Isis About To Take Another City...obama Launches 5 Airstrikes To Counter!


Platinum Member
Jul 19, 2011
This is becoming farce! A major city in Syria is about to fall to ISIS with the terror army bringing in 75 tanks and large numbers of artillery across open desert and Commander In Chief Obama's response is to launch 5...count 'em 5!...airstrikes against their positions! Contrast that to Desert Storm where thousands of airstrikes were launched per day!

The slaughter of innocent people that will occur if this city falls is on Barack Obama's head! He's pretending to fight ISIS while he really does NOTHING!!!
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Wake the fuck up, Barry! You're getting your ass handed to you!!!
A major city in Syria? Is that an oxymoron?
Are you seriously making a "joke" out of the looming slaughter of thousands of people, Old School? This isn't funny stuff! This is horrendous stuff that Barack Obama is letting happen because he won't get off his skinny ass and wage war.
A major city in Syria? Is that an oxymoron?
Are you seriously making a "joke" out of the looming slaughter of thousands of people, Old School? This isn't funny stuff! This is horrendous stuff that Barack Obama is letting happen because he won't get off his skinny ass and wage war.

Oh? No other leaders are "letting" it happen?

The Kurds are there fighting against tanks and artillery with small arms. Barack Obama once again allowed ISIS to move those weapons across open desert to attack yet another city after declaring that ISIS would be attacked with US air power. It's obvious at this point that an Obama promise has about as much staying power as a weak fart in a strong wind!
A major city in Syria? Is that an oxymoron?
Are you seriously making a "joke" out of the looming slaughter of thousands of people, Old School? This isn't funny stuff! This is horrendous stuff that Barack Obama is letting happen because he won't get off his skinny ass and wage war.

Oh? No other leaders are "letting" it happen?

The Kurds are there fighting against tanks and artillery with small arms. Barack Obama once again allowed ISIS to move those weapons across open desert to attack yet another city after declaring that ISIS would be attacked with US air power. It's obvious at this point that an Obama promise has about as much staying power as a weak fart in a strong wind!
The US-led anti-terror coalition is about to beat ISIS with three years of pinpricks. The Syrian army will have to do the whole job.
Watching the CNN video makes one believe that the "intense" shelling of the city is not that intense.
"Isis About To Take Another City...obama Launches 5 Airstrikes To Counter!"

While you and others on the war-mongering right seek through hysteria and lies to send Americans back to fight and die in Iraq.

And should you get your way, what would be your response when ISIS or something like it reconstitutes after American ground forces leave, a consequence of the power vacuum created by GWB's failed, illegal, and unwarranted war.

Do you and others on the right foresee American ground forces returning time and again to fight and die in the never ending conflict that is the ME.

Are you and other conservatives such clueless war-mongers that you fail to understand that no other countries in the region – or other organizations such as NATO – are ever going to take the responsibility to address manifestations such as ISIS when they know naïve, gullible Americans will always come in to clean up the mess.

The United States can contribute to these efforts with logistics and intelligence support, weapons and other resources, and limited air strikes – but it's time for other nations, coalitions, and military alliances to do the fighting and dying on the ground, not Americans.
"Isis About To Take Another City...obama Launches 5 Airstrikes To Counter!"

While you and others on the war-mongering right seek through hysteria and lies to send Americans back to fight and die in Iraq.

And should you get your way, what would be your response when ISIS or something like it reconstitutes after American ground forces leave, a consequence of the power vacuum created by GWB's failed, illegal, and unwarranted war.

Do you and others on the right foresee American ground forces returning time and again to fight and die in the never ending conflict that is the ME.

Are you and other conservatives such clueless war-mongers that you fail to understand that no other countries in the region – or other organizations such as NATO – are ever going to take the responsibility to address manifestations such as ISIS when they know naïve, gullible Americans will always come in to clean up the mess.

The United States can contribute to these efforts with logistics and intelligence support, weapons and other resources, and limited air strikes – but it's time for other nations, coalitions, and military alliances to do the fighting and dying on the ground, not Americans.

If our Idiot In Chief hadn't pulled all American troops out of Iraq then there wouldn't have been a power vacuum. He was told by Bush...and by his own military advisers that doing so early would result in just what has happened but Barry was too busy creaming himself over his self-anointed title of "War Ender" to listen to anyone else!
The question you should be asking is whether YOU would sign up as the "boots on the ground" force in Barry's little war if you saw the way he comes to the aid of those who ARE fighting ISIS on the ground?

I sure as hell wouldn't...
A major city in Syria? Is that an oxymoron?
Are you seriously making a "joke" out of the looming slaughter of thousands of people, Old School? This isn't funny stuff! This is horrendous stuff that Barack Obama is letting happen because he won't get off his skinny ass and wage war.

Oh? No other leaders are "letting" it happen?

The Kurds are there fighting against tanks and artillery with small arms. Barack Obama once again allowed ISIS to move those weapons across open desert to attack yet another city after declaring that ISIS would be attacked with US air power. It's obvious at this point that an Obama promise has about as much staying power as a weak fart in a strong wind!
The US-led anti-terror coalition is about to beat ISIS with three years of pinpricks. The Syrian army will have to do the whole job.

Hmmm we can supply Isis with an I phone for each member, within a month they will all be walking around like zombies..... then someone can walk up and hit them with a club while they are busy texting.

Or Maybe Obama should send in the A10 Warthog tank killing aircraft
This is becoming farce! A major city in Syria is about to fall to ISIS with the terror army bringing in 75 tanks and large numbers of artillery across open desert and Commander In Chief Obama's response is to launch 5...count 'em 5!...airstrikes against their positions! Contrast that to Desert Storm where thousands of airstrikes were launched per day!

The slaughter of innocent people that will occur if this city falls is on Barack Obama's head! He's pretending to fight ISIS while he really does NOTHING!!!
I haven't seen that story about 75 tanks crossing the open desert. Do you have a link for it?
This is becoming farce! A major city in Syria is about to fall to ISIS with the terror army bringing in 75 tanks and large numbers of artillery across open desert and Commander In Chief Obama's response is to launch 5...count 'em 5!...airstrikes against their positions! Contrast that to Desert Storm where thousands of airstrikes were launched per day!

The slaughter of innocent people that will occur if this city falls is on Barack Obama's head! He's pretending to fight ISIS while he really does NOTHING!!!
I haven't seen that story about 75 tanks crossing the open desert. Do you have a link for it?

Well, gee whiz, Camp...I suppose they were magically "transported" there? I know you desperately want to believe that Obama isn't lying through his teeth when he says he's going to destroy ISIS but the proof is in the pudding. 5 airstrikes in a night when a city is fighting for it's very life. That's appalling. Once again, Barack Obama is showing that he doesn't have the stomach for a fight. He talks about red lines and destroying ISIS and then does nothing.
"Isis About To Take Another City...obama Launches 5 Airstrikes To Counter!"

While you and others on the war-mongering right seek through hysteria and lies to send Americans back to fight and die in Iraq.

And should you get your way, what would be your response when ISIS or something like it reconstitutes after American ground forces leave, a consequence of the power vacuum created by GWB's failed, illegal, and unwarranted war.

Do you and others on the right foresee American ground forces returning time and again to fight and die in the never ending conflict that is the ME.

Are you and other conservatives such clueless war-mongers that you fail to understand that no other countries in the region – or other organizations such as NATO – are ever going to take the responsibility to address manifestations such as ISIS when they know naïve, gullible Americans will always come in to clean up the mess.

The United States can contribute to these efforts with logistics and intelligence support, weapons and other resources, and limited air strikes – but it's time for other nations, coalitions, and military alliances to do the fighting and dying on the ground, not Americans.

Sure, the Kurds can do it just fine if we take the tanks out for them. Who else is going to do that? what are you afraid of ? the ISIS airforce shooting down our planes?
This is becoming farce! A major city in Syria is about to fall to ISIS with the terror army bringing in 75 tanks and large numbers of artillery across open desert and Commander In Chief Obama's response is to launch 5...count 'em 5!...airstrikes against their positions! Contrast that to Desert Storm where thousands of airstrikes were launched per day!

The slaughter of innocent people that will occur if this city falls is on Barack Obama's head! He's pretending to fight ISIS while he really does NOTHING!!!
I haven't seen that story about 75 tanks crossing the open desert. Do you have a link for it?

Well, gee whiz, Camp...I suppose they were magically "transported" there? I know you desperately want to believe that Obama isn't lying through his teeth when he says he's going to destroy ISIS but the proof is in the pudding. 5 airstrikes in a night when a city is fighting for it's very life. That's appalling. Once again, Barack Obama is showing that he doesn't have the stomach for a fight. He talks about red lines and destroying ISIS and then does nothing.

during the ARAB spring Obama cared when the muslim rebels were about to be slaughtered by Kadafi. Then we sent in the calvary (figuratively speaking) and saved them. what changed?
This is becoming farce! A major city in Syria is about to fall to ISIS with the terror army bringing in 75 tanks and large numbers of artillery across open desert and Commander In Chief Obama's response is to launch 5...count 'em 5!...airstrikes against their positions! Contrast that to Desert Storm where thousands of airstrikes were launched per day!

The slaughter of innocent people that will occur if this city falls is on Barack Obama's head! He's pretending to fight ISIS while he really does NOTHING!!!
I haven't seen that story about 75 tanks crossing the open desert. Do you have a link for it?

Well, gee whiz, Camp...I suppose they were magically "transported" there? I know you desperately want to believe that Obama isn't lying through his teeth when he says he's going to destroy ISIS but the proof is in the pudding. 5 airstrikes in a night when a city is fighting for it's very life. That's appalling. Once again, Barack Obama is showing that he doesn't have the stomach for a fight. He talks about red lines and destroying ISIS and then does nothing.
I'm not cheer leading for Obama or how the air strikes are being conducted. I'm following the story and haven't seen anything about the massive number of tanks and artillery you mentioned in your post. I was hoping you had a source I am not familiar with to add to the various sources of battlefield information I am following. The only massive number of tanks I am aware of are the Turkish tanks sitting on the border within eyesight of the city.

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