ISIS Would March Women Out Front to Take the Shots...So Does The Democratic Party


May 23, 2014
The Democratic Party continues to throw women under the bus for their own political ends. The Democrats only care about the “noise” their underhanded actions result in. I had a cousin in Vietnam War. He said the worst thing he had to do was shoot small children that the communist had rigged with explosives...and stuck chop sticks in their eyes. Some American soldier or Marine would attempt to show kindness to save the child...both would be blown-up. Chop sticks rigged to explosives. This is how the Democrats treat women. These women are expendable casualty’s for their political agenda. Anita Hill...she was expendable...Ford allegations...she is expendable. Mary Jo Kopecknie...expendable to preserve Teddy’s Presidential campaign in 1972. Disgusting.
Sexual Harassment & Democrats – Hypocrisy on Feminism | National Review
So, you've essentially saying the Republicans like to shoot at women. Sure you want to go with that analogy?

What does it say about your side, that women who testify against you have to fear for their lives? Shouldn't you be cleaning up the murderous woman-haters in the Republcian ranks?

Oh wait. You like it, the fact that the Republican side likes to terrorize women. You think it keeps those wimmen in their proper place. Never mind.
The Democratic Party continues to throw women under the bus for their own political ends. The Democrats only care about the “noise” their underhanded actions result in. I had a cousin in Vietnam War. He said the worst thing he had to do was shoot small children that the communist had rigged with explosives...and stuck chop sticks in their eyes. Some American soldier or Marine would attempt to show kindness to save the child...both would be blown-up. Chop sticks rigged to explosives. This is how the Democrats treat women. These women are expendable casualty’s for their political agenda. Anita Hill...she was expendable...Ford allegations...she is expendable. Mary Jo Kopecknie...expendable to preserve Teddy’s Presidential campaign in 1972. Disgusting.
Sexual Harassment & Democrats – Hypocrisy on Feminism | National Review

During the French Revolution, radical leftist revolutionaries sliced open pregnant women and made games out of tossing their infants onto bayonets. This kind of hyper inhuman violence has been on the way in this country since the Leftist trend toward atheism and cultural revolution. Terrifying stuff.
So, you've essentially saying the Republicans like to shoot at women. Sure you want to go with that analogy?

What does it say about your side, that women who testify against you have to fear for their lives? Shouldn't you be cleaning up the murderous woman-haters in the Republcian ranks?

Oh wait. You like it, the fact that the Republican side likes to terrorize women. You think it keeps those wimmen in their proper place. Never mind.
Holy shit you just proved you are ISIS. Reinforce your front line with women and children you made fight and then bitch the other side hates women for shooting them as they attack.

How dare you take shots at the women you weren’t man enough to replace.

You hide behind expendable women and children like a **** and then bitch they got taken out in a war.

You’re the biggest pussy on the planet.
So, you've essentially saying the Republicans like to shoot at women. Sure you want to go with that analogy?

What does it say about your side, that women who testify against you have to fear for their lives? Shouldn't you be cleaning up the murderous woman-haters in the Republcian ranks?

Oh wait. You like it, the fact that the Republican side likes to terrorize women. You think it keeps those wimmen in their proper place. Never mind.

An entertaining point of view coming from the American Left who worship such woman idolizers such as Donatien Alphonse François. A richly entertaining position indeed.
The Democratic Party continues to throw women under the bus for their own political ends. The Democrats only care about the “noise” their underhanded actions result in. I had a cousin in Vietnam War. He said the worst thing he had to do was shoot small children that the communist had rigged with explosives...and stuck chop sticks in their eyes. Some American soldier or Marine would attempt to show kindness to save the child...both would be blown-up. Chop sticks rigged to explosives. This is how the Democrats treat women. These women are expendable casualty’s for their political agenda. Anita Hill...she was expendable...Ford allegations...she is expendable. Mary Jo Kopecknie...expendable to preserve Teddy’s Presidential campaign in 1972. Disgusting.
Sexual Harassment & Democrats – Hypocrisy on Feminism | National Review

During the French Revolution, radical leftist revolutionaries sliced open pregnant women and made games out of tossing their infants onto bayonets. This kind of hyper inhuman violence has been on the way in this country since the Leftist trend toward atheism and cultural revolution. Terrifying stuff.

Holy shit you just proved you are ISIS.

You're here proudly announcing how you shoot at and terrorize women, and we're ISIS? What the fuck is wrong with you?

You’re the biggest pussy on the planet.

Ooh, an internet tough guy!

You do understand that internet tough guys are laughed at by all of humanity for a good reason, right?
The Democratic Party continues to throw women under the bus for their own political ends. The Democrats only care about the “noise” their underhanded actions result in. I had a cousin in Vietnam War. He said the worst thing he had to do was shoot small children that the communist had rigged with explosives...and stuck chop sticks in their eyes. Some American soldier or Marine would attempt to show kindness to save the child...both would be blown-up. Chop sticks rigged to explosives. This is how the Democrats treat women. These women are expendable casualty’s for their political agenda. Anita Hill...she was expendable...Ford allegations...she is expendable. Mary Jo Kopecknie...expendable to preserve Teddy’s Presidential campaign in 1972. Disgusting.
Sexual Harassment & Democrats – Hypocrisy on Feminism | National Review

During the French Revolution, radical leftist revolutionaries sliced open pregnant women and made games out of tossing their infants onto bayonets. This kind of hyper inhuman violence has been on the way in this country since the Leftist trend toward atheism and cultural revolution. Terrifying stuff.

French Revolution Horrors: Pregnant Women Ripped Open, Fetuses Sliced to Pieces, Sex With Headless Corpses, Christians Cooked in Ovens
That's an accurate anology: both ISIS and the democrat Party throw women and children out in front to take the hits
Democrats only care advancing a political agenda. Women, men, children, families, be damned. They expect these people to be grateful to a be a “martyr” for the cause. Democratic Party suicide bombers. Drive your false accusations into the public realm, and detonate. Screw the Constitution or democratic process. Screw due process and the concept of innocent until proven guilty. Let’s use our liberal media friends to destroy lives. Democrats make me sick.
The Democratic Party continues to throw women under the bus for their own political ends. The Democrats only care about the “noise” their underhanded actions result in. I had a cousin in Vietnam War. He said the worst thing he had to do was shoot small children that the communist had rigged with explosives...and stuck chop sticks in their eyes. Some American soldier or Marine would attempt to show kindness to save the child...both would be blown-up. Chop sticks rigged to explosives. This is how the Democrats treat women. These women are expendable casualty’s for their political agenda. Anita Hill...she was expendable...Ford allegations...she is expendable. Mary Jo Kopecknie...expendable to preserve Teddy’s Presidential campaign in 1972. Disgusting.
Sexual Harassment & Democrats – Hypocrisy on Feminism | National Review

During the French Revolution, radical leftist revolutionaries sliced open pregnant women and made games out of tossing their infants onto bayonets. This kind of hyper inhuman violence has been on the way in this country since the Leftist trend toward atheism and cultural revolution. Terrifying stuff.

French Revolution Horrors: Pregnant Women Ripped Open, Fetuses Sliced to Pieces, Sex With Headless Corpses, Christians Cooked in Ovens
What Democrats want....a new bloody revolution
like they had in France when the lunatics took over.
The Democratic Party continues to throw women under the bus for their own political ends. The Democrats only care about the “noise” their underhanded actions result in. I had a cousin in Vietnam War. He said the worst thing he had to do was shoot small children that the communist had rigged with explosives...and stuck chop sticks in their eyes. Some American soldier or Marine would attempt to show kindness to save the child...both would be blown-up. Chop sticks rigged to explosives. This is how the Democrats treat women. These women are expendable casualty’s for their political agenda. Anita Hill...she was expendable...Ford allegations...she is expendable. Mary Jo Kopecknie...expendable to preserve Teddy’s Presidential campaign in 1972. Disgusting.
Sexual Harassment & Democrats – Hypocrisy on Feminism | National Review

During the French Revolution, radical leftist revolutionaries sliced open pregnant women and made games out of tossing their infants onto bayonets. This kind of hyper inhuman violence has been on the way in this country since the Leftist trend toward atheism and cultural revolution. Terrifying stuff.


Hint: the information you seek can be found in the operation of the muscles, bones and joints of your fingers, by causing them to tap out letters on your keyboard, on-the-line, in a search engine field (no, not where they plant and grow them, either).
The Democratic Party continues to throw women under the bus for their own political ends. The Democrats only care about the “noise” their underhanded actions result in. I had a cousin in Vietnam War. He said the worst thing he had to do was shoot small children that the communist had rigged with explosives...and stuck chop sticks in their eyes. Some American soldier or Marine would attempt to show kindness to save the child...both would be blown-up. Chop sticks rigged to explosives. This is how the Democrats treat women. These women are expendable casualty’s for their political agenda. Anita Hill...she was expendable...Ford allegations...she is expendable. Mary Jo Kopecknie...expendable to preserve Teddy’s Presidential campaign in 1972. Disgusting.
Sexual Harassment & Democrats – Hypocrisy on Feminism | National Review

During the French Revolution, radical leftist revolutionaries sliced open pregnant women and made games out of tossing their infants onto bayonets. This kind of hyper inhuman violence has been on the way in this country since the Leftist trend toward atheism and cultural revolution. Terrifying stuff.

French Revolution Horrors: Pregnant Women Ripped Open, Fetuses Sliced to Pieces, Sex With Headless Corpses, Christians Cooked in Ovens
What Democrats want....a new bloody revolution
like they had in France when the lunatics took over.

Actually not a bad idea.
The Democratic Party continues to throw women under the bus for their own political ends. The Democrats only care about the “noise” their underhanded actions result in. I had a cousin in Vietnam War. He said the worst thing he had to do was shoot small children that the communist had rigged with explosives...and stuck chop sticks in their eyes. Some American soldier or Marine would attempt to show kindness to save the child...both would be blown-up. Chop sticks rigged to explosives. This is how the Democrats treat women. These women are expendable casualty’s for their political agenda. Anita Hill...she was expendable...Ford allegations...she is expendable. Mary Jo Kopecknie...expendable to preserve Teddy’s Presidential campaign in 1972. Disgusting.
Sexual Harassment & Democrats – Hypocrisy on Feminism | National Review
It was your Bundy ranchers who used that ISIS-style strategy. You loved it at the time.
The Democratic Party continues to throw women under the bus for their own political ends. The Democrats only care about the “noise” their underhanded actions result in. I had a cousin in Vietnam War. He said the worst thing he had to do was shoot small children that the communist had rigged with explosives...and stuck chop sticks in their eyes. Some American soldier or Marine would attempt to show kindness to save the child...both would be blown-up. Chop sticks rigged to explosives. This is how the Democrats treat women. These women are expendable casualty’s for their political agenda. Anita Hill...she was expendable...Ford allegations...she is expendable. Mary Jo Kopecknie...expendable to preserve Teddy’s Presidential campaign in 1972. Disgusting.
Sexual Harassment & Democrats – Hypocrisy on Feminism | National Review

During the French Revolution, radical leftist revolutionaries sliced open pregnant women and made games out of tossing their infants onto bayonets. This kind of hyper inhuman violence has been on the way in this country since the Leftist trend toward atheism and cultural revolution. Terrifying stuff.

French Revolution Horrors: Pregnant Women Ripped Open, Fetuses Sliced to Pieces, Sex With Headless Corpses, Christians Cooked in Ovens
What Democrats want....a new bloody revolution
like they had in France when the lunatics took over.

The Democratic Party continues to throw women under the bus for their own political ends. The Democrats only care about the “noise” their underhanded actions result in. I had a cousin in Vietnam War. He said the worst thing he had to do was shoot small children that the communist had rigged with explosives...and stuck chop sticks in their eyes. Some American soldier or Marine would attempt to show kindness to save the child...both would be blown-up. Chop sticks rigged to explosives. This is how the Democrats treat women. These women are expendable casualty’s for their political agenda. Anita Hill...she was expendable...Ford allegations...she is expendable. Mary Jo Kopecknie...expendable to preserve Teddy’s Presidential campaign in 1972. Disgusting.
Sexual Harassment & Democrats – Hypocrisy on Feminism | National Review
It was your Bundy ranchers who used that ISIS-style strategy. You loved it at the time.
No they didn’t. Those were family members. The Militia stood against the Obama federal overreach. The people that supported that family were heroes.
The Democratic Party continues to throw women under the bus for their own political ends. The Democrats only care about the “noise” their underhanded actions result in. I had a cousin in Vietnam War. He said the worst thing he had to do was shoot small children that the communist had rigged with explosives...and stuck chop sticks in their eyes. Some American soldier or Marine would attempt to show kindness to save the child...both would be blown-up. Chop sticks rigged to explosives. This is how the Democrats treat women. These women are expendable casualty’s for their political agenda. Anita Hill...she was expendable...Ford allegations...she is expendable. Mary Jo Kopecknie...expendable to preserve Teddy’s Presidential campaign in 1972. Disgusting.
Sexual Harassment & Democrats – Hypocrisy on Feminism | National Review
It was your Bundy ranchers who used that ISIS-style strategy. You loved it at the time.
No they didn’t. Those were family members. The Militia stood against the Obama federal overreach. The people that supported that family were heroes.
You mean the women they intended to die as shields while they aimed sniper rifles at police?
The Democratic Party continues to throw women under the bus for their own political ends. The Democrats only care about the “noise” their underhanded actions result in. I had a cousin in Vietnam War. He said the worst thing he had to do was shoot small children that the communist had rigged with explosives...and stuck chop sticks in their eyes. Some American soldier or Marine would attempt to show kindness to save the child...both would be blown-up. Chop sticks rigged to explosives. This is how the Democrats treat women. These women are expendable casualty’s for their political agenda. Anita Hill...she was expendable...Ford allegations...she is expendable. Mary Jo Kopecknie...expendable to preserve Teddy’s Presidential campaign in 1972. Disgusting.
Sexual Harassment & Democrats – Hypocrisy on Feminism | National Review

During the French Revolution, radical leftist revolutionaries sliced open pregnant women and made games out of tossing their infants onto bayonets. This kind of hyper inhuman violence has been on the way in this country since the Leftist trend toward atheism and cultural revolution. Terrifying stuff.

French Revolution Horrors: Pregnant Women Ripped Open, Fetuses Sliced to Pieces, Sex With Headless Corpses, Christians Cooked in Ovens
What Democrats want....a new bloody revolution
like they had in France when the lunatics took over.

Democrats hate the United States and think of they can totally destroy it...out of the flames they can produce the utopia that Marx talked of in his Manifesto.

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