Is This the Transformation You Wanted?

Your falsehoods are very amusing. Lerner was not hired by Bush. She had been working for the FEC, and transferred to the IRS in 2001, and was chosen, in 2006 by Steven Miller,
Commissioner of the IRS Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division, to run the EOD of the IRS. And she was definitely not a republican, ever.
Obama did nothing of the sort.

Yes, you are willing to lie for Obama, I understand.

A big part of leftism is the complete lack of ethics and integrity that you display.


Lois G. Lerner, the woman at the center of the Internal Revenue Service scandal over special scrutiny of conservative groups, specifically targeted tea party applications and directed that they be held up in 2011 in order to come up with an agency policy, according to several of Ms. Lerner’s emails released by a House committee Thursday.

In one 2011 email, Ms. Lerner specifically calls the tea party applications for tax-exempt status problematic, which seems to counter Democrats’ arguments that tea party groups weren’t targeted.

“Tea Party Matter very dangerous,” Ms. Lerner wrote in the 2011 email, saying that those applications could end up being the “vehicle to go to court” to get more clarity on a 2010 Supreme Court ruling on campaign finance rules.

Emails show IRS Lois Lerner specifically targeted tea party - Washington Times

The IRS simply vetted tax exempt organizations to see if they were entitled to the exemption. Not a scintilla of evidence that there was any directive from the administration to the IRS.

False, the IRS targeted enemies of Obama in an effort (successful) to corrupt the political process in America and influence the election in 2012.

You favour corruption when it serves your party, because you have utterly not integrity and only care about party.
So, lifelong Republican Lois Lerner, hired by the first George Bush investigated tea party groups, a political movement, because she thought they might be engaging in partisan politics and, therefore, not entitled to the tax exemption for non-partisan groups. That is called doing her job.
So, who was president in 2001 and in 2006? And she was a registered Republican.

Doesn't matter, no one should use the IRS to push a personal political view like she did.
Career federal employees are allowed to have political views. The problem starts when they abuse their authority or otherwise act unethically because of those views which is what she did. She also did it when she worked at the FEC.
Your falsehoods are very amusing. Lerner was not hired by Bush. She had been working for the FEC, and transferred to the IRS in 2001, and was chosen, in 2006 by Steven Miller,
Commissioner of the IRS Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division, to run the EOD of the IRS. And she was definitely not a republican, ever.
Obama did nothing of the sort.

Yes, you are willing to lie for Obama, I understand.

A big part of leftism is the complete lack of ethics and integrity that you display.


Lois G. Lerner, the woman at the center of the Internal Revenue Service scandal over special scrutiny of conservative groups, specifically targeted tea party applications and directed that they be held up in 2011 in order to come up with an agency policy, according to several of Ms. Lerner’s emails released by a House committee Thursday.

In one 2011 email, Ms. Lerner specifically calls the tea party applications for tax-exempt status problematic, which seems to counter Democrats’ arguments that tea party groups weren’t targeted.

“Tea Party Matter very dangerous,” Ms. Lerner wrote in the 2011 email, saying that those applications could end up being the “vehicle to go to court” to get more clarity on a 2010 Supreme Court ruling on campaign finance rules.

Emails show IRS Lois Lerner specifically targeted tea party - Washington Times

The IRS simply vetted tax exempt organizations to see if they were entitled to the exemption. Not a scintilla of evidence that there was any directive from the administration to the IRS.

False, the IRS targeted enemies of Obama in an effort (successful) to corrupt the political process in America and influence the election in 2012.

You favour corruption when it serves your party, because you have utterly not integrity and only care about party.
So, lifelong Republican Lois Lerner, hired by the first George Bush investigated tea party groups, a political movement, because she thought they might be engaging in partisan politics and, therefore, not entitled to the tax exemption for non-partisan groups. That is called doing her job.
So, who was president in 2001 and in 2006? And she was a registered Republican.

Doesn't matter, no one should use the IRS to push a personal political view like she did.
Career federal employees are allowed to have political views. The problem starts when they abuse their authority or otherwise act unethically because of those views which is what she did. She also did it when she worked at the FEC.
She did not. There was an upsurge of conservative political groups formed after the black man got elected and they were properly investigated to see if they qualified for tax exemption. Conservative groups being formed greatly outnumbered liberal groups (we can think for ourselves, we do not need others to validate our beliefs) so, naturally, more conservative groups were vetted.
It will end up with our Constitution being over ridden by the UN. That is the change. Brussels told us that Obama is their pick to run their world government and his success in changing America was his test run. He passed. Hillary will finish the job.

Hello Irish Ram. I don't know your posting history, but I hope you're being humorous.
The only thing that influenced the 2012 election was the success the President had in undoing much of the harm caused by the previous administration. That and the good sense of the American people to reject the right wing lies about their president.

That and the neutralizing of the opposition by the IRS through intimidation and harassment.
Right. Romney was neutralized through IRS intimidation and harassment.
Your falsehoods are very amusing. Lerner was not hired by Bush. She had been working for the FEC, and transferred to the IRS in 2001, and was chosen, in 2006 by Steven Miller,
Commissioner of the IRS Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division, to run the EOD of the IRS. And she was definitely not a republican, ever.
Yes, you are willing to lie for Obama, I understand.

A big part of leftism is the complete lack of ethics and integrity that you display.


Lois G. Lerner, the woman at the center of the Internal Revenue Service scandal over special scrutiny of conservative groups, specifically targeted tea party applications and directed that they be held up in 2011 in order to come up with an agency policy, according to several of Ms. Lerner’s emails released by a House committee Thursday.

In one 2011 email, Ms. Lerner specifically calls the tea party applications for tax-exempt status problematic, which seems to counter Democrats’ arguments that tea party groups weren’t targeted.

“Tea Party Matter very dangerous,” Ms. Lerner wrote in the 2011 email, saying that those applications could end up being the “vehicle to go to court” to get more clarity on a 2010 Supreme Court ruling on campaign finance rules.

Emails show IRS Lois Lerner specifically targeted tea party - Washington Times

False, the IRS targeted enemies of Obama in an effort (successful) to corrupt the political process in America and influence the election in 2012.

You favour corruption when it serves your party, because you have utterly not integrity and only care about party.
So, lifelong Republican Lois Lerner, hired by the first George Bush investigated tea party groups, a political movement, because she thought they might be engaging in partisan politics and, therefore, not entitled to the tax exemption for non-partisan groups. That is called doing her job.
So, who was president in 2001 and in 2006? And she was a registered Republican.

Doesn't matter, no one should use the IRS to push a personal political view like she did.
Career federal employees are allowed to have political views. The problem starts when they abuse their authority or otherwise act unethically because of those views which is what she did. She also did it when she worked at the FEC.
She did not. There was an upsurge of conservative political groups formed after the black man got elected and they were properly investigated to see if they qualified for tax exemption. Conservative groups being formed greatly outnumbered liberal groups (we can think for ourselves, we do not need others to validate our beliefs) so, naturally, more conservative groups were vetted.

Her e-mails proved it and the shared infor given to FEC was put up at the hearings on C-Span.
What you are quoting is the political spin by the media.
BHO told you he wanted to transform America: How do you like the results?

1. Police are criminals; Criminals are victims.
2. Religious beliefs made subservient to political correctness.
3. Astronomical debt repayments just around the corner.
4. IRS used as a weapon against political opponents.
5. A completely politicized Justice Department.
6. Corruption/deceit at the highest levels of government.

Are ANY of you happy with these developments? Where do you think we will end up?

You forgot the biggest cluster ***** of all, Obamacare. My deductibles are more than twice what they used to be and my out of network office visits aren't covered any longer.
BHO told you he wanted to transform America: How do you like the results?

1. Police are criminals; Criminals are victims.
2. Religious beliefs made subservient to political correctness.
3. Astronomical debt repayments just around the corner.
4. IRS used as a weapon against political opponents.
5. A completely politicized Justice Department.
6. Corruption/deceit at the highest levels of government.

Are ANY of you happy with these developments? Where do you think we will end up?

You forgot the biggest cluster ***** of all, Obamacare. My deductibles are more than twice what they used to be and my out of network office visits aren't covered any longer.

Ours doubled also.
We each had to pay for our yearly blood lab work for the 1st time ever in order to start meeting the deductible.
It will end up with our Constitution being over ridden by the UN. That is the change. Brussels told us that Obama is their pick to run their world government and his success in changing America was his test run. He passed. Hillary will finish the job.

Hello Irish Ram. I don't know your posting history, but I hope you're being humorous.

Hi Deb. No humor about going to the UN instead of Congress. That Soros is paying for our Presidents isn't funny either. It is our Constitution that is being degraded and destroyed. And it is all being orchestrated. Want an example?
Do you know who planned, and financed the rioting and burning of Ferguson? Yep. Soros. What's funny is Acorn keeping the money and not paying their plants. That's poetic justice. "Black Lives Matter @ I am playing you like a
Research Soros a bit. And his plans for Obama. And his plans for "the Americas".

And by all means get acquainted with my posting history! ;)
It will end up with our Constitution being over ridden by the UN. That is the change. Brussels told us that Obama is their pick to run their world government and his success in changing America was his test run. He passed. Hillary will finish the job.

Hello Irish Ram. I don't know your posting history, but I hope you're being humorous.

Hi Deb. No humor about going to the UN instead of Congress. That Soros is paying for our Presidents isn't funny either. It is our Constitution that is being degraded and destroyed. And it is all being orchestrated. Want an example?
Do you know who planned, and financed the rioting and burning of Ferguson? Yep. Soros. What's funny is Acorn keeping the money and not paying their plants. That's poetic justice. "Black Lives Matter @ I am playing you like a
Research Soros a bit. And his plans for Obama. And his plans for "the Americas".

And by all means get acquainted with my posting history! ;)

I expect that money (not just Soros' money) ... and the power it buys ... plays a significant role in our local, state, and federal politics. However, I don't drink the Kool-Aid that you're trying to serve here. I prefer critical examination of proven facts and then determine what REASONABLE inferences can be drawn from the facts as a whole.
Your conclusion that the list is pretty accurate has no factual support.

Your conclusion that Nixon was driven from office based on a mere suggestion of improper use of the IRS has no factual support. Wasn't it the Watergate Scandal and the ensuing threat of impeachment that caused Nixon to resign?

You are a partisan, which is all that matters to progressives. Truth is that which serves the party and all..

"Are we going after their tax returns? I ... you know what I mean? There's a lot of gold in them thar hills," Nixon said.

The House Judiciary Committee noted Nixon's abuse of the IRS in its Articles of Impeachment, charging that Nixon "acting personally and through his subordinates and agents, endeavoured to obtain from the Internal Revenue Service, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, confidential information contained in income tax returns for purposes not authorized by law, and to cause, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, income tax audits or other income tax investigations to be initiated or conducted in a discriminatory manner."}

Playing the IRS card Six presidents who used the IRS to bash political foes - President Richard Nixon R -

Ah the lying left - you may be scumbags but at least...

Um - guess there is no "at least.."
I did not say she was a conservative, i said she was a republican. And anyone with any sense would have a problem the tea party assholes trying to destroy this country.

One of the first things Communists like you do, when one of your operatives is caught - is claim that the operative is really on the other side.

Lerner is leftist nutjob Obamabot.
It will end up with our Constitution being over ridden by the UN. That is the change. Brussels told us that Obama is their pick to run their world government and his success in changing America was his test run. He passed. Hillary will finish the job.

Hello Irish Ram. I don't know your posting history, but I hope you're being humorous.

Hi Deb. No humor about going to the UN instead of Congress. That Soros is paying for our Presidents isn't funny either. It is our Constitution that is being degraded and destroyed. And it is all being orchestrated. Want an example?
Do you know who planned, and financed the rioting and burning of Ferguson? Yep. Soros. What's funny is Acorn keeping the money and not paying their plants. That's poetic justice. "Black Lives Matter @ I am playing you like a
Research Soros a bit. And his plans for Obama. And his plans for "the Americas".

And by all means get acquainted with my posting history! ;)

I expect that money (not just Soros' money) ... and the power it buys ... plays a significant role in our local, state, and federal politics. However, I don't drink the Kool-Aid that you're trying to serve here. I prefer critical examination of proven facts and then determine what REASONABLE inferences can be drawn from the facts as a whole.

Oh Deb. They make no bones about it. Brussels is forging a new world. New borders, open borders as we have now, redistribution of wealth and right on down the agenda. They laugh when they tell you what they are doing. (watch a Soros vid.)
They don't contribute, they buy. They inundate, they come up with "Black Lives Matter", and change. org, and a slew of propaganda/media smears. They burned down Ferguson. Soros+ Acorn+ paid race baiters= Ferguson. That is what Brussels are contributing.
This is no little, pay to play. This is Soros ushering in the, "you aren't so exceptional now are you?" phase.
Don't be so naïve that you don't see it happening right in front of your nose.
While you demote this to the Repub/Demo divide, the 1%, the Bushes, Obama's and Clintons keep right on "changing" us.
Every one a laughable falsehood.

You are a laughable dolt, but the list is pretty accurate.

Nixon was driven from office for the mere suggestion of using the IRS against political enemies - Obama is praised for actually doing it.

Your conclusion that the list is pretty accurate has no factual support.

Your conclusion that Nixon was driven from office based on a mere suggestion of improper use of the IRS has no factual support. Wasn't it the Watergate Scandal and the ensuing threat of impeachment that caused Nixon to resign?

Watergate Articles Of Impeachment

1. Watergate
2. IRS (theoretical)
3. Subpoena of records

Compare with Obama/Clinton:

1. Benghazi coverup
2. IRS (actual)
3. Email destruction

Your welcome.
Obama did nothing of the sort.

Yes, you are willing to lie for Obama, I understand.

A big part of leftism is the complete lack of ethics and integrity that you display.


Lois G. Lerner, the woman at the center of the Internal Revenue Service scandal over special scrutiny of conservative groups, specifically targeted tea party applications and directed that they be held up in 2011 in order to come up with an agency policy, according to several of Ms. Lerner’s emails released by a House committee Thursday.

In one 2011 email, Ms. Lerner specifically calls the tea party applications for tax-exempt status problematic, which seems to counter Democrats’ arguments that tea party groups weren’t targeted.

“Tea Party Matter very dangerous,” Ms. Lerner wrote in the 2011 email, saying that those applications could end up being the “vehicle to go to court” to get more clarity on a 2010 Supreme Court ruling on campaign finance rules.

Emails show IRS Lois Lerner specifically targeted tea party - Washington Times

The IRS simply vetted tax exempt organizations to see if they were entitled to the exemption. Not a scintilla of evidence that there was any directive from the administration to the IRS.

False, the IRS targeted enemies of Obama in an effort (successful) to corrupt the political process in America and influence the election in 2012.

You favour corruption when it serves your party, because you have utterly not integrity and only care about party.

That's because political groups don't qualify for tax exempt status:

Exemption Requirements - 501 c 3 Organizations

Lerner targets Tea Party groups because they would appear not to qualify for tax exempt status.

There was a Congressional investigation, led by Republicans, which found no wrong-doing on the part of the Obama Administration.

Yet another made-up scandal. Not one member of the Obama Administration has been charged with wrong doing. There have been numerous Republican investigations of various things and 7 investigations of Benghazi, all of which have come up with nothing, and yet conservatives refuse to abandon this fiction that the Obama Administration is corrupt.
Obama did nothing of the sort.

Yes, you are willing to lie for Obama, I understand.

A big part of leftism is the complete lack of ethics and integrity that you display.


Lois G. Lerner, the woman at the center of the Internal Revenue Service scandal over special scrutiny of conservative groups, specifically targeted tea party applications and directed that they be held up in 2011 in order to come up with an agency policy, according to several of Ms. Lerner’s emails released by a House committee Thursday.

In one 2011 email, Ms. Lerner specifically calls the tea party applications for tax-exempt status problematic, which seems to counter Democrats’ arguments that tea party groups weren’t targeted.

“Tea Party Matter very dangerous,” Ms. Lerner wrote in the 2011 email, saying that those applications could end up being the “vehicle to go to court” to get more clarity on a 2010 Supreme Court ruling on campaign finance rules.

Emails show IRS Lois Lerner specifically targeted tea party - Washington Times

The IRS simply vetted tax exempt organizations to see if they were entitled to the exemption. Not a scintilla of evidence that there was any directive from the administration to the IRS.

False, the IRS targeted enemies of Obama in an effort (successful) to corrupt the political process in America and influence the election in 2012.

You favour corruption when it serves your party, because you have utterly not integrity and only care about party.

That's because political groups don't qualify for tax exempt status:

Exemption Requirements - 501 c 3 Organizations

Lerner targets Tea Party groups because they would appear not to qualify for tax exempt status.

There was a Congressional investigation, led by Republicans, which found no wrong-doing on the part of the Obama Administration.

Yet another made-up scandal. Not one member of the Obama Administration has been charged with wrong doing. There have been numerous Republican investigations of various things and 7 investigations of Benghazi, all of which have come up with nothing, and yet conservatives refuse to abandon this fiction that the Obama Administration is corrupt.

Yeah, right, and wasn't investigated because it wasn't "political."

What a moron.

It's partisan groups that aren't allowed 50 c 3 status, moron, and "partisan" is defined as endorsing a particular candidate.
The transformation is clearly inadequate. We need more Wild African Lions roaming the streets of America.
The transformation is clearly inadequate. We need more Wild African Lions roaming the streets of America.

Especially in densely populated, (blue) cities....

I think San Francisco should be a sanctuary city for lion prides!

It's a win-win all around.

And why just limit it to LIONS? We need White Rhinos, Elephants and other Large Game Animals roaming FWEEEEE!!!!!!

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