ISIS threatens to destroy Mecca


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
I have heard unverified reports that ISIS wants to destroy the Ka'aba, which is located within the Al-Masjid al-Haram Mosque. That happens to be the holiest place in all of Islam. ISIS has also destroyed mosques, churches, and shrines while rampaging their way across the Middle East, now they might be targeting Mecca. I am not a Muslim, but this should infuriate all of Islam. I don't care what America has done, or what Bush did. If Islam wishes to stand up to these guys, they will guard the Al-Masjid al-Haram and the Ka'aba with their lives. Such a stand will go a long way towards convincing the world that Islam does not condone this kind of terrorist behavior.

ISIS is leaving a path of destroyed churches, shrines and mosques in its wake as it storms across Syria and Iraq, and has even set its sights on Mecca -- Islam's holiest site.

The nihilistic jihadis, led by self-proclaimed descendant of Prophet Muhammad Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, have already bulldozed or blown up some of the most sacred places in Iraq, and seem bent on killing and destroying anyone or anything that does not measure up to their twisted vision of Islam. Experts say the group, which originally stood for Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, but now simply calls itself "Islamic State," has appointed itself the leading proponent of the Muslim faith.

“They see themselves as the last defenders of Islamic civilization and want to eradicate anything that they see as the enemy of Islam, and any Muslim they perceive as compromising with the West,” Yvonne Haddad, a professor at Georgetown University who specializes in the history of Islam and Christian-Muslim relations, told

ISIS destroys shrines and mosques, may be targeting Mecca | Fox News
Well wouldn't that be some shit. It might help solve the big rift between Sunni's and Shi'ites over praying 3 vs. 5 times a day! :laugh:
That would be --- very bad.

You could easily expect to see the first Civil War in all of human history where more than 5% of the population actively fought.
That would be --- very bad.

You could easily expect to see the first Civil War in all of human history where more than 5% of the population actively fought.

If correct, you may be correct. IS/ISIS is a bad news, for the world.
I find this rumor incredibly hard to believe.

It's understandable (sort of) that they'd be intent on destroying the Shi'a holy sites in Iraq - but Sunnis and Shi'a both worship at the Ka'aba - and Saudi Arabia is already a Sunni state (that more than likely is already funding ISIS in one way or another)
After 9/11, who didn't feel the urge to nuke Mecca and Medina? OK, now Muslims want to tear themselves apart, go for it. Karma, hubris, whatever. Until they can all get together and establish a unified and peaceful coexistence with the rest of the non-Muslim world, I wish them all the worst. Extinguish each other. It's Allah's will.
After 9/11, who didn't feel the urge to nuke Mecca and Medina? OK, now Muslims want to tear themselves apart, go for it. Karma, hubris, whatever. Until they can all get together and establish a unified and peaceful coexistence with the rest of the non-Muslim world, I wish them all the worst. Extinguish each other. It's Allah's will.

Um... Most people?
I find this rumor incredibly hard to believe.

It's understandable (sort of) that they'd be intent on destroying the Shi'a holy sites in Iraq - but Sunnis and Shi'a both worship at the Ka'aba - and Saudi Arabia is already a Sunni state (that more than likely is already funding ISIS in one way or another)

I hope you're right. It would break the Muslim faith in two. Forever.
After 9/11, who didn't feel the urge to nuke Mecca and Medina? OK, now Muslims want to tear themselves apart, go for it. Karma, hubris, whatever. Until they can all get together and establish a unified and peaceful coexistence with the rest of the non-Muslim world, I wish them all the worst. Extinguish each other. It's Allah's will.


Nobody (in their right minds) wants to commit genocide, Mary.
I find this rumor incredibly hard to believe.

It's understandable (sort of) that they'd be intent on destroying the Shi'a holy sites in Iraq - but Sunnis and Shi'a both worship at the Ka'aba - and Saudi Arabia is already a Sunni state (that more than likely is already funding ISIS in one way or another)

IS/ISIS is the ultimate in fundamentalism; the Kaaba is relics, including a stone, Muslims touch them, IS/ISIS is reported to consider this idolatry. (One odd site of course reports IS/ISIS is "American intelligence".)
After 9/11, who didn't feel the urge to nuke Mecca and Medina? OK, now Muslims want to tear themselves apart, go for it. Karma, hubris, whatever. Until they can all get together and establish a unified and peaceful coexistence with the rest of the non-Muslim world, I wish them all the worst. Extinguish each other. It's Allah's will.

Um... Most people?

Not I. But there is little doubt IS/ISIS has destroyed both Christian churches and mosques. ShouldIS/ISIS obtain nuclear weapons, there is also little doubt, a portion of the populated earth would be a target. The world is composed of idolatry, sin, and betrayal of Allah, in the view of Abu Bakr.
I find this rumor incredibly hard to believe.

It's understandable (sort of) that they'd be intent on destroying the Shi'a holy sites in Iraq - but Sunnis and Shi'a both worship at the Ka'aba - and Saudi Arabia is already a Sunni state (that more than likely is already funding ISIS in one way or another)
I's a silly rumor.....without substance. .. :cool:
Wait a second!...A group of Muslims wants to destroy something!
Oh yeah, makes perfect sense...if you're Muslim.
"By Allah's leave our sheikh al-Baghdadi led Mecca stone for those who worship (pilgrims) will kill you and God ' I will tear down the Ka'ba, the place of worship."

-From a supposed tweet made by an ISIS member
I find this rumor incredibly hard to believe.

It's understandable (sort of) that they'd be intent on destroying the Shi'a holy sites in Iraq - but Sunnis and Shi'a both worship at the Ka'aba - and Saudi Arabia is already a Sunni state (that more than likely is already funding ISIS in one way or another)
I's a silly rumor.....without substance. .. :cool:

Why then does IS/ISIS destroy mosques?
That's what I want to know. But the claim is unverified. Destroying mosques and churches doesn't necessarily mean they'll target the Ka'aba. They would do themselves in the moment they did, suffering the wrath of a billion Muslims at once.
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I find this rumor incredibly hard to believe.

It's understandable (sort of) that they'd be intent on destroying the Shi'a holy sites in Iraq - but Sunnis and Shi'a both worship at the Ka'aba - and Saudi Arabia is already a Sunni state (that more than likely is already funding ISIS in one way or another)
I's a silly rumor.....without substance. .. :cool:

Why then does IS/ISIS destroy mosques?
ISIS is a Sunni organization.......they only destroy Shiite mosques and holy sites. .. :cool:
ISIS is building an empire from which they can destroy the west. It would not be surprising for Baghdadi to anoint himself the mahdi.
ISIS is building an empire from which they can destroy the west. It would not be surprising for Baghdadi to anoint himself the mahdi.

No, not surprising in the least. One might say he has ruled, in his view, for 8-9 years already. But Abu Bakr isn't interested in only demolishing the West, he is starting in the mid east. He is not pleased with Sunni leaders in Saudi Arabia, and that is known; next stop, the idolatrous Mecca?

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