Is Trump a white supremacist?

IS obama a black supremacist? makes about as much sense.
Could be, but this thread is about Trump.

IMO, his yelling go back to Univision was his way of highlighting the ethnicity of the reporter.

He knew who the reporter was.

Univision slammed him earlier.

Trump is suing them.

He's pissed at them.

Is it any wonder he told the Univision mouthpiece to go away, when he violated the rules set down for the session, in Trump's own dojo?

Trump may or may not be a racist.

That is yet to be proven or disproven.

But I wouldn't lean too heavily upon this particular episode, as a substantive reinforcement of the point that ya'll are so desperately trying (and failing) to register.

You're correct, for the most part.

But what do you think the reaction would be if Hillary shouted down a reporter by yelling "Go back to Fox!" at them?

Clearly, you haven't paid attention to how Fox is trashed by Obama, the Dems, and their Progressive Henchthugs in the media and elsewhere.
IS obama a black supremacist? makes about as much sense.
Could be, but this thread is about Trump.

IMO, his yelling go back to Univision was his way of highlighting the ethnicity of the reporter.

He knew who the reporter was.

Univision slammed him earlier.

Trump is suing them.

He's pissed at them.

Is it any wonder he told the Univision mouthpiece to go away, when he violated the rules set down for the session, in Trump's own dojo?

Trump may or may not be a racist.

That is yet to be proven or disproven.

But I wouldn't lean too heavily upon this particular episode, as a substantive reinforcement of the point that ya'll are so desperately trying (and failing) to register.

You're correct, for the most part.

But what do you think the reaction would be if Hillary shouted down a reporter by yelling "Go back to Fox!" at them?

i might respect her for doing so if they were acting as jerks.
This is a problem I notice you have in dealing with logic. You always get in trouble with false opposites. There is almost never a pair of propositions to the the exclusion of all other propositions. And in this case, two propositions are not opposites. Yes he is pandering and yes he is a racist. The propositions are not exclusive.
I think you are having a problem with logic, not I. He could be doing both, he could be doing neither, or he could be doing one or the other. I asked for an opinion and you are welcome to express your opinion that he is doing both.
You posed the question as an exclusive. he panders or he is a racist. And I notice you do this a lot.
Where is the percentage of Hispanic voters that want a wall?
Is there statistically significant and reliable data on this?

Hispanics In America

That's not what I would consider "reliable" data.

Maybe you can find a pretty infographic that wasn't produced by a right-wing political organization?

Try this.
New Poll Highlights GOP's Conundrum

Hispanics are at the other end of the spectrum on increased border security; 61 percent support it, a low among groups, compared with 93 percent among Republicans.
This is a problem I notice you have in dealing with logic. You always get in trouble with false opposites. There is almost never a pair of propositions to the the exclusion of all other propositions. And in this case, two propositions are not opposites. Yes he is pandering and yes he is a racist. The propositions are not exclusive.
I think you are having a problem with logic, not I. He could be doing both, he could be doing neither, or he could be doing one or the other. I asked for an opinion and you are welcome to express your opinion that he is doing both.
You posed the question as an exclusive. he panders or he is a racist. And I notice you do this a lot.
Put me on ignore then.
IS obama a black supremacist? makes about as much sense.
Could be, but this thread is about Trump.

IMO, his yelling go back to Univision was his way of highlighting the ethnicity of the reporter.

He knew who the reporter was.

Univision slammed him earlier.

Trump is suing them.

He's pissed at them.

Is it any wonder he told the Univision mouthpiece to go away, when he violated the rules set down for the session, in Trump's own dojo?

Trump may or may not be a racist.

That is yet to be proven or disproven.

But I wouldn't lean too heavily upon this particular episode, as a substantive reinforcement of the point that ya'll are so desperately trying (and failing) to register.

You're correct, for the most part.

But what do you think the reaction would be if Hillary shouted down a reporter by yelling "Go back to Fox!" at them?

Clearly, you haven't paid attention to how Fox is trashed by Obama, the Dems, and their Progressive Henchthugs in the media and elsewhere.

I've paid attention to how much you guys have whined about "Obama and the Dems" being meanies to Fox.

I just think it's funny that you guys seem to be all about it when the tables are turned, and the new right-wing populist messiah is the one calling out news media.

Hell, you guys are even siding with Trump against Fox.
If he repeals the 1965 immigration act and starts attempting to reverse the trend of the past 40 years in demographics....Well, I'd say he's a white nationalist dream!

Obama has been busting his skinny black ass over the past 6 years to alter the demographics of this country. Does that make him racist?
If he repeals the 1965 immigration act and starts attempting to reverse the trend of the past 40 years in demographics....Well, I'd say he's a white nationalist dream!

Obama has been busting his skinny black ass over the past 6 years to alter the demographics of this country. Does that make him racist?

How so?
If he repeals the 1965 immigration act and starts attempting to reverse the trend of the past 40 years in demographics....Well, I'd say he's a white nationalist dream!

Obama has been busting his skinny black ass over the past 6 years to alter the demographics of this country. Does that make him racist?

How so?

Ordering non-enforcement of certain immigration laws, recent executive orders allowing brown people to stay here even though they arrived illegally, and possibly even putting out the word down south that the borders were open, encouraging the beaners to come in mass late last year. He had transportation contractors lined up and ready to haul them to import/de-lousing centers.

So, either you do not understand my point, or you are just trying to pick a fight; maybe fly off the handle and call me "racist". Whoopty fucking do. Everyone knows what Obama is doing. He is intentionally browning our nation in order to dilute and disenfranchise whites. In his mind this empowers his favorite downtrodden - minorities.
If he repeals the 1965 immigration act and starts attempting to reverse the trend of the past 40 years in demographics....Well, I'd say he's a white nationalist dream!

Obama has been busting his skinny black ass over the past 6 years to alter the demographics of this country. Does that make him racist?

How so?

Ordering non-enforcement of certain immigration laws, recent executive orders allowing brown people to stay here even though they arrived illegally, and possibly even putting out the word down south that the borders were open, encouraging the beaners to come in mass late last year. He had transportation contractors lined up and ready to haul them to import/de-lousing centers.

So, either you do not understand my point, or you are just trying to pick a fight; maybe fly off the handle and call me "racist". Whoopty fucking do. Everyone knows what Obama is doing. He is intentionally browning our nation in order to dilute and disenfranchise whites. In his mind this empowers his favorite downtrodden - minorities.
So what do you think? Is Trump a racist or just pandering?
Ha, of course he is. And he hate da women folk too. Gawd seriously, is this all the Democrats have? 24/7 screeching about him being a racist and sexist? Man, such tired predictable lameness. Will anyone buy it this time around? We'll see i guess. Stay tuned.
Ha, of course he is. And he hate da women folk too. Gawd seriously, is this all the Democrats have? 24/7 screeching about him being a racist and sexist? Man, such tired predictable lameness. Will anyone buy it this time around? We'll see i guess. Stay tuned.
liberals dont generally have much of a memory, its how they keep electing the same idiots over and over, think Pelosi and Reid, not to metion the one illegally in the whtie house right now with his crossdressing mate.
They will buy it, it will all be new to them.
Its also why they dont work, they cant remember today how they got to work yesterday, so they get fired.
...But what do you think the reaction would be if Hillary shouted down a reporter by yelling "Go back to Fox!" at them?
Oh, there would be great fun, watching the Right trying to flay HildaBeast alive, for suppressing Opposition Opinion.

But it would not have taken-on a Racism context, nor could that be sustained, if HildaBeast allowed the Fox guy back into the room, later, for a better-sequenced exchange.
He sure doesn't like Hispanics. So is he a supremacist or is he just pandering to his base?

Neither.. it's a legitimate issue. Anybody that thinks we don't have problem with our neighbors to the south is either delusional or purposely ignoring it.

And no, it doesn't mean people hate Mexicans so don't even go there.
...But what do you think the reaction would be if Hillary shouted down a reporter by yelling "Go back to Fox!" at them?
Oh, there would be great fun, watching the Right trying to flay HildaBeast alive, for suppressing Opposition Opinion.

But it would not have taken-on a Racism context, nor could that be sustained, if HildaBeast allowed the Fox guy back into the room, later, for a better-sequenced exchange.

It has only taken on a "racism" context due to Trump's repeated ridiculous comments about illegal immigrants and Mexicans, and the fact that it was a reporter from a Spanish-language channel.

Aside from that, it's simply another example of Trump's fragile ego.

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