Is this Republican led Senate the most inept in American history?

The GOP was given control of congress in 2014 because they promised to block obama's far left agenda, defund obozocare, and overturn his illegal amnesty program. They have done none of those things and should be replaced at the next election. Boehner and McConnel are fricken rinos and are scared shitless of what the media might say about them if they actually did their jobs.

The further to the right congress moves the less they seem to accomplish.

The right today is not structured to accomplish anything That takes compromise

They can't compromise in their own party let alone the democrats

Where was the spirit of compromise from the dems when ACA was rammed through congress with zero floor discussion, no amendments, and no time for anyone to actually read the bill.

compromise is a two way street. Obozo has not attempted to find middle ground on anything in 7 years. Its been his way or no way--------------fuck him.
It's a joke, McConnell is an Obama puppet, and idiots like Bob Corker gave us the Iran deal as much as Obama. Harry Reid is a much better leader of the senate than Mitch McConnell. He got things done for the leftist. McConnell should resigned in disgrace:mad:


Have you ever considered the possibility that the Republican leadership believes that having the agreement (which is a multilateral agreement sponsored and supported by several major powers, by the way) in place is far better than having no agreement at all?

They want us in another war and another 3 trillion dollar nation building cluster fuck.

are you 12 years old? what a stupid statement.
The GOP was given control of congress in 2014 because they promised to block obama's far left agenda, defund obozocare, and overturn his illegal amnesty program. They have done none of those things and should be replaced at the next election. Boehner and McConnel are fricken rinos and are scared shitless of what the media might say about them if they actually did their jobs.

The further to the right congress moves the less they seem to accomplish.

The right today is not structured to accomplish anything That takes compromise

They can't compromise in their own party let alone the democrats
Im pretty sure the democrats have lost the ability to compromise too.
for instance, the current budget bill they are working on. Promised to be vetoed if funding for planned parenthood is not included. Really? the democrats will risk another shutdown just to make sure babies can still be murdered? What was the point of the ACA if we still need all of these taxpayer funded services for women's healthcare?
And then you have the troll from Maryland, Mikulski, she actually is hoping that the debt ceiling can be raised even higher?
The sad part is that the liberal voting base cant seem to put the blame on the right party when it comes to the shut downs.
The only compromise I would be willing to make with planned parenthood is to set the money aside in an account to be distributed somewhere at a later date, take PP out of the budget, pass the budget then bring a bill up and discuss using that set aside money for funding the baby murdering industry.
It's a joke, McConnell is an Obama puppet, and idiots like Bob Corker gave us the Iran deal as much as Obama. Harry Reid is a much better leader of the senate than Mitch McConnell. He got things done for the leftist. McConnell should resigned in disgrace:mad:


Listen OP I know Mitch is a piece of crap mother fucker...but Harry Reid was even worse, what did he do beside have side deals with China in Nevada to make him Rich?
The GOP was given control of congress in 2014 because they promised to block obama's far left agenda, defund obozocare, and overturn his illegal amnesty program. They have done none of those things and should be replaced at the next election. Boehner and McConnel are fricken rinos and are scared shitless of what the media might say about them if they actually did their jobs.

The further to the right congress moves the less they seem to accomplish.

The right today is not structured to accomplish anything That takes compromise

They can't compromise in their own party let alone the democrats

Where was the spirit of compromise from the dems when ACA was rammed through congress with zero floor discussion, no amendments, and no time for anyone to actually read the bill.

compromise is a two way street. Obozo has not attempted to find middle ground on anything in 7 years. Its been his way or no way--------------fuck him.

Obamacare was a series of compromises as it evolved from single payer to government option to healthcare exchanges

The fact that Republicans refused to participate in the process does not negate that.

Republicans are incapable of compromise even among themselves. That is why they get nothing done
The GOP was given control of congress in 2014 because they promised to block obama's far left agenda, defund obozocare, and overturn his illegal amnesty program. They have done none of those things and should be replaced at the next election. Boehner and McConnel are fricken rinos and are scared shitless of what the media might say about them if they actually did their jobs.

The further to the right congress moves the less they seem to accomplish.

The right today is not structured to accomplish anything That takes compromise

They can't compromise in their own party let alone the democrats
Im pretty sure the democrats have lost the ability to compromise too.
for instance, the current budget bill they are working on. Promised to be vetoed if funding for planned parenthood is not included. Really? the democrats will risk another shutdown just to make sure babies can still be murdered? What was the point of the ACA if we still need all of these taxpayer funded services for women's healthcare?
And then you have the troll from Maryland, Mikulski, she actually is hoping that the debt ceiling can be raised even higher?
The sad part is that the liberal voting base cant seem to put the blame on the right party when it comes to the shut downs.
The only compromise I would be willing to make with planned parenthood is to set the money aside in an account to be distributed somewhere at a later date, take PP out of the budget, pass the budget then bring a bill up and discuss using that set aside money for funding the baby murdering industry.
I like Mikulski. Sad to see her go

She did a lot for Maryland
The GOP was given control of congress in 2014 because they promised to block obama's far left agenda, defund obozocare, and overturn his illegal amnesty program. They have done none of those things and should be replaced at the next election. Boehner and McConnel are fricken rinos and are scared shitless of what the media might say about them if they actually did their jobs.

The further to the right congress moves the less they seem to accomplish.

The right today is not structured to accomplish anything That takes compromise

They can't compromise in their own party let alone the democrats

Where was the spirit of compromise from the dems when ACA was rammed through congress with zero floor discussion, no amendments, and no time for anyone to actually read the bill.

compromise is a two way street. Obozo has not attempted to find middle ground on anything in 7 years. Its been his way or no way--------------fuck him.

Obamacare was a series of compromises as it evolved from single payer to government option to healthcare exchanges

The fact that Republicans refused to participate in the process does not negate that.

Republicans are incapable of compromise even among themselves. That is why they get nothing done

bullshit. the ACA bill was written in a sealed room by dem staffers. it was never brought to the floor of either house for open debate, no amendments were allowed to be offered or voted on, it was rammed through the senate using reconciliation before anyone had a chance to read it.

it is the worst piece of legislation in the history of this country and was passed in the most corrupt manner by democrats only.

then signed into law by the worst president in history.

You dems own this piece of shit just like you own the Iran nuke deal. Happy trails to you.
The GOP was given control of congress in 2014 because they promised to block obama's far left agenda, defund obozocare, and overturn his illegal amnesty program. They have done none of those things and should be replaced at the next election. Boehner and McConnel are fricken rinos and are scared shitless of what the media might say about them if they actually did their jobs.

The further to the right congress moves the less they seem to accomplish.

The right today is not structured to accomplish anything That takes compromise

They can't compromise in their own party let alone the democrats
Im pretty sure the democrats have lost the ability to compromise too.
for instance, the current budget bill they are working on. Promised to be vetoed if funding for planned parenthood is not included. Really? the democrats will risk another shutdown just to make sure babies can still be murdered? What was the point of the ACA if we still need all of these taxpayer funded services for women's healthcare?
And then you have the troll from Maryland, Mikulski, she actually is hoping that the debt ceiling can be raised even higher?
The sad part is that the liberal voting base cant seem to put the blame on the right party when it comes to the shut downs.
The only compromise I would be willing to make with planned parenthood is to set the money aside in an account to be distributed somewhere at a later date, take PP out of the budget, pass the budget then bring a bill up and discuss using that set aside money for funding the baby murdering industry.

Just how thick are you...

You have been told time and again, NO FEDERAL MONEY HAS GONE INTO ABORTION...

But keep repeating the lie...

The funding for PP is for Women's health issues, something the offer millions...
The GOP was given control of congress in 2014 because they promised to block obama's far left agenda, defund obozocare, and overturn his illegal amnesty program. They have done none of those things and should be replaced at the next election. Boehner and McConnel are fricken rinos and are scared shitless of what the media might say about them if they actually did their jobs.

The further to the right congress moves the less they seem to accomplish.

The right today is not structured to accomplish anything That takes compromise

They can't compromise in their own party let alone the democrats
Im pretty sure the democrats have lost the ability to compromise too.
for instance, the current budget bill they are working on. Promised to be vetoed if funding for planned parenthood is not included. Really? the democrats will risk another shutdown just to make sure babies can still be murdered? What was the point of the ACA if we still need all of these taxpayer funded services for women's healthcare?
And then you have the troll from Maryland, Mikulski, she actually is hoping that the debt ceiling can be raised even higher?
The sad part is that the liberal voting base cant seem to put the blame on the right party when it comes to the shut downs.
The only compromise I would be willing to make with planned parenthood is to set the money aside in an account to be distributed somewhere at a later date, take PP out of the budget, pass the budget then bring a bill up and discuss using that set aside money for funding the baby murdering industry.
I like Mikulski. Sad to see her go

She did a lot for Maryland

Yeah, Baltimore is a piece of heaven on earth. You are so FOS.
The GOP was given control of congress in 2014 because they promised to block obama's far left agenda, defund obozocare, and overturn his illegal amnesty program. They have done none of those things and should be replaced at the next election. Boehner and McConnel are fricken rinos and are scared shitless of what the media might say about them if they actually did their jobs.

The further to the right congress moves the less they seem to accomplish.

The right today is not structured to accomplish anything That takes compromise

They can't compromise in their own party let alone the democrats

Where was the spirit of compromise from the dems when ACA was rammed through congress with zero floor discussion, no amendments, and no time for anyone to actually read the bill.

compromise is a two way street. Obozo has not attempted to find middle ground on anything in 7 years. Its been his way or no way--------------fuck him.

Obamacare was a series of compromises as it evolved from single payer to government option to healthcare exchanges

The fact that Republicans refused to participate in the process does not negate that.

Republicans are incapable of compromise even among themselves. That is why they get nothing done

bullshit. the ACA bill was written in a sealed room by dem staffers. it was never brought to the floor of either house for open debate, no amendments were allowed to be offered or voted on, it was rammed through the senate using reconciliation before anyone had a chance to read it.

it is the worst piece of legislation in the history of this country and was passed in the most corrupt manner by democrats only.

then signed into law by the worst president in history.

You dems own this piece of shit just like you own the Iran nuke deal. Happy trails to you.

Rant Over...

Lets explain, You lost election therefore you are a looser... Loosers don't make the rules...
The GOP was given control of congress in 2014 because they promised to block obama's far left agenda, defund obozocare, and overturn his illegal amnesty program. They have done none of those things and should be replaced at the next election. Boehner and McConnel are fricken rinos and are scared shitless of what the media might say about them if they actually did their jobs.

The further to the right congress moves the less they seem to accomplish.

The right today is not structured to accomplish anything That takes compromise

They can't compromise in their own party let alone the democrats
Im pretty sure the democrats have lost the ability to compromise too.
for instance, the current budget bill they are working on. Promised to be vetoed if funding for planned parenthood is not included. Really? the democrats will risk another shutdown just to make sure babies can still be murdered? What was the point of the ACA if we still need all of these taxpayer funded services for women's healthcare?
And then you have the troll from Maryland, Mikulski, she actually is hoping that the debt ceiling can be raised even higher?
The sad part is that the liberal voting base cant seem to put the blame on the right party when it comes to the shut downs.
The only compromise I would be willing to make with planned parenthood is to set the money aside in an account to be distributed somewhere at a later date, take PP out of the budget, pass the budget then bring a bill up and discuss using that set aside money for funding the baby murdering industry.

Just how thick are you...

You have been told time and again, NO FEDERAL MONEY HAS GONE INTO ABORTION...

But keep repeating the lie...

The funding for PP is for Women's health issues, something the offer millions...

then where is PP getting the fetus parts they are selling? The primary function of PP is abortion. Its founder started it to control black births because she considered blacks inferior human beings.

You are the thick one here.
The further to the right congress moves the less they seem to accomplish.

The right today is not structured to accomplish anything That takes compromise

They can't compromise in their own party let alone the democrats

Where was the spirit of compromise from the dems when ACA was rammed through congress with zero floor discussion, no amendments, and no time for anyone to actually read the bill.

compromise is a two way street. Obozo has not attempted to find middle ground on anything in 7 years. Its been his way or no way--------------fuck him.

Obamacare was a series of compromises as it evolved from single payer to government option to healthcare exchanges

The fact that Republicans refused to participate in the process does not negate that.

Republicans are incapable of compromise even among themselves. That is why they get nothing done

bullshit. the ACA bill was written in a sealed room by dem staffers. it was never brought to the floor of either house for open debate, no amendments were allowed to be offered or voted on, it was rammed through the senate using reconciliation before anyone had a chance to read it.

it is the worst piece of legislation in the history of this country and was passed in the most corrupt manner by democrats only.

then signed into law by the worst president in history.

You dems own this piece of shit just like you own the Iran nuke deal. Happy trails to you.

Rant Over...

Lets explain, You lost election therefore you are a looser... Loosers don't make the rules...

Yes, obozo won twice, the country lost twice. the country learned a very expensive lesson. It won't happen again.

you silly libfucks think this is about winning and losing and stomping on the opponents, you don't give a shit about whats best for the country or american citizens. You are sick, pathetic excuses for human beings.
The GOP was given control of congress in 2014 because they promised to block obama's far left agenda, defund obozocare, and overturn his illegal amnesty program. They have done none of those things and should be replaced at the next election. Boehner and McConnel are fricken rinos and are scared shitless of what the media might say about them if they actually did their jobs.

The further to the right congress moves the less they seem to accomplish.

The right today is not structured to accomplish anything That takes compromise

They can't compromise in their own party let alone the democrats
Im pretty sure the democrats have lost the ability to compromise too.
for instance, the current budget bill they are working on. Promised to be vetoed if funding for planned parenthood is not included. Really? the democrats will risk another shutdown just to make sure babies can still be murdered? What was the point of the ACA if we still need all of these taxpayer funded services for women's healthcare?
And then you have the troll from Maryland, Mikulski, she actually is hoping that the debt ceiling can be raised even higher?
The sad part is that the liberal voting base cant seem to put the blame on the right party when it comes to the shut downs.
The only compromise I would be willing to make with planned parenthood is to set the money aside in an account to be distributed somewhere at a later date, take PP out of the budget, pass the budget then bring a bill up and discuss using that set aside money for funding the baby murdering industry.
I like Mikulski. Sad to see her go

She did a lot for Maryland
She has done nothing for the state or the country. She is a worthless troll that needed to go 30 years ago.
Between her and Pelosi's lap dog Hoyer, its hard to pick the worst of the two.
The GOP was given control of congress in 2014 because they promised to block obama's far left agenda, defund obozocare, and overturn his illegal amnesty program. They have done none of those things and should be replaced at the next election. Boehner and McConnel are fricken rinos and are scared shitless of what the media might say about them if they actually did their jobs.

The further to the right congress moves the less they seem to accomplish.

The right today is not structured to accomplish anything That takes compromise

They can't compromise in their own party let alone the democrats

Where was the spirit of compromise from the dems when ACA was rammed through congress with zero floor discussion, no amendments, and no time for anyone to actually read the bill.

compromise is a two way street. Obozo has not attempted to find middle ground on anything in 7 years. Its been his way or no way--------------fuck him.

Obamacare was a series of compromises as it evolved from single payer to government option to healthcare exchanges

The fact that Republicans refused to participate in the process does not negate that.

Republicans are incapable of compromise even among themselves. That is why they get nothing done

bullshit. the ACA bill was written in a sealed room by dem staffers. it was never brought to the floor of either house for open debate, no amendments were allowed to be offered or voted on, it was rammed through the senate using reconciliation before anyone had a chance to read it.

it is the worst piece of legislation in the history of this country and was passed in the most corrupt manner by democrats only.

then signed into law by the worst president in history.

You dems own this piece of shit just like you own the Iran nuke deal. Happy trails to you.

Not ready to turn this into another Obamacare thread.....been there, done that
But Obamacare is another example of Democrats getting things done

What has the great Republican Congress gotten done after all their promises? Keystone, repeal Obamacare, balanced budget amendment, tax cuts, stopping same sex marriage....Zero
The GOP was given control of congress in 2014 because they promised to block obama's far left agenda, defund obozocare, and overturn his illegal amnesty program. They have done none of those things and should be replaced at the next election. Boehner and McConnel are fricken rinos and are scared shitless of what the media might say about them if they actually did their jobs.

The further to the right congress moves the less they seem to accomplish.

The right today is not structured to accomplish anything That takes compromise

They can't compromise in their own party let alone the democrats
Im pretty sure the democrats have lost the ability to compromise too.
for instance, the current budget bill they are working on. Promised to be vetoed if funding for planned parenthood is not included. Really? the democrats will risk another shutdown just to make sure babies can still be murdered? What was the point of the ACA if we still need all of these taxpayer funded services for women's healthcare?
And then you have the troll from Maryland, Mikulski, she actually is hoping that the debt ceiling can be raised even higher?
The sad part is that the liberal voting base cant seem to put the blame on the right party when it comes to the shut downs.
The only compromise I would be willing to make with planned parenthood is to set the money aside in an account to be distributed somewhere at a later date, take PP out of the budget, pass the budget then bring a bill up and discuss using that set aside money for funding the baby murdering industry.

Just how thick are you...

You have been told time and again, NO FEDERAL MONEY HAS GONE INTO ABORTION...

But keep repeating the lie...

The funding for PP is for Women's health issues, something the offer millions...

then where is PP getting the fetus parts they are selling? The primary function of PP is abortion. Its founder started it to control black births because she considered blacks inferior human beings.

You are the thick one here.


There is a thing call truth and then there is lies....

PP were accepting donations for fetus parts. So what? Dead bodies are given to science all the time and donations are received in return. If you don't like it then refuse the multiple drugs and medical advances made because of this practice.

"The primary function of PP is abortion." NO NO NO.... Abortion is less than 5% of there business... Nice try, again this is common knowledge

Last comment
Cain claims Planned Parenthood founded for

redfish these delusions are starting to take hold, time to seek some professional help
The right today is not structured to accomplish anything That takes compromise

They can't compromise in their own party let alone the democrats

Where was the spirit of compromise from the dems when ACA was rammed through congress with zero floor discussion, no amendments, and no time for anyone to actually read the bill.

compromise is a two way street. Obozo has not attempted to find middle ground on anything in 7 years. Its been his way or no way--------------fuck him.

Obamacare was a series of compromises as it evolved from single payer to government option to healthcare exchanges

The fact that Republicans refused to participate in the process does not negate that.

Republicans are incapable of compromise even among themselves. That is why they get nothing done

bullshit. the ACA bill was written in a sealed room by dem staffers. it was never brought to the floor of either house for open debate, no amendments were allowed to be offered or voted on, it was rammed through the senate using reconciliation before anyone had a chance to read it.

it is the worst piece of legislation in the history of this country and was passed in the most corrupt manner by democrats only.

then signed into law by the worst president in history.

You dems own this piece of shit just like you own the Iran nuke deal. Happy trails to you.

Rant Over...

Lets explain, You lost election therefore you are a looser... Loosers don't make the rules...

Yes, obozo won twice, the country lost twice. the country learned a very expensive lesson. It won't happen again.

you silly libfucks think this is about winning and losing and stomping on the opponents, you don't give a shit about whats best for the country or american citizens. You are sick, pathetic excuses for human beings.
Obama delivered on what he promised to do

Republicans have gotten nothing done
The further to the right congress moves the less they seem to accomplish.

The right today is not structured to accomplish anything That takes compromise

They can't compromise in their own party let alone the democrats
Im pretty sure the democrats have lost the ability to compromise too.
for instance, the current budget bill they are working on. Promised to be vetoed if funding for planned parenthood is not included. Really? the democrats will risk another shutdown just to make sure babies can still be murdered? What was the point of the ACA if we still need all of these taxpayer funded services for women's healthcare?
And then you have the troll from Maryland, Mikulski, she actually is hoping that the debt ceiling can be raised even higher?
The sad part is that the liberal voting base cant seem to put the blame on the right party when it comes to the shut downs.
The only compromise I would be willing to make with planned parenthood is to set the money aside in an account to be distributed somewhere at a later date, take PP out of the budget, pass the budget then bring a bill up and discuss using that set aside money for funding the baby murdering industry.

Just how thick are you...

You have been told time and again, NO FEDERAL MONEY HAS GONE INTO ABORTION...

But keep repeating the lie...

The funding for PP is for Women's health issues, something the offer millions...

then where is PP getting the fetus parts they are selling? The primary function of PP is abortion. Its founder started it to control black births because she considered blacks inferior human beings.

You are the thick one here.


There is a thing call truth and then there is lies....

PP were accepting donations for fetus parts. So what? Dead bodies are given to science all the time and donations are received in return. If you don't like it then refuse the multiple drugs and medical advances made because of this practice.

"The primary function of PP is abortion." NO NO NO.... Abortion is less than 5% of there business... Nice try, again this is common knowledge

Last comment
Cain claims Planned Parenthood founded for

redfish these delusions are starting to take hold, time to seek some professional help
you should never use politicfact as a reference to prove a point,
it is well known that they are a left leaning organization more concerned with the left agenda than the truth.
Where was the spirit of compromise from the dems when ACA was rammed through congress with zero floor discussion, no amendments, and no time for anyone to actually read the bill.

compromise is a two way street. Obozo has not attempted to find middle ground on anything in 7 years. Its been his way or no way--------------fuck him.

Obamacare was a series of compromises as it evolved from single payer to government option to healthcare exchanges

The fact that Republicans refused to participate in the process does not negate that.

Republicans are incapable of compromise even among themselves. That is why they get nothing done

bullshit. the ACA bill was written in a sealed room by dem staffers. it was never brought to the floor of either house for open debate, no amendments were allowed to be offered or voted on, it was rammed through the senate using reconciliation before anyone had a chance to read it.

it is the worst piece of legislation in the history of this country and was passed in the most corrupt manner by democrats only.

then signed into law by the worst president in history.

You dems own this piece of shit just like you own the Iran nuke deal. Happy trails to you.

Rant Over...

Lets explain, You lost election therefore you are a looser... Loosers don't make the rules...

Yes, obozo won twice, the country lost twice. the country learned a very expensive lesson. It won't happen again.

you silly libfucks think this is about winning and losing and stomping on the opponents, you don't give a shit about whats best for the country or american citizens. You are sick, pathetic excuses for human beings.
Obama delivered on what he promised to do

Republicans have gotten nothing done

Yes, he promised to "fundamentally transform" this country, and he has managed to do some of that.

His "accomplishments" have been to divide the country on age, sex, religion, location, income, and race, to weaken our military, to strengthen our enemies, and dump on our allies. he has doubled the national debt, increased the number of americans in poverty and on welfare, opened our borders, and shipped american jobs overseas.

Accomplishments? I think not.
Where was the spirit of compromise from the dems when ACA was rammed through congress with zero floor discussion, no amendments, and no time for anyone to actually read the bill.

compromise is a two way street. Obozo has not attempted to find middle ground on anything in 7 years. Its been his way or no way--------------fuck him.

Obamacare was a series of compromises as it evolved from single payer to government option to healthcare exchanges

The fact that Republicans refused to participate in the process does not negate that.

Republicans are incapable of compromise even among themselves. That is why they get nothing done

bullshit. the ACA bill was written in a sealed room by dem staffers. it was never brought to the floor of either house for open debate, no amendments were allowed to be offered or voted on, it was rammed through the senate using reconciliation before anyone had a chance to read it.

it is the worst piece of legislation in the history of this country and was passed in the most corrupt manner by democrats only.

then signed into law by the worst president in history.

You dems own this piece of shit just like you own the Iran nuke deal. Happy trails to you.

Rant Over...

Lets explain, You lost election therefore you are a looser... Loosers don't make the rules...

Yes, obozo won twice, the country lost twice. the country learned a very expensive lesson. It won't happen again.

you silly libfucks think this is about winning and losing and stomping on the opponents, you don't give a shit about whats best for the country or american citizens. You are sick, pathetic excuses for human beings.
Obama delivered on what he promised to do

Republicans have gotten nothing done
and yet when the ACA fails, and it will. And Israel is nuked, somehow the left is going to try to spin all the blame on the republicans because they held both houses while obama illegally rammed things through.
Obamacare was a series of compromises as it evolved from single payer to government option to healthcare exchanges

The fact that Republicans refused to participate in the process does not negate that.

Republicans are incapable of compromise even among themselves. That is why they get nothing done

bullshit. the ACA bill was written in a sealed room by dem staffers. it was never brought to the floor of either house for open debate, no amendments were allowed to be offered or voted on, it was rammed through the senate using reconciliation before anyone had a chance to read it.

it is the worst piece of legislation in the history of this country and was passed in the most corrupt manner by democrats only.

then signed into law by the worst president in history.

You dems own this piece of shit just like you own the Iran nuke deal. Happy trails to you.

Rant Over...

Lets explain, You lost election therefore you are a looser... Loosers don't make the rules...

Yes, obozo won twice, the country lost twice. the country learned a very expensive lesson. It won't happen again.

you silly libfucks think this is about winning and losing and stomping on the opponents, you don't give a shit about whats best for the country or american citizens. You are sick, pathetic excuses for human beings.
Obama delivered on what he promised to do

Republicans have gotten nothing done

Yes, he promised to "fundamentally transform" this country, and he has managed to do some of that.

His "accomplishments" have been to divide the country on age, sex, religion, location, income, and race, to weaken our military, to strengthen our enemies, and dump on our allies. he has doubled the national debt, increased the number of americans in poverty and on welfare, opened our borders, and shipped american jobs overseas.

Accomplishments? I think not.

Once again...Obama was not elected to please conservatives with his accomplishments

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