ISIS a nuclear threat.

It's common sense actually. You have no right to a gun beyond the one we gave you, and we can fix that.

Spoken like true facist
Not at all. Liberals giveth, liberals taketh away. The Constitution is paper, and can be changed, they planned for that. You need the booze, but not the guns, in most cases.

See you have a twofaced problem with your definition of all good liars do
Nope. We gave you the right and we can take it away. Think slavery, not prohibition.

You dont give any rights.....we alrdy have them .......govt is not the giver of rights........
The fuck it isn't. That's the only place you can get them from, in most cases. Kings aren't big on them, and God can't enforce them.
Liberalism, like all things, has limits on what you can do. There are rules, rights, and responsibilities. It's not anarchy and tolerance stops at intolerance.

My version of liberalism is nothing like Fascism.

except when it is ......gimme all the guns is very facist
It's common sense actually. You have no right to a gun beyond the one we gave you, and we can fix that.

Spoken like true facist
Not at all. Liberals giveth, liberals taketh away. The Constitution is paper, and can be changed, they planned for that. You need the booze, but not the guns, in most cases.

See you have a twofaced problem with your definition of all good liars do
He's a liberal fascist.
No they don't.
They run and hide if the polls don't blow in their favor.
Why so many of them are flip floppers.
I have no idea who you are talking about but whomever they are, they aren't liberals. We have principles, and they do not change or falter.
And you think you are entitled to force them down everyone else's throats. Your version of liberalism is what's known as liberal fascism, and it's ugly.
Liberalism, like all things, has limits on what you can do. There are rules, rights, and responsibilities. It's not anarchy and tolerance stops at intolerance.
Only you are rather selective and completely erroneous in what you view as intolerance and keep demanding we import more of it. That's why libtards are destroying the West, they don't know how to negotiate the liberal paradox and are doing everything they could possibly do wrong, wrong. Karl Popper explained it thus, in The Open Society and its Enemies, vol 1, 1945:
"Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them."
This is what libtards are doing to us, you included.
Tolerance stops at intolerance. You want to be intolerant of Muslims while we are intolerant of reactionaries, all of them, including you.
You liberal fascists are more than tolerant of the intolerant Islamist and are intolerant of all sensible folk. Retarded.
I have no idea who you are talking about but whomever they are, they aren't liberals. We have principles, and they do not change or falter.
And you think you are entitled to force them down everyone else's throats. Your version of liberalism is what's known as liberal fascism, and it's ugly.
Liberalism, like all things, has limits on what you can do. There are rules, rights, and responsibilities. It's not anarchy and tolerance stops at intolerance.
Only you are rather selective and completely erroneous in what you view as intolerance and keep demanding we import more of it. That's why libtards are destroying the West, they don't know how to negotiate the liberal paradox and are doing everything they could possibly do wrong, wrong. Karl Popper explained it thus, in The Open Society and its Enemies, vol 1, 1945:
"Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them."
This is what libtards are doing to us, you included.
Tolerance stops at intolerance. You want to be intolerant of Muslims while we are intolerant of reactionaries, all of them, including you.
You liberal fascists are more than tolerant of the intolerant Islamist and are intolerant of all sensible folk. Retarded.
Nope. All of you dopes get the same right to be idiots. None better, or worse.
except when it is ......gimme all the guns is very facist
It's common sense actually. You have no right to a gun beyond the one we gave you, and we can fix that.

Spoken like true facist
Not at all. Liberals giveth, liberals taketh away. The Constitution is paper, and can be changed, they planned for that. You need the booze, but not the guns, in most cases.

See you have a twofaced problem with your definition of all good liars do
He's a liberal fascist.
At the moment you are the one who wants to tell religious women what they can and can't wear, little Nazi...
It's common sense actually. You have no right to a gun beyond the one we gave you, and we can fix that.

Spoken like true facist
Not at all. Liberals giveth, liberals taketh away. The Constitution is paper, and can be changed, they planned for that. You need the booze, but not the guns, in most cases.

See you have a twofaced problem with your definition of all good liars do
He's a liberal fascist.
At the moment you are the one who wants to tell religious women what they can and can't wear, little Nazi...
Islamonazi liberal uber fascist :)
Spoken like true facist
Not at all. Liberals giveth, liberals taketh away. The Constitution is paper, and can be changed, they planned for that. You need the booze, but not the guns, in most cases.

See you have a twofaced problem with your definition of all good liars do
He's a liberal fascist.
At the moment you are the one who wants to tell religious women what they can and can't wear, little Nazi...
Islamonazi liberal uber fascist :)
Actually ISIS does the very same thing. Evil peas in an evil pod. Congrats.

For you: What exactly is fascism?
Luke 10:19King James Version (KJV)

19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

Liberals are gonna air drop brochures reassuring the Muslim world how much we love them.
Jesus would approve, as long as you prayed for them as well...

If ISIS was slaughtering Jesus 's flock what would he do?
What he said, dumbass, Love your enemies. He, unlike nearly all, had faith in the mysterious ways of God. If Heaven awaits, stop fearing death, like a child.

Matthew 5:
Love Your Enemies
43"You have heard that it was said, 'YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR and hate your enemy.' 44"But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.…
Luke 10:19King James Version (KJV)

19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

Liberals are gonna air drop brochures reassuring the Muslim world how much we love them.
Jesus would approve, as long as you prayed for them as well...

If ISIS was slaughtering Jesus 's flock what would he do?
What he said, dumbass, Love your enemies. He, unlike nearly all, had faith in the mysterious ways of God. If Heaven awaits, stop fearing death, like a child.

Matthew 5:
Love Your Enemies
43"You have heard that it was said, 'YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR and hate your enemy.' 44"But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.…
He was batshit crazy, what can I say. He also thought God would save him, and found out on the cross that wasn't true.
His greater reward was in heaven, dear.
Luke 10:19King James Version (KJV)

19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

Liberals are gonna air drop brochures reassuring the Muslim world how much we love them.
Jesus would approve, as long as you prayed for them as well...

If ISIS was slaughtering Jesus 's flock what would he do?
What he said, dumbass, Love your enemies. He, unlike nearly all, had faith in the mysterious ways of God. If Heaven awaits, stop fearing death, like a child.

Matthew 5:
Love Your Enemies
43"You have heard that it was said, 'YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR and hate your enemy.' 44"But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.…
He was batshit crazy, what can I say. He also thought God would save him, and found out on the cross that wasn't true.
They think their Liberals. They call themselves liberals. They go on interviews speaking for the liberals.
thought of some more;
Al Sharpton
Jesse Jackson sr
Jesse Jackson jr.
They can call themselves the Queen of Scots for all I care, it doesn't matter a damn.
Who died and made you the arbitrator of whom is or is not a Liberal?
I prefer Thomas Payne as the arbitrator of what is or is not a Liberal. Too bad the rest of the Democratic party has betrayed Thomas Payne's ideology.
Thomas Payne, the Socialist? Okay.

And I am a liberal, so I am able to make the call. It's not difficult.
Thomas Payne the father of the Liberal party.
Classical liberalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Classical Liberalism: Thomas Paine

Sorry for the wikki and the blog sources but ancient history doesn't come up real well in google.
I know of the man, and since he lived 230 years ago, how do you think what he thought matters at the moment? We don't live 230 years ago and I've yet to see your defense...
He created Liberalism. He wouldn't like what it has turned into.
Oh Slyhunter, where's your defense of the Burka, flag burning, and Thank God For Dead Soldiers?
Freedom of speech.
But not the burka. Wearing a mask to conceal your identity is not free speech.
No, it's Freedom of Religion. You don't defend that I see therefore. not a liberal.

As I said, it's pretty easy to figure out.
It's not freedom of religion. No religion requires that you have to conceal your identity. It's a cultural thing not a religious thing. Plenty of Muslims that don't do it. Show me in the Quran where it says a woman must cover her face.
Oh Slyhunter, where's your defense of the Burka, flag burning, and Thank God For Dead Soldiers?
Freedom of speech.
But not the burka. Wearing a mask to conceal your identity is not free speech.
No, it's Freedom of Religion. You don't defend that I see therefore. not a liberal.

As I said, it's pretty easy to figure out.
It's not freedom of religion. No religion requires that you have to conceal your identity. It's a cultural thing not a religious thing. Plenty of Muslims that don't do it. Show me in the Quran where it says a woman must cover her face.
That is not required but, show me in the Bible where Christians are required to wear crosses, or Jews all their nonsense garb, or Mormons special underwear? Freedom of Religion means putting up with nonsense, tons of it, but it's their call, not yours.
Oh Slyhunter, where's your defense of the Burka, flag burning, and Thank God For Dead Soldiers?
Freedom of speech.
But not the burka. Wearing a mask to conceal your identity is not free speech.
No, it's Freedom of Religion. You don't defend that I see therefore. not a liberal.

As I said, it's pretty easy to figure out.
It's not freedom of religion. No religion requires that you have to conceal your identity. It's a cultural thing not a religious thing. Plenty of Muslims that don't do it. Show me in the Quran where it says a woman must cover her face.
That is not required but, show me in the Bible where Christians are required to wear crosses, or Jews all their nonsense garb, or Mormons special underwear? Freedom of Religion means putting up with nonsense, tons of it, but it's their call, not yours.
Reasonable accommodation does not mean concealing your identity.
You need a dictionary to define reasonable?
Oh Slyhunter, where's your defense of the Burka, flag burning, and Thank God For Dead Soldiers?
Freedom of speech.
But not the burka. Wearing a mask to conceal your identity is not free speech.
No, it's Freedom of Religion. You don't defend that I see therefore. not a liberal.

As I said, it's pretty easy to figure out.
It's not freedom of religion. No religion requires that you have to conceal your identity. It's a cultural thing not a religious thing. Plenty of Muslims that don't do it. Show me in the Quran where it says a woman must cover her face.
That is not required but, show me in the Bible where Christians are required to wear crosses, or Jews all their nonsense garb, or Mormons special underwear? Freedom of Religion means putting up with nonsense, tons of it, but it's their call, not yours.
Reasonable accommodation does not mean concealing your identity.
I believe that is does. It's a liberal, not a police-state, thing.

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