Is this Republican led Senate the most inept in American history?

ANOTHER right winger who doesn't understand without 60 votes to push through legislation AND 67 to override a Obama veto of stupid right wing bills like "repealing" ACA? lol

You know "power" in the Senate that ONLY means you have majority, NOT EXECUTIVE BRANCH SUPER DUPER POWERS (day to day running of Gov't!!!)

LOL, except when Reid changed the rules to pass obozocare with 60 votes. you libs are such hypocrites.

Changed the rules? lol

Oh right the same reconciliation Dubya/GOP used for BOTH his tax cuts!

Yeah, right. it was terrible when Bush did it, but great when Reid did it. OK ?????

Glad you agree, there was no change in how it was used Bubs

bullshit. Bush did not use it on a bill of the significance of ACA. Something that major shouid have been thoroughly debated and discussed in the open. Instead it was passed by dems only, in the dark of night, before anyone had a chance to read it. That was absolutely wrong.

Gaed you're a moron Bubs

Dubya used reconciliation (50 votes in the Senate) TWICE to get his tax cuts Bubba.


Please join below to recall those glorious days of yesteryear (before the GOP and the RWCM try to rewrite this particularly ugly episode of history)

It so happens that Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-NY) published some of her recollections on the process of passing the MMA in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2006.

The summary assessment:

"The political process used to pass Part D was the worst abuse of the legislative process I have seen during my 20 years in Congress."

Well, that's just partisan sniping, right? Let's pretend I'm a typical hack journalist and ask a Republican to get "the other side" of the story - maybe, say, Walter Jones (R-NC)?

"I've been in politics for 22 years," says Jones, "and it was the ugliest night I have ever seen in 22 years."

Oh. Well, maybe if we had asked the right Republican - maybe Billy Tauzin who played a critical role in shepherding the bill through the House... (More on him in a minute.)

Why was it so ugly? Back to Slaughter:

In the months before its passage, a few powerful Republican leaders worked to undermine conscientious reform proposals. In early 2003, while the House bill was being drafted, Democrats and Republicans authored 59 sensible amendments to it. At the behest of the Republican leadership, however, the House Committee on Rules rejected all but one, preventing them from being debated by Congress. Many of those amendments — among them, one requiring the administration to use beneficiaries' collective purchasing power to negotiate lower prices and one allowing Americans to import cheaper drugs from Canada — would have made the legislation far more effective and probably would have received bipartisan support, had they been allowed onto the floor.

Who could possibly believe any more that Republicans care about reining in deficits? They clearly don't believe in market forces, if they're so willing to dismantle the market forces that would have saved taxpayers $ billions in Medicare Part D.

"Next, the conference process, whereby the House and Senate versions of legislation are reconciled, was fundamentally corrupted and kept almost entirely secret by senior Republicans. Democrats on the conference committee were excluded from deliberations, to the point of being physically barred from the conference room on one occasion. The pharmaceutical industry, however, was invited in."

It seems easy these days to just let this kind of anecdote fly by. But let's step back for a minute and really consider it.

Republican legislators, who regularly lecture Americans on the "original intent" of those who drafted the Constitution, locked elected Representatives out of a House-Senate conference, but brought industry lobbyists in to edit the text of the bill.

Was it Madison or Hamilton who thought this was how our legislative branch should work?

Back to Slaughter:

"Serious conflicts of interest on the part of the bill's primary authors were common. The chairman of the Commerce Committee, Representative Billy Tauzin (R-La.), coauthored the bill while negotiating a $2-million-per-year job as a lobbyist for the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), the drug industry's trade organization. The top Republican aide on a subcommittee involved in writing the legislation also left his position soon afterward to lobby for PhRMA. Thomas Scully, the administration's top Medicare official, deliberately understated the program's projected cost by $134 billion, and when the chief actuary of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) objected, Scully reportedly threatened to fire him if he shared his true estimate with Congress. Soon after the legislation passed, Scully resumed his career as a health care–industry lobbyist."

Scully was reportedly negotiating his new job at the same time he was representing the Bush Administration in the conference negotiations. The conflict of interest story could stretch on and on. Someone in a thread the other day asked how corporatism and corruption are interlinked. It is in these revolving doors and crony nepotistic relationships that the rubber most obviously meets the road.

"When the conference report was brought to the House for a vote, members were given less than one day to read the 850-page bill, a violation of House rules. When the vote was called at almost 3 a.m., voting Democrats stood unanimously with 22 Republicans in opposing the legislation. Had the vote been gaveled down in the customary 15 minutes, the bill would not have passed. So the Republican leadership held the vote open for a record three hours while attempting to change the outcome — through intimidation and other tactics that, again, violated House rules. Finding itself with a narrow lead at 5:53 a.m., the Republican leadership immediately brought the vote to a close..."

"...Many abuses undoubtedly took place that night. Representative Nick Smith (R-Mich.) later revealed what may have been the worst: that former Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) and Representative Candice Miller (R-Mich.) tried to bribe him with political favors to change his vote — an infraction for which the House Ethics Committee later admonished them. Through these means, the Republican leadership succeeded in passing a bill whose goal was, according to Representative Bill Thomas (R-Calif.), to "end Medicare as we know it."

Tell me more about "sweetheart deals", Mitch. Of course, Republicans redefined the practice of the sweetheart deal, ramping up the use of earmarks and targeted tax breaks - which hit the treasury an estimated 4x as hard - by orders of magnitude beyond anything that had occurred before.

How the Republicans Passed Medicare Part D


To recap: Senate Democrats have accepted at least 161 Republican amendments to their healthcare reform legislation, they’ve incorporated core GOP planks, and they’ve scuttled an aspect of the plan most popular with its base, the public option, because of opposition by Republicans as well as red state Democrats.

Fact-checking the GOP on healthcare reform
‘Obamacare’ Was Originally Proposed By Republicans
So you chose not to go with cobra. And you failed to check your states availability of a high risk pool. Gotcha. And you want everyone else to suffer for your lack of action, because you were lazy.

Who said I didn't do cobra for the 36 allowed months? You really don't know much about the defunct Texas high risk you? I understand that you are desperately trying to find some way to mark me as some bum who is somehow taking advantage of you. It just isn't so. I and many others needed ACA because there were no other options. Sorry if that doesn't match what rush told you.

Your situation could have been addressed and resolved without destroying the entire medical system with a government take-over. A simple one page bill could have resolved your issue.

You also need to face the reality that you are part of a tiny minority who have been caught between coverages with a pre-existing condition. ACA was massive overkill for a very small problem.

You are correct...a simple one page bill could have corrected our healthcare situation

Make Medicare available to all

Of course Republicans never would allow it

Actually it is pretty simple... The Government takes a little of everyone it is called National Insurance (actually US already pay enough in Taxes to day to cover this when compared to EU countries), it is itemised on your taxes as national insurance (it also covers sick leave).

The "Mediall" (Medicare for all) will cover everyone with basic insurance in shared wards and care by need base. People can then buy top up private insurance to have better conditions and access to private facilities (thus be able to queue jump)... I pay $100 a month in Ireland for this.

That's it... There is some other things but that is the start of the most basic thing

how many people are there in Ireland? How many illegals? How many on welfare? how many on food stamps? how many on unemployment?

The USA does not compare to Ireland in any way except our language. But I still don't know what 'blimey' means.

The USA is borrowing 40% of every dollar the government spends. Who is going to loan us the money to pay for socialized medicine?

Changed the rules? lol

Oh right the same reconciliation Dubya/GOP used for BOTH his tax cuts!

Yeah, right. it was terrible when Bush did it, but great when Reid did it. OK ?????

Glad you agree, there was no change in how it was used Bubs

bullshit. Bush did not use it on a bill of the significance of ACA. Something that major shouid have been thoroughly debated and discussed in the open. Instead it was passed by dems only, in the dark of night, before anyone had a chance to read it. That was absolutely wrong.

I'm not an Obamacare fan, but the claim of the bush tax cuts passing on reconciliation is ... correct.
Bush tax cuts were passed with reconciliation's 50 votes

I never said it wasn't. The reconciiliation procedure was designed for budget measures, not for massive bills that would change the entire medical system and how it is paid for.

Right GUTTING REVENUES from 20% (CLINTON) of GDP to less than 15% (DUBYA)

Isn't like ACA which was 100% funded and basically was an insurance mandate, lol
It's a joke, McConnell is an Obama puppet, and idiots like Bob Corker gave us the Iran deal as much as Obama. Harry Reid is a much better leader of the senate than Mitch McConnell. He got things done for the leftist. McConnell should resigned in disgrace:mad:

Beware the claimant who says, "(Fill in the blank) is the most/worst/best/least (fill in the blank) IN HISTORY!11!".

These kinds of things are usually said by people who have no knowledge of history beyond five minutes ago.
Jroc can't refute my points.

He admits defeat.

Son, you can't post assertions without proof (particularly you and Vigi because you are known liars) and expect anyone to do much more than laugh at you.

What points? your post has nothing to do with the topic of the thread. Can you focus?

Is this Republican led Senate the most inept in American history?
did you see my post, 42 TRAITOROUS DEMORATS... | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum ...??

42 traitors who hate the Constitution and America. they should be deported to I-fucking-ran if they love it so damn much more than THE U.S.A. !!!!!

The Dems didn't have the power to stop anything without Mitch McConnell

ANOTHER right winger who doesn't understand without 60 votes to push through legislation AND 67 to override a Obama veto of stupid right wing bills like "repealing" ACA? lol

You know "power" in the Senate that ONLY means you have majority, NOT EXECUTIVE BRANCH SUPER DUPER POWERS (day to day running of Gov't!!!)

LOL, except when Reid changed the rules to pass obozocare with 60 votes. you libs are such hypocrites.

Changed the rules? lol

Oh right the same reconciliation Dubya/GOP used for BOTH his tax cuts!

Actually, wasn't reconcilliation in the House? As far as the Senate goes, I'm pretty sure Harry Reid didn't have to change anything, since the 60-vote filibuster thing has been around for quite a while.

No, House is simple majority

Senate you can use reconciliation to vote on "budgetary" items with majority (plus 1), that's why Cheney had to do a tie breaker, 51st vote
It's a joke, McConnell is an Obama puppet, and idiots like Bob Corker gave us the Iran deal as much as Obama. Harry Reid is a much better leader of the senate than Mitch McConnell. He got things done for the leftist. McConnell should resigned in disgrace:mad:

Beware the claimant who says, "(Fill in the blank) is the most (fill in the blank) IN HISTORY!11!".

These kinds of things are usually said by people who have no knowledge of history beyond five minutes ago.
Either they are inept, or they are shills for Obama. He couldn't ask for anything better from the Republicans. They haven't stopped anything Obama wanted to do, or even attempted
It's a joke, McConnell is an Obama puppet, and idiots like Bob Corker gave us the Iran deal as much as Obama. Harry Reid is a much better leader of the senate than Mitch McConnell. He got things done for the leftist. McConnell should resigned in disgrace:mad:

Beware the claimant who says, "(Fill in the blank) is the most (fill in the blank) IN HISTORY!11!".

These kinds of things are usually said by people who have no knowledge of history beyond five minutes ago.
Either they are inept, or they are shills for Obama. He couldn't ask for anything better from the Republicans. They haven't stopped anything Obama wanted to do, or even attempted
There was this one Senate which couldn't stop eleven states from leaving the Union. In fact, the entire 1850s had a really shitty Senate.

And then there was the 1907 Senate. What a cock-up that was. Those guys were so inept and discordant, we ended up with the 17th Amendment. Thanks a lot, assholes!
"Is this Republican led Senate the most inept in American history?"

No doubt.

And this republican Congress is also the most partisan, ideologically extreme, and contemptuous of sound, responsible governance in American History. .
Jroc can't refute my points.

He admits defeat.

Son, you can't post assertions without proof (particularly you and Vigi because you are known liars) and expect anyone to do much more than laugh at you.

What points? your post has nothing to do with the topic of the thread. Can you focus?

Is this Republican led Senate the most inept in American history?
You tried to make points outside of the OP and I demolished them.

Jroc, you can't concentrate longer than five minutes on anything.

It's a joke, McConnell is an Obama puppet, and idiots like Bob Corker gave us the Iran deal as much as Obama. Harry Reid is a much better leader of the senate than Mitch McConnell. He got things done for the leftist. McConnell should resigned in disgrace:mad:

Beware the claimant who says, "(Fill in the blank) is the most (fill in the blank) IN HISTORY!11!".

These kinds of things are usually said by people who have no knowledge of history beyond five minutes ago.
Either they are inept, or they are shills for Obama. He couldn't ask for anything better from the Republicans. They haven't stopped anything Obama wanted to do, or even attempted
There was this one Senate which couldn't stop eleven states from leaving the Union. In fact, the entire 1850s had a really shitty Senate.

And then there was the 1907 Senate. What a cock-up that was. Those guys were so inept and discordant, we ended up with the 17th Amendment. Thanks a lot, assholes!
Are you off a decade? Don't go to Jroc for info, you have been told that repeatedly.
It's a joke, McConnell is an Obama puppet, and idiots like Bob Corker gave us the Iran deal as much as Obama. Harry Reid is a much better leader of the senate than Mitch McConnell. He got things done for the leftist. McConnell should resigned in disgrace:mad:

Beware the claimant who says, "(Fill in the blank) is the most (fill in the blank) IN HISTORY!11!".

These kinds of things are usually said by people who have no knowledge of history beyond five minutes ago.
Either they are inept, or they are shills for Obama. He couldn't ask for anything better from the Republicans. They haven't stopped anything Obama wanted to do, or even attempted

Except increasing taxes on the individ making $200,000+ a year or family with $250,000+ a year, what Obama wanted, to get revenues back up near where Clinton had them

Except to block Obama's "Buffet" rule that has a min tax rate of 30% on ANY incomes above $1,000,000+ a year

Except to block Obama's proposal on lowering the Corp tax rate from 35% to 28% and use extra revenues by closing loopholes to get MORE infrastructure repairs going

Except block dozens of judicial appointments for record times

Except to filibuster hundreds of bills in the Senate

Except to stop the "save American jobs" (BJHA) act which gives special tax credits for US job creation AND takes away Corp use of loopholes to offshore AND write-off the costs of offshoring US jobs
It's a joke, McConnell is an Obama puppet, and idiots like Bob Corker gave us the Iran deal as much as Obama. Harry Reid is a much better leader of the senate than Mitch McConnell. He got things done for the leftist. McConnell should resigned in disgrace:mad:


Have you ever considered the possibility that the Republican leadership believes that having the agreement (which is a multilateral agreement sponsored and supported by several major powers, by the way) in place is far better than having no agreement at all?
The GOP was given control of congress in 2014 because they promised to block obama's far left agenda, defund obozocare, and overturn his illegal amnesty program. They have done none of those things and should be replaced at the next election. Boehner and McConnel are fricken rinos and are scared shitless of what the media might say about them if they actually did their jobs.

The further to the right congress moves the less they seem to accomplish.
The GOP was given control of congress in 2014 because they promised to block obama's far left agenda, defund obozocare, and overturn his illegal amnesty program. They have done none of those things and should be replaced at the next election. Boehner and McConnel are fricken rinos and are scared shitless of what the media might say about them if they actually did their jobs.

The further to the right congress moves the less they seem to accomplish.

CONservatives/GOP don't want effective Gov't, they "believe" that Randian fetishists BS that has NEVER worked anywhere
The only thing this senate has done right is to pass budgets. Everything else has been a tea party dick fast.
It's a joke, McConnell is an Obama puppet, and idiots like Bob Corker gave us the Iran deal as much as Obama. Harry Reid is a much better leader of the senate than Mitch McConnell. He got things done for the leftist. McConnell should resigned in disgrace:mad:


Have you ever considered the possibility that the Republican leadership believes that having the agreement (which is a multilateral agreement sponsored and supported by several major powers, by the way) in place is far better than having no agreement at all?

They want us in another war and another 3 trillion dollar nation building cluster fuck.
The GOP was given control of congress in 2014 because they promised to block obama's far left agenda, defund obozocare, and overturn his illegal amnesty program. They have done none of those things and should be replaced at the next election. Boehner and McConnel are fricken rinos and are scared shitless of what the media might say about them if they actually did their jobs.

The further to the right congress moves the less they seem to accomplish.

The right today is not structured to accomplish anything. That takes compromise

They can't compromise in their own party let alone the democrats
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It's a joke, McConnell is an Obama puppet, and idiots like Bob Corker gave us the Iran deal as much as Obama. Harry Reid is a much better leader of the senate than Mitch McConnell. He got things done for the leftist. McConnell should resigned in disgrace:mad:

Beware the claimant who says, "(Fill in the blank) is the most (fill in the blank) IN HISTORY!11!".

These kinds of things are usually said by people who have no knowledge of history beyond five minutes ago.
Either they are inept, or they are shills for Obama. He couldn't ask for anything better from the Republicans. They haven't stopped anything Obama wanted to do, or even attempted
There was this one Senate which couldn't stop eleven states from leaving the Union. In fact, the entire 1850s had a really shitty Senate.

And then there was the 1907 Senate. What a cock-up that was. Those guys were so inept and discordant, we ended up with the 17th Amendment. Thanks a lot, assholes!
states like Maryland is why there had to be a 17th amendment.
Now if they can just undo the gerrymandering that the democrats pulled a couple years ago we might have a chance at recovery.

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