Is "Water" a Human Right?

The right to water, is an inalienable right, or unalienable's a right, without it having to be written....

Stop paying your water bill and let us know if you get free water.
Who asked for free water? That's your wigged out concern, not mine.

If you don't pay your water the negroes in detroit which is what this thread is about.....should you get free they want?
Is "Water" a Human Right? The Constitution protects the "General Welfare". I've heard 101 thing's that don't apply to that "General Welfare of People" ruling that we can't ask our ancestors about...........but NOTHING is more "General Welfare" than water. I can live without everything else longer.

Discuss perspectives.

'Water Is a Human Right': Advocates Call for End to Detroit Water Shutoffs

Guns are a freedom. But water isn't, because no one in their right mind ever thought it would be necessary....

Yeah..water is a right.

And it falls under general welfare.

A human body will die after 3 days without water.

Governor Rick Snyder is an asshole.

Yes, citizens of the U.S., citizens of Michigan, have had to apply to the UN to try to get water service for the most basic functions of life. When Gov. Rick Snyder signed "emergency manager" legislation, he said: "These new laws recognize and respect the needs of citizens and will deliver meaningful reforms to keep Michigan on the path to prosperity." Either Detroit residents aren't considered citizens by Snyder's crew, or they don't think water is a need.
Rick Snyder's Michigan: Detroit citizens appeal to the UNHCR for*water

Yo Vern

In that case let the citizens of detroit go to Lake Michigan , fill up their buckets with water and carry it back to their residences. Its their right.

The name Michigan is the French form of the Ojibwa word mishigamaa, meaning "large water" or "large lake".

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Nothing is free, even water, it takes processing and filtering of water and pumping it costs money....but the citizens have decided that they need or want the government to handle it, and they pitch in with taxes, to pay for it....and with water bills.

When I lived in Massachusetts, the town I lived in sold off or leased the municipal water system and a private company came in to run it...the whole state's city and town waters systems were moving towards private companies owning or running them.

All rights are NOT written....
Inalienable rights, or unalienable rights, are rights that are not written but assumed to be given, by the Creator.

Our governments have taken the stance that they should provide the city communities with clean water....meaning they are the ones organizing the pumping in and filtering of water and there was always a town pump where the citizens could get clean drinking water. If a citizen wanted it pumped to their house, the citizen had to pay to have the pipes from their house to be connected to the pipes of the main city water system, same with sewer pipes from their house.... but in the direct city and town areas, there are rules and regs in place that prevent these home owners from being able to drill their own wells and put in their own leech fields...mainly the fact that your water well has to be in the LEAST, 100 feet from any leech field....and town homes and city homes are too compact and close together to be able to follow the sanitary rules and regs....they HAVE TO HAVE city run water and sewerage.

We owned a rural home with our own well and leech field, and the town expanded and rural became more town like and the town added city sewer and city water...and if we wanted to go on to this city system, WE HAD TO PAY for the connection of the pipes from our house to the city lines...

All municipalities provide drinking water...the citizens pay for such water with a "water bill" that pays for the filtering and purification and maintenance of the water facility.

I live in a small town, that is really spread over several miles with only 1500 people....the downtown area, has city water, but the rest of us that are rural...3/4's of us townsmen, had to pay to dig our own wells and pump our own water. We still pay our town taxes that pay for these few people in the town center to have city water and city sewer, while we pay to have our leech fields put in...

But truly, if looked at closer, our taxes are not necessarily paying for these town center people to have city water, because they do have to pay their water and sewerage bill, and their homes are valued much higher than ours in the rural areas, so they are paying higher property taxes than we are for the same sized home because it is valued higher.

Yes, the gvt has the right to regulate water use, if it is the one providing the water for its citizens, and even if it is not, when it comes to public waterways....

I have a friend who owns a small inn in a ski resort area...he has his own well and pumps his own water to provide water for the Inn guests....just a mile down the road from him, a big nationwide hotel corporation put in a large hotel, and it too pumped it's own water for its guests...well it turns out, that this large hotel was drawing water from the same underground stream as my friends small inn, and his inn lost their water....there was no longer enough water to supply the small Inn they had owned for over 20 years....

So, he had to sue the large hotel corporation for the water that he once had for his business....and this hotel firm had to pay for a large water cistern to be added to his Inn, and the monthly water bill to get it filled.

the courts are government....they are at least minimally involved with the distribution of water.
Of course you can prove these allegations that the "govt" is purposely depriving people of water and the whole thing is a big scam..there is no drought, there is water just underground but the "govt" is keeping it secret because they are "marxists" and want to keep poor people thirsty...yeah..that all makes perfect sense and is quite rational.

AGAIN, fucktard pay attention.

I did not say that Jerry and the Marxists are purposely depriving people of water.



Sort of the way obama is preventing america from becoming energy independent? He won't "allow" drilling and refining our own oil and is purposely putting restrictive "regulations" on coal and electricity providers?..Like that? Doesn't that hurt "poor people"?

Rich people can buy all the gas they want...but poor people suffer because of destructive government policies that force oil prices to remain high.


That is correct dingle berry.

Let me introduce you to a new term:

Ineptocracy - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers."

AGAIN, fucktard pay attention.

I did not say that Jerry and the Marxists are purposely depriving people of water.



Sort of the way obama is preventing america from becoming energy independent? He won't "allow" drilling and refining our own oil and is purposely putting restrictive "regulations" on coal and electricity providers?..Like that? Doesn't that hurt "poor people"?

Rich people can buy all the gas they want...but poor people suffer because of destructive government policies that force oil prices to remain high.


That is correct dingle berry.

Let me introduce you to a new term:

Ineptocracy - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers."


Ineptocracy..the term you never saw before I posted it...That one? explain it to me. LMAO

"dingleberry" and "fucktard" in back to back posts...very classy and mature....

What grade will you be in when school starts back up this fall?
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Is "Water" a Human Right? The Constitution protects the "General Welfare". I've heard 101 thing's that don't apply to that "General Welfare of People" ruling that we can't ask our ancestors about...........but NOTHING is more "General Welfare" than water. I can live without everything else longer.

Discuss perspectives.

'Water Is a Human Right': Advocates Call for End to Detroit Water Shutoffs

Guns are a freedom. But water isn't, because no one in their right mind ever thought it would be necessary....

Yeah..water is a right.

And it falls under general welfare.

A human body will die after 3 days without water.

Governor Rick Snyder is an asshole.

Yes, citizens of the U.S., citizens of Michigan, have had to apply to the UN to try to get water service for the most basic functions of life. When Gov. Rick Snyder signed "emergency manager" legislation, he said: "These new laws recognize and respect the needs of citizens and will deliver meaningful reforms to keep Michigan on the path to prosperity." Either Detroit residents aren't considered citizens by Snyder's crew, or they don't think water is a need.
Rick Snyder's Michigan: Detroit citizens appeal to the UNHCR for*water

Water is a necessity just like food and shelter. Its not a right. Come on folks.

The only reason to live in the sort of groups humans live in is to share responsibilities and resources.

Otherwise? There is no reason for a government.


You folks are so set on deconstructing the very fabric of society, you really should try the alternative first.

Go into the wilderness, naked, and try to survive for a week.

Let us all know how it works out for you.
In your opinion california has enough water but the "government" is purposely holding it back so they can...... do what, exactly?

LMAO...It has nothing to do with the fact that 80% of the state is experiencing "extreme drought", huh?
The worst drought in decades....the governor declared a state of "drought emergency".... in January...
but it's REALLY the government purposely withholding water from people so they can...what?..make the utilities rich?...Deprive their constituents?

There is also population growth, both in Ca and in increases demand for Central Valley ag. An appropriate measure would be something along the lines of inches of percipitation per year per capita.

And that does start from, as you say "the fact that 80% of the state is experiencing "extreme drought""

Contumacious just goes on the ignore list of people that have nothing useful to add to the conversation. If the point of discussion is to highlight facts and move towards solutions to issues, Contumacious is just a waste of resourses. I'm not sure that Contumacious meets the basic criteria that affords people rights. "Rights" doesn't mean "free". To have a right to general welfare means contributing to general welfare. In the context of this thread and its goal, Contumacious isn't contributing. We do tend towards extending rights to those that are incompetent, children, handicapped, and mentally disabled, so perhaps the citeria of mental disability might apply.

Part of the problem is that people imagine themselves as amateur "lawyers" always parsing words looking for angles and leverage and thinking they are being "clever".

They aren't seeking well reasoned answers. They already have their " answer". Their just trying to achieve the feeling that they've "won".

Words are tags, vocal utterances used to represent objects and feelings. The objects are objective. The feelings are subjective.

They are basically attempting to use words and language rules as if they are mathematical equations. It's called " philosophy".

"Rights" are "free". Expecting " rights" is then expecting to be given things for "free". People that expect thing for free don't want to work for them. People that don't want to have to work are lazy. Ergo, people that see water as a right are lazy free loaders. Lazy free loaders are " bad", ergo "rights" equals "bad".

Mankind abandoned philosophy, as a method that leads to definitive answers, in the mid 1600's.
Yeah..water is a right.

And it falls under general welfare.

A human body will die after 3 days without water.

Governor Rick Snyder is an asshole.

Water is a necessity just like food and shelter. Its not a right. Come on folks.

The only reason to live in the sort of groups humans live in is to share responsibilities and resources.

Otherwise? There is no reason for a government.


You folks are so set on deconstructing the very fabric of society, you really should try the alternative first.

Go into the wilderness, naked, and try to survive for a week.

Let us all know how it works out for you.

Our constitutions main concern is protecting its citizens. It enumerates that. Its not my responsibility to clothe, feed, or provide shelter for you. That responsibility falls upon you.
Nothing is free, even water, it takes processing and filtering of water and pumping it costs money...r.

That is correct.

But Americans have been indoctrinated in government schools for 12 years wherein they have been brainwashed into believing that the Taxpayers owe them a living. That there is such a thing as a free lunch

That they are not required to go to Lake Michigan , fill up their buckets, purify and then drink it. That it is the TAXPAYERS responsibility to do all of that.

The primary reason to live in groups is protection and survival...find water, keep water, protect water, kill those who try to take it from you.
Stop paying your water bill and let us know if you get free water.
Who asked for free water? That's your wigged out concern, not mine.

If you don't pay your water the negroes in detroit which is what this thread is about.....should you get free they want?
OK, I'll read the article...i came in to thread from the last post, working backwards, towards reading the earlier posts
Sort of the way obama is preventing america from becoming energy independent? He won't "allow" drilling and refining our own oil and is purposely putting restrictive "regulations" on coal and electricity providers?..Like that? Doesn't that hurt "poor people"?

Rich people can buy all the gas they want...but poor people suffer because of destructive government policies that force oil prices to remain high.


That is correct dingle berry.

Let me introduce you to a new term:

Ineptocracy - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers."


Ineptocracy..the term you never saw before I posted it...That one? explain it to me. LMAO

"dingleberry" and "fucktard" in back to back posts...very classy and mature....

What grade will you be in when school starts back up this fall?

Pre K.

That is correct dingle berry.

Let me introduce you to a new term:

Ineptocracy - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers."


Ineptocracy..the term you never saw before I posted it...That one? explain it to me. LMAO

"dingleberry" and "fucktard" in back to back posts...very classy and mature....

What grade will you be in when school starts back up this fall?

Pre K.


I wouldn't be a bit surprised. Go clean up your room now before mommy gets home and spanks you.
[ame=]ignorant racist black lady wants free water.flv - YouTube[/ame]
In your opinion california has enough water but the "government" is purposely holding it back so they can...... do what, exactly?

LMAO...It has nothing to do with the fact that 80% of the state is experiencing "extreme drought", huh?

My point is that GOVERNMENT POLICY is preventing investors from finding or developing new sources of potable water.

Now it may be that XYZ Investor group can find water and distribute it at the cost of $25.00 per gallon.

But Jerry Brown and the Fascists may decide that the XYZ group can not charge $25.00 a gallon. That it is not fair that rich residents have plenty of water while their poor counterparts can not.

So Mr Brown and his Marxists counterparts have decided that it is better that everyone suffers equally.


California has long been known to go through periods of drought. We haven't built a new dam in fact, the Prog Whackjobs want to destroy water storage.

The answer is more dams and reservoirs and additional water distribution well as desalinization. It also wouldn't hurt to get rid of welfare/social services which act as non-productive population magnets, but that's another topic.

We have a parallel issues with electricity and highways/bridges.

The answer is the FREE MARKET.

Let investors find ways to obtain and distribute potable water. Get Jerry and marxists out of the fucking way.

Now water may be more expensive but is a lot better than thirst. But in the long run competition will benefit everyone.

Is "Water" a Human Right? The Constitution protects the "General Welfare". I've heard 101 thing's that don't apply to that "General Welfare of People" ruling that we can't ask our ancestors about...........but NOTHING is more "General Welfare" than water. I can live without everything else longer.

Discuss perspectives.

'Water Is a Human Right': Advocates Call for End to Detroit Water Shutoffs

Guns are a freedom. But water isn't, because no one in their right mind ever thought it would be necessary....

Yeah..water is a right.

And it falls under general welfare.

A human body will die after 3 days without water.

Governor Rick Snyder is an asshole.

Yes, citizens of the U.S., citizens of Michigan, have had to apply to the UN to try to get water service for the most basic functions of life. When Gov. Rick Snyder signed "emergency manager" legislation, he said: "These new laws recognize and respect the needs of citizens and will deliver meaningful reforms to keep Michigan on the path to prosperity." Either Detroit residents aren't considered citizens by Snyder's crew, or they don't think water is a need.
Rick Snyder's Michigan: Detroit citizens appeal to the UNHCR for*water

Yo Vern

In that case let the citizens of detroit go to Lake Michigan , fill up their buckets with water and carry it back to their residences. Its their right.

The name Michigan is the French form of the Ojibwa word mishigamaa, meaning "large water" or "large lake".


Why is it you folks always take the most inhumane fucked up position on any issue?

Shutting off the water for people is despicable and patently stupid.

Those pipes are made to have water flowing through them all the time. Shutting the water off is crazy. Aside from drying up the seals? The pipes function best at a certain temperature which needs to be maintained.

I remember when I worked in a warehouse and the bosses got the brilliant idea of shutting off the heat. Kept it off all winter. Froze up the pipes.

Which all exploded and caused millions in damage.

That was a dumbfuck thing to do then..and it's a dumbfuck thing to do in Detroit.
Yeah..water is a right.

And it falls under general welfare.

A human body will die after 3 days without water.

Governor Rick Snyder is an asshole.

Yo Vern

In that case let the citizens of detroit go to Lake Michigan , fill up their buckets with water and carry it back to their residences. Its their right.

The name Michigan is the French form of the Ojibwa word mishigamaa, meaning "large water" or "large lake".


Why is it you folks always take the most inhumane fucked up position on any issue?

Shutting off the water for people is despicable and patently stupid.

Those pipes are made to have water flowing through them all the time. Shutting the water off is crazy. Aside from drying up the seals? The pipes function best at a certain temperature which needs to be maintained.

I remember when I worked in a warehouse and the bosses got the brilliant idea of shutting off the heat. Kept it off all winter. Froze up the pipes.

Which all exploded and caused millions in damage.

That was a dumbfuck thing to do then..and it's a dumbfuck thing to do in Detroit.

So your suggesting that water should be free ?
Water is a necessity just like food and shelter. Its not a right. Come on folks.

By what definition are you concluding that a necessity cannot also be a right?

A right is a right because we agree that it is a right. There is no physcal property, seperate and apart from people, that makes something a right.

Perhaps you are confusing general convention with "necessary".
Yeah..water is a right.

And it falls under general welfare.

A human body will die after 3 days without water.

Governor Rick Snyder is an asshole.

Yo Vern

In that case let the citizens of detroit go to Lake Michigan , fill up their buckets with water and carry it back to their residences. Its their right.

The name Michigan is the French form of the Ojibwa word mishigamaa, meaning "large water" or "large lake".


Why is it you folks always take the most inhumane fucked up position on any issue?

Shutting off the water for people is despicable and patently stupid.

Those pipes are made to have water flowing through them all the time. Shutting the water off is crazy. Aside from drying up the seals? The pipes function best at a certain temperature which needs to be maintained.

I remember when I worked in a warehouse and the bosses got the brilliant idea of shutting off the heat. Kept it off all winter. Froze up the pipes.

Which all exploded and caused millions in damage.

That was a dumbfuck thing to do then..and it's a dumbfuck thing to do in Detroit.

So free water for all negroes in detroit who refuse to pay their water bills?

How will that work with electricity? gasoline? cable bill? home mortgages? Car note? college tuition?
Let's just give negroes everything for free. That would solve the problem, wouldn't it?
Yo Vern

In that case let the citizens of detroit go to Lake Michigan , fill up their buckets with water and carry it back to their residences. Its their right.

The name Michigan is the French form of the Ojibwa word mishigamaa, meaning "large water" or "large lake".


Why is it you folks always take the most inhumane fucked up position on any issue?

Shutting off the water for people is despicable and patently stupid.

Those pipes are made to have water flowing through them all the time. Shutting the water off is crazy. Aside from drying up the seals? The pipes function best at a certain temperature which needs to be maintained.

I remember when I worked in a warehouse and the bosses got the brilliant idea of shutting off the heat. Kept it off all winter. Froze up the pipes.

Which all exploded and caused millions in damage.

That was a dumbfuck thing to do then..and it's a dumbfuck thing to do in Detroit.

So your suggesting that water should be free ?

So you maintain incurring hundreds of thousands in repair costs to punish those who do not pay thousands in bills is the correct action. Once again, FILE LIENS, keep the water running. No water, there will be sanitation ptoblems, not just in individual housing units......Code Enforcement will be required, and clean up/decontamination.
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