ISIS beheads 14-year-old boy. He was arrested for missing Friday prayers

Nope, pointing out and demonstrating your ignorance is quite fun. You are allergic to the truth and are too ignorant to understand it.

Then you woke up and realized you are still just another loser posting from his Mom's basement, no reflection on your mother of course.

Try again, that so called "come-back" was even more lame than you are. My 4 year old could come up with a better one you fucking moron.

URFA – Extremists of the Islamic State (ISIS) beheaded on Saturday a Syrian teenager in the northern city of Jarablus after accusing him of apostasy.

The 14-year-old boy was arrested by ISIS militants for missing Friday prayers at the central mosque of Jarablus, where pro-ISIS preachers usually deliver speeches promoting the group’s alleged Caliphate.

ISIS beheads Syrian teenager on charges of 'apostasy' - ARA News

Do not worry folks. It is cool. Not done by Christians or white people. So, really nothing to be all that upset about.

I wonder how many liberals (not really liberals but American hating, Christian hating socialists that we call liberals.) will express their disgust with out giving us.....the old......YEAH BUT CHRISTIANS!!!!!!

Clearly this is a monstrous act. I am sure you'll get around to expressing your own disgust just as soon as you finish using his severed head as political soccer ball. There is something terribly wrong with you.

Apparently the only time the beheading of a 14 year old gets any outrage from our board's when they can ride his corpse for political capital.

I'd think that the act of barbarity alone would be enough to spark outrage. But apparently not.
Well no, I simply find the use of the beheading of a 14 year old to bash freedom loving liberals filthy and disgusting.

I see.

So actually cutting the kid's head off isn't a big deal, but for those Americans whom you of the democrat - ISIS alliance hate so much to bring it up is terrible?

Obviously all Freedom loving Americans right and left, find ISIS and their actions unacceptable. When will Congress pass some kind of measure specifically authorizing the President to use military force against them? Or even a non binding measure of support for the action he is taking against them?

But not nearly unacceptable as the cultural insensitivity of condemning the beheading of a 14 year old by the close allies of the democrats?

Treason: It's the foundation the modern democratic party is built on.
Well no, I simply find the use of the beheading of a 14 year old to bash freedom loving liberals filthy and disgusting.

I see.

So actually cutting the kid's head off isn't a big deal, but for those Americans whom you of the democrat - ISIS alliance hate so much to bring it up is terrible?

Obviously all Freedom loving Americans right and left, find ISIS and their actions unacceptable. When will Congress pass some kind of measure specifically authorizing the President to use military force against them? Or even a non binding measure of support for the action he is taking against them?

But not nearly unacceptable as the cultural insensitivity of condemning the beheading of a 14 year old by the close allies of the democrats?

Treason: It's the foundation the modern democratic party is built on.
The myth that Muslims are just as good and loving of America as anyone else is wearing mighty thin with the vast majority.

Some corporations must really want those profits pretty bad to be willing to knowingly import terrorists.
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Comparing ISIS to other Muslims is like comparing Westbury fanatics to regular Christians.

ISIS are democrat operatives pulling a con to besmirch the Christians that democrats hate so bitterly?

Damn, didn't know that.

ISIS is a bunch of nutjobs and not one damn person on the left or right on this board has justified their actions. The one thing you have demonstrated though is you are one idiotic partisan hack. Thank you for showing us that.

True, leftist hack Blindfool says that ISIS should be dealt with - AFTER America is defeated of course, you have to have priorities.....
Which is still several steps above you Jew hater.

I am not a Jew hater, you ignorant baboon.

All Nazis like you are hate Jews and Muslims and anyone not white with blue eyes. Oh and stop giving head to your Hitler statue, it's wearing thin now.
Lol, that is just too stupid to even bother with.

Your concession is noted. Man you guys are pathetic, but prove my point with you being absolutely a worthless inbred idiot. Say hi to your wife...or sister...or mother for me. I don't what you are calling her now. I get confused with you inbreds when your family tree is a stick.
Every fucking liberal (socialists that we call liberals ) are nothing but lying, double talking, hypocritical, piles of ignorant shit. This thread proves my claims about all of them correct. The fucking loser keeps saying I labeled all muslims. Fucking moron. All isis members are muslims you fucking scumbag. Nowhere did I say all muslims are isis members.

The fucking hypocrites then claim I use this incident as political capital. Fucking pieces of shit. Worthless garbage.

What fucking lying pieces of hypocritical shit. If I could I would their fucking teeth out.
Every fucking liberal (socialists that we call liberals ) are nothing but lying, double talking, hypocritical, piles of ignorant shit. This thread proves my claims about all of them correct. The fucking loser keeps saying I labeled all muslims. Fucking moron. All isis members are muslims you fucking scumbag. Nowhere did I say all muslims are isis members.

The fucking hypocrites then claim I use this incident as political capital. Fucking pieces of shit. Worthless garbage.

What fucking lying pieces of hypocritical shit. If I could I would their fucking teeth out.
1. DA is a troll, and not worth your effort.

2. Not all liberals are socialists, nor are they all Marxists. There are still a few classic liberals left, the problem is that they hold no power any more.
And Westbury folks think their Christians. Does that make it so you piece of shit. Are Westbury nutjobs real Christians?

Westburo sploogy.

And no, they don't think they are Christians: They know exactly what they are, democrat operatives slandering and libeling Christians.

See, Christians would never do what the democrats claimed, all those years of the leftists spewing hatred and the Christians just didn't cooperate.

So what to do? Well, life long democrat Fred Phelps, who ran for congress twice as a far left democrat, had an idea. He created a fake church. Westburo is no more "Baptist" than ISIS is. Phelps got a mail order ordination and fabricated a "church" with 7 members. Now given that all 7 members were also paid staff, just WHERE did the funds come from? George Soros, of course.

democrats are the filthiest and most evil scum in the nation, this is the kind of shit they do.

Westburo and that pig Phelps demonstrate what shit democrats are, and why the (temporary) alliance between the party and ISIS to attack the common enemy of America is no real surprise.
All Nazis like you are hate Jews and Muslims and anyone not white with blue eyes. Oh and stop giving head to your Hitler statue, it's wearing thin now.

Actually, it's Muslims who hate Jews, shitferbrains.

Check out the Middle East forums on this board, Muslims and their democrat allies spewing hatred at Jews.
The sneering by you Leftists at human misery is just astounding.
You must be one of those ISIS lovers if you don't agree ISIS is bad

Even you must be ashamed of that post.'re been a Liberal so long.....

"You can check-out any time you like,
But you can never leave! "
Why would PC support the beheading of a 14 year old?

Is it a pathetic plea for attention?

I believe I'll put your disgusting post front and center sure to drop by.
Sad how low you will sink to get a little attention

Actually supporting ISIS beheading a child

How low can you bring yourself?
Well no, I simply find the use of the beheading of a 14 year old to bash freedom loving liberals filthy and disgusting.

I see.

So actually cutting the kid's head off isn't a big deal, but for those Americans whom you of the democrat - ISIS alliance hate so much to bring it up is terrible?

Obviously all Freedom loving Americans right and left, find ISIS and their actions unacceptable. When will Congress pass some kind of measure specifically authorizing the President to use military force against them? Or even a non binding measure of support for the action he is taking against them?

But not nearly unacceptable as the cultural insensitivity of condemning the beheading of a 14 year old by the close allies of the democrats?

Treason: It's the foundation the modern democratic party is built on.

Why would you leave out the actual question I was answering?

"So, your first job is to end America, then you can worry about ISIS?"

Is it because you're a dishonest hack who approves the tactic the OP employs?

I can't think of anyone I know who doesn't find this recent atrocity by ISIS horrible. But to use that and try to denigrate democrats, liberal or anyone else, goes beyond reasonable and likely comes from someone with a putrid heart and a demented soul.
Every fucking liberal (socialists that we call liberals ) are nothing but lying, double talking, hypocritical, piles of ignorant shit. This thread proves my claims about all of them correct. The fucking loser keeps saying I labeled all muslims. Fucking moron. All isis members are muslims you fucking scumbag. Nowhere did I say all muslims are isis members.

The fucking hypocrites then claim I use this incident as political capital. Fucking pieces of shit. Worthless garbage.

What fucking lying pieces of hypocritical shit. If I could I would their fucking teeth out.

And that's only their good points... :thup:
Every fucking liberal (socialists that we call liberals ) are nothing but lying, double talking, hypocritical, piles of ignorant shit. This thread proves my claims about all of them correct. The fucking loser keeps saying I labeled all muslims. Fucking moron. All isis members are muslims you fucking scumbag. Nowhere did I say all muslims are isis members.

The fucking hypocrites then claim I use this incident as political capital. Fucking pieces of shit. Worthless garbage.

What fucking lying pieces of hypocritical shit. If I could I would their fucking teeth out.
1. DA is a troll, and not worth your effort.

2. Not all liberals are socialists, nor are they all Marxists. There are still a few classic liberals left, the problem is that they hold no power any more.
Actually the true liberals (actual liberals now) are the ones that truly want every minority to have an OPPORTUNITY to succeed. The free market gives them that.

Socialism is just another term for the old feudal system. The socialist style gives the poor class virtually NO OPPORTUNITY to succeed or get out of the serf class or peasant class they are in. The arrogant elitists in the rich class do not want to give anyone in the peasant class any OPPORTUNITY to ever rea ch their class. In fact they are offended by the very notion. The feudal system.

The fucking pathetic pieces of shit that post here that are on the left are nothing but pawns for their Democrat puppet masters. They use minorities so well as political pawns.

They are losers. No exceptions.
Why would you leave out the actual question I was answering?

"So, your first job is to end America, then you can worry about ISIS?"

Is it because you're a dishonest hack who approves the tactic the OP employs?

I can't think of anyone I know who doesn't find this recent atrocity by ISIS horrible. But to use that and try to denigrate democrats, liberal or anyone else, goes beyond reasonable and likely comes from someone with a putrid heart and a demented soul.

I was the one who asked the question. Of course I knew the answer in advance. You have priorities, America and that damned Constitution you hate so much are the highest priority for the party, if radical Islam helps you in that goal, they will be protected.

And "reasonable?" You, as an operative of the demagogue - sociopath party expect those you viciously attack, 24/7, to be "reasonable" to you?

Dude, you're still bitter that Reagan defeated the Soviets. You still dream of the beach head in Nicaragua marching through Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico. You drip with venom over Reagan stopping you cold.

You hate America, you have fought for the destruction of the nation for 40 years. You may not like ISIS, but they are useful to the goal of ending the Republic, the same goal you have had for decades.
Hooray for ISIS! Muslim self righteous killers of innocent defenseless people everywhere. Islam ...were are all the "GOOD" Muslims when we need them? Like all the good NAZIS, scarce as hen's teeth.

Muslims are FIGHTING ISIS in the ME.

That's more than you can say for the Israelis.
Why would you leave out the actual question I was answering?

"So, your first job is to end America, then you can worry about ISIS?"

Is it because you're a dishonest hack who approves the tactic the OP employs?

I can't think of anyone I know who doesn't find this recent atrocity by ISIS horrible. But to use that and try to denigrate democrats, liberal or anyone else, goes beyond reasonable and likely comes from someone with a putrid heart and a demented soul.

I was the one who asked the question. Of course I knew the answer in advance. You have priorities, America and that damned Constitution you hate so much are the highest priority for the party, if radical Islam helps you in that goal, they will be protected.

And "reasonable?" You, as an operative of the demagogue - sociopath party expect those you viciously attack, 24/7, to be "reasonable" to you?

Dude, you're still bitter that Reagan defeated the Soviets. You still dream of the beach head in Nicaragua marching through Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico. You drip with venom over Reagan stopping you cold.

You hate America, you have fought for the destruction of the nation for 40 years. You may not like ISIS, but they are useful to the goal of ending the Republic, the same goal you have had for decades.
Man, just good stuff right here.
Hooray for ISIS! Muslim self righteous killers of innocent defenseless people everywhere. Islam ...were are all the "GOOD" Muslims when we need them? Like all the good NAZIS, scarce as hen's teeth.

Muslims are FIGHTING ISIS in the ME.

That's more than you can say for the Israelis.

If Israel were to fight ISIS outside their own country the world would be outraged., especially Muslims.

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