Zone1 Islam- Arab Imperialism

Why does the Quran say that the Sun revolves around the Earth?
The Quran does not explicitly say that the Sun revolves around the earth. It says that the Sun and the Moon move within defined orbits. However, their revolutions have a profound reason in the Quran. It intends to guide people to believe in God existance by deliberate thinking.

There are certain reasons why the Quran refers to the Sun and the Moon orbiting. First, their revolutions are useful in calculating the number of years, months, and days. As we all know, the moon orbits the earth in about 27.32 days or one revolution every month. Muslim and Hebrew calendars are based on lunar months. Also, the Moon moves with the Earth as a single system around the Sun to make one year per cycle in 365.25 days. Second, their rotations has been helpful to tell time based on sunlight effects on shadow for centuries. Third, the Earth-Moon system is constantly spinning around the Sun that causes day and night, warm and cold, awake and sleep, etc. Fourth, the reflection of the Sunlight on the Moon surface can be seen from Earth depending on its trajectory location. These realities and some others in the Quran are attributed to God existance. How?

When the Quran says that (لَا الشَّمْسُ يَنْبَغِي لَهَا أَنْ تُدْرِكَ الْقَمَرَ وَلَا اللَّيْلُ سَابِقُ النَّهَارِ ۚ وَكُلٌّ فِي فَلَكٍ يَسْبَحُونَ) [23:40 “Neither can the sun overtake the moon, nor the night outpace the day: Each of them keeps coursing in its orbit,” He meant that if the Sun the Earth and the Moon come in a straight line, such as in lunar eclipse, you can see the day light on the Earth side facing the Sun first, then, the night in the back side of the Earth.

This fascinating sequence cannot be created by itself. The Moon can be seen in front of the Sun and is far from it. However, due to orbiting of the Moon around the Earth, the Moon comes between the Sun and the Earth causing solar eclypse. Still, the Moon comes in front of the Sun in such an arrangement that cannot take place by itself. Therefore, such orderly plan require some thinking which is beyond nature capability.

Another orbit-related example in the Quran is found in verse 40:37 آيَةٌ لَهُمُ اللَّيْلُ نَسْلَخُ مِنْهُ النَّهَارَ فَإِذَا هُمْ مُظْلِمُونَ; (And there is a sign in the night for them. We strip off the day from it and they are left in darkness). It intends to proof God existance by explaining how the day can be stripped from the night to create the Sun? By looking at the darkness in our Galaxy and the light that comes from the Sun, we may ask about the origin of the light and how it emerges from the darkness. Scientists have claimed that Hydrogen is fused into hellium to create the Sun. As the Sun consumes the nuclear fuel of that reaction, its size is expected to increase and its heat will become greater than human tolerance. Who tells the Sun to stop or slow down its heat to an allowable level?

I have doubt that nature can measure human (including living species on the Earth) heat resistance and has the ability to transmit this data to the Sun to control its unacceptable burden level. I also have doubt that nature has the ability to measure the revolution rate of the Moon and the Sun to count our calendar. There should be a single supreme power that has created that arrangement, the Sun, its heat, and has full knowledge of human tolerance. That’s God Almighty.

Where in the Quran is it said that the earth rotates?
What is the explanation of the ayah of the Quran 2:258 from a scientific perspective as we know that the Sun does not revolve around the Earth and this ayah clearly implies the 7th century old belief that the Sun revolves around the Earth?
Which verse of the Quran says that the Earth is flat and the Earth revolves around the Sun?
Can you prove that the Moon and Sun revolve and rotate around the Earth, and not the Earth that rotates and revolves just like mentioned in the Quran?
Does the Sun orbit Earth according to the Quran?

But GOD never mentioned anywhere in the Quran that the sun orbits earth

But yes he does that sun orbits n science have proved that every body in space moves

N all the people who are saying the fact of flat Earth it's totally wrong because in quarn God mention that Earth is in somewhat egg sha

In short, the Quran says this, “The sun and the moon move in their respective orbits”.

This doesn’t imply that they orbit around each other.

It is interpreted as, they both have their set paths along which they move. So the moon goes around the earth (its orbit) and the sun (and by extension our whole solar system) moves around the center of the milky way (its own orbit).

Similarly, in the context of saying “the sun rises from the east” (Quran 2:258), or “the sun set into the water”(more or less, in Surah Kahf), it is agreed upon that this is common language like we say sunrise (even though the sun never rises, the earth is rotating around it), and sunset (same logic).
December 12, 2023

NYPD Searching for Man Who Violently Assaulted an Orthodox Jew​

The NYPD is searching for a hateful attacker who snarled “Free Palestine!” while chucking a rock at a Jewish man in Brooklyn late last month.
The victim – a 47-year-old dad of six – was leaving his real estate job around 6:30 p.m. Nov. 22 and heading to his car when cops say he was targeted by the bike-riding suspect on Montrose Avenue near South 5th Street in Williamsburg

Is this what a religion of peace and love looks like?While children in Yemen are starving to death, these Muslim men started marching for hours in the desert in support of Hamas's war against Jews. One of the participants explains to the reporter that he is ready to die as a "martyr" in the war against the Jews in Israel. Another one who lost his hands, says he is ready to fight the Jews: "until we are cut into pieces, even if the only thing that remains are our heads."

In the video, you can see them passing a banner with the Houthi slogan: "Allah Akbar! Death to America! Death to Israel! Curses upon the Jews! Victory to Islam!". This is the agenda of the Yemeni terrorist regime.Here are some facts about Yemen: 80% of the population in Yemen, over 24 million people, receive international humanitarian assistance.

Over 17 million people suffering food insecurity and between the years 2015-2018, over 85,000 children have died in Yemen due to starvation.Please comment below: Should Western countries cut off all foreign aid to the terrorist state of Yemen?

#Hamas terrorists, leaders in Gaza, appeared on Yemen's Houthi Iran-proxy TV(archived) and clearly stated that after finishing with #Gaza, they aim to attack the EU and the USA to establish a caliphate. Even Hamas doesn't believe they are a resistance group, and they have openly declared this. On October 7th, they, not #Israel, recorded their own atrocities.

A Muslim Girl Married at the age of 12 to a 27-year-old Muslim Man and birthed 2 children in early age.

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