Is Trump Another Perot?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
By petulantly attacking ALL of the other GOP candidates, Trump has painted himself into a corner where he now can only play the role of a spoiler to prevent the GOP from winning the White House. Sound familiar? This is exactly what Ross Perot did in 1992, allowing Bill Clinton to win with only 40% of the vote. Even if Trump got the nomination, who would he pick for VP? Another Admiral Stockdale? We need a strong leader, but not a megalomaniacal dictator.

Trump has now made it clear that he will destroy the GOP's chances if he isn't the nominee. Is this what you want? To be held hostage by his threats? If the GOP loses this election, Constitutional Conservatives should abandon it and become a dissident group within the Democratic Party.
I was too young for those days. I know nothing about that guy except I have heard his name 7 million times in the last 3 months.
Go Trump , if OP is correct I like your goals Donald . Burn down the gop and rino party !!
I was too young for those days. I know nothing about that guy except I have heard his name 7 million times in the last 3 months.

Well Perot created the Reform Party that is now defunct, and ran his third party as the Candidate for the White House in 1992 and 1996. In 1992 he garner the most votes by a third party candidate in the history of America, and swung the election to Bill Clinton and in 1996 he did not receive as many votes as in 1992 but made sure Dole lost to Clinton.

So the question is a fair one, and if Trump does leave the GOP to run third party and creates his own political party then yes he will be another Ross Perot, and will cost the GOP the White House this next election and maybe even more...
By petulantly attacking ALL of the other GOP candidates, Trump has painted himself into a corner where he now can only play the role of a spoiler to prevent the GOP from winning the White House. Sound familiar? This is exactly what Ross Perot did in 1992, allowing Bill Clinton to win with only 40% of the vote. Even if Trump got the nomination, who would he pick for VP? Another Admiral Stockdale? We need a strong leader, but not a megalomaniacal dictator.

Trump has now made it clear that he will destroy the GOP's chances if he isn't the nominee. Is this what you want? To be held hostage by his threats? If the GOP loses this election, Constitutional Conservatives should abandon it and become a dissident group within the Democratic Party.
No, Trump is no Perot. Ross Perot made sense. This would have been a different country for the better if he won. For one thing we would not have these terrible trade deals that are stealing our sovereignty - Perot's number one issue.

But Trump has said so many bad ideas, it is unbelievable.

But honestly, I can't say the other GOP candidates are making sense either.
some folks in a large portion of the USA would say TODAY that 'lincoln' is scum so name calling on Trump isn't of any importance Bruce !!
Go Trump , if OP is correct I like your goals Donald . Burn down the gop and rino party !!

Trump is the actual RINO and Lincoln would be ashamed of the Candidates of today...

Lincoln assumed dictatorial powers during the Civil War, so a comparison with what Trump might do during the War on Terror is a valid undertaking.
agree and that was my main point to Bruce , lots of peole dislike Lincoln and don't hold him in high esteem . ------------ Trump and Dictatorial policies . Could happen I suppose to counter what mrobama has already done with his dictatorial policies !! Maybe there is some pen and phone work in Trump or Cruz Presidential schedule JWoodie !!
Go Trump , if OP is correct I like your goals Donald . Burn down the gop and rino party !!

Trump is the actual RINO and Lincoln would be ashamed of the Candidates of today...

Lincoln assumed dictatorial powers during the Civil War, so a comparison with what Trump might do during the War on Terror is a valid undertaking.

Trump is no Lincoln my no means and is a insult of the memory of a great man, and I am not calling Trump a great man.

Trump is more like FDR more ways than one, and his foolish supporters don't even know!
agree and that was my main point to Bruce , lots of peole dislike Lincoln and don't hold him in high esteem . ------------ Trump and Dictatorial policies . Could happen I suppose to counter what mrobama has already done with his dictatorial policies !! Maybe there is some pen and phone work in Trump or Cruz Presidential schedule JWoodie !!

You're comparing Obama to Lincoln now?

The country was falling apart because of Lincoln being elected and the Southern States had left the Union to create the Confederate States, and a war was coming that some argue the South started and some argue Lincoln started, and during a war like the War Between the States a dictatorship would happen, but to compare Trump to Lincoln is pure bullshit at best!

Trump is FDR in more ways than one!
like I said , lincoln is scum in many peoples opinion , same as you think that lincoln was great , well , some people disagree with you Bruce !!
and , I'm not interested in refighting what many call the War of Northern Aggression . Just pointing out that Lincoln is scum in many people opinion Bruce !!
like I said , lincoln is scum in many peoples opinion , same as you think that lincln was great , well , some people disagree with you Bruce !!

You consider him scum because of what reason?

You compare Trump to Lincoln and yet Lincoln was for the abolishing of Slavery within newly formed territories while Trump is for banning of Muslim's, and they have what in common again?

Not a damn thing but FDR and Trump, oh yeah they are more alike than you realize down to their womanizing and lust for power!
and no matter what and back to 2015 , Trump is better than the rinos running for president . jebito , roobio , Kasich . carson , yada , yada . At least in my opinion . My choices are Trump , Cruz or Hilary Bruce !!
and no matter what and back to 2015 , Trump is better than the rinos running for president . jebito , roobio , Kasich . carson , yada , yada . At least in my opinion . My choices are Trump , Cruz or Hilary Bruce !!


Trump is the fucking RINO in all of this and ignorant fools that keep on believing Trump is not a RINO deserve to lose, and be stuck with Hillary Clinton as President!

Of course you will blame everyone else but Trump because he says that hateful nonsense you support.
like I said , lincoln is scum in many peoples opinion , same as you think that lincln was great , well , some people disagree with you Bruce !!

You consider him scum because of what reason?

You compare Trump to Lincoln and yet Lincoln was for the abolishing of Slavery within newly formed territories while Trump is for banning of Muslim's, and they have what in common again?
Not a damn thing but FDR and Trump, oh yeah they are more alike than you realize down to their womanizing and lust for power!
like I said , many people consider Lincoln to be scum . in fact a large segment of the country consider Lincoln to be scum Bruce !!
and hey , Its looking like your choices will be Trump , Cruz or Hilary Bruce !! Go Trump , build that wall , exclude enemy invaders from muslim lands ehh .

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