ISIS beheads antiquities expert

Trump is giving the most confusing messages of anyone I have ever seen that sought the Presidency. First he says he will take care of ISIS and that we need to destroy them, then he criticizes Jeb for saying that we need to show Iraq that we have :"skin in the game." Which is it Donald?

Until the GOP realizes he is a Snake Oil salesman who is only in this for Donald, they will be dragged along by the nose, devouring every lie this man speaks. My dog could beat Trump in the General and I don't even have a dog!

:tank: "Where to now, Commander in Chief Trump?"
ISIS executes antiquities prof Khaled al-As'ad in Palmyra -

These people are scum. Why doesn't the Arab world and other countries in the middle east take these barbarians out. WE should not be fighting their war.....MISTER TRUMP!

Do the Saudi's think ISIS will not eventually come after them?

Why ? Because a good deal of them agree with ISIS.

ISIS has launched attacks on Saudi soil. I expect that the Saudis will react similar to Turkey. Eventually they will come around and go after ISIS. But even if they do, it may be too late to really make a great deal of difference.

Not even the Nazis or the Japanese carried out the atrocities that ISIS is inflicting on that region. It took a coalition of nations to win that war. I expect ISIS will be around until a similar coalition is established here. The Saudis and the Turks, and to some degree, the Iranians need to put their petty differences aside and recognize the cancer in their neighborhood.
ISIS executes antiquities prof Khaled al-As'ad in Palmyra -

These people are scum. Why doesn't the Arab world and other countries in the middle east take these barbarians out. WE should not be fighting their war.....MISTER TRUMP!

Do the Saudi's think ISIS will not eventually come after them?

I agree. Let the Arabs handle these assholes. They are killing Muslims left and right. One has to wonder why the Arab States don't band together and remove these dirtbags??
ISIS executes antiquities prof Khaled al-As'ad in Palmyra -

These people are scum. Why doesn't the Arab world and other countries in the middle east take these barbarians out. WE should not be fighting their war.....MISTER TRUMP!

Do the Saudi's think ISIS will not eventually come after them?

I agree. Let the Arabs handle these assholes. They are killing Muslims left and right. One has to wonder why the Arab States don't band together and remove these dirtbags??
The Turks and SA's have to be the leading actors, not Iran, there, and backed by the US.
Oh, Islam is one of the big religions.

No... Islam is the Political Cult POSING as a Large Religion. There is no potential Religious Component to Islam. It was formed by a psychotic pedophile and it's historic fruit is that which any reasonable person should readily expect from a cult, formed from the half-baked, irrational notions of a psychotic pedophile; which if you've not been keeping score, is a record of a thousand years of mass-murder, violence, rape, terrorism and tyranny; not at all distinct from any other facet of the Ideological Left.
We send over troops, and end up creating ever worse problems and then, because we are seen as invaders, we serve as a focal point to rally opposition. In the end - no matter how many troops we send in, it won't matter if the surrounding nations can't reconcile their differences, cooperate and rout this evil because it is an evil rooted in that region's conflicts.

Yes... you can't free a people who have a history of thousands of years of readily succumbing to tyranny. Such is the nature of the Muslim. They crave to be cared for... as do all socialists.

Therefore the solution is to NOT Free them, but to conquer them.

Of course, to do that, we must first conquer the Ideological Left OVER HERE!

And THAT is the part that gets people all confused... 'oh we can't do that'... which is what informs you that THOSE people are part of the problem.
Trump is giving the most confusing messages of anyone I have ever seen that sought the Presidency. First he says he will take care of ISIS and that we need to destroy them, then he criticizes Jeb for saying that we need to show Iraq that we have :"skin in the game." Which is it Donald?

Until the GOP realizes he is a Snake Oil salesman who is only in this for Donald, they will be dragged along by the nose, devouring every lie this man speaks. My dog could beat Trump in the General and I don't even have a dog!

:tank: "Where to now, Commander in Chief Trump?"
He criticized jeb for saying that because after spending 2 trillion bucks and losing 2,000 troops weve already lost plenty of skin.
We send over troops, and end up creating ever worse problems and then, because we are seen as invaders, we serve as a focal point to rally opposition. In the end - no matter how many troops we send in, it won't matter if the surrounding nations can't reconcile their differences, cooperate and rout this evil because it is an evil rooted in that region's conflicts.

Yes... you can't free a people who have a history of thousands of years of readily succumbing to tyranny. Such is the nature of the Muslim. They crave to be cared for... as do all socialists.

Therefore the solution is to NOT Free them, but to conquer them.

Of course, to do that, we must first conquer the Ideological Left OVER HERE!

And THAT is the part that gets people all confused... 'oh we can't do that'... which is what informs you that THOSE people are part of the problem.

You should look into meds to "conquer" your significant delusional outrage.
Trump is giving the most confusing messages of anyone I have ever seen that sought the Presidency. First he says he will take care of ISIS and that we need to destroy them, then he criticizes Jeb for saying that we need to show Iraq that we have :"skin in the game." Which is it Donald?

Until the GOP realizes he is a Snake Oil salesman who is only in this for Donald, they will be dragged along by the nose, devouring every lie this man speaks. My dog could beat Trump in the General and I don't even have a dog!

:tank: "Where to now, Commander in Chief Trump?"
He criticized jeb for saying that because after spending 2 trillion bucks and losing 2,000 troops weve already lost plenty of skin.

You'll note that at EVERY POINT in the War on Islam, in both the Iraqi and Afghan Theaters.... US troops suffered the highest losses after the Ideological Left forced the administration into one or another PC concessions.

Again... you cannot defeat the enemy OVER THERE... until you defeat the enemy OVER HERE!
Trump is giving the most confusing messages of anyone I have ever seen that sought the Presidency. First he says he will take care of ISIS and that we need to destroy them, then he criticizes Jeb for saying that we need to show Iraq that we have :"skin in the game." Which is it Donald?

Until the GOP realizes he is a Snake Oil salesman who is only in this for Donald, they will be dragged along by the nose, devouring every lie this man speaks. My dog could beat Trump in the General and I don't even have a dog!

:tank: "Where to now, Commander in Chief Trump?"
He criticized jeb for saying that because after spending 2 trillion bucks and losing 2,000 troops weve already lost plenty of skin.

And Trump wants to do the same with ISIS.
You should look into meds to "conquer" your significant delusional outrage.

Target acquired... (Reader, note the unavoidable signs of "The Problem" in the above cited would-be "Contribution". Now, the simple, self Evident truth is, that we cannot defeat the Enemy over THERE, until the enemy over HERE is defeated. There is no point sending troops to fight those who those over here are set and ready to support... . And that is truly all there is to this incredibly simple social equation)
Trump is giving the most confusing messages of anyone I have ever seen that sought the Presidency. First he says he will take care of ISIS and that we need to destroy them, then he criticizes Jeb for saying that we need to show Iraq that we have :"skin in the game." Which is it Donald?

Until the GOP realizes he is a Snake Oil salesman who is only in this for Donald, they will be dragged along by the nose, devouring every lie this man speaks. My dog could beat Trump in the General and I don't even have a dog!

:tank: "Where to now, Commander in Chief Trump?"
He criticized jeb for saying that because after spending 2 trillion bucks and losing 2,000 troops weve already lost plenty of skin.

You'll note that at EVERY POINT in the War on Islam, in both the Iraqi and Afghan Theaters.... US troops suffered the highest losses after the Ideological Left forced the administration into one or another PC concessions.

Again... you cannot defeat the enemy OVER THERE... until you defeat the enemy OVER HERE!

So did the "ideological left" force us to spend two trillion dollars and lose thousands of lives in Iraq. You can't rewrite history books....outside of Texas, that is....
Trump is giving the most confusing messages of anyone I have ever seen that sought the Presidency. First he says he will take care of ISIS and that we need to destroy them, then he criticizes Jeb for saying that we need to show Iraq that we have :"skin in the game." Which is it Donald?

Until the GOP realizes he is a Snake Oil salesman who is only in this for Donald, they will be dragged along by the nose, devouring every lie this man speaks. My dog could beat Trump in the General and I don't even have a dog!

:tank: "Where to now, Commander in Chief Trump?"
He criticized jeb for saying that because after spending 2 trillion bucks and losing 2,000 troops weve already lost plenty of skin.

You'll note that at EVERY POINT in the War on Islam, in both the Iraqi and Afghan Theaters.... US troops suffered the highest losses after the Ideological Left forced the administration into one or another PC concessions.

Again... you cannot defeat the enemy OVER THERE... until you defeat the enemy OVER HERE!

So did the "ideological left" force us to spend two trillion dollars and lose thousands of lives in Iraq. You can't rewrite history books....outside of Texas, that is....

Yes... you did. And ya did so when you began defending the Muslims as Victims... just as you did for the Chinese in the Korean War, the VietCong in the Vietnamese War, the Cubans in Grenada... and so on.

Again... that you refuse to recognize self-evident truth, is the first and best sign that YOU are part of THE PROBLEM, and that to SOLVE: THE PROBLEM... YOU and people LIKE YOU must first be stripped of your means to speak publicly; meaning that YOU and people LIKE YOU, must first be conquered HERE, before we can solve THE PROBLEM: Over There.
ISIS executes antiquities prof Khaled al-As'ad in Palmyra -

These people are scum. Why doesn't the Arab world and other countries in the middle east take these barbarians out. WE should not be fighting their war.....MISTER TRUMP!

Do the Saudi's think ISIS will not eventually come after them?

OMG, thank you, thank you, thank you......there are over 1 1/2 billion muslims in the world.....un fuckin believable, these people can not contain and destroy ISIS, unfuckinbelievable. Yet they expect the US to take care of this shit. Our days of policing the planet has got to end somewhere and its time the muslim world take on this shit and deal with it.
Actually the Obama party is pretty becoming the ISIS of the united States

they want to PURGE us of historical statues, flags and everything else they DEEM offensive to their sensitive sensibilities

GTFOOH.....purging you racist scum bags of racist shit that you morons hold dear and to the heart is not, I repeat is not an Obama move. The man could give a shit about your sorry ass necks of me!!
I despise ISIS- and this is just another hideous killing by them.

Does that mean we should send in American troops into another Middle Eastern war to try to fix the Middle East and stop another group of religious fanatics?

I don't think so.

We should however be providing as much support for the Kurds and others who are willing to fight ISIS as necessary.
Tell that to Turkey who is sabotaging our efforts by bombing Kurds.

That's part of the problem in combating ISIS - there a zillion different ethnic/religious/tribal conflicts going on in that stew, and shifting alliances depending on what each group needs at the moment.
Oh, Islam is one of the big religions.

No... Islam is the Political Cult POSING as a Large Religion. There is no potential Religious Component to Islam. It was formed by a psychotic pedophile and it's historic fruit is that which any reasonable person should readily expect from a cult, formed from the half-baked, irrational notions of a psychotic pedophile; which if you've not been keeping score, is a record of a thousand years of mass-murder, violence, rape, terrorism and tyranny; not at all distinct from any other facet of the Ideological Left.

Islam is a religion and has been recognized as such for well over a thousand years. Just because some newly hatched rightwing bigots come along and claim it isn't doesn't make it so. Kind of like you love to ignore over a millinium of religious violence sweeping back and forth across Europe in the name of some misbegotten psychotic prophet, politically ambitious pope who claims to be a deity's spokesman or a bastard resurrected zombie off spring of a deity with anger management issues. Take your pick or do us a favor and chat up a burning bush.
When some one comes talking to you about "self-evident truth" and says he is the interpreter (prophet) (political leader) (ideologist) (philosopher) of it, put your hand over your wallet, and back away keeping your eyes on his hands. Such a person is very dangerous.

Of course, Islam is a religion. Such sillies as Protectionist and Key are the outliers that prove the rule.
ISIS executes antiquities prof Khaled al-As'ad in Palmyra -

These people are scum. Why doesn't the Arab world and other countries in the middle east take these barbarians out. WE should not be fighting their war.....MISTER TRUMP!

Do the Saudi's think ISIS will not eventually come after them?

and then hung him like meat

well wonderful, they also hang those they find are homosexual. hangs them like MEAT or tosses them off high buildings to see how they BOUNCE. they BURY women up to their necks and throw ROCKS at them until they are DEAD. but according to Obama AND you cult followers of his: they are peace lovers. you fools

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