Is Ukraine going to defeat Russia?

Just more lying U.S. media nonsense. ... :cuckoo:
That didn't come from the US media... .
laughing animated.gif
Russian forces continue to struggle with generating additional combat-capable units. The UK Ministry of Defense reported on June 12 that Russian forces have been trying to produce more combat units by preparing to deploy third battalion tactical groups (BTGs) from some units over the last few weeks.[1] The UK MoD noted that Russian brigades and regiments normally can generate two BTGs, but doing so leaves the parent units largely hollow shells. The UK MOD concluded that these third BTGs will likely be understaffed and rely on recruits and mobilized reservists. Their deployment will likely adversely impact the capacity of their parent units to regenerate their combat power for quite some time. BTGs generated in this fashion will not have the combat power of regular BTGs. It will be important not to overestimate Russian reserves produced in this way by counting these third BTGs as if they were normal BTGs.​
Pro-Russian sources are continuing to spread disinformation to sow anxiety and resentment among the Ukrainian population. Russian Telegram channels reportedly began spreading a fake mobilization order on June 12 that they falsely attributed to the Ukrainian General Staff. The fake order called for the mobilization of all eligible Ukrainian women to report for duty by “June 31” (sic).​

The Russian army controls 95% of the Donbas region and continues to steadily advance westward.
Next on Putin's agenda with be to occupy the port city of Odessa, giving Russia the entire north coast of the Black Sea, and then annex Transnistria.
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The valiant Russian army controls 95% of the Donbas region and continues to steadily advance westward.
Next on Putin's agenda with be to occupy Odessa, giving Russia the entire north coast of the Black Sea, and then to annex Transnistria.
At the rate he is losing ships by the time he gets around to invading Odessa all he's going to have left will be two jon boats and three bath tubs.

He's lost both of his two capital ships within two weeks of each other and most of both his large and small landing craft. What are they going to do, swim?
It's pretty fucking funny that whores for Putin who pretend to be "conservatives" are defending this shit

It's pretty fucking funny that whores for Putin who pretend to be "conservatives" are defending this shit

What is both funny and sad is that Mariupol is nothing but a bombed out wreck today.

What has he won there?
Really ?
where is it ?

I stated the Russian economy was booming.
I never it was the largest.
Why didn't you comment about the Russian ruble currently being the world's strongest currency?
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I stated the Russian economy was booming.
I never it was the largest.
Why didn't you comment about the Russian ruble currently being the strongest currency?

It's not booming, communist.


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