Is Trump's Constant Election Fraud Crying the Weakest thing a former President has ever Done?

Democrats think Republicans are as stupid as they are. Not true. Republicans see the double standard playing out here and nobody is buying that simpleminded bullshit.

When you make a post like this, you prove you really dumber than any Democrat. A LOT dumber. Democrats know that there was no election theft, and that there is no question of this.

Only a true Trump Cult member thinks this is anything but bullshit to set up Republicans overturning the results of the next election.
we have taken you to school hundreds of times massive election fraud took place and everytime you could not counter FACTS,you did this :scared1: :itsok:
The only people running away are Loser Donald's lawyers who got their asses kicked in court.

Yea but you have no evidence and all your claims are baseless fabricated lies because you are just weak little bitches that can't swallow your pride and admit that you lost, like a grown man would do...
Lib please rigging and cheating in elections is what defines Democrats, they have been doing it for decades. :eusa_hand: They just have a sour puss face because a sitting president called them out on it.
Yes there was and it was bullshit.

Trump went on national television that he fired Comey because of the "Russia thing". We didn't make that up. The video is on YouTube.

Trump and his people pushed the narrative. All of the people who "volunteered" to work for the Trump Campaign for free had ties to Russia, and were in the pay of Russians: Manafort, Gates, Flynn, Page. And when they went for their security clearances, ALL of them lied about their contracts with Russians. Not only did these people lie, but Cohen, Kuchner, Sessions, and others also lied about Russian contacts on their security clearance applications.

The CIA and the FBI refused to give security clearances to more than 50 top White House employees for a variety of reasons, including to Jared Kuchner, who had to amend his application three times because he "forgot" about contacts with Russians and Saudis. Donald Trump overrode those security clearance denials and even kept people on staff until the press got wind of their failure to pass security clearance.
there was no muslim ban…a reasonable and responsible texgel ban on nations that were left in crisis ans over run by terrorist made sense…he inherited a world like that from obama and xiden sadly

Comey was fired for a number of reasons..justified

The Russian conspiracy was a hoax…the obama admin knew it in 2016…even Mueller admitted it was a nothing
Many Biden voters apparently voted on election night between 11pm-3am :eusa_think:

No, that was the first time that states were allowed to start counting the mail-in votes - after all of the same day votes were counted. Since most of the Democrats voted by mail because of covid, and most Republican covid deniers voted on election day, Trump's votes were counted before 11, and Biden's votes were counted after 11:00

This was entirely expected.
So what. She can make that claim every day for the rest of her life and no group is going to invade congress and send her hundreds of millions of dollars. When the gavel fell and the swearing in ended, her days were done.
Wrong, she has gone right on claiming she was cheated. Of course the left doesn't want to discuss that, they just want to dump on Trump for what Dems themselves have done in spades for years. She's not the only Dem. Asshole Dems vowed to impeach Trump before the guy was even sworn into office then tried repeatedly to dig up dirt to impeach him for years THEN actually impeached him twice. If that's not denial of an election outcome nothing is. So imo Dems can just shut the hell up about Trump refusing to concede the election, Dems have zero credibility on this subject.
LOL. We are not the ones whining in Florida about "elections being stolen" or trying to stage a riot on the Capitol. Nope. Our guy is in the White House while Rump is sitting in Florida picking his nose. Looks like all the frustrations are coming from the trumptards!!! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
No you just start a thread about it 3 times a week. Oh wait :eusa_think:
Hillary never acted on that claim. She never went to court or to congress or any legislature with that grievance.
She couldn't prove it so Dems did the next best thing, denied the legitimacy of Trump's presidency. Go ahead try to deny that and we'll laugh in your face. 4 YEARS of witch hunts and threats of impeachment, some before the guy was even sworn into office. Do we need to roll the video of a prominent Dem in congress chanting IMPEACHMENT IMPEACHMENT IMPEACHMENT to refresh your memories?
No, that was the first time that states were allowed to start counting the mail-in votes - after all of the same day votes were counted. Since most of the Democrats voted by mail because of covid, and most Republican covid deniers voted on election day, Trump's votes were counted before 11, and Biden's votes were counted after 11:00

This was entirely expected.
Lib please here's the reporting from a key Dem district in a battle ground state decided by tiny margin...

5:00pm omg there's very low voter turn out on election day. No lines no delays this does not bode well for Biden.

3:00am omg there was an historic all time high election day turn out.

Dems CHEAT ^^^
Lib please rigging and cheating in elections is what defines Democrats, they have been doing it for decades. :eusa_hand: They just have a sour puss face because a sitting president called them out on it.
Please provide factual evidence of this.
Oh wait there is none, and nobody has ever presented any evidence of any fraud ever.

When you are a Trumper you can just say any lie you want. You people just tell each other lies to justify GOP failure, it is so pathetic.

Look I can do it to. The Patriots won on Sunday and they are now 1-0. SO go tell Roger Goodell that the patriots won, and they were cheated and the game needs to be reversed..

Disgraceful weaklings.
Trumpers project when they scream about election and voter fraud. The only way Trump and Trumpers can win is if THEY cheat. That is why they have spent the past eight months passing laws to rig elections. That is why they have passed laws in states that they can replace local election officials with sycophants if the Vote goes against them.

Trumpists are masters of the art of the fraud. Hell, their leader ran a multi-million dollar scam known as Trump University and has been barred from operating a charitable foundation because of his perfidy. Trumpists have made threats against election officials just for doing their jobs. If they can’t win, they will take the system down with them. That is why so many of them are so dangerous to our Republic.
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Trumpers project when they scream about election and voter fraud. The only way Trump and Trumpers can win is if THEY cheat. That is why they have spent the past eight months passing laws to rig elections. That is why they have passed laws in states that they can replace local election officials with sycophants if the Vote goes against them.

Trumpists are masters of the art of the fraud. Hell, their leader ran a multi-million dollar scam known as Trump University and has been barred from operating a charitable foundation because of his perfidy. Trumpists have made threats against election officials just for doing their jobs. If they can’t win they will take the system down with them. That is why so many of them are so dangerous to our Republic.
All spot on, really. It's the ultimate con, in its fuckitness: Say you aren't doing what you are obviously doing. And keep saying that. And accuse your opponents of doing what you are doing (or maybe wish you could do? Kind of telling on themselves a bit, there). Rinse, repeat.
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it wasn’t trump that brought it up…the exposure was released by the mueller team

Do you believe anything that other than what Trump told you?

You know he lies all of the time, and that NOTHING HE TOLD YOU ABOUT OBAMA WAS EVER TRUE. NONE OF IT. Starting with he wasn't born in Hawaii.
Trumpers project when they scream about election and voter fraud. The only way Trump and Trumpers can win is if THEY cheat. That is why they have spent the past eight months passing laws to rig elections. That is why they have passed laws in states that they can replace local election officials with sycophants if the Vote goes against them.

Trumpists are masters of the art of the fraud. Hell, their leader ran a multi-million dollar scam known as Trump University and has been barred from operating a charitable foundation because of his perfidy. Trumpists have made threats against election officials just for doing their jobs. If they can’t win, they will take the system down with them. That is why so many of them are so dangerous to our Republic.
Running the con: Say that Biden influenced the Ukrainian Government, while trying to extort the Ukrainian government. Say that you are trying to save the election from being rigged by your opponents, while trying to rig the election for yourself. Say that you are draining the swamp, while infesting it with bottomfeeders. Say that you are a billionaire, while claiming poverty on your taxes.

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