Is this Republican led Senate the most inept in American history?

The further to the right congress moves the less they seem to accomplish.

The right today is not structured to accomplish anything That takes compromise

They can't compromise in their own party let alone the democrats
Im pretty sure the democrats have lost the ability to compromise too.
for instance, the current budget bill they are working on. Promised to be vetoed if funding for planned parenthood is not included. Really? the democrats will risk another shutdown just to make sure babies can still be murdered? What was the point of the ACA if we still need all of these taxpayer funded services for women's healthcare?
And then you have the troll from Maryland, Mikulski, she actually is hoping that the debt ceiling can be raised even higher?
The sad part is that the liberal voting base cant seem to put the blame on the right party when it comes to the shut downs.
The only compromise I would be willing to make with planned parenthood is to set the money aside in an account to be distributed somewhere at a later date, take PP out of the budget, pass the budget then bring a bill up and discuss using that set aside money for funding the baby murdering industry.

Just how thick are you...

You have been told time and again, NO FEDERAL MONEY HAS GONE INTO ABORTION...

But keep repeating the lie...

The funding for PP is for Women's health issues, something the offer millions...

then where is PP getting the fetus parts they are selling? The primary function of PP is abortion. Its founder started it to control black births because she considered blacks inferior human beings.

You are the thick one here.


There is a thing call truth and then there is lies....

PP were accepting donations for fetus parts. So what? Dead bodies are given to science all the time and donations are received in return. If you don't like it then refuse the multiple drugs and medical advances made because of this practice.

"The primary function of PP is abortion." NO NO NO.... Abortion is less than 5% of there business... Nice try, again this is common knowledge

Last comment
Cain claims Planned Parenthood founded for

redfish these delusions are starting to take hold, time to seek some professional help

funny thing how the truth takes hold, isn't it. Look up Margaret Sanger and what she said about blacks and abortion. You might learn something. I would do it for you, but you learn more when you do it yourself.
bullshit. the ACA bill was written in a sealed room by dem staffers. it was never brought to the floor of either house for open debate, no amendments were allowed to be offered or voted on, it was rammed through the senate using reconciliation before anyone had a chance to read it.

it is the worst piece of legislation in the history of this country and was passed in the most corrupt manner by democrats only.

then signed into law by the worst president in history.

You dems own this piece of shit just like you own the Iran nuke deal. Happy trails to you.

Rant Over...

Lets explain, You lost election therefore you are a looser... Loosers don't make the rules...

Yes, obozo won twice, the country lost twice. the country learned a very expensive lesson. It won't happen again.

you silly libfucks think this is about winning and losing and stomping on the opponents, you don't give a shit about whats best for the country or american citizens. You are sick, pathetic excuses for human beings.
Obama delivered on what he promised to do

Republicans have gotten nothing done

Yes, he promised to "fundamentally transform" this country, and he has managed to do some of that.

His "accomplishments" have been to divide the country on age, sex, religion, location, income, and race, to weaken our military, to strengthen our enemies, and dump on our allies. he has doubled the national debt, increased the number of americans in poverty and on welfare, opened our borders, and shipped american jobs overseas.

Accomplishments? I think not.

Once again...Obama was not elected to please conservatives with his accomplishments

thats for sure. How does making the country weaker in every way equate to an accomplishment?
Republicans have a two year window when they control Congress

Looks like they are content to celebrate their 2014 victories and do nothing

Meanwhile, Obama has no political pressure on him and is the only one in town who is actually accomplishing things

The only thing he accomplishes is wiping his ass on the Constitution.
Obamacare was a series of compromises as it evolved from single payer to government option to healthcare exchanges

The fact that Republicans refused to participate in the process does not negate that.

Republicans are incapable of compromise even among themselves. That is why they get nothing done

bullshit. the ACA bill was written in a sealed room by dem staffers. it was never brought to the floor of either house for open debate, no amendments were allowed to be offered or voted on, it was rammed through the senate using reconciliation before anyone had a chance to read it.

it is the worst piece of legislation in the history of this country and was passed in the most corrupt manner by democrats only.

then signed into law by the worst president in history.

You dems own this piece of shit just like you own the Iran nuke deal. Happy trails to you.

Rant Over...

Lets explain, You lost election therefore you are a looser... Loosers don't make the rules...

Yes, obozo won twice, the country lost twice. the country learned a very expensive lesson. It won't happen again.

you silly libfucks think this is about winning and losing and stomping on the opponents, you don't give a shit about whats best for the country or american citizens. You are sick, pathetic excuses for human beings.
Obama delivered on what he promised to do

Republicans have gotten nothing done
and yet when the ACA fails, and it will. And Israel is nuked, somehow the left is going to try to spin all the blame on the republicans because they held both houses while obama illegally rammed things through.

Oh yes....Obama must fail
Been the conservative mantra for seven years

So we get...Obamacare will fail...just you wait
The Iran nuclear deal will fail.....just you wait
The Obama economy will fail....just you wait
Republicans have a two year window when they control Congress

Looks like they are content to celebrate their 2014 victories and do nothing

Meanwhile, Obama has no political pressure on him and is the only one in town who is actually accomplishing things

The only thing he accomplishes is wiping his ass on the Constitution.

I refuse to discuss our great Constitution with anarchists
Rant Over...

Lets explain, You lost election therefore you are a looser... Loosers don't make the rules...

Yes, obozo won twice, the country lost twice. the country learned a very expensive lesson. It won't happen again.

you silly libfucks think this is about winning and losing and stomping on the opponents, you don't give a shit about whats best for the country or american citizens. You are sick, pathetic excuses for human beings.
Obama delivered on what he promised to do

Republicans have gotten nothing done

Yes, he promised to "fundamentally transform" this country, and he has managed to do some of that.

His "accomplishments" have been to divide the country on age, sex, religion, location, income, and race, to weaken our military, to strengthen our enemies, and dump on our allies. he has doubled the national debt, increased the number of americans in poverty and on welfare, opened our borders, and shipped american jobs overseas.

Accomplishments? I think not.

Once again...Obama was not elected to please conservatives with his accomplishments

thats for sure. How does making the country weaker in every way equate to an accomplishment?

Just keep telling yourself that
It makes Conservative defeats easier to swallow
bullshit. the ACA bill was written in a sealed room by dem staffers. it was never brought to the floor of either house for open debate, no amendments were allowed to be offered or voted on, it was rammed through the senate using reconciliation before anyone had a chance to read it.

it is the worst piece of legislation in the history of this country and was passed in the most corrupt manner by democrats only.

then signed into law by the worst president in history.

You dems own this piece of shit just like you own the Iran nuke deal. Happy trails to you.

Rant Over...

Lets explain, You lost election therefore you are a looser... Loosers don't make the rules...

Yes, obozo won twice, the country lost twice. the country learned a very expensive lesson. It won't happen again.

you silly libfucks think this is about winning and losing and stomping on the opponents, you don't give a shit about whats best for the country or american citizens. You are sick, pathetic excuses for human beings.
Obama delivered on what he promised to do

Republicans have gotten nothing done
and yet when the ACA fails, and it will. And Israel is nuked, somehow the left is going to try to spin all the blame on the republicans because they held both houses while obama illegally rammed things through.

Oh yes....Obama must fail
Been the conservative mantra for seven years

So we get...Obamacare will fail...just you wait
The Iran nuclear deal will fail.....just you wait
The Obama economy will fail....just you wait

he has failed, its not a prediction, its history.
Yes, obozo won twice, the country lost twice. the country learned a very expensive lesson. It won't happen again.

you silly libfucks think this is about winning and losing and stomping on the opponents, you don't give a shit about whats best for the country or american citizens. You are sick, pathetic excuses for human beings.
Obama delivered on what he promised to do

Republicans have gotten nothing done

Yes, he promised to "fundamentally transform" this country, and he has managed to do some of that.

His "accomplishments" have been to divide the country on age, sex, religion, location, income, and race, to weaken our military, to strengthen our enemies, and dump on our allies. he has doubled the national debt, increased the number of americans in poverty and on welfare, opened our borders, and shipped american jobs overseas.

Accomplishments? I think not.

Once again...Obama was not elected to please conservatives with his accomplishments

thats for sure. How does making the country weaker in every way equate to an accomplishment?

Just keep telling yourself that
It makes Conservative defeats easier to swallow

exactly what part of conservative doctrine do you disagree with?

smaller less intrusive government?
lower taxes?
individual freedom?
strong military?
sane fiscal policy?
sane international policy?
enforcement of laws?

which do you take issue with and why? No bullshit. what I listed are the basic conservative beliefs, which ones give you a problem?
Republicans have a two year window when they control Congress

Looks like they are content to celebrate their 2014 victories and do nothing

Meanwhile, Obama has no political pressure on him and is the only one in town who is actually accomplishing things

The only thing he accomplishes is wiping his ass on the Constitution.

I refuse to discuss our great Constitution with anarchists

Yeah, right. It wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that I'll kick your ass in any such discussion, would it?
Obama delivered on what he promised to do

Republicans have gotten nothing done

Yes, he promised to "fundamentally transform" this country, and he has managed to do some of that.

His "accomplishments" have been to divide the country on age, sex, religion, location, income, and race, to weaken our military, to strengthen our enemies, and dump on our allies. he has doubled the national debt, increased the number of americans in poverty and on welfare, opened our borders, and shipped american jobs overseas.

Accomplishments? I think not.

Once again...Obama was not elected to please conservatives with his accomplishments

thats for sure. How does making the country weaker in every way equate to an accomplishment?

Just keep telling yourself that
It makes Conservative defeats easier to swallow

exactly what part of conservative doctrine do you disagree with?

smaller less intrusive government?
lower taxes?
individual freedom?
strong military?
sane fiscal policy?
sane international policy?
enforcement of laws?

which do you take issue with and why? No bullshit. what I listed are the basic conservative beliefs, which ones give you a problem?

He disagrees with all of that, especially the "individual freedom" part.
Yes, he promised to "fundamentally transform" this country, and he has managed to do some of that.

His "accomplishments" have been to divide the country on age, sex, religion, location, income, and race, to weaken our military, to strengthen our enemies, and dump on our allies. he has doubled the national debt, increased the number of americans in poverty and on welfare, opened our borders, and shipped american jobs overseas.

Accomplishments? I think not.

Once again...Obama was not elected to please conservatives with his accomplishments

thats for sure. How does making the country weaker in every way equate to an accomplishment?

Just keep telling yourself that
It makes Conservative defeats easier to swallow

exactly what part of conservative doctrine do you disagree with?

smaller less intrusive government?
lower taxes?
individual freedom?
strong military?
sane fiscal policy?
sane international policy?
enforcement of laws?

which do you take issue with and why? No bullshit. what I listed are the basic conservative beliefs, which ones give you a problem?

He disagrees with all of that, especially the "individual freedom" part.

exactly, now watch, he will come back with some stupid statement like "conservatives hate gays and blacks" . Liberals are idiots, they prove it every day on this forum.
Obama delivered on what he promised to do

Republicans have gotten nothing done

Yes, he promised to "fundamentally transform" this country, and he has managed to do some of that.

His "accomplishments" have been to divide the country on age, sex, religion, location, income, and race, to weaken our military, to strengthen our enemies, and dump on our allies. he has doubled the national debt, increased the number of americans in poverty and on welfare, opened our borders, and shipped american jobs overseas.

Accomplishments? I think not.

Once again...Obama was not elected to please conservatives with his accomplishments

thats for sure. How does making the country weaker in every way equate to an accomplishment?

Just keep telling yourself that
It makes Conservative defeats easier to swallow

exactly what part of conservative doctrine do you disagree with?

smaller less intrusive government?
lower taxes?
individual freedom?
strong military?
sane fiscal policy?
sane international policy?
enforcement of laws?

which do you take issue with and why? No bullshit. what I listed are the basic conservative beliefs, which ones give you a problem?

The parts of conservative doctrine I disagree with

Slashing taxes as a solution to any problem
Pandering to the wealthy
Poor fiscal discipline
Supply side economics
Indifference towards the poor and middle class
Chicken hawk foreign policy
Inability to compromise
Pandering to the religious right
The GOP was given control of congress in 2014 because they promised to block obama's far left agenda, defund obozocare, and overturn his illegal amnesty program. They have done none of those things and should be replaced at the next election. Boehner and McConnel are fricken rinos and are scared shitless of what the media might say about them if they actually did their jobs.

The further to the right congress moves the less they seem to accomplish.

The right today is not structured to accomplish anything. That takes compromise

They can't compromise in their own party let alone the democrats

They have a substantial wing that views compromise as a 4-letter word. The thing is - unless you're a dictator - you can't accomplish anything without compromise and deal making in a multi-party system. Most of these guys are ideologically driven newbies with little patience or understanding of what it takes to accomplish long term goals.
Jroc can't refute my points.

He admits defeat.

Son, you can't post assertions without proof (particularly you and Vigi because you are known liars) and expect anyone to do much more than laugh at you.
WTF?:uhh: People cant take you seriously fake. you don't even comment on the topic, yet you think you've accomplished something. whats wrong with you? Is this weak Republican leadership? or not? That's the question. Are you a shill for the establishment? Obama? What are you?...I think you're just a fraud
It's a joke, McConnell is an Obama puppet, and idiots like Bob Corker gave us the Iran deal as much as Obama. Harry Reid is a much better leader of the senate than Mitch McConnell. He got things done for the leftist. McConnell should resigned in disgrace:mad:

Beware the claimant who says, "(Fill in the blank) is the most (fill in the blank) IN HISTORY!11!".

These kinds of things are usually said by people who have no knowledge of history beyond five minutes ago.
Either they are inept, or they are shills for Obama. He couldn't ask for anything better from the Republicans. They haven't stopped anything Obama wanted to do, or even attempted
There was this one Senate which couldn't stop eleven states from leaving the Union. In fact, the entire 1850s had a really shitty Senate.

And then there was the 1907 Senate. What a cock-up that was. Those guys were so inept and discordant, we ended up with the 17th Amendment. Thanks a lot, assholes!
states like Maryland is why there had to be a 17th amendment.
Now if they can just undo the gerrymandering that the democrats pulled a couple years ago we might have a chance at recovery.

So you would leave the new Republican gerrymandering in place then?

America’s most gerrymandered congressional districts

Democrats won in nine of the 10 most-gerrymandered districts. But eight out of 10 of those districts were drawn by Republicans.
We need to crack down on gerrymandering across the board.
So you chose not to go with cobra. And you failed to check your states availability of a high risk pool. Gotcha. And you want everyone else to suffer for your lack of action, because you were lazy.

Who said I didn't do cobra for the 36 allowed months? You really don't know much about the defunct Texas high risk you? I understand that you are desperately trying to find some way to mark me as some bum who is somehow taking advantage of you. It just isn't so. I and many others needed ACA because there were no other options. Sorry if that doesn't match what rush told you.

Your situation could have been addressed and resolved without destroying the entire medical system with a government take-over. A simple one page bill could have resolved your issue.

You also need to face the reality that you are part of a tiny minority who have been caught between coverages with a pre-existing condition. ACA was massive overkill for a very small problem.

You are correct...a simple one page bill could have corrected our healthcare situation

Make Medicare available to all

Of course Republicans never would allow it

Actually it is pretty simple... The Government takes a little of everyone it is called National Insurance (actually US already pay enough in Taxes to day to cover this when compared to EU countries), it is itemised on your taxes as national insurance (it also covers sick leave).

The "Mediall" (Medicare for all) will cover everyone with basic insurance in shared wards and care by need base. People can then buy top up private insurance to have better conditions and access to private facilities (thus be able to queue jump)... I pay $100 a month in Ireland for this.

That's it... There is some other things but that is the start of the most basic thing

"The Government takes a little of everyone it is called National Insurance (actually US already pay enough in Taxes to day to cover this when compared to EU countries),"

Not even close, the US fed tax system is about 17.6% of GDP, even when Carter/Clinton had US at 20% of GDP, we are nearly half of what EU nations pay in tax burdens

Yes, add in the "private market" screwing US over, we could have UHC like EVERY other industrialized nation. Those nations which no poll EVER has them wanting US style "H/C"!

You wanna be Europe? move there. We defend the whole of Europe, allowing them to create their massive, social welfare system we partly fund it
The GOP was given control of congress in 2014 because they promised to block obama's far left agenda, defund obozocare, and overturn his illegal amnesty program. They have done none of those things and should be replaced at the next election. Boehner and McConnel are fricken rinos and are scared shitless of what the media might say about them if they actually did their jobs.

The further to the right congress moves the less they seem to accomplish.

The right today is not structured to accomplish anything That takes compromise

They can't compromise in their own party let alone the democrats
Im pretty sure the democrats have lost the ability to compromise too.
for instance, the current budget bill they are working on. Promised to be vetoed if funding for planned parenthood is not included. Really? the democrats will risk another shutdown just to make sure babies can still be murdered? What was the point of the ACA if we still need all of these taxpayer funded services for women's healthcare?
And then you have the troll from Maryland, Mikulski, she actually is hoping that the debt ceiling can be raised even higher?
The sad part is that the liberal voting base cant seem to put the blame on the right party when it comes to the shut downs.
The only compromise I would be willing to make with planned parenthood is to set the money aside in an account to be distributed somewhere at a later date, take PP out of the budget, pass the budget then bring a bill up and discuss using that set aside money for funding the baby murdering industry.

Why is something as controversial as PP in the budget in the first place when they KNOW it will be contentious and not lend itself to a compromise. Until criminal indictments and convictions are handed down there is no reason to even think about defunding PP while maintaining funds for religious-based anti-abortion clinics.
The GOP was given control of congress in 2014 because they promised to block obama's far left agenda, defund obozocare, and overturn his illegal amnesty program. They have done none of those things and should be replaced at the next election. Boehner and McConnel are fricken rinos and are scared shitless of what the media might say about them if they actually did their jobs.

The further to the right congress moves the less they seem to accomplish.

The right today is not structured to accomplish anything. That takes compromise

They can't compromise in their own party let alone the democrats

They have a substantial wing that views compromise as a 4-letter word. The thing is - unless you're a dictator - you can't accomplish anything without compromise and deal making in a multi-party system. Most of these guys are ideologically driven newbies with little patience or understanding of what it takes to accomplish long term goals.
They wear it as a badge of honor

Compromise is the same as defeat. A win/win solution is a loss because it allows the the other guy to win also

Why the Repbublicans can't accomplish anything
It's a joke, McConnell is an Obama puppet, and idiots like Bob Corker gave us the Iran deal as much as Obama. Harry Reid is a much better leader of the senate than Mitch McConnell. He got things done for the leftist. McConnell should resigned in disgrace:mad:


Have you ever considered the possibility that the Republican leadership believes that having the agreement (which is a multilateral agreement sponsored and supported by several major powers, by the way) in place is far better than having no agreement at all?

Nope, ass kissing people who want to destroy you doesn't work,'s idiocy
The GOP was given control of congress in 2014 because they promised to block obama's far left agenda, defund obozocare, and overturn his illegal amnesty program. They have done none of those things and should be replaced at the next election. Boehner and McConnel are fricken rinos and are scared shitless of what the media might say about them if they actually did their jobs.

The further to the right congress moves the less they seem to accomplish.

The right today is not structured to accomplish anything That takes compromise

They can't compromise in their own party let alone the democrats
Im pretty sure the democrats have lost the ability to compromise too.
for instance, the current budget bill they are working on. Promised to be vetoed if funding for planned parenthood is not included. Really? the democrats will risk another shutdown just to make sure babies can still be murdered? What was the point of the ACA if we still need all of these taxpayer funded services for women's healthcare?
And then you have the troll from Maryland, Mikulski, she actually is hoping that the debt ceiling can be raised even higher?
The sad part is that the liberal voting base cant seem to put the blame on the right party when it comes to the shut downs.
The only compromise I would be willing to make with planned parenthood is to set the money aside in an account to be distributed somewhere at a later date, take PP out of the budget, pass the budget then bring a bill up and discuss using that set aside money for funding the baby murdering industry.

Just how thick are you...

You have been told time and again, NO FEDERAL MONEY HAS GONE INTO ABORTION...

But keep repeating the lie...

The funding for PP is for Women's health issues, something the offer millions...

then where is PP getting the fetus parts they are selling? The primary function of PP is abortion. Its founder started it to control black births because she considered blacks inferior human beings.

You are the thick one here.

You guys can't be honest even when you are wapped upside the head with it over and over.

PP's primary objective is not abortion. Abortion accounts for only 3% of what it does.
It's founder opposed abortion.
It's meme that it's founder wanted to control black births is a conspiracy theory promoted through the use of cherry picked out of context quotes.

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