Zone1 Islam- Arab Imperialism

The Making of Sadistic Terrorists: An Interview with Dr. Mordechai Kedar

As more and more evidence comes out of the inhumane and sadistic actions of Hamas, the world cannot comprehend what drives people to do such things. What is the ideology and worldview that stands behind such cruelty?

Is this mindless bloodshed or are rape and pillage
part of a more systematic war strategy?

To discuss these questions, Caroline Glick interviews Dr. Mordechai Kedar, Professor of Arab Literature,

They delve into -

- the religious texts and ideology of Hamas

- the end goal of many Islamic terror groups and where Israel comes in

- the political solution for much of the Arab world
and the mistaken attempt to create a unified democratic state.

This is an interview you don't want to miss!

As more and more evidence comes out of the inhumane and sadistic actions of Hamas, the world cannot comprehend what drives people to do such things. What is the ideology and worldview that stands behind such cruelty?

those jews ...


are so innocent. and have been throughout their history.
[ Slowly, slowly Judaism disappears and all that exists is Islam. Adam and Eve were Muslims, Moses, Abraham, all the Jewish people were Muslims]


But What Does Hamas REALLY want?... Douglas Murray & Maajid Nawaz

Muslims film themselves using the Dome of the Rock as a practice target for soccer

An Iranian woman, lashed 74 times for defying the hijab law, is now a hero to millions.

what has that to do w/ criminal judaism - ????

the answer - - > the liar moses and their false 10 commandments.

makes sixties - just another desert deceiver only interested in their own self interest using their phony religion, judaism for their own selfish purposes no different than the irainians - they hate.

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