abortion. Subsidized doesn't mean direct moneys or grant, but stuff like medicaid.
Im pretty sure the democrats have lost the ability to compromise too.
for instance, the current budget bill they are working on. Promised to be vetoed if funding for planned parenthood is not included. Really? the democrats will risk another shutdown just to make sure babies can still be murdered? What was the point of the ACA if we still need all of these taxpayer funded services for women's healthcare?
And then you have the troll from Maryland, Mikulski, she actually is hoping that the debt ceiling can be raised even higher?
The sad part is that the liberal voting base cant seem to put the blame on the right party when it comes to the shut downs.
The only compromise I would be willing to make with planned parenthood is to set the money aside in an account to be distributed somewhere at a later date, take PP out of the budget, pass the budget then bring a bill up and discuss using that set aside money for funding the baby murdering industry.

Just how thick are you...

You have been told time and again, NO FEDERAL MONEY HAS GONE INTO ABORTION...

But keep repeating the lie...

The funding for PP is for Women's health issues, something the offer millions...

then where is PP getting the fetus parts they are selling? The primary function of PP is abortion. Its founder started it to control black births because she considered blacks inferior human beings.

You are the thick one here.

You guys can't be honest even when you are wapped upside the head with it over and over.

PP's primary objective is not abortion. Abortion accounts for only 3% of what it does.
It's founder opposed abortion.
It's meme that it's founder wanted to control black births is a conspiracy theory promoted through the use of cherry picked out of context quotes.

Why do you support the slaughter of 100s of thousands of babies? Planned parenthood doesn't need our money. Let them make their money genius :slap:

Then why not defund all subsidized clinics? Why is only PP picked out?

I disagree though - there is a need for those clinics, as has been shown in areas where they've had to close down, and the need is not just for abortion. Subsidized doesn't mean direct moneys or grant, but stuff like medicaid.
I agree now that obamacare is such a great success, there is no need to fund clinics. The people once forced to go to clinics can now have the same care as those that pay for it.
Or, is obamacare a failure in reality
exactly what part of conservative doctrine do you disagree with?

smaller less intrusive government?
lower taxes?
individual freedom?
strong military?
sane fiscal policy?
sane international policy?
enforcement of laws?

which do you take issue with and why? No bullshit. what I listed are the basic conservative beliefs, which ones give you a problem?

smaller less intrusive government? --- less intrusive means giving the government the right to decide which consenting adults are allowed to marry their partners and what decisions a woman makes concerning her body and reproductive choices, what drugs you might choose to take and whether or not you might want to end your life when suffering from terminal illness. Intrusions into the most intimate spheres of our lives. The conservative mantra of "smaller" and "less instrusive" only applies to certain areas. Only libertarians are truly about smaller and less intrusive government.

lower taxes? --- taxes are one end of a see saw where the other end is occupied by public spending funded by taxes. Lower taxes means fewer benefits. A weaker social safety net, eroding public infrastructure, less money to pay for needed services like food inspection, mine safety inspections etc. Fewer subsidized but necessary programs and facilities for families. Less spending on education. Lower taxes sure looks good in theory but in practice it only benefits the rich who have no need for a social safety net and can afford to pay for privatization of needed services.

individual freedom? -- for who? for the gay couple that wants to marry? for the woman who wants to take the morning after pill? for the black family who is trying to find a restaurant to eat in where they won't be humiliated and turned away? That is, after all, the logical progression of conservative "religious liberty" legislative attemtps that allow an individual to essentially do anything they want in the name of bigotry disguised as "religion".

strong military? - I think that is fine, until it becomes the code-word for foreign wars of choice.
sane fiscal policy? - sanity is relative. I'm not convinced the conservitive fiscal policy is sane.
sane international policy? -- same as above.
enforcement of laws? -- like liberals...conservatives are only keen about the enforcement of certain laws over others.
Where was the spirit of compromise from the dems when ACA was rammed through congress with zero floor discussion, no amendments, and no time for anyone to actually read the bill.

compromise is a two way street. Obozo has not attempted to find middle ground on anything in 7 years. Its been his way or no way--------------fuck him.

Obamacare was a series of compromises as it evolved from single payer to government option to healthcare exchanges

The fact that Republicans refused to participate in the process does not negate that.

Republicans are incapable of compromise even among themselves. That is why they get nothing done

bullshit. the ACA bill was written in a sealed room by dem staffers. it was never brought to the floor of either house for open debate, no amendments were allowed to be offered or voted on, it was rammed through the senate using reconciliation before anyone had a chance to read it.

it is the worst piece of legislation in the history of this country and was passed in the most corrupt manner by democrats only.

then signed into law by the worst president in history.

You dems own this piece of shit just like you own the Iran nuke deal. Happy trails to you.

Rant Over...

Lets explain, You lost election therefore you are a looser... Loosers don't make the rules...

Yes, obozo won twice, the country lost twice. the country learned a very expensive lesson. It won't happen again.

you silly libfucks think this is about winning and losing and stomping on the opponents, you don't give a shit about whats best for the country or american citizens. You are sick, pathetic excuses for human beings.

Just because we - liberals - don't agree with you - conservatives - doesn't mean we "don't give a shit about what's best for the country or american citizens". I don't think either wants to destroy America.

Well, IMHO, the GOPers/CONsevatives DO want to take US back to the days pre Constitution, to those states rights days of the Articles of Confederation!
Im pretty sure the democrats have lost the ability to compromise too.
for instance, the current budget bill they are working on. Promised to be vetoed if funding for planned parenthood is not included. Really? the democrats will risk another shutdown just to make sure babies can still be murdered? What was the point of the ACA if we still need all of these taxpayer funded services for women's healthcare?
And then you have the troll from Maryland, Mikulski, she actually is hoping that the debt ceiling can be raised even higher?
The sad part is that the liberal voting base cant seem to put the blame on the right party when it comes to the shut downs.
The only compromise I would be willing to make with planned parenthood is to set the money aside in an account to be distributed somewhere at a later date, take PP out of the budget, pass the budget then bring a bill up and discuss using that set aside money for funding the baby murdering industry.

Just how thick are you...

You have been told time and again, NO FEDERAL MONEY HAS GONE INTO ABORTION...

But keep repeating the lie...

The funding for PP is for Women's health issues, something the offer millions...

then where is PP getting the fetus parts they are selling? The primary function of PP is abortion. Its founder started it to control black births because she considered blacks inferior human beings.

You are the thick one here.

You guys can't be honest even when you are wapped upside the head with it over and over.

PP's primary objective is not abortion. Abortion accounts for only 3% of what it does.
It's founder opposed abortion.
It's meme that it's founder wanted to control black births is a conspiracy theory promoted through the use of cherry picked out of context quotes.

Why do you support the slaughter of 100s of thousands of babies? Planned parenthood doesn't need our money. Let them make their money genius :slap:

Then why not defund all subsidized clinics? Why is only PP picked out?

I disagree though - there is a need for those clinics, as has been shown in areas where they've had to close down, and the need is not just for abortion. Subsidized doesn't mean direct moneys or grant, but stuff like medicaid.
We need more clinics in this country. Not just for birth control and women's health but for all medical care
Routine medical and minor surgery should be handled in a clinic. It would bring healthcare costs down significantly
Just how thick are you...

You have been told time and again, NO FEDERAL MONEY HAS GONE INTO ABORTION...

But keep repeating the lie...

The funding for PP is for Women's health issues, something the offer millions...

then where is PP getting the fetus parts they are selling? The primary function of PP is abortion. Its founder started it to control black births because she considered blacks inferior human beings.

You are the thick one here.

You guys can't be honest even when you are wapped upside the head with it over and over.

PP's primary objective is not abortion. Abortion accounts for only 3% of what it does.
It's founder opposed abortion.
It's meme that it's founder wanted to control black births is a conspiracy theory promoted through the use of cherry picked out of context quotes.

Why do you support the slaughter of 100s of thousands of babies? Planned parenthood doesn't need our money. Let them make their money genius :slap:

Then why not defund all subsidized clinics? Why is only PP picked out?

I disagree though - there is a need for those clinics, as has been shown in areas where they've had to close down, and the need is not just for abortion. Subsidized doesn't mean direct moneys or grant, but stuff like medicaid.
I agree now that obamacare is such a great success, there is no need to fund clinics. The people once forced to go to clinics can now have the same care as those that pay for it.
Or, is obamacare a failure in reality

I'm not sure about that. Obamacare is still a work in progress. It's neither a total failure nor a total success yet. It's huge, cumbersome and complicated at the moment and will take time to work out all the issues and determine whether or not it's a success. Overall - I think it's better than what we had before but it needs changes. Because people are still using these clinics then there is clearly still a need for them. I suspect that there is a substantial population of people who fall between the cracks - homeless, drug users, etc., umemployed, illegals. Even with insurance - you still have to pay deductables and co-pays, you have to have a regular doctor, and an office visit charge for any service. You guys want to leave a substantial "religious" loophole for business' to deny insurance coverage of contraceptives for example - something PP can provide very cheap if not free.
Just how thick are you...

You have been told time and again, NO FEDERAL MONEY HAS GONE INTO ABORTION...

But keep repeating the lie...

The funding for PP is for Women's health issues, something the offer millions...

then where is PP getting the fetus parts they are selling? The primary function of PP is abortion. Its founder started it to control black births because she considered blacks inferior human beings.

You are the thick one here.

You guys can't be honest even when you are wapped upside the head with it over and over.

PP's primary objective is not abortion. Abortion accounts for only 3% of what it does.
It's founder opposed abortion.
It's meme that it's founder wanted to control black births is a conspiracy theory promoted through the use of cherry picked out of context quotes.

Why do you support the slaughter of 100s of thousands of babies? Planned parenthood doesn't need our money. Let them make their money genius :slap:

Then why not defund all subsidized clinics? Why is only PP picked out?

I disagree though - there is a need for those clinics, as has been shown in areas where they've had to close down, and the need is not just for abortion. Subsidized doesn't mean direct moneys or grant, but stuff like medicaid.
We need more clinics in this country. Not just for birth control and women's health but for all medical care
Routine medical and minor surgery should be handled in a clinic. It would bring healthcare costs down significantly

I totally agree - community clinics provide a much needed service, are close to the people who use them, and familiar with the needs of particular communities. They are heavily used and I think it's a good model.
Today's fractured Republican Party is incapable of accomplishing anything. The Teatard contingent becomes outraged at any hint of compromising not just with the Democrats but with moderate Repblicans.
They have been on a crusade to drive the moderates out of the party

A sure path to political irrelevance
then where is PP getting the fetus parts they are selling? The primary function of PP is abortion. Its founder started it to control black births because she considered blacks inferior human beings.

You are the thick one here.

You guys can't be honest even when you are wapped upside the head with it over and over.

PP's primary objective is not abortion. Abortion accounts for only 3% of what it does.
It's founder opposed abortion.
It's meme that it's founder wanted to control black births is a conspiracy theory promoted through the use of cherry picked out of context quotes.

Why do you support the slaughter of 100s of thousands of babies? Planned parenthood doesn't need our money. Let them make their money genius :slap:

Then why not defund all subsidized clinics? Why is only PP picked out?

I disagree though - there is a need for those clinics, as has been shown in areas where they've had to close down, and the need is not just for abortion. Subsidized doesn't mean direct moneys or grant, but stuff like medicaid.
I agree now that obamacare is such a great success, there is no need to fund clinics. The people once forced to go to clinics can now have the same care as those that pay for it.
Or, is obamacare a failure in reality

I'm not sure about that. Obamacare is still a work in progress. It's neither a total failure nor a total success yet. It's huge, cumbersome and complicated at the moment and will take time to work out all the issues and determine whether or not it's a success. Overall - I think it's better than what we had before but it needs changes. Because people are still using these clinics then there is clearly still a need for them. I suspect that there is a substantial population of people who fall between the cracks - homeless, drug users, etc., umemployed, illegals. Even with insurance - you still have to pay deductables and co-pays, you have to have a regular doctor, and an office visit charge for any service. You guys want to leave a substantial "religious" loophole for business' to deny insurance coverage of contraceptives for example - something PP can provide very cheap if not free.
first off, the illegals, they should not be in this equation, covering their health costs should have been something they planned for, its not the responsibility of the U.S taxpayer to keep them healthy. Let them go without. Maybe it will deter others from sneaking in.
But, if obamacare is not ready to be used and is full of issues that need to be worked out, I can only think that the republicans were right to try and stop it, too bad the democrats were so foolish as to rush a product through that was no where near ready.
As far as better than what we had? I don't think so, what I had worked great for me, never any question at all about my health care. of course I had to get up every day for the last 40 years and go to work to get it, but it has always been there with the best of care.
Prepare for this years final act of the inept Republican Congress

Another Government Shutdown fiasco. Watch as they try to bring Obama to his knees with another shutdown threat and Obama just laughs at them

How many of the Republucan candidates are going to celebrate shutting down government on yet another hopeless crusade
Prepare for this years final act of the inept Republican Congress

Another Government Shutdown fiasco. Watch as they try to bring Obama to his knees with another shutdown threat and Obama just laughs at them

How many of the Republucan candidates are going to celebrate shutting down government on yet another hopeless crusade
don't you mean that the democrats will shut down government if the republicans refuse to fund baby murder?
This one, just like the other times is on the democrats for not knowing when to compromise.
Im pretty sure the democrats have lost the ability to compromise too.
for instance, the current budget bill they are working on. Promised to be vetoed if funding for planned parenthood is not included. Really? the democrats will risk another shutdown just to make sure babies can still be murdered? What was the point of the ACA if we still need all of these taxpayer funded services for women's healthcare?
And then you have the troll from Maryland, Mikulski, she actually is hoping that the debt ceiling can be raised even higher?
The sad part is that the liberal voting base cant seem to put the blame on the right party when it comes to the shut downs.
The only compromise I would be willing to make with planned parenthood is to set the money aside in an account to be distributed somewhere at a later date, take PP out of the budget, pass the budget then bring a bill up and discuss using that set aside money for funding the baby murdering industry.

Just how thick are you...

You have been told time and again, NO FEDERAL MONEY HAS GONE INTO ABORTION...

But keep repeating the lie...

The funding for PP is for Women's health issues, something the offer millions...

then where is PP getting the fetus parts they are selling? The primary function of PP is abortion. Its founder started it to control black births because she considered blacks inferior human beings.

You are the thick one here.

You guys can't be honest even when you are wapped upside the head with it over and over.

PP's primary objective is not abortion. Abortion accounts for only 3% of what it does.
It's founder opposed abortion.
It's meme that it's founder wanted to control black births is a conspiracy theory promoted through the use of cherry picked out of context quotes.

Why do you support the slaughter of 100s of thousands of babies? Planned parenthood doesn't need our money. Let them make their money genius :slap:

Then why not defund all subsidized clinics? Why is only PP picked out?

I disagree though - there is a need for those clinics, as has been shown in areas where they've had to close down, and the need is not just for abortion. Subsidized doesn't mean direct moneys or grant, but stuff like medicaid.
Just how thick are you...

You have been told time and again, NO FEDERAL MONEY HAS GONE INTO ABORTION...

But keep repeating the lie...

The funding for PP is for Women's health issues, something the offer millions...

then where is PP getting the fetus parts they are selling? The primary function of PP is abortion. Its founder started it to control black births because she considered blacks inferior human beings.

You are the thick one here.

You guys can't be honest even when you are wapped upside the head with it over and over.

PP's primary objective is not abortion. Abortion accounts for only 3% of what it does.
It's founder opposed abortion.
It's meme that it's founder wanted to control black births is a conspiracy theory promoted through the use of cherry picked out of context quotes.

Why do you support the slaughter of 100s of thousands of babies? Planned parenthood doesn't need our money. Let them make their money genius :slap:

Then why not defund all subsidized clinics? Why is only PP picked out?

I disagree though - there is a need for those clinics, as has been shown in areas where they've had to close down, and the need is not just for abortion. Subsidized doesn't mean direct moneys or grant, but stuff like medicaid.
We need more clinics in this country. Not just for birth control and women's health but for all medical care
Routine medical and minor surgery should be handled in a clinic. It would bring healthcare costs down significantly
Baby slaughtering is not health care. Clinics shouldn't be doing abortion
Just how thick are you...

You have been told time and again, NO FEDERAL MONEY HAS GONE INTO ABORTION...

But keep repeating the lie...

The funding for PP is for Women's health issues, something the offer millions...

then where is PP getting the fetus parts they are selling? The primary function of PP is abortion. Its founder started it to control black births because she considered blacks inferior human beings.

You are the thick one here.

You guys can't be honest even when you are wapped upside the head with it over and over.

PP's primary objective is not abortion. Abortion accounts for only 3% of what it does.
It's founder opposed abortion.
It's meme that it's founder wanted to control black births is a conspiracy theory promoted through the use of cherry picked out of context quotes.

Why do you support the slaughter of 100s of thousands of babies? Planned parenthood doesn't need our money. Let them make their money genius :slap:

Then why not defund all subsidized clinics? Why is only PP picked out?

I disagree though - there is a need for those clinics, as has been shown in areas where they've had to close down, and the need is not just for abortion. Subsidized doesn't mean direct moneys or grant, but stuff like medicaid.
then where is PP getting the fetus parts they are selling? The primary function of PP is abortion. Its founder started it to control black births because she considered blacks inferior human beings.

You are the thick one here.

You guys can't be honest even when you are wapped upside the head with it over and over.

PP's primary objective is not abortion. Abortion accounts for only 3% of what it does.
It's founder opposed abortion.
It's meme that it's founder wanted to control black births is a conspiracy theory promoted through the use of cherry picked out of context quotes.

Why do you support the slaughter of 100s of thousands of babies? Planned parenthood doesn't need our money. Let them make their money genius :slap:

Then why not defund all subsidized clinics? Why is only PP picked out?

I disagree though - there is a need for those clinics, as has been shown in areas where they've had to close down, and the need is not just for abortion. Subsidized doesn't mean direct moneys or grant, but stuff like medicaid.
We need more clinics in this country. Not just for birth control and women's health but for all medical care
Routine medical and minor surgery should be handled in a clinic. It would bring healthcare costs down significantly
Baby slaughtering ins not health care. Clinics shouldn't be doing abortion

Abortion is legal. There is no reason they shouldn't.

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