ISIS Strategy USA: Target Purveyors, Take Back Ground, Open Opportunities For All!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
So the Republicans have further created the copycat terrorist approach, of selecting out targets for planned attacks: To bar immigration of refugees, except for some--maybe only those found loyal to Confucius(?). The ISIS photo-op creators have mostly recently done so themselves, threatening mainly Washington, D. C., and not other locations.

Since the US Administration identifies the problem as originating in a loosely allied, religious based faction, able to get disaffected individuals to promptly die: Then the strategy in place is to make that a less compelling alternative. The problem exists multi-nationally. RNC wants to focus on a few square miles instead. The problem exists multi-nationally. RNC wants to offer assistance to only a selective few, instead. The problem exists multi-nationally. RNC wants to discourage any potentially disaffected from accepting the national Civil Libertarian brand of USA, making it not an option for the disaffected. The RNC wants to be exclusive, just like ISIS and Al Qaeda. There are two brands of Caliphate, opposed to kind of Western brand, (even said based in "Go It Alone).

Not that any of that is new for RNC. They tend to reflect who they are, in how they rant and deliver. Their membership is generally selectively, upper middle class and white. The options and strategies they advocate as policy tend to benefit the upper middle class, and white. They tend not to be inclusive of all peoples, but are prone to exclude all kinds of peoples, and in religious and other membership organizations. Other organizations, such as planned parenthood, are regarded like the theater performance in the attack in Paris--a perversion.

And so they have shown themselves all weekend long. The President of the United States actually had to explain that all away at an international conference, on the border of Syria itself. On the one hand, the willing-to-promptly-die are not celebrating other people's civil liberties. They attack, kill, and die. On the other hand, the RNC rarely celebrates other people's civil liberties. They will create a fiction of efficacy around the use of other people's children in uniform--to die in a few miles of dust. There is no pretense at safeguarding their civil liberties, even to the matter of any eventual use of their cajones(?). They can die, and RNC can be happy. There will be no counter-offensive of celebrated values included. Exclusion is already on the table at home and abroad. RNC proposes no international persuasion opposing the compulsion of the neo-religion, for the potentially attracted, to consider the civil libertarian alternative instead.

Obama says ground troops to fight ISIS would be mistake -

Probably Lincoln was like this--with the notable exception of inclusion--of everyone in the concept, "Promptly Die," . . .unless they were colored(?)! Many might wonder if the Nazis had a role model, here, or what(?)! Mostly, in fact, no one does.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes find the progress slow: Accepting original values of indigenous peoples worldwide, with basis in living progressive, productive lives!).

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