ISIS Surrounding Baghdad

"Mission Accomplished!"

Obama owns ISIS not Bush. ISIS was a two bit terror outfit until 2011 when they started hitting hard under Baghdadi in Syria and have become the largest and wealthiest terror army on the planet.

Obama and other western leaders were so invested in trying to remove Assad from power at any cost they turned a blind eye to ISIS.

Even as ISIS was invading Iraq assholes in the west were saying that this was a civil war in Iraq. Bull freaking shit. It was a full on invasion by this huge terror army.

And now here we are. This is not going to end well.

Bush broke, Obama wanted the job, thus he owns it now.

That's true. Obama has to deal with yet one more Cheney/Bush fuck up.
The quote is from W's declaration that the mission to conventionally invade Iraq, defeat Iraq's armed forces, occupy Baghdad with minimal losses, etc was a success.

That was true, and all would have been rosy had he not decided to stay in Iraq and try to engage in nation building and impose a western style democracy on a 13th century Islamic culture.

That was not a success.

"We will be greeted as liberators" wasn't correct either, nor "It WAS worth it".

Some greeted us as liberators, but most people have an aversion to seeing their towns and cities bombed.

And it was wroth it going in to get Hussein, but not worth staying and trying to turn it into a western democracy.

Perhaps some less than 2 trillion could have been funneled to the opposition, it was not worth 4,684 US lives, plus at LEAST the lives of tens of thousands of others, to "take out" The Man Who Threatened Poppy". More thousands of US soldiers maimed, but Cheney made a bundle.
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"Mission Accomplished!"

Obama owns ISIS not Bush. ISIS was a two bit terror outfit until 2011 when they started hitting hard under Baghdadi in Syria and have become the largest and wealthiest terror army on the planet.

Obama and other western leaders were so invested in trying to remove Assad from power at any cost they turned a blind eye to ISIS.

Even as ISIS was invading Iraq assholes in the west were saying that this was a civil war in Iraq. Bull freaking shit. It was a full on invasion by this huge terror army.

And now here we are. This is not going to end well.

He does NOW, Bush started it but Obama worked for the job, Obama's duty to finish it(.)
Just take a look at the map.


Iraqi Militants Seize Christian Towns - WSJ

Two other towns in the area, Bartella and Karmalees, also fell under Islamic State control overnight, said Joseph Thomas, the Chaldean Archbishop of Kirkuk and Sulaymaniya. Mr. Thomas and local officials said the latest advance has nearly purged northwestern Iraq of its Christian population.

"Those towns are now devoid of their original inhabitants. The displaced people are roaming the roads and riding whatever vehicle they can to get out," Mr. Thomas said. Tal Keif Mayor Bassem Bello said people also fled his town by foot, as cars jammed the road to make the hourlong drive to the province of Dohuk—part of the country's Kurdish region—overnight.

"The Nineveh plain yesterday was emptied of its people," Mr. Bello said by telephone. "There is not a Christian town left standing." Mr. Bello said the majority of Tel Keif's 30,000 residents fled; if anyone was left behind, he warned they were in great danger from the Sunni extremists on a campaign to seize territory and drive out Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities.

This is happening because westerners see no interest in defending innocent Christian populations in the Middle East. IF these were Jewish populations there would be a shit storm because Jewish interests are organized like almost everyone else.

So why don't Christians organize to defend their own interests like Hindis, Muslims, Jews, Pagans, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, you name the group.

Is it somehow ennobling to let other people of your faith get slaughtered like cattle?

There used to be 1.5 million when Bush invaded with most of those leaving when Bush failed to protect them from being shot and crucified and their churches bombed. Now, there are less than 200,000. There just aren't enough young men or money to protect them. The Iraqi army that Bush disbanded was more than that at 250,000.

Bush: 'I can't remember why we disbanded the Iraqi army'
Just take a look at the map.


Iraqi Militants Seize Christian Towns - WSJ

Two other towns in the area, Bartella and Karmalees, also fell under Islamic State control overnight, said Joseph Thomas, the Chaldean Archbishop of Kirkuk and Sulaymaniya. Mr. Thomas and local officials said the latest advance has nearly purged northwestern Iraq of its Christian population.

"Those towns are now devoid of their original inhabitants. The displaced people are roaming the roads and riding whatever vehicle they can to get out," Mr. Thomas said. Tal Keif Mayor Bassem Bello said people also fled his town by foot, as cars jammed the road to make the hourlong drive to the province of Dohuk—part of the country's Kurdish region—overnight.

"The Nineveh plain yesterday was emptied of its people," Mr. Bello said by telephone. "There is not a Christian town left standing." Mr. Bello said the majority of Tel Keif's 30,000 residents fled; if anyone was left behind, he warned they were in great danger from the Sunni extremists on a campaign to seize territory and drive out Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities.

This is happening because westerners see no interest in defending innocent Christian populations in the Middle East. IF these were Jewish populations there would be a shit storm because Jewish interests are organized like almost everyone else.

So why don't Christians organize to defend their own interests like Hindis, Muslims, Jews, Pagans, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, you name the group.

Is it somehow ennobling to let other people of your faith get slaughtered like cattle?

There used to be 1.5 million when Bush invaded with most of those leaving when Bush failed to protect them from being shot and crucified and their churches bombed. Now, there are less than 200,000. There just aren't enough young men or money to protect them. The Iraqi army that Bush disbanded was more than that at 250,000.

Bush: 'I can't remember why we disbanded the Iraqi army'

While I do not have a problem with invading Iraq for many reasons, like their repeated violations of the cease fire agreement, I do fault Bush for breaking his pledge to not get into nation building.

Most of our loss of lives, limbs, morale and treasure has been in the catastrophic occupation to rebuild Iraq as a western democracy. The culture there is not capable of anything more than rigged elections and corruption similar to what we have in Illinois and the NE US.

It will be decades at least before they are capable of real democracy.

And I do remember why they said they disbanded the Iraqi Army; it was too politicized with too many Baathists.

Problem is if you obliterate and ignore what is left of the opposing government to include its military, then you have no one left to SURRENDER the country to you and you are left with endless war if there are people willing to keep fighting it.

Allowing the Nazis to surrender BEFORE dismantling their government is one of those tricky little sequence thingies we used to get right and it put to an end the planned partisan war.
"Mission Accomplished!"

Obama owns ISIS not Bush. ISIS was a two bit terror outfit until 2011 when they started hitting hard under Baghdadi in Syria and have become the largest and wealthiest terror army on the planet.

Obama and other western leaders were so invested in trying to remove Assad from power at any cost they turned a blind eye to ISIS.

Even as ISIS was invading Iraq assholes in the west were saying that this was a civil war in Iraq. Bull freaking shit. It was a full on invasion by this huge terror army.

And now here we are. This is not going to end well.

Yup and here's a little history os ISIS.

The Evolution of ISIS - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East
"Mission Accomplished!"

Obama owns ISIS not Bush. ISIS was a two bit terror outfit until 2011 when they started hitting hard under Baghdadi in Syria and have become the largest and wealthiest terror army on the planet.

Obama and other western leaders were so invested in trying to remove Assad from power at any cost they turned a blind eye to ISIS.

Even as ISIS was invading Iraq assholes in the west were saying that this was a civil war in Iraq. Bull freaking shit. It was a full on invasion by this huge terror army.

And now here we are. This is not going to end well.

Yup and here's a little history os ISIS.

The Evolution of ISIS - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

from your article

Some estimates suggest that about 65% of Jabhat al-Nusra elements quickly declared their allegiance to ISIS. Most of those were non-Syrian jihadists. Entire brigades joined ISIS, among them was the Mujahedeen Shura Council led by Abu al-Atheer, whom ISIS appointed emir of Aleppo, and Jaish al-Muhajireen and al-Ansar, led by Omar al-Chechani.
Read more: The Evolution of ISIS - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East
Seems they are all terrorists and we should bomb the hell out of em.

Hope they do.

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