Is violent crime a major political issue?

According to Blacks and minorities it is. Pew found 81 percent of black voters believe violent crime is a very important issue when considering who to vote for, compared to 65 percent of Hispanic voters and 56 percent of white voters.

For the privileged democrat elite, they live in nice neighborhoods and could care less.

Yet minorities still vote democrat. But when you are in a cult, you drink the cool aid anyway.
Well, New York, Oregon, and New York State are losing big ground to the red team over high crime. So, yes, this is a very relevant issue.

According to Blacks and minorities it is. Pew found 81 percent of black voters believe violent crime is a very important issue when considering who to vote for, compared to 65 percent of Hispanic voters and 56 percent of white voters.

For the privileged democrat elite, they live in nice neighborhoods and could care less.

Yet minorities still vote democrat. But when you are in a cult, you drink the cool aid anyway.

The term is Kool-aid.
It is frightening to me how people will continue to vote for those who are destroying them.

All because of a misguided belief or two about them

Is it because they are 100% convinced the GOP are racists?

It reminds me of how those from Venezuela are running from their country due to oppression, but then come to the US to support the democrats who are more likely to do the same things to them that the socialist government from which they just escaped.

Or even take those fleeing democrat strong holds like California, where they move to other states to escape economic oppression, only to continue to vote democrat

Leftism is like a cancer. It just metastasizes until it kills off its host.

You have evidence that this is true?

According to Blacks and minorities it is. Pew found 81 percent of black voters believe violent crime is a very important issue when considering who to vote for, compared to 65 percent of Hispanic voters and 56 percent of white voters.

For the privileged democrat elite, they live in nice neighborhoods and could care less.

Yet minorities still vote democrat. But when you are in a cult, you drink the cool aid anyway.
Crime is a local issue. It has no place in elections for national office.
You have evidence that this is true?
Crime is a local issue. It has no place in elections for national office.

When asshats like Fetterman want to let out criminals and decriminalize crime then it becomes a federal issue

But you are right, it SHOULD be a local issue, but the federal government is involved in pretty much everything these days, and just waits to pounce on local law enforcement, like in Ferguson to tell them how to do their jobs and just how systemically racist they are

Why if it were not for federal law enforcement, like the FBI, that obviously has zero systemic racism, we would almost tend to believe that it is impossible for law enforcement to not be flawed in such ways.
What does this have to do with Venezuelans?

This article says that the vast number of people who come to the US from Venezuela support Trump, so maybe I was wrong.

Maybe there is some hope out there.

They seem to catch on faster than those in Detroit and San Fran which will soon become Detroit.
Many cities for years did not and msy still not report any crimes. Even when the policing was better. So the stats are worse.

When asshats like Fetterman want to let out criminals and decriminalize crime then it becomes a federal issue

But you are right, it SHOULD be a local issue, but the federal government is involved in pretty much everything these days, and just waits to pounce on local law enforcement, like in Ferguson to tell them how to do their jobs and just how systemically racist they are

Why if it were not for federal law enforcement, like the FBI, that obviously has zero systemic racism, we would almost tend to believe that it is impossible for law enforcement to not be flawed in such ways.
A lot of words to say nothing.
A president or Us Senator have no role in fighting crime in your community short of offering federal assistance.

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