Is "Water" a Human Right?

FYI-only 39% of the late bills comes from blacks, and only about 20% of the money past due.

That is incorrect.
Read it again.

Those figures are from ONE SINGLE DISTRICT...The MOST "diverse" in the city. Now..go look up a majority black district and lets see the numbers.

Sheffield’s District 5 is the most diverse in the city. Thirty-nine percent of the district’s residents are Black, and 38 percent are Latino; they are also the poorest residents in the city, with a per capita annual income of $16,753.

Regardless, typically negroes lead the way in dysfunction even in the most "DIVERSE" district.

Detroit is a microcosm of what america will become. When non-Whites become the majority, they have to be able to maintain the civilization they inherited.
And clearly, as we see in Detroit, California, etc. they are unable to do that.
But it said that 11% of the past due water bills comes from Commercial businesses, BUT COMMERCIAL BUSINESSES account FOR 50% of the ALL the money owed on past due water bills....

Ok..I see you're in favor of "government" paying for negroes who don't pay their water've tried every excuse and equivocation to "support" your position...I suspect you wouldn't change your mind and admit you might be a public forum anyway...
That's ok. Some people have a lot of their self worth and ego tied up in these internet's amusing...

anyway...if they don't pay their bills shut off the water...if their home or apartment falls below health codes, evict them....or avoid all that and PAY YOUR WATER BILL.

as I said and someone else's a black city run by blacks. The black run "government" is more dysfunctional than the backward residents...What would you expect?

detroit once was the jewel of the it is worse than haiti. You know why, too, whether you'll admit it or not.
Dillo, these people are not taking from the "haves", they pay property taxes and city taxes and sales taxes on what they buy, and cigarette taxes, and alcohol taxes, and probably buy lotto that is also a form of taxes collected....even if they are paying rent, their rent money pays these taxes on the property.

I pay all of those things (except cigarettes and alcohol)...and I pay my water bill.

You can support that claim, of course?
Regardless...people who refuse to pay their water bill should not expect taxpayers to pay it for them..Hell..why don't we ALL stop paying our water bill..the government will "help" us, right?

Support that claim. Quit making excuses and speculating

Do you think these people want their tax dollars to go for paying for new football stadiums? Or new commercial developments in areas of the city that they can only reach by 3 bus route changes....??? Or tax breaks for businesses that don't even enter their communities? Or to pay some gvt worker with their taxes paid twice the normal salary rate of themselves?

I didn't see any of that in the article...did you make it all up to prop up your weak argument?
Read the article, all the way to the end, (I think it is nearing the end where I read it) says that those on public assistance qualify for the program to help pay their water bill, but those not on public assistance have to meet these mountainous, and some times fictitious mountainous qualifications, that make it harder for them to get help.

I note the irony here. Water distribution is a monopoly enabled by government. The answer is not more government control in handing out water.
Dillo, these people are not taking from the "haves", they pay property taxes and city taxes and sales taxes on what they buy, and cigarette taxes, and alcohol taxes, and probably buy lotto that is also a form of taxes collected....even if they are paying rent, their rent money pays these taxes on the property.

these are not people on gvt assistance, because if they were on gvt assistance, they qualify for the gvts water program that pays for water...automatically.

so we are talking about the working poor, for the most part...some may not be, but MOST are the working poor....

Do you think these people want their tax dollars to go for paying for new football stadiums? Or new commercial developments in areas of the city that they can only reach by 3 bus route changes....??? Or tax breaks for businesses that don't even enter their communities? Or to pay some gvt worker with their taxes paid twice the normal salary rate of themselves?

It's the government that they elected that is making these decisions for them right ? How is screaming " I have a right to water " going to alleviate the situation?
it isn't, but the gvt is going to have to get off their butts and figure something out....or they will have an even bigger cost put upon them... with sanitation problems and the health care costs for taking care of these people when they get sick from the lack of sanitary conditions....what's next, is the gvt going to condemn their homes because they don't live in sanitary conditions, and then take their homes away, and add them to the tens of thousands of other empty homes there, and pay for these people to go and live in the projects?

I'm not sure they are the ones that VOTED. 50% of our nation does not vote, and the majority of this 50% that does not vote, are the lowest income citizens.

and that is their problem, because they chose not to go out and vote and get involved in the political process...
Dillo, these people are not taking from the "haves", they pay property taxes and city taxes and sales taxes on what they buy, and cigarette taxes, and alcohol taxes, and probably buy lotto that is also a form of taxes collected....even if they are paying rent, their rent money pays these taxes on the property.

I pay all of those things (except cigarettes and alcohol)...and I pay my water bill.

You can support that claim, of course?
Regardless...people who refuse to pay their water bill should not expect taxpayers to pay it for them..Hell..why don't we ALL stop paying our water bill..the government will "help" us, right?

Support that claim. Quit making excuses and speculating

Do you think these people want their tax dollars to go for paying for new football stadiums? Or new commercial developments in areas of the city that they can only reach by 3 bus route changes....??? Or tax breaks for businesses that don't even enter their communities? Or to pay some gvt worker with their taxes paid twice the normal salary rate of themselves?

I didn't see any of that in the article...did you make it all up to prop up your weak argument?
Read the article, all the way to the end, (I think it is nearing the end where I read it) says that those on public assistance qualify for the program to help pay their water bill, but those not on public assistance have to meet these mountainous, and some times fictitious mountainous qualifications, that make it harder for them to get help.

I don't see anything about football stadiums or bus lines or commercial developments or tax breaks or overpaid negro government "workers"....

Those on public "assistance"...(freeloaders paid for by taxpayers)..."qualify" for "help" (more free stuff paid for by taxpayers)... You seem to think that government should/can solve all problems by taking more money from people who pay taxes and distribute it to people who don't.

That only works until people get tired of supporting deadbeats.
"Detroit" is what you get when negroes take over a thriving american city built by whites..They can't create first world cities anywhere on their own...and they can't maintain the ones they colonize...

Pay your water bills or the water gets off..It's just that simple.

We had a failed banking system in 2008 and we bailed out the banks, no strings attached. bush and cheney destroyed iraq and we spent billions on rebuilding it also.

And Obama has made the banks even More Too Big Too Fail, printed $Ts, added $Ts to the Debt all for the benefit of Big Government Cronies.

He's also done wonders for Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Syria....

So your point is?
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I pay all of those things (except cigarettes and alcohol)...and I pay my water bill.

You can support that claim, of course?
Regardless...people who refuse to pay their water bill should not expect taxpayers to pay it for them..Hell..why don't we ALL stop paying our water bill..the government will "help" us, right?

Support that claim. Quit making excuses and speculating

I didn't see any of that in the article...did you make it all up to prop up your weak argument?
Read the article, all the way to the end, (I think it is nearing the end where I read it) says that those on public assistance qualify for the program to help pay their water bill, but those not on public assistance have to meet these mountainous, and some times fictitious mountainous qualifications, that make it harder for them to get help.

I don't see anything about football stadiums or bus lines or commercial developments or tax breaks or overpaid negro government "workers"....

Those on public "assistance"...(freeloaders paid for by taxpayers)..."qualify" for "help" (more free stuff paid for by taxpayers)... You seem to think that government should/can solve all problems by taking more money from people who pay taxes and distribute it to people who don't.

That only works until people get tired of supporting deadbeats.
"Detroit" is what you get when negroes take over a thriving american city built by whites..They can't create first world cities anywhere on their own...and they can't maintain the ones they colonize...

Pay your water bills or the water gets off..It's just that simple.
As I have said before, income taxes are not the only taxes paid....everyone pays taxes, in one way or another...with sales taxes and cigarette taxes and liquor taxes and property taxes, and gasoline taxes and we all ultimately end up paying the corporate taxes as well on the widgets we purchase, or the rent that is paid, that goes towards the owner's property taxes....

and the things I mentioned are things going on in the city, that are using some if not all, taxes to pay for them....even if these people do not benefit from them....

Yes, ultimately they do pay less in taxes than others, if they are the poorest...because they don't make that much so the income taxes are less for the State, and they can't buy as much, so they can't pay as much in sales taxes etc etc etc....and their homes are valued at less, so they don't pay as much as a wealthy person in a finer neighborhood in property taxes, etc etc etc......

My argument is that the gvt in this case, is cutting off their nose to spite their face...first, by not going after the commercial businesses within the state that are delinquent on their water bills which accounts for 50% of all money past due on water, first. they wouldn't have to pay for welfare programs to give these commercial businesses water, they wouldn't have to pay for these delinquent businesses to move in to the projects due to unsanitary conditions and pay for their apartments....they would not be responsible for paying higher hospital and medical costs for the people living in the regions of residential delinquencies...etc etc etc...

It's a whole 'nuther' discussion on all of the programs out there available for the poor and who pays for them....or should they be paid for...

the reality is, those programs are there, and the actions of the State or City is going to come back and bite them, and cost them more.
That is incorrect.
Read it again.

Those figures are from ONE SINGLE DISTRICT...The MOST "diverse" in the city. Now..go look up a majority black district and lets see the numbers.

Sheffield’s District 5 is the most diverse in the city. Thirty-nine percent of the district’s residents are Black, and 38 percent are Latino; they are also the poorest residents in the city, with a per capita annual income of $16,753.

Regardless, typically negroes lead the way in dysfunction even in the most "DIVERSE" district.

Detroit is a microcosm of what america will become. When non-Whites become the majority, they have to be able to maintain the civilization they inherited.
And clearly, as we see in Detroit, California, etc. they are unable to do that.
But it said that 11% of the past due water bills comes from Commercial businesses, BUT COMMERCIAL BUSINESSES account FOR 50% of the ALL the money owed on past due water bills....

Ok..I see you're in favor of "government" paying for negroes who don't pay their water've tried every excuse and equivocation to "support" your position...I suspect you wouldn't change your mind and admit you might be a public forum anyway...
That's ok. Some people have a lot of their self worth and ego tied up in these internet's amusing...

anyway...if they don't pay their bills shut off the water...if their home or apartment falls below health codes, evict them....or avoid all that and PAY YOUR WATER BILL.

as I said and someone else's a black city run by blacks. The black run "government" is more dysfunctional than the backward residents...What would you expect?

detroit once was the jewel of the it is worse than haiti. You know why, too, whether you'll admit it or not.

Care4all is in support of what Care4all has stated being in support of. This is pretty obvious to anyone that is in the habit of stating what they think and believe.

Perhaps you have a habit of deceipt and hang with other people that also do.

The idea of taking thing at face value seems to be difficult for you.
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Anything we decide is a right, is a right.

Rights are things you have by virtue of being human. The only thing they get for you, is that no one can take them away. But there is no right that people have to put in effort to give you. That includes medical care, a job, food... and water.

You have a right to life. That means no one is allowed to murder you. But it doesn't mean you automatically get the things you need to sustain life (food, water, shelter, medical care etc.). You still have to seek those out and obtain them for yourself.

Clear now?

Looks like you just made the argument in favor of abortion! :D
I pay all of those things (except cigarettes and alcohol)...and I pay my water bill.

You can support that claim, of course?
Regardless...people who refuse to pay their water bill should not expect taxpayers to pay it for them..Hell..why don't we ALL stop paying our water bill..the government will "help" us, right?

Support that claim. Quit making excuses and speculating

I didn't see any of that in the article...did you make it all up to prop up your weak argument?
Read the article, all the way to the end, (I think it is nearing the end where I read it) says that those on public assistance qualify for the program to help pay their water bill, but those not on public assistance have to meet these mountainous, and some times fictitious mountainous qualifications, that make it harder for them to get help.

I note the irony here. Water distribution is a monopoly enabled by government. The answer is not more government control in handing out water.

Monopolies are a natural outcome of economies of scale. They aren't very common. Ologopolies are far mre common. The government enabled monopolies are patents. That is done to give inventors the opportunity to benefit from their efforts.

This is all patently obvious.
The only reason to live in the sort of groups humans live in is to share responsibilities and resources.

Otherwise? There is no reason for a government.


You folks are so set on deconstructing the very fabric of society, you really should try the alternative first.

Go into the wilderness, naked, and try to survive for a week.

Let us all know how it works out for you.

Does this sociology experiment include naked women, and an icebreaker cocktail hour?

Anything we decide is a right, is a right.

Rights are things you have by virtue of being human. The only thing they get for you, is that no one can take them away. But there is no right that people have to put in effort to give you. That includes medical care, a job, food... and water.

You have a right to life. That means no one is allowed to murder you. But it doesn't mean you automatically get the things you need to sustain life (food, water, shelter, medical care etc.). You still have to seek those out and obtain them for yourself.

Clear now?

You have the right to fall down. That's the law of gravity.

You also have the right to be stupid. That comes as a part of being human. And I see you exersise that right whenever the opportunity arises.
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Yo Vern

In that case let the citizens of detroit go to Lake Michigan , fill up their buckets with water and carry it back to their residences. Its their right.

The name Michigan is the French form of the Ojibwa word mishigamaa, meaning "large water" or "large lake".


Why is it you folks always take the most inhumane fucked up position on any issue?

Shutting off the water for people is despicable and patently stupid.

Those pipes are made to have water flowing through them all the time. Shutting the water off is crazy. Aside from drying up the seals? The pipes function best at a certain temperature which needs to be maintained.


Yo Vern, are you saying that the folks in Detroit do not know how to locate Lake Michigan?


WHO pays to process the water and distribute it in those pipes?


yo Contumacious.....Detroit is not located on Lake Michigan....


if water was a commodity how would we deal with the Great Lakes.....? Canada uses them too....
Why is it you folks always take the most inhumane fucked up position on any issue?

Shutting off the water for people is despicable and patently stupid.

Those pipes are made to have water flowing through them all the time. Shutting the water off is crazy. Aside from drying up the seals? The pipes function best at a certain temperature which needs to be maintained.


Yo Vern, are you saying that the folks in Detroit do not know how to locate Lake Michigan?


WHO pays to process the water and distribute it in those pipes?


yo Contumacious.....Detroit is not located on Lake Michigan....


if water was a commodity how would we deal with the Great Lakes.....? Canada uses them too....

bottle them :lol:
Anything we decide is a right, is a right.

Rights are things you have by virtue of being human. The only thing they get for you, is that no one can take them away. But there is no right that people have to put in effort to give you. That includes medical care, a job, food... and water.

You have a right to life. That means no one is allowed to murder you. But it doesn't mean you automatically get the things you need to sustain life (food, water, shelter, medical care etc.). You still have to seek those out and obtain them for yourself.

Clear now?

"Rights are things you have by virtue of being human. "

The problem is that this statement doesn't mean anything. It can mean anything.

"By virtue of being human" is everything that is human. Humans eat, drink, watch TV. Humans need shelter from the element, the cold and heat. People wear clothes. People read. People eat and enjoy quality food. People get sick and require health care. By virtue of being human, all these are true.

So, are all of these rights? Do we have the inalienable right to watch T.V.?

Clear now?

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