Is Trumpovitch like Neville Chamberlain?

You're thinking of Lurch Kerry
No you schnook It's chump making friends with a guy who wants to bury us that irks me And you and your gang of deplorables suck it up For shame

Iran, doofus, think Iran
Whats Iran done to us??? Want them to go nuclear??? Break the deal

Are you too stupid or tooyoung to remember 1979?
Yes 37 years ago Things change Some take more time Germany?? Japan ? now we're trying to get together with Cuba
Who refused to accept defeat 8 years ago Pub breath?? When the fan blows the sheet back in your face you don't like it???? Poor little pubbies
I have no clue who you are talking about because the country accepted Obama as President. There has NEVER been this much bitter, sore-loser, butt-hurt anti-American hatred, divisiveness, etc towards a new in-coming President ever, and that includes 2008. The closest thing to what is going on is 2000 - 'Florida'.

Hillary declared to contest the election was to 'undermine the pillars on which our democracy rests', and since then Liberals have gone bat-shit crazy
- Demand Recounts...and lose them
- Try to flip Electoral College voters, only to have more Hillary voters flip for Trump
- Try to declare a win due to irrelevant Popular Votes
- Vow to do nothing but obstructionists for the benefit of their party, to hell with the country

Today's 'Progressive liberals' doing all of these things are proving they are just as much of a threat to out democracy as Islamic extremism. Both are intolerant, invasive, cancerous diseases.
Accepted??? Yeah your senate leader really accepted him lol

Once again, your youth or your ignorance shows thru.

Mitch McConnell had no problem with Obama as a person.It wasObama'sploicies that McConnell wanted to stop.

History proved him right.
But i thought he was 'Hitler?' Man, butt-hurt Democrat nutters are sounding crazier by the day. He's 'Hitler', now he's 'Chamberlain.' What a buncha psychos. :cuckoo:
This crazy too ??
Trump Mentioned Wikileaks 164 Times in Last Month of Election, Now Claims it Didn't Impact One Voter
Judd Legum, ThinkProgress
Legum writes: "President-elect Trump says that information published by Wikileaks, which the U.S. intelligence community says was hacked by Russia, had 'absolutely no effect on the outcome of the election.'

No, but you're crazy. That's obvious. He's 'Hitler', now he's 'Chamberlain.' Y'all have gone butt-hurt insane. Seriously, lay off the Board for awhile. Lay off Politics. You've lost it, kid.
Remember the story of the guy going through town looking for an honest man ?I'm still looking thru this board for a smart Republican Some I must admit are plenty smart BUT like chump they're warped

Seriously kid, take a break from the Board. Take a break from politics all-together. You've posted several threads screeching about how Donald Trump is 'Hitler.' Now you're on here ranting & raving about him being 'Chamberlain.' So he's 'Hitler' and 'Chamberlain?'

You're not making any sense. You really have gone butt-hurt insane. The dude's the President. That isn't gonna change. You're just gonna have to come to grips with that sometime. But seriously, you should consider taking a break from politics for awhile. You don't sound well at this point.
It is appalling and an outrage that Trump supporters value their ideology more than they value the rest of America. They will stand by him no matter what he does. "When one party is compromised all of us are compromised. (Graham)"

Graham to fellow Republicans “gleeful” over Russian hacking: “You’re not a patriot”
"To my Republican friends who are gleeful: You're making a huge mistake. ...You're being a political hack. You're not a Republican; you're not a patriot."

He hasn't 'done' anything, loon. He hasn't even been sworn in yet. Now stop flooding the Board with your 'I hate Trump!' insanity. It's old and boring.
You're thinking of Lurch Kerry
No you schnook It's chump making friends with a guy who wants to bury us that irks me And you and your gang of deplorables suck it up For shame

Iran, doofus, think Iran
Whats Iran done to us??? Want them to go nuclear??? Break the deal

Are you too stupid or tooyoung to remember 1979?
And btw I was in the Army when JFK kept us out of war with Russia
This Poster should be banned for a bit for flooding the Board with repetitive 'I hate Donald Trump!' thread-starter posts. These kinds of folks are killing the site.

There should be a limit on how many thread-starter posts posters can post per week. I would suggest like 3-4 per week. The flooding stuff is out of control. The site is becoming so boring and annoying. It's the same couple of loony posters hijacking entire forums. There has to be some limits.
Won't bother you anymore coward I hate the pos trump and if you don't like it go **** yourself

Yes, we know you hate Donald Trump. You've been flooding the Board with that insanity for several weeks. He was 'Hitler' yesterday, and he's 'Chamberlain' today. You're bleepin crazy, kid. Seriously, take a break from the Board. Regain some calm and sanity in your life.
Who refused to accept defeat 8 years ago Pub breath?? When the fan blows the sheet back in your face you don't like it???? Poor little pubbies
I have no clue who you are talking about because the country accepted Obama as President. There has NEVER been this much bitter, sore-loser, butt-hurt anti-American hatred, divisiveness, etc towards a new in-coming President ever, and that includes 2008. The closest thing to what is going on is 2000 - 'Florida'.

Hillary declared to contest the election was to 'undermine the pillars on which our democracy rests', and since then Liberals have gone bat-shit crazy
- Demand Recounts...and lose them
- Try to flip Electoral College voters, only to have more Hillary voters flip for Trump
- Try to declare a win due to irrelevant Popular Votes
- Vow to do nothing but obstructionists for the benefit of their party, to hell with the country

Today's 'Progressive liberals' doing all of these things are proving they are just as much of a threat to out democracy as Islamic extremism. Both are intolerant, invasive, cancerous diseases.
Accepted??? Yeah your senate leader really accepted him lol

Once again, your youth or your ignorance shows thru.

Mitch McConnell had no problem with Obama as a person.It wasObama'sploicies that McConnell wanted to stop.

History proved him right.
Please don't bullshit me Your people had so many slurs thrown at Obama they are uncountable And Hillary ??? Your Trump deserves half of what you patriots gave her
And PLEASE republicans STOP kissing trumps ass It's very unbecoming
Is there some "content" here?

"This sort of stuff is getting out of hand in Politics - include content related tothe topic with your insults - otherwise, you need to take it to the FZ."
You're thinking of Lurch Kerry
No you schnook It's chump making friends with a guy who wants to bury us that irks me And you and your gang of deplorables suck it up For shame

Iran, doofus, think Iran
Whats Iran done to us??? Want them to go nuclear??? Break the deal

Are you too stupid or tooyoung to remember 1979?
And btw I was in the Army when JFK kept us out of war with Russia

Thank you for your service.
  • mrb_

    I believe that he's worse. All Chamberlain tried to do us appease Hitler. Trumpovitch is not only appeasing Putin, he's aiding and abetting him. Probably for personal and financial reasons. But the reason isn't all that important but it does provide motive.
Is there some "content" here?

"This sort of stuff is getting out of hand in Politics - include content related tothe topic with your insults - otherwise, you need to take it to the FZ."
This Poster should be banned for a bit for flooding the Board with repetitive 'I hate Donald Trump!' thread-starter posts. These kinds of folks are killing the site.

There should be a limit on how many thread-starter posts posters can post per week. I would suggest like 3-4 per week. The flooding stuff is out of control. The site is becoming so boring and annoying. It's the same couple of loony posters hijacking entire forums. There has to be some limits.
Won't bother you anymore coward I hate the pos trump and if you don't like it go **** yourself

Yes, we know you hate Donald Trump. You've been flooding the Board with that insanity for several weeks. He was 'Hitler' yesterday, and he's 'Chamberlain' today. You're bleepin crazy, kid. Seriously, take a break from the Board. Regain some calm and sanity in your life.
Did you take a break when your republican friends continually bashed Obama for 8 years Not a citizen etc etc ?? Or did you say to take it easy and stop the lies about Hillary ?? Just curious ??
And Hillary ??? Your Trump deserves half of what you patriots gave her
Hillary gave herself everything - she is the worst candidate to ever run for President - she had / has more baggage than the entire Obama family going to Hawaii for a month and all their admin staff and security teams put together! :p
And Hillary ??? Your Trump deserves half of what you patriots gave her
Hillary gave herself everything - she is the worst candidate to ever run for President - she had / has more baggage than the entire Obama family going to Hawaii for a month and all their admin staff and security teams put together! :p
Easy all I'll say to you is that while we'll never see eye to eye I respect your intelligence
And btw I was in the Army when JFK kept us out of war with Russia
Thank you for your service - I have been in going on 30 years now...which means I have been in since Bush took us into Afghanistan and Iraq, since Obama took us BACK into Iraq, since he UN-Constitutionally started his wars in Libya and Syria.

You should KNOW we had no business going into Libya / Helping Al Qaeda in Libya or sticking our nose into Syria. If Assad was gassing his own people that was for the UN to handle. That's one of the reasons they exist...or used to.

Not many people know that the 'rebels', for instance, we were supporting and finally helped over throw Gaddafi were the same Jihadists who for years had been hiring world-wide jihadists to go to Afghanistan and Iraq to kill US troops. We crawled into bed with one devil to fight another?
This Poster should be banned for a bit for flooding the Board with repetitive 'I hate Donald Trump!' thread-starter posts. These kinds of folks are killing the site.

There should be a limit on how many thread-starter posts posters can post per week. I would suggest like 3-4 per week. The flooding stuff is out of control. The site is becoming so boring and annoying. It's the same couple of loony posters hijacking entire forums. There has to be some limits.
Won't bother you anymore coward I hate the pos trump and if you don't like it go **** yourself

Yes, we know you hate Donald Trump. You've been flooding the Board with that insanity for several weeks. He was 'Hitler' yesterday, and he's 'Chamberlain' today. You're bleepin crazy, kid. Seriously, take a break from the Board. Regain some calm and sanity in your life.
Did you take a break when your republican friends continually bashed Obama for 8 years Not a citizen etc etc ?? Or did you say to take it easy and stop the lies about Hillary ?? Just curious ??

I'm determined to seek a remedy for folks like you flooding the Board with 'I hate Donald Trump' insanity. We know you hate the man, but we don't 10-20 thread-starter posts per day telling us that. I will seek change.
But i thought he was 'Hitler?' Man, butt-hurt Democrat nutters are sounding crazier by the day. He's 'Hitler', now he's 'Chamberlain.' What a buncha psychos. :cuckoo:

All these idiots who throw around Hitler, Chamberlain, etc., in order to illustrate what an evil person DonaldTrump is, forget to mention Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, all their liberal/socialist/communist soul mates.
There is more than enough reason to question Trump, as there was with Hillary. She lost - he won. The least Liberals could do is let the man be sworn in before declaring he will un-seat Obama as the worst President in US history....

:p (That last half was meant as a JOKE!)
  • mrb_

    I believe that he's worse. All Chamberlain tried to do us appease Hitler. Trumpovitch is not only appeasing Putin, he's aiding and abetting him. Probably for personal and financial reasons. But the reason isn't all that important but it does provide motive.
/---- Chamberlain was in office when he appeased Hitler. Trump is still a private citizen. How about giving him a chance and waiting till he's in office ----- OH WAIT -- you're a liberal DemocRAT - fairness is alien to you
But i thought he was 'Hitler?' Man, butt-hurt Democrat nutters are sounding crazier by the day. He's 'Hitler', now he's 'Chamberlain.' What a buncha psychos. :cuckoo:

All these idiots who throw around Hitler, Chamberlain, etc., in order to illustrate what an evil person DonaldTrump is, forget to mention Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, all their liberal/socialist/communist soul mates.

ANYONE who attempts to compare Trump to the likes of Hitler or any of these others only succeed in proving they are complete and utter nut-jobs and/or who do not know history, who Hitler was, or what he did. PERIOD. Anyone who does so seriously has immediately given every good reason not to take the individual serious.

Comparing Trump to Hitler is like some idiot trying to compare Barak Obama to African Dictator Idi Amin.
(- At this point the uninformed / young should look up 'Idi Amin.)
But i thought he was 'Hitler?' Man, butt-hurt Democrat nutters are sounding crazier by the day. He's 'Hitler', now he's 'Chamberlain.' What a buncha psychos. :cuckoo:

All these idiots who throw around Hitler, Chamberlain, etc., in order to illustrate what an evil person DonaldTrump is, forget to mention Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, all their liberal/socialist/communist soul mates.

They've completely lost it. I mean this OP nutter was just here ranting & raving about Trump being 'Hitler.' He or she has started like 10 threads on it. Now the same OP's back here today calling him 'Chamberlain.'

I really do wish this Board would reign the flooding insanity in. Posters like this OP have hijacked the Board with repetitve deranged 'I hate Donald Trump' thread-starters. There has to be limits. I hope someone here steps up and implements some limits.

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