Is "Water" a Human Right?

Yes, by all means treat Water as a Human Right...and so walk your lazy ass out to Lake Michigan and take you a bucket with you, and dip a bucketful and take it home. (I suggest you boil it before you drink it.)

This is what you need to do if you don't want to divert some of the money the Govmint hands out to your lazy ass away from buying beer and cigarettes and crack...and using it instead for what it is supposed to be used paying your damn Water bill.
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Since we're mostly made of water and we have a human right to live then I'd say that water is a human right despite what any mother fucker at the Nestle corporation might say. Without water, you have no rights because you're dead and no longer a human.

What they are doing to people in that city is criminal and immoral.
The people running the city and turning off peoples water are virtually ALL Black LIBs. Go 'axe' them why the city can't afford to supply water to the poor. The honest answer is that the virtually ALL Black city politicians are corrupt and have been 'foe' decades.
Anything we decide is a right, is a right. We can certainly put forth criteria upon which we will base that determination.

Once you've established your criteria, you can decide.

But I would say you are incorrect in your first claim.

A criteria some people utilize is that rights are universally available to all people and they should not cost anything.

There is no 'right' that is free. Even life, you have to put out effort to sustain your life. Water and medical care, the same. You want it to be universal, then all will have to contribute to a common fund to sustain the water and medical infrastructure. Such contributions are called taxes.
So tear up the water bill ?

No, supply water to those who cannot, or have not, paid..............if they can pay, and do not, a lien placed on their property for the unpaid bill may be collected. If they cannot pay, the lien remains. Sometimes poor people inherit money, or win money. The liens might then be paid.
Is "Water" a Human Right? The Constitution protects the "General Welfare". I've heard 101 thing's that don't apply to that "General Welfare of People" ruling that we can't ask our ancestors about...........but NOTHING is more "General Welfare" than water. I can live without everything else longer.

Discuss perspectives.

'Water Is a Human Right': Advocates Call for End to Detroit Water Shutoffs

Guns are a freedom. But water isn't, because no one in their right mind ever thought it would be necessary....

Not sure about water...but peeing certainly is.
Since we're mostly made of water and we have a human right to live then I'd say that water is a human right despite what any mother fucker at the Nestle corporation might say. Without water, you have no rights because you're dead and no longer a human.

What they are doing to people in that city is criminal and immoral.

Do you pay your water bills?
Should you get free water?..Free electricity? food? gasoline?

Should everything be free?..Free ferraris for everyone..It's a "human right" :lol:
42 And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only, in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward.”

matthew 10:42

I remember this verse from my childhood and a Sunday school discussion about water during one of our drought periods, apparently Christians used to believe that withholding water from the thirsty is a sin.
If water is a right, then no one should have to pay for it. The infrastructure distributing the water would disappear. I would offer a choice. A public well. Like they have in African villages. You want free water, you go to the public spigot with your little bucket and get it. If you want running water in your home, pay for it.
Is "Water" a Human Right?

One has a right to drink water - the right to life and pursue happiness.

One does NOT have a right to force your neighbor to quench your thirst.

Now I object to the government monopolizing water utilities. The reason water is scarce and expensive in , ie, California is because water utilities have been given coercive monopoly powers and competition has been abolished.
Is "Water" a Human Right?

One has a right to drink water - the right to life and pursue happiness.

One does NOT have a right to force your neighbor to quench your thirst.

Now I object to the government monopolizing water utilities. The reason water is scarce and expensive in , ie, California is because water utilities have been given coercive monopoly powers and competition has been abolished.

In your opinion california has enough water but the "government" is purposely holding it back so they can...... do what, exactly?

LMAO...It has nothing to do with the fact that 80% of the state is experiencing "extreme drought", huh?
The worst drought in decades....the governor declared a state of "drought emergency".... in January...
but it's REALLY the government purposely withholding water from people so they can...what?..make the utilities rich?...Deprive their constituents?
Why would food, water, or shelter be a right?

Since you've gone that far, you might as well throw in air. No rights except a right to life. If certain industries pollute the air and the water, and we can't afford to filter out the pollution, tough. Move somewhere where it's not polluted or die. what business do we have to complain?
If water is a right, then no one should have to pay for it. The infrastructure distributing the water would disappear. I would offer a choice. A public well. Like they have in African villages. You want free water, you go to the public spigot with your little bucket and get it. If you want running water in your home, pay for it.

"If water is a right, then no one should have to pay for it."

There is a misnomer, equating "a right" to "free".

If you are going to equate them, you should scratch " right" from your dictionary and just us "free".
Why would food, water, or shelter be a right?

Since you've gone that far, you might as well throw in air. No rights except a right to life. If certain industries pollute the air and the water, and we can't afford to filter out the pollution, tough. Move somewhere where it's not polluted or die. what business do we have to complain?

Oh I agree. As plumb was saying, those are all needs not rights.
Is "Water" a Human Right?

One has a right to drink water - the right to life and pursue happiness.

One does NOT have a right to force your neighbor to quench your thirst.

Now I object to the government monopolizing water utilities. The reason water is scarce and expensive in , ie, California is because water utilities have been given coercive monopoly powers and competition has been abolished.

In your opinion california has enough water but the "government" is purposely holding it back so they can...... do what, exactly?

LMAO...It has nothing to do with the fact that 80% of the state is experiencing "extreme drought", huh?
The worst drought in decades....the governor declared a state of "drought emergency".... in January...
but it's REALLY the government purposely withholding water from people so they can...what?..make the utilities rich?...Deprive their constituents?

There is also population growth, both in Ca and in increased demand for Central Valley ag. An appropriate measure would be something along the lines of inches of percipitation per year, hectar, capita.

And that does start from, as you say "the fact that 80% of the state is experiencing "extreme drought""

Contumacious just goes on the ignore list of people that have nothing useful to add to the conversation. If the point of discussion is to highlight facts and move towards solutions to issues, Contumacious is just a waste of resourses. I'm not sure that Contumacious meets the basic criteria that affords people rights. "Rights" doesn't mean "free". To have a right to general welfare means contributing to general welfare. In the context of this thread and its goal, Contumacious isn't contributing. We do tend towards extending rights to those that are incompetent, children, handicapped, and mentally disabled, so perhaps the citeria of mental disability might apply.
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