Is Trumpovitch like Neville Chamberlain?

I think you have to actually be in office to be compared to anyone.
The proper comparison here would be Neville Chamberlain and Obama or Kerry who basically sold the farm and sold us out on every deal they made. They should be tried for treason, both of them.
But i thought he was 'Hitler?' Man, butt-hurt Democrat nutters are sounding crazier by the day. He's 'Hitler', now he's 'Chamberlain.' What a buncha psychos. :cuckoo:

All these idiots who throw around Hitler, Chamberlain, etc., in order to illustrate what an evil person DonaldTrump is, forget to mention Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, all their liberal/socialist/communist soul mates.

They've completely lost it. I mean this OP nutter was just here ranting & raving about Trump being 'Hitler.' He or she has started like 10 threads on it. Now the same OP's back here today calling him 'Chamberlain.'

I really do wish this Board would reign the flooding insanity in. Posters like this OP have hijacked the Board with repetitve deranged 'I hate Donald Trump' thread-starters. There has to be limits. I hope someone here steps up and implements some limits.
I started 10 threads on trump being Hitler??? You're a liar ...just like the one who you support

Don't give up your day time job to become a comedian, although you're somewhat successful at it.

Unintentionally, that is.
FJO is this a joke too??
The federal week in review:
1. Trump fires all Ambassadors and Special Envoys, ordering them out by Inauguration Day - yet another breach of past protocols.
2. House brings back the Holman rule allowing them to reduce an individual civil service, SES positions, or political appointee's salary to $1, effectively firing them by amendment to any piece of legislation. We now know why they wanted names and positions of people in Energy and State.
3. Fast-tracks nomination hearings of his Cabinet nominees before their ethics background checks are done, and...
4. Senate schedules 6 simultaneous hearings on those cabinet nominees and triple-books those hearings with Trump's first press conference in months and an ACA budget vote, effectively preventing any concentrated coverage or protest.
5. House GOP expressly forbids the Congressional Budget Office from reporting or tracking ANY costs related to the repeal of the ACA.
6. Trump continues to throw the intelligence community under the bus to protect Putin, despite the growing mountain of evidence that the Russians deliberately interfered in our election.
7. Trump breaks a central campaign promise to make Mexico pay for the wall by asking Congress (in other words, we, the people, who are too stupid to dodge taxes) to pay for it.
8. Trump threatens Toyota over a new plant that was never coming to the US nor will take jobs out of the US.
9. House passes the REINS act, giving them veto power over any rules enacted by any federal agency or department--for example, FDA or EPA bans a drug or pesticide, Congress can overrule based on lobbyists, not science. Don't like that endangered species designation? No worries: Congress will kill it.
We - progressive, liberal, libertarian and conservative - need to all wake up to what is actually happening to our beloved country.
But i thought he was 'Hitler?' Man, butt-hurt Democrat nutters are sounding crazier by the day. He's 'Hitler', now he's 'Chamberlain.' What a buncha psychos. :cuckoo:

All these idiots who throw around Hitler, Chamberlain, etc., in order to illustrate what an evil person DonaldTrump is, forget to mention Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, all their liberal/socialist/communist soul mates.

They've completely lost it. I mean this OP nutter was just here ranting & raving about Trump being 'Hitler.' He or she has started like 10 threads on it. Now the same OP's back here today calling him 'Chamberlain.'

I really do wish this Board would reign the flooding insanity in. Posters like this OP have hijacked the Board with repetitve deranged 'I hate Donald Trump' thread-starters. There has to be limits. I hope someone here steps up and implements some limits.
I started 10 threads on trump being Hitler??? You're a liar ...just like the one who you support

So is he 'Hitler', or is he 'Chamberlain?' You really can't make up your mind huh? You don't realize it, but you are crazy. Take a break from politics and the Board. You might regain some sanity. God bless.
But i thought he was 'Hitler?' Man, butt-hurt Democrat nutters are sounding crazier by the day. He's 'Hitler', now he's 'Chamberlain.' What a buncha psychos. :cuckoo:

All these idiots who throw around Hitler, Chamberlain, etc., in order to illustrate what an evil person DonaldTrump is, forget to mention Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, all their liberal/socialist/communist soul mates.

They've completely lost it. I mean this OP nutter was just here ranting & raving about Trump being 'Hitler.' He or she has started like 10 threads on it. Now the same OP's back here today calling him 'Chamberlain.'

I really do wish this Board would reign the flooding insanity in. Posters like this OP have hijacked the Board with repetitve deranged 'I hate Donald Trump' thread-starters. There has to be limits. I hope someone here steps up and implements some limits.
I started 10 threads on trump being Hitler??? You're a liar ...just like the one who you support

So is he 'Hitler', or is he 'Chamberlain?' You really can't make up your mind huh? You don't realize it, but you are crazy. Take a break from politics and the Board. You might regain some sanity. God bless.
He's neither Just a con man whom I don't enjoy the thought of getting anywhere close to the WH
But i thought he was 'Hitler?' Man, butt-hurt Democrat nutters are sounding crazier by the day. He's 'Hitler', now he's 'Chamberlain.' What a buncha psychos. :cuckoo:

All these idiots who throw around Hitler, Chamberlain, etc., in order to illustrate what an evil person DonaldTrump is, forget to mention Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, all their liberal/socialist/communist soul mates.

They've completely lost it. I mean this OP nutter was just here ranting & raving about Trump being 'Hitler.' He or she has started like 10 threads on it. Now the same OP's back here today calling him 'Chamberlain.'

I really do wish this Board would reign the flooding insanity in. Posters like this OP have hijacked the Board with repetitve deranged 'I hate Donald Trump' thread-starters. There has to be limits. I hope someone here steps up and implements some limits.
I started 10 threads on trump being Hitler??? You're a liar ...just like the one who you support

So is he 'Hitler', or is he 'Chamberlain?' You really can't make up your mind huh? You don't realize it, but you are crazy. Take a break from politics and the Board. You might regain some sanity. God bless.
He's neither Just a con man whom I don't enjoy the thought of getting anywhere close to the WH

See, you're just so confused. Take a break from Politics. You've lost it.
After Obama authorized nuclear technology to a country, Iran, that supports terrorism after they kidnapped U.S. Sailors and then then shipped plane loads of about a billion dollars to Iran the left thinks that the president elect is Neville Chamberlain before he even takes office? You gotta be kidding. The left is really going nuts.
After Obama authorized nuclear technology to a country, Iran, that supports terrorism after they kidnapped U.S. Sailors and then then shipped plane loads of about a billion dollars to Iran the left thinks that the president elect is Neville Chamberlain before he even takes office? You gotta be kidding. The left is really going nuts.

This particular OP nutter was here a few days ago ranting & raving about Trump being 'Hitler.' Now the same OP nutter is back today calling him a 'Chamberlain.' Democrats really have descended into butt-hurt madness. :cuckoo:

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