Is Trump fit to be President?

What policies?

Did he balance the budget?

Did he build the Wall?

Did he get ride of Obamacare?

The MAGAt GOP hasn't even bothered to rewrite their party platform since 2016.
Trump opened up our fossil fuel industry which is the most important policy of all as we see now after Biden killed that industry which has cause inflation, new war, 3 bank collapses as of today, a housing crisis and more. Trump was gathering materials to build the wall but Democrats and Biden put a stop to it....until they HAD to rebuild part of it that is. Democrats will never get rid of Obamacare because they march in lock step with Marxist policy. Trump basically rewrote the GOP platform which is why the DC Rinos hate him.
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You would not know the truth if it bit you on your ass. You are the ultimate Trump trained monkey.
Is that really the best argument that you have? Most everything you listed was stuff Trump tried to do but was stopped by democrats with the help of RINOs or at worst, nitpicking like claiming he wouldn't have time for golf when he OWNS golf courses! Meanwhile, Biden maybe puts in 3 hours work a WEEK, if even that.

I remember Trump trying to get the border fence built and democrats saying the USA couldn't afford the 20 billion dollars, then Joe got in and gave 150 billion to Ukraine, a country we don't even have a treaty with to fight a war that isn't even any of our business. :lmao:

Every claim I made is documented and his failures are documented. You cannot handle the truth.
But I can handle documents! Where are all these documentations?! Funny you never actually produce them!
What another crock. Some leftwing media outlet rating all of the worst propagandists as the gold standard in factual, unbiased reporting! :laughing0301:
Yeah, a chart to show us that the news is biased. Well DUH!!! These arrogant bastards take the cake!! It's like 'trust our bias'..'we know best' :rolleyes:
Yeah, a chart to show us that the news is biased. Well DUH!!! These arrogant bastards take the cake!! It's like 'trust our bias'..'we know best' :rolleyes:

Funny how all of their big network news were right at the top, pure as the driven snow! Then the idiots showed Fox News as equal to CNN in terms of truth and accuracy while they call Fox News total trash fake news but not CNN.
The only persons who love Trump are morons and haters of democracy.
I fall in the “hater of democracy” category. I'm a lover of Constitutional Republics. Mobacracy has never appealed to me much.

Funny how all of their big network news were right at the top, pure as the driven snow! Then the idiots showed Fox News as equal to CNN in terms of truth and accuracy while they call Fox News total trash fake news but not CNN.
Yeah, when I saw Reuters at the top I knew it was a garbage chart. Actually, IMO, anyone publishing any 'fact check' chart is only trying to push their POV by pretending to be objective.
Is that really the best argument that you have? Most everything you listed was stuff Trump tried to do but was stopped by democrats with the help of RINOs or at worst, nitpicking like claiming he wouldn't have time for golf when he OWNS golf courses! Meanwhile, Biden maybe puts in 3 hours work a WEEK, if even that.

I remember Trump trying to get the border fence built and democrats saying the USA couldn't afford the 20 billion dollars, then Joe got in and gave 150 billion to Ukraine, a country we don't even have a treaty with to fight a war that isn't even any of our business. :lmao:

But I can handle documents! Where are all these documentations?! Funny you never actually produce them!
/——-/ Here are the promises Trump kept. Feel free to refute.
Geraldo Rivera poses that most essential question to the former AG Bill Barr:

Note that if anyone knows Trump up close and personally, it's Bill Barr, who replied in this short:

"If you believe in Trump's policies, what he's advertising--he's the last person who could actually execute and achieve them. He does not have the discipline, he does not have the ability for strategic thinking, and linear thinking for setting priorities or how to get things done in the system. It is a horror show when he's left to his own devices.

And so, you may want his policies but Trump will not deliver those policies. He will deliver chaos. If anything, it will lead to a backlash that will set his policies much further back than they otherwise might have been"

So true.

Amazing how someone can ask that question while Dementia Joe is president.
I fall in the “hater of democracy” category. I'm a lover of Constitutional Republics. Mobacracy has never appealed to me much.

so, let me get this straight, 81 million who voted for Biden is a 'mob', but 74 million who voted for Trump is not?

No wonder they call the GOP the party of stupid.

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