ISIS captures Syrian gas field, executes soldiers and civilians

Many nonsense was reported and reports contradict them selfs. Not easy to gather correct information.

Syrian Army cleaned the gas field from ISIS terrorists.
In addition, a military source said, “The army imposed its control over all hillsides surrounding the al-Shaer gas field,” which put the field within range of their weapons. He further indicated that “wholesale numbers of IS militants were withdrawing under heavy fire from the Syrian army," and that the "battle will be decided very shortly.”
Showdown begins between Syrian army, Islamic State - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

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ISIS again tried to take over the region but was decimated by Syrian forces instead.

On 28 October, ISIL re-attacked the Sha'er gas field, leaving at least 30 government troops and an unknown number of ISIS insurgents dead. ISIS managed to capture large parts of the oil and gas field. However, Al-Masdar put the death tolls at 18 government troops and over 30 ISIS militants, while 11 soldiers were wounded. It also claimed that by 9 AM the Army had recaptured parts of the gas field the next day and recaptured wells 101 and 102 of the gas field on the 30th.

SOHR, however, reported that ISIL regained control over the Shaer Gas field on 30 October, forcing the Syrian Army to pull back from the area.[1] According to the MASAR news agency, at this point, 50 soldiers and 15 ISIL fighters were killed in the clashes. It was also reported that ISIS captured 17 soldiers and many military vehicles. The next day, ISIL took control over the Hayyan Gas Company affiliated to Sha’er Gas Field and, according to SOHR, could cut off the Damscus-Tadmor-Homs highway, upon reaching the Hama-al-Raqqa road junction.

Al-Masdar reported that ISIL had launched a full-scale offensive in the Jabal Sha'ar area, which includes the gas field, and an attack on Teefour Airbase was attempted. The Syrian Army managed to repel the attacks on the airbase and subsequently attacked insurgent forces at Umm Rajab farms. Al-Masdar reports of heavy casualties on both sides: government troops suffered 36 dead and 61 wounded, while ISIS lost over 100 fighters. Reinforcements were expected to arrive and boost the SAA's defense of the area.

According to Elijah J. Magnier, ISIL also captured the Zimlat al Maher (Syriatel) hill, forcing the SAA to pull back to the Teefour Airbase and confirmed that the Sha'er gas field was captured by the militants. He also noted that Rayan gas field, east of Shaer, and Jahar field, south of Shaer, were still under government control.

On 2 November, multiple unconfirmed reports from pro-government and opposition sources said that both Hayan and Shaer were recaptured by government forces. According to pro-government sources, the Syrian Desert Falcons, a unit composed of veterans specialized in desert warfare, participated in the assault.

On 3 November, ISIL claimed their forces captured the Jahar gas field, while Al-Masdar reported that the Army had recaptured Hayyan Gas Field. The next day, the Army recaptured the village of Kherbet al-Tayyas, northeast of the T4 airbase.

According to Elijah J. Magnier on the 5th of November the Syrian army recaptured the Zimlat al Maher (Syriatel) hill and secured the road leading to Tadamur,Farkalas and the road to Tiyas military airport.
Second Battle of the Shaer gas field - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Homs , SANA –Minister of Oil and Mineral Resources Suleiman al-Abbas said that plans and necessary programs are in place and coordination is underway with the staff in Hayan and Ebla oil companies, to repair the damaged facilities due to the attacks of terrorist organizations on the al –Shaer main station, al –Muher field and the gas station in order to restart production as soon as possible.

The minister stressed during a tour of al- Shaer gas field in Homs province on redoubling efforts to re-run gas production facilities.

Al-Abbas pointed out that supplying the electric power stations with gas will reduce the hours of electricity rationing.

Units of the army and armed forces in the cooperation with the Popular Defense Groups tightened full control over the al –Shaer mountain and surroundings hills in the Homs eastern countryside after forcing out the terrorist groups from the area.
Oil minister in al Shaer gas field Reproduction as soon as possible Syrian Arab News Agency

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