Is Trump fit to be President?

Elected partisan globalist stooges shut down their economies on purpose to cause that. In our nation states with them to degree caused a lot of the inflation we see now. Prog legislation with Joe at the helm printed trillions and trillions of dollars to refill those state and local coffers
I stated what nations did to prevent a world wide depression.

Your reply does not refute the statement. Moreover, your reply reflects lack of knowledge of the mechanisms by which new currency reaches the marketplace not to mention it's simplisticism.

Additionally, your propensity to traffic in cheap shots indicates that you cannot be taken seriously.
Leftists can't ask valid questions since they have been pushing conspiracy theories

Incompetent rebuttal, weasel words are not a merit worthy argument.

Trump Russian collusion is a conspriscay theory you leftists have pushed for 8 years

The right doesn't have a clue as to what a hoax is, and clearly do you do not.

The only opinions that mattered were that of Acting AG Rosenstein, a republican appointed by Trump, who assigned Mueller, a Republican. to the task of investigating the potential for Russian connections between Trump and Russia, and anything else he could find.

Neither formed any opinion, they just did their work and produced and immense report. So, by definition, that's the work product of all investigations. Sometimes they exonerate, sometimes they indict, sometime they produce a report to congress, sometimes they do all three, as the Mueller Report did. No investigations are hoaxes, they are efforts to find facts.

when I see a whole bunch of Trump's buddies being indicted, charged, and even pleading guilty, it sure as hell doesn't sound like a hoax to me. People like Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, and Michael Cohen - they didn't just get in trouble for jaywalking, you know.

The Mueller investigation wasn't some half-baked weekend project. It took two freakin' years to complete! They dug deep, real deep, and they found all sorts of sketchy stuff. Obstruction of justice? You bet your ass they found it.

Finally, let's talk about the rule of law. You see, in this country, even the President himself, isn't above it. This investigation wasn't just about throwing mud at Trump; it was about making sure our political system stays clean and transparent.

. This investigation wasn't a hoax. It was a necessary process to protect the very foundation of our democracy.
The only morons believe the lies spreader by democrat controlled media
How moronic. Fox just settled for $787 million for it's lies about the election and Dominion. The left media didn't forward those lies, the right media, however, most certainly did. The hard right lies more than any other news source (we can exclude the soft right sources, such as the WSJ, Christian Science Monitor) . As for 'democrat controlled media, well, Allow me to disabuse you of that particular myth. As this chart reveals, the control of media is fairly well balanced between the left and right. And, on TV, you have OAN, NewsMax and Fox on the right, and CNN, MSNBC on the right, and NewsNation in the center. The Broadcast stations do very little editorializing, by comparison.
So, your claim is categorically false.

How moronic. Fox just settled for $787 million for it's lies about the election and Dominion. The left media didn't forward those lies, the right media, however, most certainly did. The hard right lies more than any other news source (we can exclude the soft right sources, such as the WSJ, Christian Science Monitor) . As for 'democrat controlled media, well, Allow me to disabuse you of that particular myth. As this chart reveals, the control of media is fairly well balanced between the left and right. And, on TV, you have OAN, NewsMax and Fox on the right, and CNN, MSNBC on the right, and NewsNation in the center. The Broadcast stations do very little editorializing, by comparison.
So, your claim is categorically false.

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Democrat media is owned by 5 corporations lie after lie after lie.
The right doesn't have a clue as to what a hoax is, and clearly do you do not.

The only opinions that mattered were that of Acting AG Rosenstein, a republican appointed by Trump, who assigned Mueller, a Republican. to the task of investigating the potential for Russian connections between Trump and Russia, and anything else he could find.

Neither formed any opinion, they just did their work and produced and immense report. So, by definition, that's the work product of all investigations. Sometimes they exonerate, sometimes they indict, sometime they produce a report to congress, sometimes they do all three, as the Mueller Report did. No investigations are hoaxes, they are efforts to find facts.

when I see a whole bunch of Trump's buddies being indicted, charged, and even pleading guilty, it sure as hell doesn't sound like a hoax to me. People like Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, and Michael Cohen - they didn't just get in trouble for jaywalking, you know.

The Mueller investigation wasn't some half-baked weekend project. It took two freakin' years to complete! They dug deep, real deep, and they found all sorts of sketchy stuff. Obstruction of justice? You bet your ass they found it.

Finally, let's talk about the rule of law. You see, in this country, even the President himself, isn't above it. This investigation wasn't just about throwing mud at Trump; it was about making sure our political system stays clean and transparent.

. This investigation wasn't a hoax. It was a necessary process to protect the very foundation of our democracy.
Great uninformative post more leftists bullshit and lies
American conservatism does have benefits, Brokeloser, but Trump and the core of the GOP are not conservative and do not convey blessings on the American people.
A few of Trump's unfullfilled promises
repeal the Affordable Care Act
Stopped by Dems and RINOs not by him so, no.

He said he’d cut your taxes, and that the super-rich like him would pay more.
He said he would boost economic growth by 4 percent a year.
He did that.

He promised to eliminate the federal deficit (He increased the debt by more than any one term President)
He never claimed that.

He said Mexico would pay for his border wall
He promised to lock up Hillary Clinton for using a private email server.
He said he would distance himself from his businesses while in office.
He tried.

He promised to end the opioid crisis.
He never claimed that.

He promised to enact term limits for all members of Congress.
Not up to him. But he did limit ex-employees going into being foreign lobbyists when they left office.

After pulling out of the Paris climate accord, he said he’d negotiate a better deal on the environment.
And he tried. Again, not all up to him.

He said coronavirus would “go away without a vaccine.”
He said he won’t have time to play golf if elected president
Never heard him say either of those, but is playing golf really the biggest nit you can pick with him? Biden is lucky if he puts in 1 hour of work a day. His whole term is one long big vacation! Shall we take a look at what Biden promised and what HE has really done for a truly BIG story?
Stopped by Dems and RINOs not by him so, no.

He did that.

He never claimed that.

He tried.

He never claimed that.

Not up to him. But he did limit ex-employees going into being foreign lobbyists when they left office.

And he tried. Again, not all up to him.

Never heard him say either of those, but is playing golf really the biggest nit you can pick with him? Biden is lucky if he puts in 1 hour of work a day. His whole term is one long big vacation! Shall we take a look at what Biden promised and what HE has really done for a truly BIG story?
You would not know the truth if it bit you on your ass. You are the ultimate Trump trained monkey.
Every claim I made is documented and his failures are documented. You cannot handle the truth.

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