Is Trump Another Perot?

MAY BE , course the moderate gop and its rinos deserve it Uncensored !!

Obama is the most corrupt person to ever hold the executive office. Hillary nearly makes the corrupt fucker look honest by contrast.

The nation cannot survive 4 years of larceny and treason by Hilliary. The powers behind the crook knew she couldn't win an honest election, so the Clinton crime family turned to their good friend Donald Trump to help. And yes, Trump has been tight with the Clinton's since the 90's. Perot was Bill's ace in the hole, he was a part of the DNC 1% elite and entered the race purely to pull votes away from George Bush. Trump is doing exactly the same thing.

The difference is that Trump could actually win. If he does, it's hard to imagine what he'll do? Resign and appoint Hillary?
i'm sure that Trump or Cruz have things figured out as to how they approach problems caused by mrobama Bruce .
What a Progressive Liberal you are.

Congress would impeach Trump before he ever got a chance to go around them, and Obama having one more year make no sense impeaching the worthless turd.

You will not vote for Cruz because he's a son of a Cuban and Hillary is out of the question because she is a Liberal Woman.

So that leave Trump and his own political party will throw him out of power if elected...

Better get ready for Paul Ryan as President because Trump and his VP will be gone...

What would they impeach him for?
same things that they should have impeached Obama for I guess . Only difference is that they wouldn't impeach Obama because , err , well because . Course in Bruces dreams they'll go after Trump and impeach I guess UNcensored' !!
He could be Perot 2.0, but if the nominee turns out to be Cruz, he may back down. They have an interesting relationship.

But honestly, Donald is looking for an excuse to run third party. And who knows, he could give the birth to a legitiamte Third Party. Something that many have tried bu
maybe , course your last message is pure speculation or guess . Might be something you'd like to see . Me . I'd prefer a Trump victory , gop disappointment and then Trump doing some azz kicking in the gop JimH !!
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but --- Burn down that gop and the moderate rinos if you get the chance Mr. Trump !!
don't know and don't care but TRUMP compared to the rino gop candidates that I see on the debate stage , well , I'll take TRUMP or Cruz over every one of then JimH !!
Well not really. Although Perot was a bit looney, he was never nasty like Trump. He's also got a real impressive resume. He really is a self made man.

Correct, however I believe the OP is speaking more on the net result to the election not a comparison between the two.
And in that way - a resounding yes they are the same.
Trump is white noise. He drowns out everyone else as well as the issues...which does the Hillary campaign a very - very - very big favor.
Trump is the Republican parties worst nightmare, and a wet dream for Democrats. If I was Democrat I would be extremely pleased with Trumps charades and the beautiful distraction it provides.
Which is exactly what Perot did, but in an opposite way. Perot was dead nuts right about almost everything he said, and provided all the sources and data to show it.
Trump is Goddamn carnival.
Trump showed some political maturity last night. Now if he could stop making faces while others are talking...
Trump did ok in my opinion , jebito was getting mad . I hope that Mr. Trump continues to maintain .
By petulantly attacking ALL of the other GOP candidates, Trump has painted himself into a corner where he now can only play the role of a spoiler to prevent the GOP from winning the White House. Sound familiar? This is exactly what Ross Perot did in 1992, allowing Bill Clinton to win with only 40% of the vote. Even if Trump got the nomination, who would he pick for VP? Another Admiral Stockdale? We need a strong leader, but not a megalomaniacal dictator.

Trump has now made it clear that he will destroy the GOP's chances if he isn't the nominee. Is this what you want? To be held hostage by his threats? If the GOP loses this election, Constitutional Conservatives should abandon it and become a dissident group within the Democratic Party.
Perot is probably the closest comparison, but Trump makes Perot look like a freakin' statesman.
By petulantly attacking ALL of the other GOP candidates, Trump has painted himself into a corner where he now can only play the role of a spoiler to prevent the GOP from winning the White House. Sound familiar? This is exactly what Ross Perot did in 1992, allowing Bill Clinton to win with only 40% of the vote. Even if Trump got the nomination, who would he pick for VP? Another Admiral Stockdale? We need a strong leader, but not a megalomaniacal dictator.

Trump has now made it clear that he will destroy the GOP's chances if he isn't the nominee. Is this what you want? To be held hostage by his threats? If the GOP loses this election, Constitutional Conservatives should abandon it and become a dissident group within the Democratic Party.
Is water wet?
Trump comes from a long line of Republicans who know nothing about the job they are taking but are qualified for other unrelated reasons

Reagan: actor
Jesse Ventura: Professional wrestler
Arnold Schwartznegger: actor
Perot: Billionaire
Trump went a long way towards redeeming himself last night.
Trump comes from a long line of Republicans who know nothing about the job they are taking but are qualified for other unrelated reasons

Reagan: actor
Jesse Ventura: Professional wrestler
Arnold Schwartznegger: actor
Perot: Billionaire

Yes....there has never been any unqualified Democrats before.
Trump comes from a long line of Republicans who know nothing about the job they are taking but are qualified for other unrelated reasons

Reagan: actor
Jesse Ventura: Professional wrestler
Arnold Schwartznegger: actor
Perot: Billionaire
Go Trump !!

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