Is This Woman Fat?

The ones who said she was fat - especially the stupid blonde girl in the third row far right who said she's embarrassed that 'this is the average'.

I was thinking, WTF, reading her response. Her arm doesn't look like a stick to me, yet she is embarassed? lol

The old lady on the top far right who reckons she's 'fat'. How insulting. .

Why is that insulting?
Arguing about purely subjective WORDS is pretty much a waste of time.

But its one that folks here just love to do.

The ones who said she was fat - especially the stupid blonde girl in the third row far right who said she's embarrassed that 'this is the average'.

I was thinking, WTF, reading her response. Her arm doesn't look like a stick to me, yet she is embarassed? lol

The old lady on the top far right who reckons she's 'fat'. How insulting. That woman is in no way fat.

In the end it isn't what someone else thinks of you but whether you feel okay with how you look. You will never get everyone to agree on what is pretty or beautiful or fat or out of shape, etc. If you don't like how you look, then change it. If you are fine with it, then why care what anyone else thinks?
No it isn't. It is clear who is beautiful and who is ugly. Outliers like you don't matter as far as societal consensus goes.
It is clear who is beautiful and who is ugly -- TO YOU.

The men who pay to watch this woman eat think she's beautiful, and your pitiful foot-stamping changes nothing.

The designers who paid this walking skeleton to model their clothes think she's beautiful, and your childish tantrum changes nothing.

I think this woman is beautiful. White supremacists don't. Your opinion matters to neither of us.

But please, by all means -- continue believing you have the authority to dictate what beauty is. Your petulant arrogance amuses me.


You ever notice the White supremacist types usually have a lot of anger management issues?:cuckoo:
Indeed they do. Pitiful, aren't they?
No it isn't. It is clear who is beautiful and who is ugly. Outliers like you don't matter as far as societal consensus goes.
It is clear who is beautiful and who is ugly -- TO YOU.

The men who pay to watch this woman eat think she's beautiful, and your pitiful foot-stamping changes nothing.

The designers who paid this walking skeleton to model their clothes think she's beautiful, and your childish tantrum changes nothing.

I think this woman is beautiful. White supremacists don't. Your opinion matters to neither of us.

But please, by all means -- continue believing you have the authority to dictate what beauty is. Your petulant arrogance amuses me.


You are the only one with arrogance. There are universally recognized standards of beauty, and standards by which one is considered ugly.

You are just spewing relativist bullshit, a mere offshoot of left wing moral relativism. There are objective standards of beauty, outliers don't change that.
Poor Iceman. So sad when he realizes his opinions aren't the rule. :(

He's a little hint, Skippy: Nobody gives a shit what you think is beautiful. And for DAMN sure no one is going to alter their views to suit you.

Got that, kid? You're utterly impotent. You're not going to change anyone's mind. Ever. Period.

Now go away.
It is clear who is beautiful and who is ugly -- TO YOU.

The men who pay to watch this woman eat think she's beautiful, and your pitiful foot-stamping changes nothing.

The designers who paid this walking skeleton to model their clothes think she's beautiful, and your childish tantrum changes nothing.

I think this woman is beautiful. White supremacists don't. Your opinion matters to neither of us.

But please, by all means -- continue believing you have the authority to dictate what beauty is. Your petulant arrogance amuses me.


You are the only one with arrogance. There are universally recognized standards of beauty, and standards by which one is considered ugly.

You are just spewing relativist bullshit, a mere offshoot of left wing moral relativism. There are objective standards of beauty, outliers don't change that.
Poor Iceman. So sad when he realizes his opinions aren't the rule. :(

He's a little hint, Skippy: Nobody gives a shit what you think is beautiful. And for DAMN sure no one is going to alter their views to suit you.

Got that, kid? You're utterly impotent. You're not going to change anyone's mind. Ever. Period.

Now go away.

You apparently do. You are all bent out of shape over the fact that their are objective standards of beauty set by societies. Some people are better looking than others, just the way it is.

You are just denying common sense.
The OP asks for opinions, then gives her's. Then those who share her opinion attack everyone who gives a different one. Can't people accept that others may have a different opinion than your own? Why does it have to turn into a food fight? Or was that the real purpose of this thread?
She's curvy, not fat.

You are the only one with arrogance. There are universally recognized standards of beauty, and standards by which one is considered ugly.

You are just spewing relativist bullshit, a mere offshoot of left wing moral relativism. There are objective standards of beauty, outliers don't change that.
Poor Iceman. So sad when he realizes his opinions aren't the rule. :(

He's a little hint, Skippy: Nobody gives a shit what you think is beautiful. And for DAMN sure no one is going to alter their views to suit you.

Got that, kid? You're utterly impotent. You're not going to change anyone's mind. Ever. Period.

Now go away.

You apparently do. You are all bent out of shape over the fact that their are objective standards of beauty set by societies. Some people are better looking than others, just the way it is.

You are just denying common sense.
I don't need society to tell me what's beautiful.

Hey, if you can't think for yourself, or you're too afraid to go against the herd mentality, that's your problem.
I was thinking, WTF, reading her response. Her arm doesn't look like a stick to me, yet she is embarassed? lol

The old lady on the top far right who reckons she's 'fat'. How insulting. .

Why is that insulting?

Its the mere thought that someone could consider the woman in the OP to be 'fat', when she doesn't even come close. Everyone has a different definition for the term 'fat', but some people are just ridiculous when they assume that a tiny bit of tummy fat means you are obese.
The old lady on the top far right who reckons she's 'fat'. How insulting. .

Why is that insulting?

Its the mere thought that someone could consider the woman in the OP to be 'fat', when she doesn't even come close. Everyone has a different definition for the term 'fat', but some people are just ridiculous when they assume that a tiny bit of tummy fat means you are obese.

She isn't fat, but she is overweight and plain looking. I feel sorry for the average Australian man
The old lady on the top far right who reckons she's 'fat'. How insulting. .

Why is that insulting?

Its the mere thought that someone could consider the woman in the OP to be 'fat', when she doesn't even come close. Everyone has a different definition for the term 'fat', but some people are just ridiculous when they assume that a tiny bit of tummy fat means you are obese.

it's the skinny little twerps who think that. Actually as a women ages she looks a bit better with a little more weight on her.
Fat cells never go away.

They will be with you forever unless you have them surgically removed or liposuction.
Your body can create fat cells when the set number you are born with are full ... You can empty and shrink them ... But you will never lose any of them naturally.

If you want to say that having fat instead of muscle doesn't make you fat ... Then that is a matter of not recognizing the fat you have ... They are called fat cells.
If you don't want to end up with more fat cells than your body can effectively manage and cause health problems ... Then understand that it doesn't take a whole lot for that to happen.
Fat cells release ... leptin, interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor alpha, angiotensinogen, adiponectin and resistin into your bloodstream ... And the more fat cells you have, the more secretions you have in your blood.
These secretions cause ... Damaged blood vessels and tissues, impaired blood flow ... And result in health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, liver disease, cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer.

Amazingly enough special diets are ineffective at controlling the levels of the dangerous secretions from fat cells ... Because different diets still only have limited effects on individual secretions.
Limiting overall caloric intake will help reduce fat storage ... But it won't get your body into balance with what it is designed to do.
The only way you halt the destructive process is to exercise and shed the pounds.

It is hard to do because if you are successfully stressing your body to a point of desirable effect ... It will make you feel like crap for as long as a few months before you finally meet a threshold where you really feel better after exercising.
Your body grows muscle by tearing muscle and rebuilding it ... That is what no pain no gain means ... And the more muscle you have the better your body burns and processes fat.
Feed your body the right foods and put some muscles in there to do the work ... Turn your body into a fat burning machine.

You will be healthier, feel better and look better ... You Can Do It!

PS ... Don't worry about the guys who like their ladies a little chunky ... There are plenty of chunky chics to go around.

Why is that insulting?

Its the mere thought that someone could consider the woman in the OP to be 'fat', when she doesn't even come close. Everyone has a different definition for the term 'fat', but some people are just ridiculous when they assume that a tiny bit of tummy fat means you are obese.

She isn't fat, but she is overweight and plain looking. I feel sorry for the average Australian man

It must be just me, but I am not seeing anything to indicate she is overweight. *shrug*
They were asked if she was overweight; not fat. Fat has a very negative connotation. And the responses are right. She is overweight. She needs to lose 20-25 pounds to be at her ideal weight.

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