Is this shit really how God works?

Jon Stewart is actually funny.

Those clowns are not, especially Kimmel.

Kimmel is just flat out mean and arrogant. Can't stand the site of him.
Kimmel is unfunny AND has no comedic timing or delivery.

The reason people think Liebowitz is funny is that he has outstanding delivery off the prompter.
God doesn't "work." He very occasionally steps in to modify something, but generally he just set the ball in motion and stands back to watch what we make of it. Life is unfair; it's our job to deal with it, knowing that in the afterlife a life of virtue will be rewarded and a life of evil will be punished (or extinguished).
i'm going to have to respectfully disagree with that statement. I believe he is actively involved in his work. "He Controls the course of world events. He removes kings and sets up other kings, He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the scholars. He reveals deep and mysterious things. He knows what is hidden in darkness though he is surrounded by light." Daniel 2:21-22

He reveals to us what we need to know. I can't tell you how many times he has answered my prayers...even for little stuff that is of no concern to anyone else other than me.
God doesn't "work." He very occasionally steps in to modify something, but generally he just set the ball in motion and stands back to watch what we make of it. Life is unfair; it's our job to deal with it, knowing that in the afterlife a life of virtue will be rewarded and a life of evil will be punished (or extinguished).

God steps in occasionally to bless those that need or ask for his help. Everything else is because what people themselves do. This idea god controls everything that happens is ridiculous. He gave us what we need to know to be good people and to honor him, then cut us loose, and will judge us based on our actions.
here's what i find to be true. I've read through the bible more than once and each time i see something that did not strike my awareness before...Every. time. So. it is my opinion that we may miss something important one time that the next time is of vital importance to our understanding.

1 Chronicles 29:12
Both riches and honor come from You, and You rule over all, and in Your hand is power and might; and it lies in Your hand to make great and to strengthen everyone.

Psalm 8:3-4
When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers,
The moon and the stars, which You have ordained;
What is man that You take thought of him,
And the son of man that You care for him?

Source: 14 Bible verses about God's Activity In Human Life
here's what i find to be true. I've read through the bible more than once and each time i see something that did not strike my awareness before...Every. time. So. it is my opinion that we may miss something important one time that the next time is of vital importance to our understanding.

1 Chronicles 29:12
Both riches and honor come from You, and You rule over all, and in Your hand is power and might; and it lies in Your hand to make great and to strengthen everyone.

Psalm 8:3-4
When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers,
The moon and the stars, which You have ordained;
What is man that You take thought of him,
And the son of man that You care for him?

Source: 14 Bible verses about God's Activity In Human Life
The Bible is a book written by men in an ancient time. "slaves, obey your masters". Eff that!
The Bible is a book written by men in an ancient time. "slaves, obey your masters". Eff that!
It was written by men inspired by God.... as a matter of fact it is remarkable to see God's hand in the writing for all the books are in alignment with God's word. Now. As to the slavery matter. Who invented slavery? God? or man. God said, in recognizing the situation....obey your masters and do right by them...because that would benefit the slave in better treatment and the master's household. God advocates freedom. I'll post something for you on that.

It also might behoove you to actually read the book rather than just parrotting what some angry atheist website fills your noggin with. just sayin'.


Now with regard to slavery in particular, it seems to me that the New Testament also causes us problems, because it tells slaves to be submissive to their masters and for masters not to threaten their slaves. So it's operating with a system of slavery that was given at that time.

However, the commands that are given and their context, I think, contain all the seeds for undoing anything like what we had in this country, for example, with the owning of human beings and its racial basis.

The book of Onesimus (Philemon) is the book that is brought forward most often—and rightly, I think—to show that Paul was sowing the seeds to explode the whole situation of slavery. Onesimus himself was a slave when he got converted. Paul sent him back to Philemon who had been his master, and he said, "I am sending him back as a brother. Honor him." I think that kind of spiritual dynamic is intended to explode the system.

Another thing to explode the system is when Paul says to masters, "Do not threaten them, remembering that you too have a master." So he puts the command of neighbor-love—do unto others as you would have them do unto you—in the place of the right of the master to threaten. And if you don't threaten, what do you do? You win by love, and that transforms slavery into employment.

So I think it's not wrong that the Christians in America moved from a justification of slavery to a justification of the abolition of slavery, and that it was long and hard in coming. The biblical principles that were used to undermine the Old Testament's own speech about slavery was appropriate. It's right to say that there are changes that come about in the process of redemptive-history which make some laws in the Old Testament no longer appropriate or relevant at all in the New Testament.

and it occurs to me just now....which party was the party of slavery in the US? was DEMOCRATS. aren't you ashamed.
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only to snowflake partisan hacks who cannot take him saying not nice things about their beloved party and leaders.

He's a washed up comedian who was out of work for many years because nobody liked him then. Nobody likes him now. The last good one was Leno, all the ones after him suck.
“How do you know? How would you know that that is what God meant,” a baffled Stewart asked. “Why would God be so obtuse? Why would he do that? Or she? Why would she? Or how crazy would it be if God insisted on they/them?”

Why would a so-called comedienne be a Progressive Socialist shill perhaps even an agent of the deep state? And what makes it all understanding for what Prog voters are, they listen to these people verbatim.
Jealous of a washed up comedian who was fired because he sucked so bad?

LOL Yea right. He's not even funny. People just think he's stupid.

Whatever helps you sleep at night. You are just pissed because he says means things about your beloved party
only to snowflake partisan hacks who cannot take him saying not nice things about their beloved party and leaders.
Loved Carson, Leno and Letterman, and they were very funny, their political jokes were funny and they attacked both sides of the political aisle. Stewart is okay, his political jokes are not the good funny that Carson, Leno and Letterman had.

Stewart is okay, but not in the legendary status of the big three.
Loved Carson, Leno and Letterman, and they were very funny, their political jokes were funny and they attacked both sides of the political aisle. Stewart is okay, his political jokes are not the good funny that Carson, Leno and Letterman had.

Stewart is okay, but not in the legendary status of the big three.

Let me guess, you are like 70 plus years old
Slavery, war, starvation, genocide .... are all God's tools ..... unless one has concluded God does not intercede.

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