Zone1 Islam- Arab Imperialism

Funny how you spew this lie while Israel is actively trying to wipe out any existence of Palestinians in Gaza? Israel is even digging up graves to physically remove any signs of Palestinian life or death.

This thread is absolutely disgusting and a cancer to humanity! There is no Muslim imperialism. That is a bullshit lie! But there is Israeli imperialism for the entire world to see.

Plain and simple,
Islam = Arab imperialism.

Otherwise, how did Egypt turn into another "Arab state"?
Now, don't take my word for it, listen to the camel...

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#Muslim Logic Fail

Why don't Muslims want to live in Islamic countries?


funny how propaganda is all they have to reply too ... must be easier to hide behind than anything they might have to say - ryl and six.

DOHA/GAZA (Reuters) -The toll of Palestinians killed in Israeli strikes on the Gaza Strip since war broke out between Israel and Hamas in October has passed 25,000, Gaza health officials said, while Israeli attacks and street battles raged across the Hamas-run enclave on Sunday.

A total of 25,105 Palestinians - many of them women and children - have been killed and 62,681 have been wounded in Israeli strikes since Oct. 7, the ministry said in a statement. It does not differentiate between civilian and militant deaths but says most of those killed have been civilians.

all just pleasurable events for those two - just like their bible.
Both Israel and my country, South Sudan, were born through jihad, one which began in 1948, the other in 1955. In 1948, the Arabs declared a jihad against the new State of Israel and tried to finish what Hitler had started. In 1955, the Black Christian people of southern Sudan revolted against the north because the Muslim government refused to give them autonomy or freedom of religion. In response, the government declared a jihad—but not on paper, as it would later in 1989. The Arabs killed possibly up to 1.5 million Black people in the south. Nobody knows the number they enslaved, since nobody really counted.

The Israelis, like the Black Sudanese, won the war but lost the peace, and the jihad continued. People in the West only learned about jihad and slavery in Sudan in the 1990s, during the Second Sudanese Civil War, which began in 1983, but it was going on throughout the first one, which ended in 1972. I was kidnapped in the 1960s, so this terror has been happening for my entire lifetime. All we know is that about 200,000 Black Christians like me were enslaved in the Second Civil War, which only stopped in 2005, and about 2 million were killed. Sadly, there are still many Africans owned as slaves today. Now I saw what was done to me and my people being done to Israelis.

Israel secretly helped the southern Sudanese fight the north. We would never have fought the Arabs to the negotiating table without them. Today, South Sudan is independent partially because Israel chose to help us win over our Arab colonizers—because that is what they are. The Jewish people, just like us, are native to our lands, which the Arabs conquered.
Recently, I went to Israel to show my solidarity with my Jewish brothers and sisters, and with the (enslaved) hostages. I walked twice from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and back along the highway to show that we Africans love and care about Israel. I picked strawberries on a kibbutz and met with Jewish hero Natan Sharansky—a freedom fighter who went to prison, like Dr. King, for trying to free his people.

Living in New York, I see protests against Israel. These manifestations of sympathy for evil should disgust all decent people. They disgust me because Hamas is made up of the same people, acting on the same colonizing and imperial motivations, who enslaved me and murdered 4 million of my Black brothers and sisters. The Jewish people—who helped my people gain our freedom—were slaves in Egypt, just down the Nile from where I was a slave. Later, they were slaves in Auschwitz. Now they are slaves in Gaza. Our peoples have both survived slavery, and we will continue to survive it. We will triumph over the murderers who do their best to enslave and exterminate us.

True survivors are not victims. Both Africans and Israelis stand tall and will not rest until all of our people are free. And our Jewish brothers can count on us to be there for them.

(full article online)


There is a sickness in the Muslim world

If there is anything shit about Muslim societies

- it is not because of the West or any historic foreign policy

- it is because of a culture of racism and idiocy that exists within these societies

All the whining and moaning and complaining about the West is complete nonsense

All the problems of the Muslim world are a complete self own

It is this puerile culture of moronic, racist cruelty and stupidity that is the problem

Here we see a new restaurant in Jordan created to celebrate the Hamas rape and murder of children on October 7th
Judea, and the lack of Harvest Festivals in Islam

"So Israel, their father, said to them, "If so, then do this: take some of the choice products of the land in your vessels, and take down to the man as a gift, a little balm and a little honey, wax and lotus, pistachios and almonds." (Ber. 43)

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Why Islamic Countries Are Doomed to Fail? (An Ex-Muslim Perspective)​

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Let me be perfectly clear. The main cause of the Arab-Israeli conflict is Muslim antisemitism. Any Muslim/Arab who tells you otherwise is lying through their teeth.

Don't fall for it. Don't fall for the facade that people like Queen Rania put on when they act like it's all about justice for the Palestinians, when they carefully pick their words, cherry-pick information and point the finger at others. When they pretend that they are the underdog and Israel is the oppressor. Don't be naive. For instance, below is a collection of shops named after Hitler across different parts of Egypt. So, no, I am n ot surprised the Jordanian named a shawarma shop "October 7".

For goodness sake, believe me, before it is too late. You can't fix something that you refuse to admit is broken. I was born and grew up in Egypt. My entire family in Egypt are Muslim. I know what I am talking about.
While international defenders of the Palestinian Authority claim that the PA is against terror, the PA continues to tell Palestinians that it not only supports and rewards terror, but Palestinians who are killed while attacking or murdering Israelis, are Allah’s chosen - the Shahids, i.e., Martyrs for Allah. The PA presents Shahids -Martyrs as second to none in importance. For example:

Click to play

Shari'ah Judge Nasser Al-Qirem: “When a person is killed as a Martyr in confrontations it is not by chance, no. It is not a random matter and not by chance, rather it is a matter that was arranged by Allah: He will “take to Himself from among you Martyrs” [Quran 3:152]… The Martyr does not want this world… In the eyes of this Martyr, the value of this world is small, and everything is insignificant in his eyes, he only wants Allah and His Messenger [Muhammad]. He chose Martyrdom, and Almighty Allah chose him.”
[PA TV, Sept. 23, 2022]
The following are two recent examples of four terrorists who were killed attacking and even murdering Israelis, whose murder the PA is defined as something that Allah desires and rewards:

“The [PA] Ministry of Health announced that young Muhammad Hussein Ismail Masalmeh (i.e., terrorist, wounded 1 in car ramming) died as a Martyr after being critically wounded by live bullets shot at him by the occupation (i.e., Israeli) army, at the entrance to the Al-Fawwar refugee camp south of Hebron… on the claim that he carried out a car ramming operation…
The occupation forces announced the demolition of the homes of three families of Martyrs [Abd Al-Qader Al-Qawasmi, Hassan Mamoun Kafisha, and Nasser Al-Qawasmi] (i.e., terrorists who shot and murdered 1) who were shot by the occupation and ascended to Heaven at the tunnel checkpoint west of Beit Jala in the Bethlehem district on Nov. 16.”
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Dec. 31, 2023]


"Muslims from all over the world are feared as terrorists in the Western world. Is it a propaganda or misunderstanding? It is neither. Frankly stated, it is the truth.

Islam, has divided humankind into two perpetually hostile groups i.e. the Muslims and the non-Muslims. The former have the duty to hate their own fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters and countrymen if they practise a different faith. The Muslims must force the infidels to embrace Islam, using any means including murder, rape, loot, arson, deception and treason.


Until a country has embraced Islam, it is legally considered a battlefield (Dar-ul-Harb) and the Muslims are obliged to betray their own motherland through civil and military action. Once, it is converted to the Muslim ideology, it ranks as a Land of Peace (Darus-Salaam) but at a very high cost to one's national pride because then it exists as a spiritual and cultural satellite of Arabia. This is what makes Islam, the subtle tool of Arab Imperialism.

Islamic ideology, which is based on intense hatred of the non-Muslims, is beginning to loom as Islamophobia in the West. The recent Osostlander Report on fundamentalism by the European Parliament, has recognised this peril. Though it has been suppressed by the majority vote for the time being, its spectre shall rise again and again until the Muslim start respecting the human rights of free speech and action."



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