Is this Republican led Senate the most inept in American history?

True, that. At least they have slowed the leak to a drip rather than a flood.
Republicans have a two year window when they control Congress

Looks like they are content to celebrate their 2014 victories and do nothing

Meanwhile, Obama has no political pressure on him and is the only one in town who is actually accomplishing things

And what an accomplishment it is. :thup:

Surely even fake republicans have to know that a slim majority in the senate can't solve the mess in seven months that Barry Hussein made in seven years. Way back when democrats gained the majority in congress in Bush's last two years what's the first issue the senate tackled? The economy? Foreign policy? Nope, Harry Reid's majority went after steroid use in baseball. In the House Barney Frank became chairperson of the House Banking Committee that had oversight responsibility for Fannie Mae. Frank assured Americans that Fannie was doing fine when it was on the verge of collapse. Was he just stupid or did democrats plan the biggest October surprise in history when Fannie brought the economy down just in time for the election?

BFrank took over oversight of F/F in Jan 2007, AFTER Dubya was regulator 2001-2009?

Barney said they were fine? You talking about the out of context vids talking about F/F accounting scandals of 2003-2004?

Q When did the Bush Mortgage Bubble start?

A The general timeframe is it started late 2004.

From Bush’s President’s Working Group on Financial Markets October 2008

“The Presidents Working Group’s March policy statement acknowledged that turmoil in financial markets clearly was triggered by a dramatic weakening of underwriting standards for U.S. subprime mortgages, beginning in late 2004 and extending into 2007.”


Private Wall Street Companies Caused The Financial Crisis — Not Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Or The Community Reinvestment Act

Private sector loans, not Fannie or Freddie, triggered crisis

Talk radio and the blogosphere are pushing the idea that the stock market meltdown and the freeze on credit was triggered by finance giants Fannie Mae's and Freddie Mac's lending money to poor and minority Americans. But federal housing data reveal that that charge isn't true. Instead, it was the private sector that was behind the soaring subprime lending at the core of the crisis.

Private sector loans, not Fannie or Freddie, triggered crisis

GSE Critics Ignore Loan Performance

There is no data anywhere to cast doubt on the vastly superior loan performance of the GSEs. Year after year, decade after decade, before, during and after the housing crash, GSE loan performance has consistently been two-to-six times better than that of any other segment of the market. The numbers are irrefutable, and they show that the entire case against GSE underwriting standards, and their role in the financial crisis, is based on social stereotyping, smoke and mirrors, and little else.
To be fair, Republicans are at least reading legislation before voting on it. That's a whole lot more than Democrats do. Everyone remembers Pelosi ordering her lackeys to vote on everything without reading it. So, the Republicans are an improvement. But not too much.
Pubs are happy with all the pander to the rich and giant corps, invest NOTHING in Americans policies they've defended to the death. It's the greedy idiot RW conspiracy....that's all they care about.
OP- McConnell is an Obama puppet? AY caramba, what planet do you live on? Try passing something constructive for the country. Tax cuts on the rich ain't it.
They have this sitting in front of them, and they do nothing....Let's relegate Republicans into the THIRD party, once President Trump is elected!

Brainwashed hater dupe, wtf are you talking about? The Iran deal is anything BUT giving Iran the bomb. You believe a huge pile of big lie, divisive, destructive Pubcrappe.
Pubs are happy with all the pander to the rich and giant corps, invest NOTHING in Americans policies they've defended to the death. It's the greedy idiot RW conspiracy....that's all they care about.

Both Parties do that. Who do you think will be funding both Party's Presidential Candidates? And your guy just signed a Trade Deal that only benefits large Corporate interests. He just condemned the American Worker to more misery. The deal was so bad, they tried desperately to keep it secret.

I understand Republicans want to accomplish conservative things and Democrats want to accomplish liberal things...There is nothing that Obama can do that Republicans would classify as an accomplishment

But Obama is accomplishing his liberal things in spite of being a lame duck president. The Republicans have been unable to mark a single major accomplishment

That is the difference

Yes, you are correct. and the american people are the victims of obama and his accomplishments.

But since you keep bringing it up. give us a list of the things he has personally done that help average americans.


Oh, yeah. lets talk about obozocare.


Premiums, for those paying, have doubled
Deductibles are up
coverage is down
doctors are leaving medicine
hospitals are closing
the website doesn't work
Yes, for those who get it free, its great. But those people always got free medical care.

No one in the USA was denied medical care before obamacare. NO ONE.

This terrible law was not passed by dems to fix medical care, it was passed as the first step to nationalizing (socializing) medicine.

To call the worst legislation in the history of our nation an accomplishment just shows how indoctrinated with bullshit that you are.

I have insurance now when nobody would sell it to me before because of a
pre- existing condition. THANKS OBAMA!!!

Well good for you. Were you denied treatment before ACA? Did you go to a hospital and get sent home to die? Are you paying for your obozo insurance or getting it free?
Hey fish, perhaps the ACA has opened up the possibility of allowing you to get the downsides of those genetic traits of yours from generations of inbreeding reduced or even reversed. Its worth a shot! Do it for your Country, Fish!!!!
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They have this sitting in front of them, and they do nothing....Let's relegate Republicans into the THIRD party, once President Trump is elected!

Brainwashed hater dupe, wtf are you talking about? The Iran deal is anything BUT giving Iran the bomb. You believe a huge pile of big lie, divisive, destructive Pubcrappe.
Further proof liberal scum have the IQ of just below a slug!
Pubs are happy with all the pander to the rich and giant corps, invest NOTHING in Americans policies they've defended to the death. It's the greedy idiot RW conspiracy....that's all they care about.

Both Parties do that. Who do you think will be funding both Party's Presidential Candidates? And your guy just signed a Trade Deal that only benefits large Corporate interests. He just condemned the American Worker to more misery. The deal was so bad, they tried desperately to keep it secret.
The trade deal will give us customers. It doesn't work because Pubs refuse to invest in programs to train tech workers and our unemployed, or anything for that matter. Mindless. The greedy idiot big money is overwhelmingly in the GOP, and they passed Citizens and defend corrupt big money campaign financing and Superpacs.
Pubs are happy with all the pander to the rich and giant corps, invest NOTHING in Americans policies they've defended to the death. It's the greedy idiot RW conspiracy....that's all they care about.

Both Parties do that. Who do you think will be funding both Party's Presidential Candidates? And your guy just signed a Trade Deal that only benefits large Corporate interests. He just condemned the American Worker to more misery. The deal was so bad, they tried desperately to keep it secret.
The trade deal will give us customers. It doesn't work because Pubs refuse to invest in programs to train tech workers and our unemployed, or anything for that matter. Mindless. The greedy idiot big money is overwhelmingly in the GOP, and they passed Citizens and defend corrupt big money campaign financing and Superpacs.

It's your guy's awful deal. Neither Party should have supported it. It's another NAFTA. American Workers will continue to suffer.
Jroc simply thinks he can say things and people will believe it.

Premiums, for those paying, have doubled prove it
Deductibles are up how much
coverage is down for who
doctors are leaving medicine they all do eventually
hospitals are closing how many are opening
the website doesn't work that's a lie
Yes, for those who get it free, its great. But those people always got free medical care. no, they don't

No one in the USA was denied medical care before obamacare. NO ONE. that's a lie

And the far right wonders why they can't tear down the world

sorry, snarkey. But you are simply full of shit.
And the above is why you neo-cons and anti-Americans lose in national elections.
conservatives lose because snarkey is full of shit???????????????? Uh, ok.
Just like you did above, you lose because of your obvious lies.
Yes, you are correct. and the american people are the victims of obama and his accomplishments.

But since you keep bringing it up. give us a list of the things he has personally done that help average americans.

Kept US out of a SECOND GOP GREAT DEPRESSION after 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies!!!

total bullshit. there was no recession in 08 and certainly not a depression. there was a market correction, nothing more. we had a similar one last week. Damn, you libs are such liars.

Were you in a coma in 2008?

5 negative quarters of GDP, losing 700,000 jobs a month, stock market dropping 7000 points is just a "correction"?

figures don't lie, but liars figure. none of what you said is true. 2008 was a market correction, nothing more. I actually made a lot of money in 2008, I bought when everyone else was selling.

Yes a correction in the the...

Housing Market
Jobs Market
Stock Market
Food Market

Simply put; you're full of shit. You're head is so far up your ass you're probably coughing up dandruff.

I understand Republicans want to accomplish conservative things and Democrats want to accomplish liberal things...There is nothing that Obama can do that Republicans would classify as an accomplishment

But Obama is accomplishing his liberal things in spite of being a lame duck president. The Republicans have been unable to mark a single major accomplishment

That is the difference

Yes, you are correct. and the american people are the victims of obama and his accomplishments.

But since you keep bringing it up. give us a list of the things he has personally done that help average americans.

Kept US out of a SECOND GOP GREAT DEPRESSION after 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies!!!

total bullshit. there was no recession in 08 and certainly not a depression. there was a market correction, nothing more. we had a similar one last week. Damn, you libs are such liars.

Were you in a coma in 2008?

5 negative quarters of GDP, losing 700,000 jobs a month, stock market dropping 7000 points is just a "correction"?

figures don't lie, but liars figure. none of what you said is true. 2008 was a market correction, nothing more. I actually made a lot of money in 2008, I bought when everyone else was selling.

Sure and the Great Depression was nothing more than a market correction....aren't all Republican recessions just a minor bump in the road?
Remember to vote for them in 2016 when it becomes the 'most important election in our lifetime' again. They promise to be different next time. Why people don't start voting third party is beyond me?!

Cause the US style election system is geared to have only two parties. To vote outside that in the present system is to hand control to the party you least like. Strangely the the country which is founded on competition leads to the best results does the exact opposite in its politics...
If the US had a preference voting - single transfer system it would lead to a more diverse party structure with more smaller parties who could yield power better... This structure is common place in democracies all over the world.

If the US had this system the parties would be more like:
Tea Party
Red Dog((Social Liberal, Economic Conservative)
Blue Dog(Social Conservative, Economic Liberal)
Green Party
Social Democratic

Something like that, running to center & compromise would be the name of the game with collisions forming with programs of government (lasting 2 years). Would the Red and Blue Dogs survive or would they be amalgamated into GOP or Dems? Don't know...

But everyone gets a home more suited to their actual beliefs,,, And the big thing, Politicians will actually have to fight for your votes and your preference...
  • Thanks
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So you chose not to go with cobra. And you failed to check your states availability of a high risk pool. Gotcha. And you want everyone else to suffer for your lack of action, because you were lazy.
1. Yes. Emergency rooms will care for you when you are bleeding, or in the middle of a heart attack, but things like monitoring a pace maker or any kind of regular care or test is not their job.
2. yes
3. Yes. I pay every penny for my policy that allows regular visits to a cardiologist.

again THANKS OBAMA!!!!

1. where did you get the pacemaker? You obviously got it before obamacare, so how did you get it under the terrible medical system pre-ACA?

2. I don't believe you

3. There were two things that needed fixing: insurance companies should have been required to take people with pre-existing conditions at a reasonable premium. there should have been no lifetime maximums in policies. Those two fixes could have been made with a one page bill that would have not disrupted the entire medical system and increased the cost for taxpayers and everyone who pays for insurance.

4. since you say you now pay for your policy, why were you unable to afford a policy before ACA? Having a pre-existing condition did not prevent you from getting coverage, it just made it cost more.

1. I got it before the company I worked for sold to a larger company and laid me off and canceled my policy. Since the new company used different insurance, I was not given the option of paying to keep the policy.
2. Doesn't matter if you believe me.
3. I agree, but that didn't happen.
4. Wrong.

Who said I didn't do cobra for the 36 allowed months? You really don't know much about the defunct Texas high risk you? I understand that you are desperately trying to find some way to mark me as some bum who is somehow taking advantage of you. It just isn't so. I and many others needed ACA because there were no other options. Sorry if that doesn't match what rush told you.

Your situation could have been addressed and resolved without destroying the entire medical system with a government take-over. A simple one page bill could have resolved your issue.

You also need to face the reality that you are part of a tiny minority who have been caught between coverages with a pre-existing condition. ACA was massive overkill for a very small problem.

You are correct...a simple one page bill could have corrected our healthcare situation

Make Medicare available to all

Of course Republicans never would allow it
So you chose not to go with cobra. And you failed to check your states availability of a high risk pool. Gotcha. And you want everyone else to suffer for your lack of action, because you were lazy.
1. where did you get the pacemaker? You obviously got it before obamacare, so how did you get it under the terrible medical system pre-ACA?

2. I don't believe you

3. There were two things that needed fixing: insurance companies should have been required to take people with pre-existing conditions at a reasonable premium. there should have been no lifetime maximums in policies. Those two fixes could have been made with a one page bill that would have not disrupted the entire medical system and increased the cost for taxpayers and everyone who pays for insurance.

4. since you say you now pay for your policy, why were you unable to afford a policy before ACA? Having a pre-existing condition did not prevent you from getting coverage, it just made it cost more.

1. I got it before the company I worked for sold to a larger company and laid me off and canceled my policy. Since the new company used different insurance, I was not given the option of paying to keep the policy.
2. Doesn't matter if you believe me.
3. I agree, but that didn't happen.
4. Wrong.

Who said I didn't do cobra for the 36 allowed months? You really don't know much about the defunct Texas high risk you? I understand that you are desperately trying to find some way to mark me as some bum who is somehow taking advantage of you. It just isn't so. I and many others needed ACA because there were no other options. Sorry if that doesn't match what rush told you.

Your situation could have been addressed and resolved without destroying the entire medical system with a government take-over. A simple one page bill could have resolved your issue.

You also need to face the reality that you are part of a tiny minority who have been caught between coverages with a pre-existing condition. ACA was massive overkill for a very small problem.

You are correct...a simple one page bill could have corrected our healthcare situation

Make Medicare available to all

Of course Republicans never would allow it

Actually it is pretty simple... The Government takes a little of everyone it is called National Insurance (actually US already pay enough in Taxes to day to cover this when compared to EU countries), it is itemised on your taxes as national insurance (it also covers sick leave).

The "Mediall" (Medicare for all) will cover everyone with basic insurance in shared wards and care by need base. People can then buy top up private insurance to have better conditions and access to private facilities (thus be able to queue jump)... I pay $100 a month in Ireland for this.

That's it... There is some other things but that is the start of the most basic thing
The Dems didn't have the power to stop anything without Mitch McConnell

ANOTHER right winger who doesn't understand without 60 votes to push through legislation AND 67 to override a Obama veto of stupid right wing bills like "repealing" ACA? lol

You know "power" in the Senate that ONLY means you have majority, NOT EXECUTIVE BRANCH SUPER DUPER POWERS (day to day running of Gov't!!!)

LOL, except when Reid changed the rules to pass obozocare with 60 votes. you libs are such hypocrites.

Changed the rules? lol

Oh right the same reconciliation Dubya/GOP used for BOTH his tax cuts!

Yeah, right. it was terrible when Bush did it, but great when Reid did it. OK ?????

Glad you agree, there was no change in how it was used Bubs

bullshit. Bush did not use it on a bill of the significance of ACA. Something that major shouid have been thoroughly debated and discussed in the open. Instead it was passed by dems only, in the dark of night, before anyone had a chance to read it. That was absolutely wrong.
So you chose not to go with cobra. And you failed to check your states availability of a high risk pool. Gotcha. And you want everyone else to suffer for your lack of action, because you were lazy.
1. where did you get the pacemaker? You obviously got it before obamacare, so how did you get it under the terrible medical system pre-ACA?

2. I don't believe you

3. There were two things that needed fixing: insurance companies should have been required to take people with pre-existing conditions at a reasonable premium. there should have been no lifetime maximums in policies. Those two fixes could have been made with a one page bill that would have not disrupted the entire medical system and increased the cost for taxpayers and everyone who pays for insurance.

4. since you say you now pay for your policy, why were you unable to afford a policy before ACA? Having a pre-existing condition did not prevent you from getting coverage, it just made it cost more.

1. I got it before the company I worked for sold to a larger company and laid me off and canceled my policy. Since the new company used different insurance, I was not given the option of paying to keep the policy.
2. Doesn't matter if you believe me.
3. I agree, but that didn't happen.
4. Wrong.

Who said I didn't do cobra for the 36 allowed months? You really don't know much about the defunct Texas high risk you? I understand that you are desperately trying to find some way to mark me as some bum who is somehow taking advantage of you. It just isn't so. I and many others needed ACA because there were no other options. Sorry if that doesn't match what rush told you.

Your situation could have been addressed and resolved without destroying the entire medical system with a government take-over. A simple one page bill could have resolved your issue.

You also need to face the reality that you are part of a tiny minority who have been caught between coverages with a pre-existing condition. ACA was massive overkill for a very small problem.

You are correct...a simple one page bill could have corrected our healthcare situation

Make Medicare available to all

Of course Republicans never would allow it

You would not like to be under basic medicare. You would be required to pay 20% of all of your medical expenses and it would cost you $100 - $200 per month based on how much you make.

In order to get decent coverage a medicare recipient must buy a supplement or medicare advantage policy.

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