ISIS beheads antiquities expert

You know, they never found the body of Adolph Hitler....but.....No, couldn't be. But this could be Adolph Jr.......

You are a lunatic. You must be a very miserable person. W invades Iraq and Progressives are blamed. I must admit, your imagination and your revised historical accounts are impressive. I did not know that the SS troops were still in existence.

Yes, I'm a lunatic for pointing out that you and people like you; the chronic defenders of Islam, the purveyors of the idiocy that "Islam is the Victim of US Aggression", etc... are THE PROBLEM, and merely noting further, that there is NO POTENTIAL WAY to solve the problem over THERE without first solving THE PROBLEM here, first.

Suffice it to say, that your position is a classic demonstration of WHY people like you must be erased, in the US, before the US can be again be FREE.

It's coming... and when it comes, you and people like you will be erased. The simple truth is that there is no potential for an alternative. You can feel anyway ya like about it, but it isn't going to change anything.

Wow! I assume "erased" means "killed"..."eradicated"....."snuffed out"? I am afeared.....:ack-1:

No need to be afeared... death is merely the transition from this life to the next; which in your case is eternity in incomprehensible anguish.

It's not like you're going to avoid it.

You are one funny guy! Seriously warped, but very funny!:lmao:
He is as funny as any brown shirt.
You know, they never found the body of Adolph Hitler....but.....No, couldn't be. But this could be Adolph Jr.......

You are a lunatic. You must be a very miserable person. W invades Iraq and Progressives are blamed. I must admit, your imagination and your revised historical accounts are impressive. I did not know that the SS troops were still in existence.

Yes, I'm a lunatic for pointing out that you and people like you; the chronic defenders of Islam, the purveyors of the idiocy that "Islam is the Victim of US Aggression", etc... are THE PROBLEM, and merely noting further, that there is NO POTENTIAL WAY to solve the problem over THERE without first solving THE PROBLEM here, first.

Suffice it to say, that your position is a classic demonstration of WHY people like you must be erased, in the US, before the US can be again be FREE.

It's coming... and when it comes, you and people like you will be erased. The simple truth is that there is no potential for an alternative. You can feel anyway ya like about it, but it isn't going to change anything.

Wow! I assume "erased" means "killed"..."eradicated"....."snuffed out"? I am afeared.....:ack-1:

No need to be afeared... death is merely the transition from this life to the next; which in your case is eternity in incomprehensible anguish.

It's not like you're going to avoid it.

You are one funny guy! Seriously warped, but very funny!:lmao:
He is as funny as any brown shirt.

The color brown does come to mind when I read his stuff.
Oh, Islam is one of the big religions.

No... Islam is the Political Cult POSING as a Large Religion. There is no potential Religious Component to Islam. It was formed by a psychotic pedophile and it's historic fruit is that which any reasonable person should readily expect from a cult, formed from the half-baked, irrational notions of a psychotic pedophile; which if you've not been keeping score, is a record of a thousand years of mass-murder, violence, rape, terrorism and tyranny; not at all distinct from any other facet of the Ideological Left.

Islam is a religion and has been recognized as such for well over a thousand years. Just because some newly hatched rightwing bigots come along and claim it isn't doesn't make it so. Kind of like you love to ignore over a millinium of religious violence sweeping back and forth across Europe in the name of some misbegotten psychotic prophet, politically ambitious pope who claims to be a deity's spokesman or a bastard resurrected zombie off spring of a deity with anger management issues. Take your pick or do us a favor and chat up a burning bush.

Reader... in the event that you've ever wondered: "What does it look like when the Ideological Left defends Islam?"... ^ THAT ^ cited above, is "The Ideological Left, defending Islam."

No... Islam is the Political Cult POSING as a Large Religion.

There is no potential Religious Component to Islam. It was formed by a psychotic pedophile and it's historic fruit is that which any reasonable person should readily expect from a cult, formed from the half-baked, irrational notions of a psychotic pedophile; which if you've not been keeping score, is a record of a thousand years of mass-murder, violence, rape, terrorism and tyranny; not at all distinct from any other facet of the Ideological Left.

I love how these delusional wingnuts think they can redefine a world religion on a whim. I suppose they believe if they say it often enough it becomes "truth". Bless their pointy little heads :)

Now pardon me while I review two thousand years of religious violence, conquest, terrorism and tyranny in the name of a ressurected holy zombie and a diety who rapes 12 yr old girls :lol:

You are entitled to your thinking, Coyote, just like Keys.

The difference is that you are harmless, whereas Keys would do violence if he could get away with it. I bet he is on LEO's awareness screen.
You are entitled to your thinking, Coyote, just like Keys.

The difference is that you are harmless, whereas Keys would do violence if he could get away with it. I bet he is on LEO's awareness screen.

I am irreverent, but I do not dislike any of the religions - they have their good and evil sides. Religion is a tool that can easily be misused to rationalize evil. What is sad is when people broadbrush or attempt to delegitimize an entire faith or deprive innocent people of their rights...because of hate and fear. No good ever comes of that, as we can see around the world.
Coyote, I agree with that. Your critique applies equally to those who are atheists. Extremists and fanatics of all sorts threaten the human race.
Coyote, I agree with that. Your critique applies equally to those who are atheists. Extremists and fanatics of all sorts threaten the human race.

I find no real difference between extremist religious ideologies (or anti-religious ideologies) and extremist political ideologies. They have much more incommon with each other than they do with the mainstream of their faiths.
Excellent point. Christian extremism is ideology not religion, for instance, and as such shares a fundamental spirit with others, such as ISIS or Boko Haram or the Hindu militants. All are as dangerous to man as were Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, and Mao Tse Tung, who had shed their religious education by the time of reaching power.
Oh, Islam is one of the big religions.

No... Islam is the Political Cult POSING as a Large Religion. There is no potential Religious Component to Islam. It was formed by a psychotic pedophile and it's historic fruit is that which any reasonable person should readily expect from a cult, formed from the half-baked, irrational notions of a psychotic pedophile; which if you've not been keeping score, is a record of a thousand years of mass-murder, violence, rape, terrorism and tyranny; not at all distinct from any other facet of the Ideological Left.

Islam is a religion and has been recognized as such for well over a thousand years. Just because some newly hatched rightwing bigots come along and claim it isn't doesn't make it so. Kind of like you love to ignore over a millinium of religious violence sweeping back and forth across Europe in the name of some misbegotten psychotic prophet, politically ambitious pope who claims to be a deity's spokesman or a bastard resurrected zombie off spring of a deity with anger management issues. Take your pick or do us a favor and chat up a burning bush.

Reader... in the event that you've ever wondered: "What does it look like when the Ideological Left defends Islam?"... ^ THAT ^ cited above, is "The Ideological Left, defending Islam."

No... Islam is the Political Cult POSING as a Large Religion.

There is no potential Religious Component to Islam. It was formed by a psychotic pedophile and it's historic fruit is that which any reasonable person should readily expect from a cult, formed from the half-baked, irrational notions of a psychotic pedophile; which if you've not been keeping score, is a record of a thousand years of mass-murder, violence, rape, terrorism and tyranny; not at all distinct from any other facet of the Ideological Left.

I love how these delusional wingnuts think they can redefine a world religion on a whim. I suppose they believe if they say it often enough it becomes "truth". Bless their pointy little heads :)

Now pardon me while I review two thousand years of religious violence, conquest, terrorism and tyranny in the name of a ressurected holy zombie and a diety who rapes 12 yr old girls :lol:


As opposed to Christianity with two thousand years of religious violence, even traipsing from England to Jerusalem just for a fight in the name of God, or going to what is now Latin America and killing millions to spread their religion and get some gold. Tyranny, well, so many tyrannical Christian leaders out there.
As for 12 year old girls. Well everyone knows that the Catholic Church is more into 12 year old boys than girls.
As opposed to Christianity with two thousand years of religious violence, even traipsing from England to Jerusalem just for a fight in the name of God, or going to what is now Latin America and killing millions to spread their religion and get some gold. Tyranny, well, so many tyrannical Christian leaders out there.
As for 12 year old girls. Well everyone knows that the Catholic Church is more into 12 year old boys than girls.
Include everybody, frigid, just as I did in #88.
Religion or doesn't really matter. When someone takes an extreme and dogmatic stance on their beliefs or ideologies, such as we see with ISIS, others will suffer. Political extremists are fairly self identifying. Some on the far right and others on the far left present unique challenges to anyone outside their personal beliefs.
oh well, how many has been beheaded and Obama just YAWNS.

and so do you followers of the Democrat party
Right, because there is so much we can do to stop that.

I'm not willing to sacrifice American soldiers to stop it.

I might be willing to send you to fight them
Then you are as balless as obuthole.
Lovely then, you, Stephanie, Obiwan, and HenryBHough, can take your geriatric old pruned up asses and go die for ragheads
oh well, how many has been beheaded and Obama just YAWNS.

and so do you followers of the Democrat party
Right, because there is so much we can do to stop that.

I'm not willing to sacrifice American soldiers to stop it.

I might be willing to send you to fight them
Then you are as balless as obuthole.
Lovely then, you, Stephanie, Obiwan, and HenryBHough, can take your geriatric old pruned up asses and go die for ragheads
You are an idiot. The only fools willing to die FOR ragheads are obuthole and libtards.
oh well, how many has been beheaded and Obama just YAWNS.

and so do you followers of the Democrat party
Right, because there is so much we can do to stop that.

I'm not willing to sacrifice American soldiers to stop it.

I might be willing to send you to fight them
Then you are as balless as obuthole.
Lovely then, you, Stephanie, Obiwan, and HenryBHough, can take your geriatric old pruned up asses and go die for ragheads
You are an idiot. The only fools willing to die FOR ragheads are obuthole and libtards.

You must had an issue with reading comprehension. It is the RW loons that are advocating using military violence against ISIS. Rumor is Staph is trying to volunteer as a "aged" mercenary now....
Kind of like you love to ignore over a millinium of religious violence sweeping back and forth across Europe in the name of some misbegotten psychotic prophet, politically ambitious pope who claims to be a deity's spokesman or a bastard resurrected zombie off spring of a deity with anger management issues. Take your pick or do us a favor and chat up a burning bush.

One of the most vile and hateful things regarding Christianity I've ever read. There will come a time in your life when you will be without power or hope to save yourself or a loved one and you will ask God for help....Remember what you wrote here when that moment comes....He will.
Oh, Islam is one of the big religions.

No... Islam is the Political Cult POSING as a Large Religion. There is no potential Religious Component to Islam. It was formed by a psychotic pedophile and it's historic fruit is that which any reasonable person should readily expect from a cult, formed from the half-baked, irrational notions of a psychotic pedophile; which if you've not been keeping score, is a record of a thousand years of mass-murder, violence, rape, terrorism and tyranny; not at all distinct from any other facet of the Ideological Left.

Islam is a religion and has been recognized as such for well over a thousand years. Just because some newly hatched rightwing bigots come along and claim it isn't doesn't make it so. Kind of like you love to ignore over a millinium of religious violence sweeping back and forth across Europe in the name of some misbegotten psychotic prophet, politically ambitious pope who claims to be a deity's spokesman or a bastard resurrected zombie off spring of a deity with anger management issues. Take your pick or do us a favor and chat up a burning bush.

Your comments are no better than Trump and Bush talking about "anchor babies." I am a Christian and I don't appreciate your assertions. Your extremism to the left is as dangerous as other's extremism to the right.
oh well, how many has been beheaded and Obama just YAWNS.

and so do you followers of the Democrat party
Right, because there is so much we can do to stop that.

I'm not willing to sacrifice American soldiers to stop it.

I might be willing to send you to fight them
Then you are as balless as obuthole.
Lovely then, you, Stephanie, Obiwan, and HenryBHough, can take your geriatric old pruned up asses and go die for ragheads
You are an idiot. The only fools willing to die FOR ragheads are obuthole and libtards.

You must had an issue with reading comprehension. It is the RW loons that are advocating using military violence against ISIS. Rumor is Staph is trying to volunteer as a "aged" mercenary now....
I meant libtards want to throw down their lives honoring mooooslims. If I could I would join her. Thanks to incompetent libtards we won't have to leave the U.S.
Oh, Islam is one of the big religions.

No... Islam is the Political Cult POSING as a Large Religion. There is no potential Religious Component to Islam. It was formed by a psychotic pedophile and it's historic fruit is that which any reasonable person should readily expect from a cult, formed from the half-baked, irrational notions of a psychotic pedophile; which if you've not been keeping score, is a record of a thousand years of mass-murder, violence, rape, terrorism and tyranny; not at all distinct from any other facet of the Ideological Left.

Islam is a religion and has been recognized as such for well over a thousand years. Just because some newly hatched rightwing bigots come along and claim it isn't doesn't make it so. Kind of like you love to ignore over a millinium of religious violence sweeping back and forth across Europe in the name of some misbegotten psychotic prophet, politically ambitious pope who claims to be a deity's spokesman or a bastard resurrected zombie off spring of a deity with anger management issues. Take your pick or do us a favor and chat up a burning bush.

Your comments are no better than Trump and Bush talking about "anchor babies." I am a Christian and I don't appreciate your assertions. Your extremism to the left is as dangerous as other's extremism to the right.

I'm sarcastic and irreverent and make no apologies. It's between me and God. If God didn't want us to poke fun at religion, he wouldn't have given us humor. Or Charlie Hebdo.
Oh, Islam is one of the big religions.

No... Islam is the Political Cult POSING as a Large Religion. There is no potential Religious Component to Islam. It was formed by a psychotic pedophile and it's historic fruit is that which any reasonable person should readily expect from a cult, formed from the half-baked, irrational notions of a psychotic pedophile; which if you've not been keeping score, is a record of a thousand years of mass-murder, violence, rape, terrorism and tyranny; not at all distinct from any other facet of the Ideological Left.

Islam is a religion and has been recognized as such for well over a thousand years. Just because some newly hatched rightwing bigots come along and claim it isn't doesn't make it so. Kind of like you love to ignore over a millinium of religious violence sweeping back and forth across Europe in the name of some misbegotten psychotic prophet, politically ambitious pope who claims to be a deity's spokesman or a bastard resurrected zombie off spring of a deity with anger management issues. Take your pick or do us a favor and chat up a burning bush.

Your comments are no better than Trump and Bush talking about "anchor babies." I am a Christian and I don't appreciate your assertions. Your extremism to the left is as dangerous as other's extremism to the right.

There's no such thing as an Extreme Right-winger... .
As opposed to Christianity with two thousand years of religious violence, even traipsing from England to Jerusalem just for a fight in the name of God, or going to what is now Latin America and killing millions to spread their religion and get some gold. Tyranny, well, so many tyrannical Christian leaders out there.
As for 12 year old girls. Well everyone knows that the Catholic Church is more into 12 year old boys than girls.
Include everybody, frigid, just as I did in #88.

Oh, sure. However sometimes it's a matter of getting people to think empathetic. Take their religion, their way of life and show how it can be viewed as bad as they are viewing others.

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