Is trump’s Goal To Undermine Our Democracy One Step At A Time?

We were formed as a republic, dumb ass..........

AHhh, the old "America is not a democracy" trope.
This is what happens when you learn by rote and don't have sufficient familiarity with history to actually understand the subject.
Yes, of course the US was formed as a republic, a republic with a representative form of government which is democratically elected.

Pure democracy is too volatile to actually function in ANY government whatsoever.
Think of it as OXYGEN. Do animals breathe PURE oxygen?
Of course not. Oxygen is one key component in a mixture of several gases.

Your comment, "We were formed as a republic, dumb ass", attempts to imply that democracy is not a component of our republic.

NOW we all know who the real dumbass really is.
It's every single person who parrots and regurgitates that phony fucking load of tripe about how "America is not a democracy, it is a republic".

I bet you also think Hitler was a liberal because he called his brand of politics "National SOCIALISM".

The founding fathers form of government that was started (from the Constitution forward) is a republic and the only power government is SUPPOSE to have is derived from the involvement (and more importantly) the consent of the citizens but not "democratic" in that it enshrines rights that (at least in theory) cannot be undermined through majority vote. The communist leftists believe that the constitution is outdated and nothing would make them happier than to decide what unalienable rights we should have as far as it fits into their commie agenda.

My rights do not come from a benevolent "gubermint" that bestows "privileges" upon their serfs that can also be taken away at their whim. So, consider yourself "schooled" and stop being a dumb ass.
He's already erased Obama from the history books. Now he won't even be known as black for the embarrassment.
"A few illegals"?
You ought to learn simple math........asshole!
And you ought to learn how to read..........Fuckface!

I wasn’t talking about the total number of illegals in the country. I was talking about the few who would even answer Census questions knowing trump and the other asshole, Sessions are just using the census to target then in one more way.
The founding fathers form of government that was started (from the Constitution forward) is a republic and the only power government is SUPPOSE to have is derived from the involvement (and more importantly) the consent of the citizens but not "democratic" in that it enshrines rights that (at least in theory) cannot be undermined through majority vote. The communist leftists believe that the constitution is outdated and nothing would make them happier than to decide what unalienable rights we should have as far as it fits into their commie agenda.

My rights do not come from a benevolent "gubermint" that bestows "privileges" upon their serfs that can also be taken away at their whim. So, consider yourself "schooled" and stop being a dumb ass.

Now you're deviating from the subject of the thread, which is about the democratic electoral process, not about your rights or the powers of government.

So, you may want to start your own thread in which you can discuss the Constitution and your rights, but for now, when someone in this thread addresses the democratic electoral process, and you come back with "We were formed as a republic, DUMBASS", it makes YOU look ill informed on the subject matter, and it makes you look like you're not paying attention.

No one touched on what your rights are, or where they came from, not in this thread. That's all in your head, and others will affirm that fact, I am sure.

So again, although our country was formed AS a republic, like you said, it IS STILL a republican form of government which is a democratically elected representative republic, and therefore what qualifies in colloquial terms as a DEMOCRACY, because in practical terms, a democratically elected representative form of democracy is the only way that democracy can actually function in a republic.
Other types of republics also exist, such as parliamentary democracy that is a constitutional monarchy.
A parliamentary republic is essentially a constitutional monarchy with the monarch replaced by someone elected, typically in a democratic fashion.
We are neither of those, of course.
Claiming that we are "not a democracy but a republic" is a false dichotomy.

“A political order in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them.”
---American Heritage Dictionary definition of "republic"

John Adams called us a "representative democracy".
Thomas Jefferson used the term in 1815 in a critique of "the misrule of Kings".
And James Wilson, one of the main drafters of the Constitution and one of the first Supreme Court Justices, defended the Constitution in 1787 by speaking of the three forms of government being the “monarchical, aristocratical, and democratical,” and said that in a democracy the sovereign power is “inherent in the people, and is either exercised by themselves or by their representatives.”

So, you're really just throwing around empty semantics in your desperate effort to erect straw man arguments and to mischaracterize democracy as a refuge for "communists and leftists".

And you are failing miserably.
You should be embarrassed.
Many of us here in this forum are embarrassed for you.
I know I am.
Well, we could send him a weekly bag full of the Big Macs he is said to dearly love. That might help things along.

He can stuff his fat ugly face as he drives his LazyMan cart around the golf course every fucking day.

I understand Toxic Tangerine has people working on an all-terrain 4 wheel drive cart to avoid this sort of situation.

Too bad his ugly fat ass didn't drop into a deep canyon.

That's the only good thing this hate-filled prick could do for the world.
Is trump’s Goal To Undermine Our Democracy One Step At A Time?

ABSOLUTELY! He makes no bones about it that his goal is to work step by step to turn it back into a profitable and efficient representative republic! MAGA!
Well, we could send him a weekly bag full of the Big Macs he is said to dearly love. That might help things along.

He can stuff his fat ugly face as he drives his LazyMan cart around the golf course every fucking day.

I understand Toxic Tangerine has people working on an all-terrain 4 wheel drive cart to avoid this sort of situation.

Too bad his ugly fat ass didn't drop into a deep canyon.

That's the only good thing this hate-filled prick could do for the world.

Get that on video and we'll all rejoice - Hallelujah!
All of us should be able to agree that our elections and democracy were destroyed long before Trump. Trump is doing his best to speed up a revolt and/or civil war -- which are long overdue.

Of course those wars eventually come to an end, and then leadership is sought after.
Tell us please, what your best ideas for leadership are.
It would be easier for me to tell you what leadership is not. Einstein and Tesla were way ahead of their time but they had morals so there is no way in hell they could become leaders in a ruthless society. Same is true for Thomas Paine who was somewhat exiled from the country he helped to create.

I like Jeremy Corbyn but it will take time to see if he is strong enough to continue to oppose the crooks who control governments. In short, real leaders usually end up dead, e.g., JFK and MLK.

I read that Nelson Mandela is the epitome of leadership because he was able to convince the Blacks of South Africa to accept a government of national unity. That means the apartheid scum were allowed to live and keep their job in government as well.

Mandela may have been a great leader or he may have gone soft with age.
The founding fathers form of government that was started (from the Constitution forward) is a republic and the only power government is SUPPOSE to have is derived from the involvement (and more importantly) the consent of the citizens but not "democratic" in that it enshrines rights that (at least in theory) cannot be undermined through majority vote. The communist leftists believe that the constitution is outdated and nothing would make them happier than to decide what unalienable rights we should have as far as it fits into their commie agenda.

My rights do not come from a benevolent "gubermint" that bestows "privileges" upon their serfs that can also be taken away at their whim. So, consider yourself "schooled" and stop being a dumb ass.

Now you're deviating from the subject of the thread, which is about the democratic electoral process, not about your rights or the powers of government.

So, you may want to start your own thread in which you can discuss the Constitution and your rights, but for now, when someone in this thread addresses the democratic electoral process, and you come back with "We were formed as a republic, DUMBASS", it makes YOU look ill informed on the subject matter, and it makes you look like you're not paying attention.

No one touched on what your rights are, or where they came from, not in this thread. That's all in your head, and others will affirm that fact, I am sure.

So again, although our country was formed AS a republic, like you said, it IS STILL a republican form of government which is a democratically elected representative republic, and therefore what qualifies in colloquial terms as a DEMOCRACY, because in practical terms, a democratically elected representative form of democracy is the only way that democracy can actually function in a republic.
Other types of republics also exist, such as parliamentary democracy that is a constitutional monarchy.
A parliamentary republic is essentially a constitutional monarchy with the monarch replaced by someone elected, typically in a democratic fashion.
We are neither of those, of course.
Claiming that we are "not a democracy but a republic" is a false dichotomy.

“A political order in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them.”
---American Heritage Dictionary definition of "republic"

John Adams called us a "representative democracy".
Thomas Jefferson used the term in 1815 in a critique of "the misrule of Kings".
And James Wilson, one of the main drafters of the Constitution and one of the first Supreme Court Justices, defended the Constitution in 1787 by speaking of the three forms of government being the “monarchical, aristocratical, and democratical,” and said that in a democracy the sovereign power is “inherent in the people, and is either exercised by themselves or by their representatives.”

So, you're really just throwing around empty semantics in your desperate effort to erect straw man arguments and to mischaracterize democracy as a refuge for "communists and leftists".

And you are failing miserably.
You should be embarrassed.
Many of us here in this forum are embarrassed for you.
I know I am.

Actually, the OP was questioning tactics that would be used to give results of the census (that happens every ten years) that decides the amount of House reps a certain district will have in order to represent their constituents aka "serfs". We should have a democratic system as in that we elect our representatives to "govern". What we actually have is a corporate entity masquerading as a legitimate governmental body that provides the 19 enumerated services per their corporate charter constitution via the Act of 1871 as a successor to contract after USA.INC went bankrupt. Don't EVEN attempt to tell me how the cow eats the cabbage on this because I know infinitely more than you and have dedicated my life to finding out the nature of this cage. HJR-192, the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of March 1933, the gold and silver confiscation of the people after the 1917 act of "Trading With The Enemy" was amended to include 14th amendment citizens. The history of USA.INC and how it's serfs became surety/ sweat equity was pledged against the debt of USA.INC and we are defined as nothing but "chattel" is rather long story. You can get off of your high horse at any time.........
Actually, the OP was questioning tactics that would be used to give results of the census (that happens every ten years) that decides the amount of House reps a certain district will have in order to represent their constituents aka "serfs". We should have a democratic system as in that we elect our representatives to "govern". What we actually have is a corporate entity masquerading as a legitimate governmental body that provides the 19 enumerated services per their corporate charter constitution via the Act of 1871 as a successor to contract after USA.INC went bankrupt. Don't EVEN attempt to tell me how the cow eats the cabbage on this because I know infinitely more than you and have dedicated my life to finding out the nature of this cage. HJR-192, the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of March 1933, the gold and silver confiscation of the people after the 1917 act of "Trading With The Enemy" was amended to include 14th amendment citizens. The history of USA.INC and how it's serfs became surety/ sweat equity was pledged against the debt of USA.INC and we are defined as nothing but "chattel" is rather long story. You can get off of your high horse at any time.........

Spouting sovereign citizen shit does not equate to knowledge.
I think you should take over another bird refuge and issue a call for snacks, like your buddies LaVoy Finnicum and Sean Anderson did not too long ago.

You don't think I've heard that garbage before?
We aren't ON the gold standard anymore, and there's little hope any nation will be going BACK on it anytime soon either.
We're not arguing fiat currency versus gold backed currency, we're talking about the election process. The fact that you do not recognize the government isn't any concern to me, unless you show up in your militia uniform with the little III%-er patch on it.
Thank you for making clear that you're a "Tenther", but truth be told, my gut was telling me that already.
Now trump and the DOJ want to screw up the Census count by adding questions about citizenship. This will discourage many people from answering the questions and will undercut trust in the system.

A scary line in the second paragraph states that trump wants to appoint a hack to head the bureau who doesn't believe in "competetive" elections. That's all we need, trump to help destroy our democratic electoral process.

The article is well worth a read. The link is at the bottom of this post.

From the article:

“People are not going to come out to be counted because they’re going to be fearful the information would be used for negative purposes,” said Steve Jost, a former top bureau official during the 2010 census. “This line about enforcing voting rights is a new and scary twist.” He noted that since the first census in 1790, the goal has been to count everyone in the country, not just citizens.

There have been rumblings since the beginning of the year that the Trump administration wanted to add a citizenship question to the census. Adding to the concerns about the 2020 count, Politico reported last month that the administration may appoint to a top job at the bureau a Republican redistricting expert who wrote a book called “Redistricting and Representation: Why Competitive Elections Are Bad for America.” The Census Bureau’s population count determines how the 435 U.S. House seats are distributed.

Trump Justice Department Pushes for Citizenship Question on Census, Alarming Experts — ProPublica

Your desperation and confusion are not unexpected.

Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama worked hard to advance Socialism in our country.

Why should we NOT know which citizens are American citizens and which are illegal aliens and not allowed to vote?
Now trump and the DOJ want to screw up the Census count by adding questions about citizenship. This will discourage many people from answering the questions and will undercut trust in the system.

A scary line in the second paragraph states that trump wants to appoint a hack to head the bureau who doesn't believe in "competetive" elections. That's all we need, trump to help destroy our democratic electoral process.

The article is well worth a read. The link is at the bottom of this post.

From the article:

“People are not going to come out to be counted because they’re going to be fearful the information would be used for negative purposes,” said Steve Jost, a former top bureau official during the 2010 census. “This line about enforcing voting rights is a new and scary twist.” He noted that since the first census in 1790, the goal has been to count everyone in the country, not just citizens.

There have been rumblings since the beginning of the year that the Trump administration wanted to add a citizenship question to the census. Adding to the concerns about the 2020 count, Politico reported last month that the administration may appoint to a top job at the bureau a Republican redistricting expert who wrote a book called “Redistricting and Representation: Why Competitive Elections Are Bad for America.” The Census Bureau’s population count determines how the 435 U.S. House seats are distributed.

Trump Justice Department Pushes for Citizenship Question on Census, Alarming Experts — ProPublica
I hope he undermines democracy. We are governed by a republic. Btw...fewer Muslim and illegal Mexicans counted means fewer need for programs to benefit them.
The treasonous fat senile old orange clown desires to be an emperor. So, of course, he will do all in his power to destroy the Constitutional law this nation has prospered under. The best thing that could happen for this nation would be for him to have a terminal heart attack or stroke.
Libtards worried about the Constitution. What a fucjking laugh. Didn't mean much to you asswipe S when barrack Hussein Obama was dictator.
Now trump and the DOJ want to screw up the Census count by adding questions about citizenship. This will discourage many people from answering the questions and will undercut trust in the system.

A scary line in the second paragraph states that trump wants to appoint a hack to head the bureau who doesn't believe in "competetive" elections. That's all we need, trump to help destroy our democratic electoral process.

The article is well worth a read. The link is at the bottom of this post.

From the article:

“People are not going to come out to be counted because they’re going to be fearful the information would be used for negative purposes,” said Steve Jost, a former top bureau official during the 2010 census. “This line about enforcing voting rights is a new and scary twist.” He noted that since the first census in 1790, the goal has been to count everyone in the country, not just citizens.

There have been rumblings since the beginning of the year that the Trump administration wanted to add a citizenship question to the census. Adding to the concerns about the 2020 count, Politico reported last month that the administration may appoint to a top job at the bureau a Republican redistricting expert who wrote a book called “Redistricting and Representation: Why Competitive Elections Are Bad for America.” The Census Bureau’s population count determines how the 435 U.S. House seats are distributed.

Trump Justice Department Pushes for Citizenship Question on Census, Alarming Experts — ProPublica

Gee, how dare we scare and shame illegals in our country. It’s as if we’re saying they aren’t welcome to come here breaking our laws.
there was a time when resident aliens had to register at the post office every January so we knew who was here. We need to bring this practice back.
Gee, how dare we scare and shame illegals in our country. It’s as if we’re saying they aren’t welcome to come here breaking our laws.
Why are republicans so afraid of simple HONESTY?

The goal of the Census is to determine, as closely as possible, the total number of people in this country — not to fuck with people it hopes will answer the questions honestly.

If you just want to scare a few illegals, you have the brain-dead Orange Asshole who's stinking up our Oval Office to do that.
Why do you support illegals in our country. No other country allows illegals to roam freely? Your side lost an election over that fact. We won and our side is throwing those fuckers out and you can't do anything about it.
Trump's goals:

1 - more fame for Trump (accomplished);

2 - more power for Trump (to do);

3 - more tax cuts for Trump (partly accomplished);

4 - more tax cuts for the rich (accomplished)j;

5 - defeat ACA (partly accomplished);

6 - feed his ego daily (accomplished);

7 - seem important (partly accomplished);

8 - nominate more strict constructionist judges (resounding success so far);

9 - eliminate Obama presidential directives (resounding success so far);

10 - get re-elected (seems unlikely but then getting elected seemed unlikely too) !!


President Obama keeping promises.

It would be easier for me to tell you what leadership is not.

Yes, of course, which is why you're part of the "brand name antifa"...a self admitted "LEADERLESS MOVEMENT", which means that you're really just good at being parasites to the Left and good at tearing shit down, but when the time comes to sit at the table and hammer out solid ideas for leadership, you're fucking bankrupt.

You're no friends to liberals, you're just anarchists, and you're the best thing to ever happen to the Right Wing Propaganda Machine, because they see you as a clever means of painting all liberals.

You're in NO WAY anything like the real actual antifa movement that rose up in Europe in the old days, you're just a bunch of spoiled kids who live in Mommy's basement.

And here's a solid time tested BET:
Within FIVE YEARS (it's a cycle, a continuous one) HALF of all the people you know in the antifa movement will have decided that it's not worth it, and they will believe that THIS IS WHAT LIBERALISM IS ALL ABOUT and they'll decide it's a failure, and those people will become a part of the extremist Right, because that is WHERE the extreme Right GETS most of its followers, from people who FAILED at being liberals, or FAILED at being anarchists.

All or nearly all of the Reagan Era neoconservatives started out as "young communists" or "young socialists" or young members of anarchist groups such as yourselves. They accomplished NOTHING, they achieved NOTHING, because radical groups on either end of the spectrum refuse to compromise, or reach across in pursuit of common ground, and they reject leadership.
IT IS WHAT THEY DO, it is what they ALWAYS DO and always HAVE done throughout history.

What your bunch doesn't seem to understand is, people are mostly mainstream, mostly independent, and they mostly grasp a wide palette of political views.
They may have liberal views on some issues, conservative views on others, but the bell curve is biggest in the middle.
That is human nature and it's not going to change.
What does change is that the center can slowly and deliberately migrate somewhat to the Right or to the Left over time, like a pendulum slowly swinging.

Our democracy works best when people work together for the good of the country, country over party, country over ideology, country over extremism.
Sooner or later, some of you will be forced to think about how to lead and where to lead FROM. You can't just tear shit down and light shit on fire forever.
You're not helping make the Nazis and Klansmen look bad, you're giving them a reason to live, a justification for their existence.

I identify as "anti fascist" but I will never ever be a member of your brand name clique called the antifa. My father killed seven fascists right before taking two Nazi bullets to the neck and earning a Purple Heart.
He is a thousand times the "antifa" you guys dream of being.
"Is trump’s Goal To Undermine Our Democracy One Step At A Time?"

Along with destroying our Constitutional Republic and the rule of law.
. After the last eight years, this is the stupidest statement made in all of 2017. And we are at New Year's Eve.
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Actually, the OP was questioning tactics that would be used to give results of the census (that happens every ten years) that decides the amount of House reps a certain district will have in order to represent their constituents aka "serfs". We should have a democratic system as in that we elect our representatives to "govern". What we actually have is a corporate entity masquerading as a legitimate governmental body that provides the 19 enumerated services per their corporate charter constitution via the Act of 1871 as a successor to contract after USA.INC went bankrupt. Don't EVEN attempt to tell me how the cow eats the cabbage on this because I know infinitely more than you and have dedicated my life to finding out the nature of this cage. HJR-192, the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of March 1933, the gold and silver confiscation of the people after the 1917 act of "Trading With The Enemy" was amended to include 14th amendment citizens. The history of USA.INC and how it's serfs became surety/ sweat equity was pledged against the debt of USA.INC and we are defined as nothing but "chattel" is rather long story. You can get off of your high horse at any time.........

Spouting sovereign citizen shit does not equate to knowledge.
I think you should take over another bird refuge and issue a call for snacks, like your buddies LaVoy Finnicum and Sean Anderson did not too long ago.

You don't think I've heard that garbage before?
We aren't ON the gold standard anymore, and there's little hope any nation will be going BACK on it anytime soon either.
We're not arguing fiat currency versus gold backed currency, we're talking about the election process. The fact that you do not recognize the government isn't any concern to me, unless you show up in your militia uniform with the little III%-er patch on it.
Thank you for making clear that you're a "Tenther", but truth be told, my gut was telling me that already.

What I am talking about has nothing to do with the "sovereign citizen" movement. This is about cohesion contracts and basic contract law that unless you understand Black's Law dictionary and understand legalese, you have no hope of prevailing in their admiralty courts. You don't know a fucking thing about what the Oregon stand-off was about or how Lavoy Finicum was flat out murdered or the torture the "State" did to those that stood up for the Hammond family and how they were denied due process that violated very principle that this country was allegedly founded on. You are out of your league, "home slice" have got nothing and the fact that you seem to take a certain glee over the death of Lavoy Finicum tells meall I need to know about you and that you are a disgusting sack of shit.
What I am talking about has nothing to do with the "sovereign citizen" movement. This is about cohesion contracts and basic contract law that unless you understand Black's Law dictionary and understand legalese, you have no hope of prevailing in their admiralty courts. You don't know a fucking thing about what the Oregon stand-off was about or how Lavoy Finicum was flat out murdered or the torture the "State" did to those that stood up for the Hammond family and how they were denied due process that violated very principle that this country was allegedly founded on. You are out of your league, "home slice" have got nothing and the fact that you seem to take a certain glee over the death of Lavoy Finicum tells meall I need to know about you and that you are a disgusting sack of shit.

Fuck off with your "admiralty courts".
PS: One of your kind tried to rent our house in Mansfield TX and tried to squat and/or take "adverse possession".
I SHOT HIM, and walked free.
My Texas neighbors applauded.

You ain't got nearly as many friends as you think you do.

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