Isis About To Take Another City...obama Launches 5 Airstrikes To Counter!

I see no reason to bomb Syria-----airlifts of Christians and Kurds OUT of there----give the muslims a chance to solve their family problems
I heard Obama struck a lethal blow to ISIS by taking out a roach coach on the way to deliver Pita bread and Schwarma to ISIS fighters at the front.

Helping the Kurds in Kobani is complicated and being hindered by Turkey. The Turks insist on a "no fly zone" being established that would mean open war with Syria and Assad. At the present time Assad seems to be allowing air strikes in Syria without interference. Without that non interference US and others conducting air strikes in Syria would be in great danger and required to contend with the sophisticated anti aircraft weaponry Syria is armed with via Russia. It would mean that in order to continue strikes on ISIS in Syria the US would probably have to take out all of Syria's anti aircraft assets. Many of those assets are mobile and it is likely some would survive the attacks. That means the possibility of an American aircraft being shot down would be greatly increased. Some could be lost in the effort to destroy the AA system as well.
It gets even more complicated. The BBC link above gives a pretty good accounting of what is going on in relationship to Kobani.
I am all for turks and Syrians and Isis pigs fighting each other unimpeded-----we should restrict ourselves to airlifting kurds and Christians out of the meccaist cesspits
With all due respect, Rosie...if it's too dangerous to fly over an area and drop a's probably going to be too dangerous to LAND a plane...fill it with hundreds of civilians and then take off again. :bang3:
People are dying, Rosie...not a time for stupid jokes.
With all due respect, Rosie...if it's too dangerous to fly over an area and drop a's probably going to be too dangerous to LAND a plane...fill it with hundreds of civilians and then take off again. :bang3:
The reports I have seen about Kobani indicate the civilian population has pretty much vacated the city. The last 2,000 are reported to have walked to the Turkish border two days ago. The city limits are less than a mile to the border.
The refugee problems sound like they are out of control and overwhelmed. All those people escaping ISIS have to be fed, housed and provided with medical attention. Turkey is insisting the solution is to create their proposed buffer zone with a no fly zone, and send the refugees back to Syria with the understanding that Turkey will provide protection from both ISIS and Assad.
With all due respect, Rosie...if it's too dangerous to fly over an area and drop a's probably going to be too dangerous to LAND a plane...fill it with hundreds of civilians and then take off again. :bang3:

yes it would be dangerous---but heroic----would take careful planning
With all due respect, Rosie...if it's too dangerous to fly over an area and drop a's probably going to be too dangerous to LAND a plane...fill it with hundreds of civilians and then take off again. :bang3:

yes it would be dangerous---but heroic----would take careful planning

It certainly would be heroic, but this plane has been used before to rescue people, such as those who wanted to leave Iran.

DeHavilland DHC-3 Otter
With all due respect, Rosie...if it's too dangerous to fly over an area and drop a's probably going to be too dangerous to LAND a plane...fill it with hundreds of civilians and then take off again. :bang3:

yes it would be dangerous---but heroic----would take careful planning

I hate to point out the obvious here, Rosie but "planning" isn't exactly an Obama Administration strength! They like to "lead from behind"...which is another way of saying..."we'll play catch-up".
With all due respect, Rosie...if it's too dangerous to fly over an area and drop a's probably going to be too dangerous to LAND a plane...fill it with hundreds of civilians and then take off again. :bang3:

yes it would be dangerous---but heroic----would take careful planning

I hate to point out the obvious here, Rosie but "planning" isn't exactly an Obama Administration strength! They like to "lead from behind"...which is another way of saying..."we'll play catch-up".

well---that fact is obvious to me already-----but OBAMA does not do it all------he can seek help
With all due respect, Rosie...if it's too dangerous to fly over an area and drop a's probably going to be too dangerous to LAND a plane...fill it with hundreds of civilians and then take off again. :bang3:

yes it would be dangerous---but heroic----would take careful planning

I hate to point out the obvious here, Rosie but "planning" isn't exactly an Obama Administration strength! They like to "lead from behind"...which is another way of saying..."we'll play catch-up".

well---that fact is obvious to me already-----but OBAMA does not do it all------he can seek help

Help from whom, Rosie? He's totally ignored the advice of his military leaders. Who do you think he would accept help from?
With all due respect, Rosie...if it's too dangerous to fly over an area and drop a's probably going to be too dangerous to LAND a plane...fill it with hundreds of civilians and then take off again. :bang3:

yes it would be dangerous---but heroic----would take careful planning

I hate to point out the obvious here, Rosie but "planning" isn't exactly an Obama Administration strength! They like to "lead from behind"...which is another way of saying..."we'll play catch-up".

well---that fact is obvious to me already-----but OBAMA does not do it all------he can seek help

Help from whom, Rosie? He's totally ignored the advice of his military leaders. Who do you think he would accept help from?

oh---well----he did not kill OSAMA on his own-----he did the operation already made by Bush----and on the advice of------other people. I have no idea----you seem to KNOW him a lot more than do I. He does not strike me as a "I'll to it entirely my way" kinda guy
With all due respect, Rosie...if it's too dangerous to fly over an area and drop a's probably going to be too dangerous to LAND a plane...fill it with hundreds of civilians and then take off again. :bang3:

yes it would be dangerous---but heroic----would take careful planning

I hate to point out the obvious here, Rosie but "planning" isn't exactly an Obama Administration strength! They like to "lead from behind"...which is another way of saying..."we'll play catch-up".

well---that fact is obvious to me already-----but OBAMA does not do it all------he can seek help

Help from whom, Rosie? He's totally ignored the advice of his military leaders. Who do you think he would accept help from?

oh---well----he did not kill OSAMA on his own-----he did the operation already made by Bush----and on the advice of------other people. I have no idea----you seem to KNOW him a lot more than do I. He does not strike me as a "I'll to it entirely my way" kinda guy

I think the problem is that Barack Obama doesn't really want to fight against ISIS. He's been forced to because the beheading of American's like James Foley caused such a firestorm of public outrage that he had no choice but does anyone who's been watching his actions REALLY think that he's committed to this war?

ISIS is continuing military operations despite the threat of air strikes. How is that possible? Obviously it's possible because the air strikes are few and relatively ineffective because we don't have boots on the ground to call in those strikes. Barack Obama's insistence on personally approving all air strikes that are mounted makes it even more difficult for them to be effective.

As for how he strikes you? This is a President who...judging from their books and interviews...ignored the advice of Bob Gates, Leon Panetta and Hillary Clinton. He's also ignored the advice of his military leaders. With all due respect...I can't think of any President we've ever had that was more of a "I'll do it entirely my way" kind of leader!

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