Is "Water" a Human Right?

One has a right to drink water - the right to life and pursue happiness.

One does NOT have a right to force your neighbor to quench your thirst.

Now I object to the government monopolizing water utilities. The reason water is scarce and expensive in , ie, California is because water utilities have been given coercive monopoly powers and competition has been abolished.

In your opinion california has enough water but the "government" is purposely holding it back so they can...... do what, exactly?

LMAO...It has nothing to do with the fact that 80% of the state is experiencing "extreme drought", huh?
The worst drought in decades....the governor declared a state of "drought emergency".... in January...
but it's REALLY the government purposely withholding water from people so they can...what?..make the utilities rich?...Deprive their constituents?

There is also population growth, both in Ca and in increases demand for Central Valley ag. An appropriate measure would be something along the lines of inches of percipitation per year per capita.

And that does start from, as you say "the fact that 80% of the state is experiencing "extreme drought""

Contumacious just goes on the ignore list of people that have nothing useful to add to the conversation. If the point of discussion is to highlight facts and move towards solutions to issues, Contumacious is just a waste of resourses. I'm not sure that Contumacious meets the basic criteria that affords people rights. "Rights" doesn't mean "free". To have a right to general welfare means contributing to general welfare. In the context of this thread and its goal, Contumacious isn't contributing. We do tend towards extending rights to those that are incompetent, children, handicapped, and mentally disabled, so perhaps the citeria of mental disability might apply.

Part of the problem is that people imagine themselves as amateur "lawyers" always parsing words looking for angles and leverage and thinking they are being "clever".
the more pertinent question here is HOW MUCH water do you have a right to.....?

you only need maybe a gallon of water a day to survive.....but you need more to actually live....and perhaps even more to live the way you prefer to live...

government is beginning to regulate every facet of our lives.....those 'smart meters' that they are installing for 'free' are being put in place to monitor your water (& electrical) useage....i can see a future where they arbitrarily and remotely cut you off after a predetermined point based on either supply and/or political purposes....let the rationing begin....
Nice vague post...

So tell me.

Is water a right?


Is gun ownership a right?

It's important to define the basis of what further logic and reason rests upon. All reasoning begins with postulates and axioms that cannot be proven and must there for sstand on their own.

The two rights you propose are not so easily answered without setting forth some circumstance within which it is examined. And, we lack some basic axioms.

Are we discussing a Robinson Cruiso situation? O are we considering a large, complex, working societ?

I have one axiom, that of symetery. I am oligated to treat you in no better manner than you treat me and others.

It's an extremely simple question. You overcomplicating it with big words you probably never heard before and many miss spellings won't make you look smart with a question this basic.

Thanks for letting me know that you are an asshole.

It provides an excellent example of what I mean by symmetry. There is no obligation to treat you with any level of respect. If you act like an asshole, you have no expectation to be treated as anything but sn asshole.
the more pertinent question here is HOW MUCH water do you have a right to.....?

you only need maybe a gallon of water a day to survive.....but you need more to actually live....and perhaps even more to live the way you prefer to live...

government is beginning to regulate every facet of our lives.....those 'smart meters' that they are installing for 'free' are being put in place to monitor your water (& electrical) useage....i can see a future where they arbitrarily and remotely cut you off after a predetermined point based on either supply and/or political purposes....let the rationing begin....

As soon all the wealth in the world is distributed equally people can decide how to prioritize resources.

One has a right to drink water - the right to life and pursue happiness.

One does NOT have a right to force your neighbor to quench your thirst.

Now I object to the government monopolizing water utilities. The reason water is scarce and expensive in , ie, California is because water utilities have been given coercive monopoly powers and competition has been abolished.

In your opinion california has enough water but the "government" is purposely holding it back so they can...... do what, exactly?

LMAO...It has nothing to do with the fact that 80% of the state is experiencing "extreme drought", huh?
The worst drought in decades....the governor declared a state of "drought emergency".... in January...
but it's REALLY the government purposely withholding water from people so they can...what?..make the utilities rich?...Deprive their constituents?

There is also population growth, both in Ca and in increased demand for Central Valley ag. An appropriate measure would be something along the lines of inches of percipitation per year, hectar, capita.

And that does start from, as you say "the fact that 80% of the state is experiencing "extreme drought""

Contumacious just goes on the ignore list of people that have nothing useful to add to the conversation. If the point of discussion is to highlight facts and move towards solutions to issues, Contumacious is just a waste of resourses. I'm not sure that Contumacious meets the basic criteria that affords people rights. "Rights" doesn't mean "free". To have a right to general welfare means contributing to general welfare. In the context of this thread and its goal, Contumacious isn't contributing. We do tend towards extending rights to those that are incompetent, children, handicapped, and mentally disabled, so perhaps the citeria of mental disability might apply.

the more pertinent question here is HOW MUCH water do you have a right to.....?

you only need maybe a gallon of water a day to survive.....but you need more to actually live....and perhaps even more to live the way you prefer to live...

government is beginning to regulate every facet of our lives.....those 'smart meters' that they are installing for 'free' are being put in place to monitor your water (& electrical) useage....i can see a future where they arbitrarily and remotely cut you off after a predetermined point based on either supply and/or political purposes....let the rationing begin....

As soon all the wealth in the world is distributed equally people can decide how to prioritize resources.


I propose that we (everyone in the u.s.) all meet in the parking lot of mcdonalds up the street every week and redistribute all of our money to each other so no one will have more than anyone else.
It seems like a reasonable way to make sure life is "fair" to everyone. :lol:

It's the only "fair" thing to do.
Is "Water" a Human Right?

One has a right to drink water - the right to life and pursue happiness.

One does NOT have a right to force your neighbor to quench your thirst.

Now I object to the government monopolizing water utilities. The reason water is scarce and expensive in , ie, California is because water utilities have been given coercive monopoly powers and competition has been abolished.

In your opinion california has enough water but the "government" is purposely holding it back so they can...... do what, exactly?

LMAO...It has nothing to do with the fact that 80% of the state is experiencing "extreme drought", huh?

My point is that GOVERNMENT POLICY is preventing investors from finding or developing new sources of potable water.

Now it may be that XYZ Investor group can find water and distribute it at the cost of $25.00 per gallon.

But Jerry Brown and the Fascists may decide that the XYZ group can not charge $25.00 a gallon. That it is not fair that rich residents have plenty of water while their poor counterparts can not.

So Mr Brown and his Marxists counterparts have decided that it is better that everyone suffers equally.

Anything we decide is a right, is a right. We can certainly put forth criteria upon which we will base that determination.

Nice vague post...

So tell me.

Is water a right?


Is gun ownership a right?

No, water is not a right. It's a thing one needs to stay alive. One's right is to be free to acquire water by means that don't harm others (i.e., don't hurt other people and don't steal their stuff).

Gun ownership is a right in the sense that an individual has the right to acquire and keep a doesn't meant that someone is owed a gun supplied by others.

Rights boil down to the basic principle of "being left alone", or negative rights. One is free to do as one pleases as long as one doesn't breach the boundaries which allow others to do the same (again, don't hurt people and don't steal their stuff).

Progs push the concept of "positive rights" which is really just an attempt to redefine "wants and needs" as rights. Positive rights can only be fulfilled by violating the concept of "don't hurt other people and don't steal their stuff". The state takes something away from someone else to fulfill such phony rights. It's state-based mugging.
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One has a right to drink water - the right to life and pursue happiness.

One does NOT have a right to force your neighbor to quench your thirst.

Now I object to the government monopolizing water utilities. The reason water is scarce and expensive in , ie, California is because water utilities have been given coercive monopoly powers and competition has been abolished.

In your opinion california has enough water but the "government" is purposely holding it back so they can...... do what, exactly?

LMAO...It has nothing to do with the fact that 80% of the state is experiencing "extreme drought", huh?

My point is that GOVERNMENT POLICY is preventing investors from finding or developing new sources of potable water.

Now it may be that XYZ Investor group can find water and distribute it at the cost of $25.00 per gallon.

But Jerry Brown and the Fascists may decide that the XYZ group can not charge $25.00 a gallon. That it is not fair that rich residents have plenty of water while their poor counterparts can not.

So Mr Brown and his Marxists counterparts have decided that it is better that everyone suffers equally.


Of course you can prove these allegations that the "govt" is purposely depriving people of water and the whole thing is a big scam..there is no drought, there is water just underground but the "govt" is keeping it secret because they are "marxists" and want to keep poor people thirsty...yeah..that all makes perfect sense and is quite rational.
There is also population growth, both in Ca and in increased demand for Central Valley ag. An appropriate measure would be something along the lines of inches of percipitation per year, hectar, capita.

And that does start from, as you say "the fact that 80% of the state is experiencing "extreme drought""

Contumacious just goes on the ignore list of people that have nothing useful to add to the conversation. If the point of discussion is to highlight facts and move towards solutions to issues, Contumacious is just a waste of resourses. I'm not sure that Contumacious meets the basic criteria that affords people rights. "Rights" doesn't mean "free". To have a right to general welfare means contributing to general welfare. In the context of this thread and its goal, Contumacious isn't contributing. We do tend towards extending rights to those that are incompetent, children, handicapped, and mentally disabled, so perhaps the citeria of mental disability might apply.

As a fascist/socialist the ONLY real solutions are those sponsored by government bureaucrats. Your dogma prevents you from comprehending that the government bureaucrats ARE the problem.

They can help by stepping aside and abolishing all the rules which prevent competition and innovation.

In your opinion california has enough water but the "government" is purposely holding it back so they can...... do what, exactly?

LMAO...It has nothing to do with the fact that 80% of the state is experiencing "extreme drought", huh?

My point is that GOVERNMENT POLICY is preventing investors from finding or developing new sources of potable water.

Now it may be that XYZ Investor group can find water and distribute it at the cost of $25.00 per gallon.

But Jerry Brown and the Fascists may decide that the XYZ group can not charge $25.00 a gallon. That it is not fair that rich residents have plenty of water while their poor counterparts can not.

So Mr Brown and his Marxists counterparts have decided that it is better that everyone suffers equally.


Of course you can prove these allegations that the "govt" is purposely depriving people of water and the whole thing is a big scam..there is no drought, there is water just underground but the "govt" is keeping it secret because they are "marxists" and want to keep poor people thirsty...yeah..that all makes perfect sense and is quite rational.

AGAIN, fucktard pay attention.

I did not say that Jerry and the Marxists are purposely depriving people of water.



The right to water, is an inalienable right, or unalienable's a right, without it having to be written....
Terry Schiavo comes to mind...

She had a right to that water that they took away from her so that she would die....and I don't care what liberals or conservatives disagreeing with me, have to say about it.
Is "Water" a Human Right? The Constitution protects the "General Welfare". I've heard 101 thing's that don't apply to that "General Welfare of People" ruling that we can't ask our ancestors about...........but NOTHING is more "General Welfare" than water. I can live without everything else longer.

Discuss perspectives.

'Water Is a Human Right': Advocates Call for End to Detroit Water Shutoffs

Guns are a freedom. But water isn't, because no one in their right mind ever thought it would be necessary....

Yeah..water is a right.

And it falls under general welfare.

A human body will die after 3 days without water.

Governor Rick Snyder is an asshole.

Yes, citizens of the U.S., citizens of Michigan, have had to apply to the UN to try to get water service for the most basic functions of life. When Gov. Rick Snyder signed "emergency manager" legislation, he said: "These new laws recognize and respect the needs of citizens and will deliver meaningful reforms to keep Michigan on the path to prosperity." Either Detroit residents aren't considered citizens by Snyder's crew, or they don't think water is a need.
Rick Snyder's Michigan: Detroit citizens appeal to the UNHCR for*water
Is "Water" a Human Right? The Constitution protects the "General Welfare". I've heard 101 thing's that don't apply to that "General Welfare of People" ruling that we can't ask our ancestors about...........but NOTHING is more "General Welfare" than water. I can live without everything else longer.

Discuss perspectives.

'Water Is a Human Right': Advocates Call for End to Detroit Water Shutoffs

Guns are a freedom. But water isn't, because no one in their right mind ever thought it would be necessary....

Yeah..water is a right.

And it falls under general welfare.

A human body will die after 3 days without water.

Governor Rick Snyder is an asshole.

Yes, citizens of the U.S., citizens of Michigan, have had to apply to the UN to try to get water service for the most basic functions of life. When Gov. Rick Snyder signed "emergency manager" legislation, he said: "These new laws recognize and respect the needs of citizens and will deliver meaningful reforms to keep Michigan on the path to prosperity." Either Detroit residents aren't considered citizens by Snyder's crew, or they don't think water is a need.
Rick Snyder's Michigan: Detroit citizens appeal to the UNHCR for*water

Is free water a right?
One has a right to drink water - the right to life and pursue happiness.

One does NOT have a right to force your neighbor to quench your thirst.

Now I object to the government monopolizing water utilities. The reason water is scarce and expensive in , ie, California is because water utilities have been given coercive monopoly powers and competition has been abolished.

In your opinion california has enough water but the "government" is purposely holding it back so they can...... do what, exactly?

LMAO...It has nothing to do with the fact that 80% of the state is experiencing "extreme drought", huh?

My point is that GOVERNMENT POLICY is preventing investors from finding or developing new sources of potable water.

Now it may be that XYZ Investor group can find water and distribute it at the cost of $25.00 per gallon.

But Jerry Brown and the Fascists may decide that the XYZ group can not charge $25.00 a gallon. That it is not fair that rich residents have plenty of water while their poor counterparts can not.

So Mr Brown and his Marxists counterparts have decided that it is better that everyone suffers equally.


California has long been known to go through periods of drought. We haven't built a new dam in fact, the Prog Whackjobs want to destroy water storage.

The answer is more dams and reservoirs and additional water distribution well as desalinization. It also wouldn't hurt to get rid of welfare/social services which act as non-productive population magnets, but that's another topic.

We have a parallel issues with electricity and highways/bridges.
Is "Water" a Human Right? The Constitution protects the "General Welfare". I've heard 101 thing's that don't apply to that "General Welfare of People" ruling that we can't ask our ancestors about...........but NOTHING is more "General Welfare" than water. I can live without everything else longer.

Discuss perspectives.

'Water Is a Human Right': Advocates Call for End to Detroit Water Shutoffs

Guns are a freedom. But water isn't, because no one in their right mind ever thought it would be necessary....

Yeah..water is a right.

And it falls under general welfare.

A human body will die after 3 days without water.

Governor Rick Snyder is an asshole.

Yes, citizens of the U.S., citizens of Michigan, have had to apply to the UN to try to get water service for the most basic functions of life. When Gov. Rick Snyder signed "emergency manager" legislation, he said: "These new laws recognize and respect the needs of citizens and will deliver meaningful reforms to keep Michigan on the path to prosperity." Either Detroit residents aren't considered citizens by Snyder's crew, or they don't think water is a need.
Rick Snyder's Michigan: Detroit citizens appeal to the UNHCR for*water

Water is a necessity just like food and shelter. Its not a right. Come on folks.
My point is that GOVERNMENT POLICY is preventing investors from finding or developing new sources of potable water.

Now it may be that XYZ Investor group can find water and distribute it at the cost of $25.00 per gallon.

But Jerry Brown and the Fascists may decide that the XYZ group can not charge $25.00 a gallon. That it is not fair that rich residents have plenty of water while their poor counterparts can not.

So Mr Brown and his Marxists counterparts have decided that it is better that everyone suffers equally.


Of course you can prove these allegations that the "govt" is purposely depriving people of water and the whole thing is a big scam..there is no drought, there is water just underground but the "govt" is keeping it secret because they are "marxists" and want to keep poor people thirsty...yeah..that all makes perfect sense and is quite rational.

AGAIN, fucktard pay attention.

I did not say that Jerry and the Marxists are purposely depriving people of water.



Sort of the way obama is preventing america from becoming energy independent? He won't "allow" drilling and refining our own oil and is purposely putting restrictive "regulations" on coal and electricity providers?..Like that? Doesn't that hurt "poor people"?

Rich people can buy all the gas they want...but poor people suffer because of destructive government policies that force oil prices to remain high.

I'll ignore your name calling because I can see you aren't the most literate or erudite poster and it must be frustrating to not have enough of a vocabulary to avoid namecalling.

Possibly as you grow up (and hopefully mature) you'll recognize how silly words like "fucktard" are.

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