Is Trump's current 7 point lead over Biden enough to overcome the usual democrat Nazi's voter fraud?

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It is a certainty that the Democrat filth already have the fraudulent ballots for 2024 in key swing districts printed up.

We will never have another honest election now that the Democrats turds have learned how easy it is to steal swing districts and know that the RINOs are too cowardly to do jackshit about it.
'7 Points'? I read in several places where Biden's approval rating is down to almost its lowest point ever and Trump's walking away from Biden...

...if you believe polls.
Democrats rig everything. At least they try. You'd add more lefty judges to the Supreme Court if you could to overcome the current conservative majority. Admit it. Trump ruined the Court so he must be punished, huh.
I’m not sure even knows what he said lol
You understand what I said. Pretending you don't is part of your game. I've been sparring with you jokers long enough to know what you're going to say next even before you do.
19 fuckin' months before the election and they're ALREADY saying it was rigged.

Has anyone broken up the massive organization that stole the 2020 election? No. In that case they will try to steal the election. It might not work this time. We can only hope and pass election integrity laws in every state possible.
If this were me starting a thread without a source, Mods would have sent it to the Rubber Room or some other dungeon by now.
Huh? It's common knowledge. Common knowledge needs a source?
When you control the VOTER ROLL and the BALLOT printer the rest is the easy part.

Send out 100,000 early ballots (after editing the zip codes wrong on all 100K, switch the zip codes back quickly the next day). Those ballots come back undeliverable to those like Claire in WI or even stay with "trusted" USPS. On Election day......they get a real-time idea how many they need and the Mules pick up ballots from DEM safe house, fill out who they want and start stuffing the boxes knowing they will stay open and keep counting until they have a comfortable lead. $10/ballot........1000 ballots.....100 per night route? A quick $10K cash for driving around to boxes.
Has anyone broken up the massive organization that stole the 2020 election? No. In that case they will try to steal the election. It might not work this time. We can only hope and pass election integrity laws in every state possible.
There's gonna be a lot more eyes watching this time.
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