Is "Water" a Human Right?

Why is it you folks always take the most inhumane fucked up position on any issue?

Shutting off the water for people is despicable and patently stupid.

Those pipes are made to have water flowing through them all the time. Shutting the water off is crazy. Aside from drying up the seals? The pipes function best at a certain temperature which needs to be maintained.

I remember when I worked in a warehouse and the bosses got the brilliant idea of shutting off the heat. Kept it off all winter. Froze up the pipes.

Which all exploded and caused millions in damage.

That was a dumbfuck thing to do then..and it's a dumbfuck thing to do in Detroit.

So your suggesting that water should be free ?

So you maintain incurring hundreds of thousands in repair costs to punish those who do not pay thousands in bills is the correct action. Once again, FILE LIENS, keep the water running.

No----I'm asking if he thinks that every citizen in America should have water pumped to them for free.
My point is that GOVERNMENT POLICY is preventing investors from finding or developing new sources of potable water.

Now it may be that XYZ Investor group can find water and distribute it at the cost of $25.00 per gallon.

But Jerry Brown and the Fascists may decide that the XYZ group can not charge $25.00 a gallon. That it is not fair that rich residents have plenty of water while their poor counterparts can not.

So Mr Brown and his Marxists counterparts have decided that it is better that everyone suffers equally.


California has long been known to go through periods of drought. We haven't built a new dam in fact, the Prog Whackjobs want to destroy water storage.

The answer is more dams and reservoirs and additional water distribution well as desalinization. It also wouldn't hurt to get rid of welfare/social services which act as non-productive population magnets, but that's another topic.

We have a parallel issues with electricity and highways/bridges.

The answer is the FREE MARKET.

Let investors find ways to obtain and distribute potable water. Get Jerry and marxists out of the fucking way.

Now water may be more expensive but is a lot better than thirst. But in the long run competition will benefit everyone.


Why don't you specifically list the all the ways the "marxists" are restricting the "free market" and preventing people from obtaining water? Include links.
Your broad, unfounded allegations are interesting but, without proof meaningless...

Try to do it without resorting to middle school name calling..if you can.
FILE LIENS, keep the water running. No water, there will be sanitation ptoblems, not just in individual housing units......Code Enforcement will be required, and clean up/decontamination.

What kind of lien can you get on someone who doesn't own anything? They are essentially judgment proof...and in the months and months of all this "lien filing"...who pays for the water?...sanitation will indeed be substandard and code enforcement should immediately remove anyone living in conditions that violate the housing codes...oh..but what will become of them?..they'll be on the streets...woe is me...poor negroes...fuckem..this isn't matter how hard they try to make it so.

Pay your water bill and all is well.
So your suggesting that water should be free ?

So you maintain incurring hundreds of thousands in repair costs to punish those who do not pay thousands in bills is the correct action. Once again, FILE LIENS, keep the water running.

No----I'm asking if he thinks that every citizen in America should have water pumped to them for free.

Only negroes. They're special, you know. The rules of society shouldn't apply to them.
Yo Vern

In that case let the citizens of detroit go to Lake Michigan , fill up their buckets with water and carry it back to their residences. Its their right.

The name Michigan is the French form of the Ojibwa word mishigamaa, meaning "large water" or "large lake".


Why is it you folks always take the most inhumane fucked up position on any issue?

Shutting off the water for people is despicable and patently stupid.

Those pipes are made to have water flowing through them all the time. Shutting the water off is crazy. Aside from drying up the seals? The pipes function best at a certain temperature which needs to be maintained.

I remember when I worked in a warehouse and the bosses got the brilliant idea of shutting off the heat. Kept it off all winter. Froze up the pipes.

Which all exploded and caused millions in damage.

That was a dumbfuck thing to do then..and it's a dumbfuck thing to do in Detroit.

So your suggesting that water should be free ?

I'm suggesting the water SHOULD NOT be turned off.

We don't live in a fucking third world country.

This is beyond nonsense.
I'm suggesting the water SHOULD NOT be turned off.

So therefore negroes who refuse to pay their bills will receive free water.

We don't live in a fucking third world country.
You couldn't prove it by using detroit as an example.

This is beyond nonsense.

It is.
Everyone should pay their bills..If not you stop receiving the service.

You want free water? go live in a tent next to a river. Otherwise pay your water bill.
Ok, read the article....

FIRST, the gvt was at fault to go after poor citizens before going after the commercial businesses that are delinquent which accounts for 50% of the money delinquent.

It was INHUMANE for the gvt to go after the poorest among us while NOT going after the commercial businesses being late....can't repeat this enough.

Second, there are programs for the poorest among us to get help paying their water bills, but the gvt and workers in these areas are giving the poorest citizens the wrong information on what it takes to qualify for help so many of these that are the poorest among us are not being helped, even though they really do qualify for help....but in addition to this, the rules to help are still mountains to climb over, and that needs correcting.

Don't cut off water, as peach said, put a lean on their homes...if you have to...and if they don't qualify for financial help paying for their water bill.

They have the sickest children in the Nation, already in this is costing the gvt already in higher medicaid costs, without clean water, this only becomes worse and more costly....

the stupid gvt is cutting off their nose to spite their face.
So you maintain incurring hundreds of thousands in repair costs to punish those who do not pay thousands in bills is the correct action. Once again, FILE LIENS, keep the water running.

No----I'm asking if he thinks that every citizen in America should have water pumped to them for free.

Only negroes. They're special, you know. The rules of society shouldn't apply to them.

Yeah..and it seems that Detroit seems to apply it's termination of services in a very peculiar manner.

The official rationale for the water shut-downs – the Detroit Water Department's need to recoup millions – collapses on inspection. Detroit's high-end golf club, the Red Wing's hockey arena, the Ford football stadium, and more than half of the city's commercial and industrial users are also owing – a sum totalling $30 million. But no contractors have showed up on their doorstep.Detroit's Water War: a tap shut-off that could impact 300,000 people | Martin Lukacs | Environment |

It doesn't even work if you apply no holds bar capitalism to it.
So you maintain incurring hundreds of thousands in repair costs to punish those who do not pay thousands in bills is the correct action. Once again, FILE LIENS, keep the water running.

No----I'm asking if he thinks that every citizen in America should have water pumped to them for free.

Only negroes. They're special, you know. The rules of society shouldn't apply to them.
FYI-only 39% of the late bills comes from blacks, and only about 20% of the money past due.
Anything we decide is a right, is a right. We can certainly put forth criteria upon which we will base that determination.

Nice vague post...

So tell me.

Is water a right?


Is gun ownership a right?

It's important to define the basis of what further logic and reason rests upon. All reasoning begins with postulates and axioms that cannot be proven and must there for sstand on their own.

The two rights you propose are not so easily answered without setting forth some circumstance within which it is examined. And, we lack some basic axioms.

Are we discussing a Robinson Cruiso situation? O are we considering a large, complex, working societ?

I have one axiom, that of symetery. I am oligated to treat you in no better manner than you treat me and others.

Words and phrases have no other purpose than to transfer information from one person to others. If words and/or phrases are vague, then so is the information transfered. Therefore, we need to maintain the pureness of meaning to maintain the accuracy of information transfer. For example, an axiom is a truth so obvious that it does not require proof. Axioms are used to build theorems through deductive reasoning.

A 'right' as used here, is a moral or legal entitlement to have or obtain something, or to act in a certain way. Human rights are moral rights that are not necessarily legal rights. Are all people morally entitled to water for personal sustenance? Yes, without a doubt. Are all people legally entitled to water for personal sustenance? I would say yes.

Now, the hard question. Are people entitled to have someone else, or some entity, private or public, provide that water to them? Yes, no, and maybe. If that someone else, or some entity, has a government permit that provides them the sole distributorship of water to a specified area, then I would say that someone, or entity, has both a moral and legal obligation to ensure all people in that area have adequate access to water for simple sustenance.

In Detroit, for example, the city should have already established public water sources where people, who have had their water shut off for non payment, can fill their jugs and buckets for water to sustain life. They should also provide for human waste disposal, since toilets no longer flush.
Just say it----You think the government should take from the haves to provide for the have nots. Food, Shelter, Clothing, Heath care, Birth control, ad nauseum.
Ok, read the article....

FIRST, the gvt was at fault to go after poor citizens before going after the commercial businesses that are delinquent which accounts for 50% of the money delinquent.

That's on them. Detroit is over 80% black and that's the way they want it. It is inhabited and run primarily by negroes.

Look at how negroes play "government" in detroit;
No wonder it's a 3rd world hellhole...

[ame=]Detroit: City Council Chimpout Episode 2 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Detroit City Council Screaming Match - YouTube[/ame]

Second, there are programs for the poorest among us to get help paying their water bills, but the gvt and workers in these areas are giving the poorest citizens the wrong information on what it takes to qualify for help so many of these that are the poorest among us are not being helped, even though they really do qualify for help....but in addition to this, the rules to help are still mountains to climb over, and that needs correcting.
negro dysfunction can't be cured by giving them "help" doesn't work. As long as they can get over on white people, it's all good and that is their intention.

Don't cut off water, as peach said, put a lean on their homes...if you have to...and if they don't qualify for financial help paying for their water bill.

You can't put a "lean" (sic) on people who don't own anything....and this "financial help" you're talking about is tax money redistributed...People are sick of paying taxes to finance negro dysfunction.

They have the sickest children in the Nation, already in this is costing the gvt already in higher medicaid costs, without clean water, this only becomes worse and more costly....

You need to read some more about how detroit got to be the way it is. This is a black community run by black people...this is all on them.

the stupid gvt is cutting off their nose to spite their face.

See the youtube links above. THAT is detroit "government" in action..what would you expect?
Anything we decide is a right, is a right. We can certainly put forth criteria upon which we will base that determination.

Once you've established your criteria, you can decide.

But I would say you are incorrect in your first claim.

A criteria some people utilize is that rights are universally available to all people and they should not cost anything.

You can certainly claim whatever you like. But the fact that "A criteria some people utilize is that rights are universally available to all people and they should not cost anything." Doesn't change that a right is what people agree is a right. In fact, it stands asfurther evidence.

People can decide that the definition of a right is defined by the some physical necessity. That doesn't change that the a prior requirement is that we decide.

Human rights don't exist without humans. And there is no physical law that creates these rights.
Just say it----You think the government should take from the haves to provide for the have nots. Food, Shelter, Clothing, Heath care, Birth control, ad nauseum.

You do know what happens when the "haves" have too much, right?

The have nots slaughter them.

Check your history.

Why don't you specifically list the all the ways the "marxists" are restricting the "free market" and preventing people from obtaining water? Include links.
Your broad, unfounded allegations are interesting but, without proof meaningless...

Try to do it without resorting to middle school name calling..if you can.

I thought that you would never ask:

The Water ‘Shortage’

By Murray N. Rothbard

December 16, 2013

My point is that GOVERNMENT POLICY is preventing investors from finding or developing new sources of potable water.

Now it may be that XYZ Investor group can find water and distribute it at the cost of $25.00 per gallon.

But Jerry Brown and the Fascists may decide that the XYZ group can not charge $25.00 a gallon. That it is not fair that rich residents have plenty of water while their poor counterparts can not.

So Mr Brown and his Marxists counterparts have decided that it is better that everyone suffers equally.


California has long been known to go through periods of drought. We haven't built a new dam in fact, the Prog Whackjobs want to destroy water storage.

The answer is more dams and reservoirs and additional water distribution well as desalinization. It also wouldn't hurt to get rid of welfare/social services which act as non-productive population magnets, but that's another topic.

We have a parallel issues with electricity and highways/bridges.

The answer is the FREE MARKET.

Let investors find ways to obtain and distribute potable water. Get Jerry and marxists out of the fucking way.

Now water may be more expensive but is a lot better than thirst. But in the long run competition will benefit everyone.


you really think water should become a oil...?
Since we're mostly made of water and we have a human right to live then I'd say that water is a human right despite what any mother fucker at the Nestle corporation might say. Without water, you have no rights because you're dead and no longer a human.

What they are doing to people in that city is criminal and immoral.

Shutting off utilities that are unpaid is criminal?
Anything we decide is a right, is a right. We can certainly put forth criteria upon which we will base that determination.

Nice vague post...

So tell me.

Is water a right?


Is gun ownership a right?

The United Nations defines water as right. The US Supreme Court defines firearms as a right.

What is this immutable force and authority, beyond that, which creates a right?

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