Is Trump Captain America?


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
New geo-political trends have placed special emphasis on the reliability of multi-national contracts. As American celebrities such as Tom Hanks continue their vocal campaigns for WWII memorial activities/honors, the Trump administration will have to be very clear about its stance on Israel-Palestine.

The PLO moved on one major issue: the undesirable establishment of the state of Israel on Palestinian soil after WWII.

After the Gulf War, the Muslim peoples became divided on the proper relations with America. Syria seems to be more territory-focused regarding Iraq (concerned about U.S. military garrison), while Iran seems to be more culture-focused (concerned about the CIA's intentions to use Iraq as a base to spread democracy).

We could see how ISIS would work in Syria, while 'rogue/provisional' arms of the Taliban (what's left of it) tries to establish harbors with Iran. Maybe ISIS intends to create a power-dominion and use it to hold sway for Sunni Muslims (in Syria) over Shiite Muslims (in Iran).

As long as the Trump administration displays its commitment to achieving sincere democratic negotiations with the Middle East, OPEC will not become another Vietnam (e.g., "Get out, you don't know this place, and you will discover you were never interested in our culture in the first place!").

So we will (and should) be enlightened on the question, "Is President Trump Captain America or Don King?"


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