Isis vows more attacks on France

This story is breaking right now. Islamic State has sent a message that France remains a top target. What is France going to do? Will NATO get involved? I do not understand their anger at France. France has been more welcoming to refugees than most nations. Don't they have the largest Muslim population in Europe now? How has France led the way in the Syria conflict? What policies are they speaking of?

Islamic State says France remains top target

CAIRO (Reuters) - Islamic State claimed responsibility on Saturday for attacks that killed 127 people in Paris, saying it sent militants strapped with suicide bombing belts and carrying machine guns to various locations in the heart of the capital.

The attacks, described by France's president as an act of war, were designed to show the country would remain in danger as long as it continued its current policies, Islamic State said in a statement.

"To teach France, and all nations following its path, that they will remain at the top of Islamic State’s list of targets, and that the smell of death won’t leave their noses as long as they partake in their crusader campaign," said the group.

I think the West and the Middle East could have been friends originally.

I understand why half of the Middle East hates the West. The West is deeply hypocritical, this is illustrated by it's cherry-picking who is okay and who isn't okay, even though the nations deemed okay are doing exactly the same things that the nations deemed not okay are doing.

EG. Whilst I agree that the case to bomb Afghanistan made sense, as many Ql-Qaeda training camps and commanders where there and of course The Taliban....Afghanistan has become a failure, and the soldiers and Afghans that died did so for nothing, as The Taliban is back in control of nearly half of Afghanistan again.

There was no logical reason to bomb Iraq. The logical target should have been Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. Nearly all of the hijackers on 9/11 were Saudi and Osama bin-Laden himself, a Saudi and the House of Saud the largest funder of Al-Qaeda and also the largest funder of the Madrassas schools in Pakistan that teach Wahhabism - the state religion of the House of Saud, and the philosophy that ISIS follow also, which is why the House of Saud funds and arms ISIS. The Lahore region of Pakistan is full of Al-Qaeda and almost certainly ISIS creatures now also.

But no, instead of bombing the terrorist supporting and funding Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, the West bombed Iraq, a nation that didn't have the weapons of mass destruction nor had anything to do with 9/11.

Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, bizarrely deemed "Allies"

Then we have Syria, a very modern nation by Middle Eastern standards, where women given the sort of freedoms in dress and education that they're not afforded in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain etc.

Syria a nation where all the variety of Muslim sects could live peacefully with Christians and all other religious groups.

The cherry-picking is why the Middle East hates the West. The hypocritical West ignores the blatant corruption and grotesque human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain....look what Saudi are doing to Yemen in total violation of all International Law and yet not a peep about this from the hypocritical West.

This is in general why the Middle East hates the West. It needn't have been this way, the West and the Middle East could have been friends, in business, trade and cultural exchanges so we could understand each other more, it could have started in about 1950, but the West blew it deliberately back then, a lost opportunity.

None of what has occurred in the past 40 odd years would have happened, if back in the early 1950s the West and the Middle East would have had a level playing field and logically an atmosphere of mutual respect all around very well might have been the result.
This story is breaking right now. Islamic State has sent a message that France remains a top target. What is France going to do? Will NATO get involved? I do not understand their anger at France. France has been more welcoming to refugees than most nations. Don't they have the largest Muslim population in Europe now? How has France led the way in the Syria conflict? What policies are they speaking of?

Islamic State says France remains top target

CAIRO (Reuters) - Islamic State claimed responsibility on Saturday for attacks that killed 127 people in Paris, saying it sent militants strapped with suicide bombing belts and carrying machine guns to various locations in the heart of the capital.

The attacks, described by France's president as an act of war, were designed to show the country would remain in danger as long as it continued its current policies, Islamic State said in a statement.

"To teach France, and all nations following its path, that they will remain at the top of Islamic State’s list of targets, and that the smell of death won’t leave their noses as long as they partake in their crusader campaign," said the group.
France has been in active combat against Radical Islam in Chad and Northern Africa. Chad was losing the fight until France arrived........They came in and drove the Islamist back into the mountains of Northern Chad and Southern Libya..............They killed some of the Islamist commanders and retook the place.......

Currently they are stopping the supply line of the Islamist in the region, and are actively hunting Islamist in support of Nigeria...............

Quite Frankly they decided to fight in the middle ground and are hitting Radical Islam both ways right now.............Which is why ISIS is pissed at them.......They are killing their buddies.

With the Socialists running France, of course everything is bound to go horribly wrong.

In a year and a half, President Marine Le Pen will take control of the whole situation. The Front National will return France to the French and hopefully deport all of the scum back to where they belong and that's NOT in France.
They should have never taken them in to begin with.................They don't know who is friend or foe...............How many more attacks like this will happen..........Unknown..............

My posts were to let Jeri know why they are pissed at France........They are actively hunting Radical Islamist in the Deserts of North Africa..............and they are killing them.

Well the original Muslim and North African influx occurred in the 1960s and 1970s. It's so congested now that half of Southern France are Muslim, Marseilles, France's second largest city is almost 90% Muslim and is actually a declared No-Go Zone with an astonishing crime rate level and unemployment level.

The way it's developing if Marine Le Pen doesn't get elected, in about 15-20 years France is going to become the first majority Muslim nation in Europe, ending many Centuries of French history and culture.
This story is breaking right now. Islamic State has sent a message that France remains a top target. What is France going to do? Will NATO get involved? I do not understand their anger at France. France has been more welcoming to refugees than most nations. Don't they have the largest Muslim population in Europe now? How has France led the way in the Syria conflict? What policies are they speaking of?

Islamic State says France remains top target

CAIRO (Reuters) - Islamic State claimed responsibility on Saturday for attacks that killed 127 people in Paris, saying it sent militants strapped with suicide bombing belts and carrying machine guns to various locations in the heart of the capital.

The attacks, described by France's president as an act of war, were designed to show the country would remain in danger as long as it continued its current policies, Islamic State said in a statement.

"To teach France, and all nations following its path, that they will remain at the top of Islamic State’s list of targets, and that the smell of death won’t leave their noses as long as they partake in their crusader campaign," said the group.
France has been in active combat against Radical Islam in Chad and Northern Africa. Chad was losing the fight until France arrived........They came in and drove the Islamist back into the mountains of Northern Chad and Southern Libya..............They killed some of the Islamist commanders and retook the place.......

Currently they are stopping the supply line of the Islamist in the region, and are actively hunting Islamist in support of Nigeria...............

Quite Frankly they decided to fight in the middle ground and are hitting Radical Islam both ways right now.............Which is why ISIS is pissed at them.......They are killing their buddies.

With the Socialists running France, of course everything is bound to go horribly wrong.

In a year and a half, President Marine Le Pen will take control of the whole situation. The Front National will return France to the French and hopefully deport all of the scum back to where they belong and that's NOT in France.
They should have never taken them in to begin with.................They don't know who is friend or foe...............How many more attacks like this will happen..........Unknown..............

My posts were to let Jeri know why they are pissed at France........They are actively hunting Radical Islamist in the Deserts of North Africa..............and they are killing them.

I think it's obvious that the atmosphere is so hostile and lethal now, that the West and the Middle East just cannot co-exist in this world together anymore, one must go, either the West or the Middle East, which is why I said to just drop Atomic bombs on the Middle East and finish this whole thing.

It's now been brought to the West, the infiltration and it's going to get worse and more intense. How can ISIS be defeated in any conventional way, it can't, it's impossible. The ones who are in the West already and who'll continue to pile in, we can't even identify them as they don't wear a military uniform, they wear Western clothes, they are the faceless enemy, you can't defeat the enemy if they now are living amongst you and you don't know who they are....this is why it's impossible to prevent suicide bombings, you only stop them if you get intelligence from an inside man, but most times that in itself is incredibly difficult to predict.

At this rate, within say 20-25 years, they very well might have brought the West down, we simply cannot both inhabit this planet anymore, so the only solution is to drop Atomic bombs and then that way the West is saved, it really is either Us or Them.

It's genuinely a horrible scenario, but unfortunately a necessary one.
This story is breaking right now. Islamic State has sent a message that France remains a top target. What is France going to do? Will NATO get involved? I do not understand their anger at France. France has been more welcoming to refugees than most nations. Don't they have the largest Muslim population in Europe now? How has France led the way in the Syria conflict? What policies are they speaking of?

Islamic State says France remains top target

CAIRO (Reuters) - Islamic State claimed responsibility on Saturday for attacks that killed 127 people in Paris, saying it sent militants strapped with suicide bombing belts and carrying machine guns to various locations in the heart of the capital.

The attacks, described by France's president as an act of war, were designed to show the country would remain in danger as long as it continued its current policies, Islamic State said in a statement.

"To teach France, and all nations following its path, that they will remain at the top of Islamic State’s list of targets, and that the smell of death won’t leave their noses as long as they partake in their crusader campaign," said the group.

I think the West and the Middle East could have been friends originally.

I understand why half of the Middle East hates the West. The West is deeply hypocritical, this is illustrated by it's cherry-picking who is okay and who isn't okay, even though the nations deemed okay are doing exactly the same things that the nations deemed not okay are doing.

EG. Whilst I agree that the case to bomb Afghanistan made sense, as many Ql-Qaeda training camps and commanders where there and of course The Taliban....Afghanistan has become a failure, and the soldiers and Afghans that died did so for nothing, as The Taliban is back in control of nearly half of Afghanistan again.

There was no logical reason to bomb Iraq. The logical target should have been Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. Nearly all of the hijackers on 9/11 were Saudi and Osama bin-Laden himself, a Saudi and the House of Saud the largest funder of Al-Qaeda and also the largest funder of the Madrassas schools in Pakistan that teach Wahhabism - the state religion of the House of Saud, and the philosophy that ISIS follow also, which is why the House of Saud funds and arms ISIS. The Lahore region of Pakistan is full of Al-Qaeda and almost certainly ISIS creatures now also.

But no, instead of bombing the terrorist supporting and funding Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, the West bombed Iraq, a nation that didn't have the weapons of mass destruction nor had anything to do with 9/11.

Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, bizarrely deemed "Allies"

Then we have Syria, a very modern nation by Middle Eastern standards, where women given the sort of freedoms in dress and education that they're not afforded in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain etc.

Syria a nation where all the variety of Muslim sects could live peacefully with Christians and all other religious groups.

The cherry-picking is why the Middle East hates the West. The hypocritical West ignores the blatant corruption and grotesque human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain....look what Saudi are doing to Yemen in total violation of all International Law and yet not a peep about this from the hypocritical West.

This is in general why the Middle East hates the West. It needn't have been this way, the West and the Middle East could have been friends, in business, trade and cultural exchanges so we could understand each other more, it could have started in about 1950, but the West blew it deliberately back then, a lost opportunity.

None of what has occurred in the past 40 odd years would have happened, if back in the early 1950s the West and the Middle East would have had a level playing field and logically an atmosphere of mutual respect all around very well might have been the result.

i recommend a rather marvellous travel book, published in 1937, Robert Byron's "The Road to Oxiana", this is what was the real Middle East and carried on being until the late 1960s, this is what the West could have preserved by working with all the Middle East and not cherry-picking White Hats and Black Hats, it's all very tragic to think of what COULD have been.

The Middle East NEVER was about suicide bombings and monsters like ISIS and Al-Qaeda, it WAS about "The Road to Oxiana", read the reviews below, although Byron's travels took place in 1933-1934 and the book was published in 1937, it's still considered probably the GREATEST travel book ever written:

Review: Robert Byron by James Knox

The Road to Oxiana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This story is breaking right now. Islamic State has sent a message that France remains a top target. What is France going to do? Will NATO get involved? I do not understand their anger at France. France has been more welcoming to refugees than most nations. Don't they have the largest Muslim population in Europe now? How has France led the way in the Syria conflict? What policies are they speaking of?

Islamic State says France remains top target

CAIRO (Reuters) - Islamic State claimed responsibility on Saturday for attacks that killed 127 people in Paris, saying it sent militants strapped with suicide bombing belts and carrying machine guns to various locations in the heart of the capital.

The attacks, described by France's president as an act of war, were designed to show the country would remain in danger as long as it continued its current policies, Islamic State said in a statement.

"To teach France, and all nations following its path, that they will remain at the top of Islamic State’s list of targets, and that the smell of death won’t leave their noses as long as they partake in their crusader campaign," said the group.
France has been in active combat against Radical Islam in Chad and Northern Africa. Chad was losing the fight until France arrived........They came in and drove the Islamist back into the mountains of Northern Chad and Southern Libya..............They killed some of the Islamist commanders and retook the place.......

Currently they are stopping the supply line of the Islamist in the region, and are actively hunting Islamist in support of Nigeria...............

Quite Frankly they decided to fight in the middle ground and are hitting Radical Islam both ways right now.............Which is why ISIS is pissed at them.......They are killing their buddies.

With the Socialists running France, of course everything is bound to go horribly wrong.

In a year and a half, President Marine Le Pen will take control of the whole situation. The Front National will return France to the French and hopefully deport all of the scum back to where they belong and that's NOT in France.
They should have never taken them in to begin with.................They don't know who is friend or foe...............How many more attacks like this will happen..........Unknown..............

My posts were to let Jeri know why they are pissed at France........They are actively hunting Radical Islamist in the Deserts of North Africa..............and they are killing them.

I think it's obvious that the atmosphere is so hostile and lethal now, that the West and the Middle East just cannot co-exist in this world together anymore, one must go, either the West or the Middle East, which is why I said to just drop Atomic bombs on the Middle East and finish this whole thing.

It's now been brought to the West, the infiltration and it's going to get worse and more intense. How can ISIS be defeated in any conventional way, it can't, it's impossible. The ones who are in the West already and who'll continue to pile in, we can't even identify them as they don't wear a military uniform, they wear Western clothes, they are the faceless enemy, you can't defeat the enemy if they now are living amongst you and you don't know who they are....this is why it's impossible to prevent suicide bombings, you only stop them if you get intelligence from an inside man, but most times that in itself is incredibly difficult to predict.

At this rate, within say 20-25 years, they very well might have brought the West down, we simply cannot both inhabit this planet anymore, so the only solution is to drop Atomic bombs and then that way the West is saved, it really is either Us or Them.

It's genuinely a horrible scenario, but unfortunately a necessary one.
It can be done conventionally..............I don't believe in opening Pandora's box with Nukes.................the MAD principle still applies.................

Our conventional weapons can level cities......................we have had that ability since WWII.............the fire bombing of Japanese cities in WWII killed more than the Nukes did.........................

Northern Syria is already a No Man's Land.................Most have fled.................they are ghost towns with the remainder tied to the factions that are fighting.

Carpet bombing the ISIS strong holds would destroy a significant portion of the caliphate there..................

The take out Assad and support the FSA strategy is BS.............The FSA are murdering Christians the same as everyone else....................Russia is killing them now...........................they are scum just like ISIS.
This story is breaking right now. Islamic State has sent a message that France remains a top target. What is France going to do? Will NATO get involved? I do not understand their anger at France. France has been more welcoming to refugees than most nations. Don't they have the largest Muslim population in Europe now? How has France led the way in the Syria conflict? What policies are they speaking of?

Islamic State says France remains top target

CAIRO (Reuters) - Islamic State claimed responsibility on Saturday for attacks that killed 127 people in Paris, saying it sent militants strapped with suicide bombing belts and carrying machine guns to various locations in the heart of the capital.

The attacks, described by France's president as an act of war, were designed to show the country would remain in danger as long as it continued its current policies, Islamic State said in a statement.

"To teach France, and all nations following its path, that they will remain at the top of Islamic State’s list of targets, and that the smell of death won’t leave their noses as long as they partake in their crusader campaign," said the group.

I think the West and the Middle East could have been friends originally.

I understand why half of the Middle East hates the West. The West is deeply hypocritical, this is illustrated by it's cherry-picking who is okay and who isn't okay, even though the nations deemed okay are doing exactly the same things that the nations deemed not okay are doing.

EG. Whilst I agree that the case to bomb Afghanistan made sense, as many Ql-Qaeda training camps and commanders where there and of course The Taliban....Afghanistan has become a failure, and the soldiers and Afghans that died did so for nothing, as The Taliban is back in control of nearly half of Afghanistan again.

There was no logical reason to bomb Iraq. The logical target should have been Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. Nearly all of the hijackers on 9/11 were Saudi and Osama bin-Laden himself, a Saudi and the House of Saud the largest funder of Al-Qaeda and also the largest funder of the Madrassas schools in Pakistan that teach Wahhabism - the state religion of the House of Saud, and the philosophy that ISIS follow also, which is why the House of Saud funds and arms ISIS. The Lahore region of Pakistan is full of Al-Qaeda and almost certainly ISIS creatures now also.

But no, instead of bombing the terrorist supporting and funding Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, the West bombed Iraq, a nation that didn't have the weapons of mass destruction nor had anything to do with 9/11.

Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, bizarrely deemed "Allies"

Then we have Syria, a very modern nation by Middle Eastern standards, where women given the sort of freedoms in dress and education that they're not afforded in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain etc.

Syria a nation where all the variety of Muslim sects could live peacefully with Christians and all other religious groups.

The cherry-picking is why the Middle East hates the West. The hypocritical West ignores the blatant corruption and grotesque human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain....look what Saudi are doing to Yemen in total violation of all International Law and yet not a peep about this from the hypocritical West.

This is in general why the Middle East hates the West. It needn't have been this way, the West and the Middle East could have been friends, in business, trade and cultural exchanges so we could understand each other more, it could have started in about 1950, but the West blew it deliberately back then, a lost opportunity.

None of what has occurred in the past 40 odd years would have happened, if back in the early 1950s the West and the Middle East would have had a level playing field and logically an atmosphere of mutual respect all around very well might have been the result.

i recommend a rather marvellous travel book, published in 1937, Robert Byron's "The Road to Oxiana", this is what was the real Middle East and carried on being until the late 1960s, this is what the West could have preserved by working with all the Middle East and not cherry-picking White Hats and Black Hats, it's all very tragic to think of what COULD have been.

The Middle East NEVER was about suicide bombings and monsters like ISIS and Al-Qaeda, it WAS about "The Road to Oxiana", read the reviews below, although Byron's travels took place in 1933-1934 and the book was published in 1937, it's still considered probably the GREATEST travel book ever written:

Review: Robert Byron by James Knox

The Road to Oxiana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Iran before



This story is breaking right now. Islamic State has sent a message that France remains a top target. What is France going to do? Will NATO get involved? I do not understand their anger at France. France has been more welcoming to refugees than most nations. Don't they have the largest Muslim population in Europe now? How has France led the way in the Syria conflict? What policies are they speaking of?

Islamic State says France remains top target

CAIRO (Reuters) - Islamic State claimed responsibility on Saturday for attacks that killed 127 people in Paris, saying it sent militants strapped with suicide bombing belts and carrying machine guns to various locations in the heart of the capital.

The attacks, described by France's president as an act of war, were designed to show the country would remain in danger as long as it continued its current policies, Islamic State said in a statement.

"To teach France, and all nations following its path, that they will remain at the top of Islamic State’s list of targets, and that the smell of death won’t leave their noses as long as they partake in their crusader campaign," said the group.

I think the West and the Middle East could have been friends originally.

I understand why half of the Middle East hates the West. The West is deeply hypocritical, this is illustrated by it's cherry-picking who is okay and who isn't okay, even though the nations deemed okay are doing exactly the same things that the nations deemed not okay are doing.

EG. Whilst I agree that the case to bomb Afghanistan made sense, as many Ql-Qaeda training camps and commanders where there and of course The Taliban....Afghanistan has become a failure, and the soldiers and Afghans that died did so for nothing, as The Taliban is back in control of nearly half of Afghanistan again.

There was no logical reason to bomb Iraq. The logical target should have been Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. Nearly all of the hijackers on 9/11 were Saudi and Osama bin-Laden himself, a Saudi and the House of Saud the largest funder of Al-Qaeda and also the largest funder of the Madrassas schools in Pakistan that teach Wahhabism - the state religion of the House of Saud, and the philosophy that ISIS follow also, which is why the House of Saud funds and arms ISIS. The Lahore region of Pakistan is full of Al-Qaeda and almost certainly ISIS creatures now also.

But no, instead of bombing the terrorist supporting and funding Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, the West bombed Iraq, a nation that didn't have the weapons of mass destruction nor had anything to do with 9/11.

Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, bizarrely deemed "Allies"

Then we have Syria, a very modern nation by Middle Eastern standards, where women given the sort of freedoms in dress and education that they're not afforded in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain etc.

Syria a nation where all the variety of Muslim sects could live peacefully with Christians and all other religious groups.

The cherry-picking is why the Middle East hates the West. The hypocritical West ignores the blatant corruption and grotesque human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain....look what Saudi are doing to Yemen in total violation of all International Law and yet not a peep about this from the hypocritical West.

This is in general why the Middle East hates the West. It needn't have been this way, the West and the Middle East could have been friends, in business, trade and cultural exchanges so we could understand each other more, it could have started in about 1950, but the West blew it deliberately back then, a lost opportunity.

None of what has occurred in the past 40 odd years would have happened, if back in the early 1950s the West and the Middle East would have had a level playing field and logically an atmosphere of mutual respect all around very well might have been the result.

i recommend a rather marvellous travel book, published in 1937, Robert Byron's "The Road to Oxiana", this is what was the real Middle East and carried on being until the late 1960s, this is what the West could have preserved by working with all the Middle East and not cherry-picking White Hats and Black Hats, it's all very tragic to think of what COULD have been.

The Middle East NEVER was about suicide bombings and monsters like ISIS and Al-Qaeda, it WAS about "The Road to Oxiana", read the reviews below, although Byron's travels took place in 1933-1934 and the book was published in 1937, it's still considered probably the GREATEST travel book ever written:

Review: Robert Byron by James Knox

The Road to Oxiana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Iran before




Lebanon before 1975. In fact the whole of the Middle East before the mid-1970s.

Even look at Turkey, from the early 1920s with Ataturk and Kemalism.....which officially ended in 2003 with the AKP Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, he is openly trying to re-establish pre-Kemalism aka The Ottoman Empire, he frequently makes speeches about re-establishing The Caliphate, he's taking Turkey deliberately backwards to a time of barbarism, not surprising as he's an Islamic fanatic.

Turkey should have been thrown out of NATO already, they are a very dangerous country with a lunatic leading them.
This story is breaking right now. Islamic State has sent a message that France remains a top target. What is France going to do? Will NATO get involved? I do not understand their anger at France. France has been more welcoming to refugees than most nations. Don't they have the largest Muslim population in Europe now? How has France led the way in the Syria conflict? What policies are they speaking of?

Islamic State says France remains top target

CAIRO (Reuters) - Islamic State claimed responsibility on Saturday for attacks that killed 127 people in Paris, saying it sent militants strapped with suicide bombing belts and carrying machine guns to various locations in the heart of the capital.

The attacks, described by France's president as an act of war, were designed to show the country would remain in danger as long as it continued its current policies, Islamic State said in a statement.

"To teach France, and all nations following its path, that they will remain at the top of Islamic State’s list of targets, and that the smell of death won’t leave their noses as long as they partake in their crusader campaign," said the group.

I think the West and the Middle East could have been friends originally.

I understand why half of the Middle East hates the West. The West is deeply hypocritical, this is illustrated by it's cherry-picking who is okay and who isn't okay, even though the nations deemed okay are doing exactly the same things that the nations deemed not okay are doing.

EG. Whilst I agree that the case to bomb Afghanistan made sense, as many Ql-Qaeda training camps and commanders where there and of course The Taliban....Afghanistan has become a failure, and the soldiers and Afghans that died did so for nothing, as The Taliban is back in control of nearly half of Afghanistan again.

There was no logical reason to bomb Iraq. The logical target should have been Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. Nearly all of the hijackers on 9/11 were Saudi and Osama bin-Laden himself, a Saudi and the House of Saud the largest funder of Al-Qaeda and also the largest funder of the Madrassas schools in Pakistan that teach Wahhabism - the state religion of the House of Saud, and the philosophy that ISIS follow also, which is why the House of Saud funds and arms ISIS. The Lahore region of Pakistan is full of Al-Qaeda and almost certainly ISIS creatures now also.

But no, instead of bombing the terrorist supporting and funding Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, the West bombed Iraq, a nation that didn't have the weapons of mass destruction nor had anything to do with 9/11.

Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, bizarrely deemed "Allies"

Then we have Syria, a very modern nation by Middle Eastern standards, where women given the sort of freedoms in dress and education that they're not afforded in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain etc.

Syria a nation where all the variety of Muslim sects could live peacefully with Christians and all other religious groups.

The cherry-picking is why the Middle East hates the West. The hypocritical West ignores the blatant corruption and grotesque human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain....look what Saudi are doing to Yemen in total violation of all International Law and yet not a peep about this from the hypocritical West.

This is in general why the Middle East hates the West. It needn't have been this way, the West and the Middle East could have been friends, in business, trade and cultural exchanges so we could understand each other more, it could have started in about 1950, but the West blew it deliberately back then, a lost opportunity.

None of what has occurred in the past 40 odd years would have happened, if back in the early 1950s the West and the Middle East would have had a level playing field and logically an atmosphere of mutual respect all around very well might have been the result.

i recommend a rather marvellous travel book, published in 1937, Robert Byron's "The Road to Oxiana", this is what was the real Middle East and carried on being until the late 1960s, this is what the West could have preserved by working with all the Middle East and not cherry-picking White Hats and Black Hats, it's all very tragic to think of what COULD have been.

The Middle East NEVER was about suicide bombings and monsters like ISIS and Al-Qaeda, it WAS about "The Road to Oxiana", read the reviews below, although Byron's travels took place in 1933-1934 and the book was published in 1937, it's still considered probably the GREATEST travel book ever written:

Review: Robert Byron by James Knox

The Road to Oxiana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Iran before




Lebanon before 1975. In fact the whole of the Middle East before the mid-1970s.

Even look at Turkey, from the early 1920s with Ataturk and Kemalism.....which officially ended in 2003 with the AKP Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, he is openly trying to re-establish pre-Kemalism aka The Ottoman Empire, he frequently makes speeches about re-establishing The Caliphate, he's taking Turkey deliberately backwards to a time of barbarism, not surprising as he's an Islamic fanatic.

Turkey should have been thrown out of NATO already, they are a very dangerous country with a lunatic leading them.

How the Middle East became Muslim is because Islam was allowed to take over.

If we just look at how Egypt became Muslim. Egypt was Christian, until the 7th Century when Islam took over. Egypt never went full-on Islamic, they remain a secular society, which is why they freaked out when the Muslim Brotherhood got in and why they demanded that the Egyptian Army remove them.

Iraq, Muslim, but has always been a secular society ditto Syria, Jordan, Dubai.

The lesson we need to learn from the Middle East is that if a nation lets Islam in, they will eventually take over and make that nation Islamic....this is the lesson that Eastern Europe and the Balkans know, but Western Europe fails to both understand or even be bothered about.

Eastern Europe and the Balkans were under Ottoman rule for Centuries and during those Centuries the Ottomans murdered tens of millions of Christians who refused to submit and convert to Islam....that is what the word Islam means, it's direct translation from Arabic to English is "submission".

The French especially will rue the day they allowed Islam into France, starting in the late 1960s as the goal is coming to it's full fruition within the next 20 years, The Islamic Republic of France.

Islam destroys all that's good and's performed that in much of the Middle East and now has made the umpteenth attempt here and now to conquer Europe, the Continent that for Centuries it's always wanted to make Islamic.

If some sort of sanity returns, then like in previous Centuries, the same solution will have to be enacted, a Crusade, this time we hope it's the Final Crusade.
This story is breaking right now. Islamic State has sent a message that France remains a top target. What is France going to do? Will NATO get involved? I do not understand their anger at France. France has been more welcoming to refugees than most nations. Don't they have the largest Muslim population in Europe now? How has France led the way in the Syria conflict? What policies are they speaking of?

Islamic State says France remains top target

CAIRO (Reuters) - Islamic State claimed responsibility on Saturday for attacks that killed 127 people in Paris, saying it sent militants strapped with suicide bombing belts and carrying machine guns to various locations in the heart of the capital.

The attacks, described by France's president as an act of war, were designed to show the country would remain in danger as long as it continued its current policies, Islamic State said in a statement.

"To teach France, and all nations following its path, that they will remain at the top of Islamic State’s list of targets, and that the smell of death won’t leave their noses as long as they partake in their crusader campaign," said the group.

I think the West and the Middle East could have been friends originally.

I understand why half of the Middle East hates the West. The West is deeply hypocritical, this is illustrated by it's cherry-picking who is okay and who isn't okay, even though the nations deemed okay are doing exactly the same things that the nations deemed not okay are doing.

EG. Whilst I agree that the case to bomb Afghanistan made sense, as many Ql-Qaeda training camps and commanders where there and of course The Taliban....Afghanistan has become a failure, and the soldiers and Afghans that died did so for nothing, as The Taliban is back in control of nearly half of Afghanistan again.

There was no logical reason to bomb Iraq. The logical target should have been Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. Nearly all of the hijackers on 9/11 were Saudi and Osama bin-Laden himself, a Saudi and the House of Saud the largest funder of Al-Qaeda and also the largest funder of the Madrassas schools in Pakistan that teach Wahhabism - the state religion of the House of Saud, and the philosophy that ISIS follow also, which is why the House of Saud funds and arms ISIS. The Lahore region of Pakistan is full of Al-Qaeda and almost certainly ISIS creatures now also.

But no, instead of bombing the terrorist supporting and funding Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, the West bombed Iraq, a nation that didn't have the weapons of mass destruction nor had anything to do with 9/11.

Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, bizarrely deemed "Allies"

Then we have Syria, a very modern nation by Middle Eastern standards, where women given the sort of freedoms in dress and education that they're not afforded in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain etc.

Syria a nation where all the variety of Muslim sects could live peacefully with Christians and all other religious groups.

The cherry-picking is why the Middle East hates the West. The hypocritical West ignores the blatant corruption and grotesque human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain....look what Saudi are doing to Yemen in total violation of all International Law and yet not a peep about this from the hypocritical West.

This is in general why the Middle East hates the West. It needn't have been this way, the West and the Middle East could have been friends, in business, trade and cultural exchanges so we could understand each other more, it could have started in about 1950, but the West blew it deliberately back then, a lost opportunity.

None of what has occurred in the past 40 odd years would have happened, if back in the early 1950s the West and the Middle East would have had a level playing field and logically an atmosphere of mutual respect all around very well might have been the result.

i recommend a rather marvellous travel book, published in 1937, Robert Byron's "The Road to Oxiana", this is what was the real Middle East and carried on being until the late 1960s, this is what the West could have preserved by working with all the Middle East and not cherry-picking White Hats and Black Hats, it's all very tragic to think of what COULD have been.

The Middle East NEVER was about suicide bombings and monsters like ISIS and Al-Qaeda, it WAS about "The Road to Oxiana", read the reviews below, although Byron's travels took place in 1933-1934 and the book was published in 1937, it's still considered probably the GREATEST travel book ever written:

Review: Robert Byron by James Knox

The Road to Oxiana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Iran before




Lebanon before 1975. In fact the whole of the Middle East before the mid-1970s.

Even look at Turkey, from the early 1920s with Ataturk and Kemalism.....which officially ended in 2003 with the AKP Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, he is openly trying to re-establish pre-Kemalism aka The Ottoman Empire, he frequently makes speeches about re-establishing The Caliphate, he's taking Turkey deliberately backwards to a time of barbarism, not surprising as he's an Islamic fanatic.

Turkey should have been thrown out of NATO already, they are a very dangerous country with a lunatic leading them.

How the Middle East became Muslim is because Islam was allowed to take over.

If we just look at how Egypt became Muslim. Egypt was Christian, until the 7th Century when Islam took over. Egypt never went full-on Islamic, they remain a secular society, which is why they freaked out when the Muslim Brotherhood got in and why they demanded that the Egyptian Army remove them.

Iraq, Muslim, but has always been a secular society ditto Syria, Jordan, Dubai.

The lesson we need to learn from the Middle East is that if a nation lets Islam in, they will eventually take over and make that nation Islamic....this is the lesson that Eastern Europe and the Balkans know, but Western Europe fails to both understand or even be bothered about.

Eastern Europe and the Balkans were under Ottoman rule for Centuries and during those Centuries the Ottomans murdered tens of millions of Christians who refused to submit and convert to Islam....that is what the word Islam means, it's direct translation from Arabic to English is "submission".

The French especially will rue the day they allowed Islam into France, starting in the late 1960s as the goal is coming to it's full fruition within the next 20 years, The Islamic Republic of France.

Islam destroys all that's good and's performed that in much of the Middle East and now has made the umpteenth attempt here and now to conquer Europe, the Continent that for Centuries it's always wanted to make Islamic.

If some sort of sanity returns, then like in previous Centuries, the same solution will have to be enacted, a Crusade, this time we hope it's the Final Crusade.
No thanks, Lucy. We do not need any more religious Crusades by the Roman Vatican Empire. Their religious Inquisition dragged on for over 600 years at the cost of 58 million lives. We cannot afford any more religious Crusades, Inquisitions, Holocausts created by Jesuit Roman Leaders with ambitions for a NWO (Jesuit Catholic son, Hitler's main goal - a new world order - sound familiar?). This is better handled by sovereign nations making their own decisions. The leaders of the EU who have used forced mass immigration on their countries due to U.N. demands that they do (again at the behest of Rome) should give an unequivocal no, we won't - response now and pull out of the U.N.. It is an abysmal failure - worse than the League of Nations - ask Flanders.
Appropriate Tyrone...

... especially since the Statue of Liberty...

... was a gift from France.
When the French Military has become more aggressive than the American military it sends quite a message to our enemies. Does it not?
When the French Military has become more aggressive than the American military it sends quite a message to our enemies. Does it not?

Good one.

Looks like it's gonna take some legislation to ban those uncrackable message apps...

Two more Frenchmen identified as Paris attackers: prosecutor
15 Nov.`15 - Police have identified two more French nationals who blew themselves up in the coordinated attacks in Paris on Friday, the prosecutor said, and also put out a request for a Belgian-born man they warned was dangerous.
"Two more terrorists killed in the night of Nov. 13 were today formally identified through finger prints," the prosecutor said in a statement, adding they were French and living in Belgium.

The two men, aged 20 and 31, were suicide bombers at the Stade de France and at a bar in the 11th district.

On their Twitter feed the police said they were also seeking a Belgian-born man, Abdeslam Salah in connection with the attack, describing him [as] "dangerous".

Two more Frenchmen identified as Paris attackers: prosecutor

See also:

Paris attacks show U.S. surveillance of Islamic State may be ‘going dark’
14 Nov.`15 - Officials contend Snowden disclosures, use of sophisticated encryption and messaging apps are making terrorists harder to track
The Islamic State’s claim of responsibility for the Paris attacks that killed 129 people — including one American college student — has the potential to dramatically alter U.S. intelligence assessments of the group’s capabilities to carry off well-orchestrated, mass casualty attacks. At the same time, the attacks underscore the mounting difficulties U.S. and Western intelligence agencies are having in tracking the terror group, resulting in repeated warnings that their efforts to conduct surveillance of Islamic State suspects were “going dark.” Over the past year, current and former intelligence officials tell Yahoo News, IS terror suspects have moved to increasingly sophisticated methods of encrypted communications, using new software such as Tor, that intelligence agencies are having difficulty penetrating — a switch that some officials say was accelerated by the disclosures of former NSA contractor Edward Snowden.

The result played out in deadly fashion in Paris: At least eight terrorists, armed with heavy weaponry and suicide vests, and most likely aided by a support network, plotted and executed a highly elaborate mass casualty attack on multiple targets without the French or any other Western intelligence agency having a clue. “Absolutely, this was an intelligence failure,” said Ali Soufan, a former top FBI counterterrorism official who now runs an international security firm that has been warning about the dangers posed by IS, also known as ISIS, ISIL and Daesh, for over a year. Soufan noted that the Paris attack would have required extensive planning, including support from a network of IS sympathizers who would likely have had to assist the terrorist perpetrators in obtaining weapons and explosives as well as casing the targets and conducting countersurveillance. (Police in Belgium today arrested three suspects linked to the attacks after tracing a rental car with a Belgian license plate that was seen at the Bataclan Theatre at the time of the attacks.)

For the past year and a half, Western intelligence and law enforcement officials have highlighted the threat posed by foreign fighters, including as many as 100 Americans and thousands of European passport holders, who have flocked to Syria and Iraq to fight with IS and might return undetected to conduct attacks in the West. (French officials are investigating the possibility that one of the terrorists came to France from Syria as a refugee.) But until now, U.S. officials have tended to describe the threat as mostly coming from “lone wolves” — what one described as disgruntled “glory seekers.” They have downplayed the idea that IS had either the intention or ability to carry out the sort of spectacular attacks such as 9/11 that had been the hallmark of al-Qaida. “They had made blustery statements in the past,” said Matthew Olsen, who until last year served as the director of the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC), about IS.

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