ISIS: "We will raise the flag of Allah over the White House"


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Fuck ISIS, Hamas, the Muslim brotherhood and the rest of the evil terrorists. They are nothing but cowards who sacrifice lives for some fucked up beliefs. They all hide behind women and children and have the nerve to threaten everyone, yet ISIS members insist that we send soldiers instead of drones. Fuck them. We don't need to risk lives of decent people to deal with them. Take them out like the rabid vermin they are.

On The Real Story today, Gretchen Carlson played a frightening video from VICE News, the only media organization embedded with ISIS, the terror army wreaking havoc in Iraq.
In it, an ISIS militant stated, “I say to America that the Islamic Caliphate has been established and we will not stop."

He called for America to halt "cowardly" drone attacks and instead to send soldiers.
“We will raise the flag of Allah in the White House,” he said.

Christian Whiton, a former state department advisor, joined Carlson to discuss the disturbing new video and what actions the U.S. should take in Iraq.

“Much more than the Taliban and possibly more than Al Qaeda, they have the means, the skill, the determination and the discipline to bring jihad abroad,” Whiton cautioned, adding that the limited airstrikes the U.S. has done so far are inadequate.

New ISIS Video: ?We Will Raise Black Flag Over White House? | Fox News Insider
Wow getting in a bunch about something that will never happen. The President must be all upset.


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